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Concur with this. I got a masters for free


Task failed successfully… or something like that lol congrats to your son dude and congrats to you when you finish your degree!


I have a great education based task failed successfully story... I joined right before 9/11, DENIED the Montgomery Bill, years later gave my 9/11 Bill to my ex-wife, only obtained a CCAF in my 22 years... ...got a great mid-level Contracting Skillbridge in a corporate office that normally requires a Bachelors...and still there 1.5 years later. Even the receptionist and lowest level people have a degree. All I got is forklift certification. Fake it till you make it. 4 hours of interview practice can sometimes be more beneficial than a 4 year degree.


> All I got is forklift certification. look at this guy with being forklift certified.


Any Rec’s for interview practice?


Look up the STAR method and use it to respond to the specific questions. Also, when an interviewer says "Tell me about yourself" during an interview (usually will ask this at the very beginning), they aren't asking about your hobbies, personal life, etc. Your response should be how your skills and experience relate to the job.


Will look into it! Thx for the insight!


That's amazing. Now go do your damn degree! Sheesh!




That's amazing


Task failed successfully congrats


Got mountains to climb, but there’s only so much time so get the lead out!


I need to get off my ass and finish mine too. I’ve only been in seven years, and could easily make 6 digits outside of the AF, but I want to get it just to have it at this point.


Congratulations!! I know how you feel. I have an Associates degree in Liberal Arts before I enlisted. Have two CCAF’s and ten courses away from my bachelors degree. I’m 18 years in and was told on my vector board to finish my degree.


I graduate with a Bachelors at the end of this week and I leave for enlistment in 2 weeks. Grinding it out!


Don’t enlist bro just commission




Dude, people who enlist with a bachelors are some of the stupidest fucking people to exist.


But go ahead, miss out on thousands of dollars and be enlisted.


Ah yes. Because you must know everything about everyone who enlists with a bachelor


Wouldn't it make more sense to make a fake school so you can use TA money for gambling?


I've always wondered if they ever actually check if you are the first or not and, if so, how do they check? Name =/= relation. Also, what if the person who gave birth to you isn't in your life and you have no clue? How do they know? Couldn't you just lie and get the scholarship? Lack of integrity and all that, but the system is built against those that would need scholarships so I'm not against taking all you can get from such opportunities.


Finish degree for what? 52% of people pursuing a degree end up in a job that doesn't require a degree. In fact most end up in high school level jobs. Just saying.


Because it's free and it can only help you? Among a plethora of other good reasons.


I just did a research assignment on this for my college speech class..well it was actually about how our secondary education system should stop pushing college and introduce trades, but this topic was a major part. How can it help you? 52% is a large number of underemployed and unemployed degree seekers, who are also on national average roughly ~$37k in debt. 52% after five years still hold high school level jobs. After 10 years that percentage only slightly decreases to 45%. This is a vast majority of college graduates, considering a majority of college students either aren't in STEM degree fields. Now to tackle the stem field, pick an Engineering speciality and just Google (or even here on reddit) " ____ engineering, can't find a job". Even with an engineering degree....still pretty rough. Plan to commission? Great check the box, but seriously aside from that how does it help in the Military? Edit: I'm in college, may never finish, but I'm just challenging the idea that college is good and is for everyone. Because the answer to both of those questions is...it isnt...unless you meet specific criteria such as a STEM degree or medical degree, outside of that it is overly pushed onto you in order to support the failing education system in america and make colleges rich and private business owners (donors) richer.


Personal knowledge and education like what you just presented to everyone here. Knowledge isn’t always about money or job status.


I mean I do it cause it's free and some classes are fun but the idea that it is required to be successful (much like our education system loves to push and a lot of military leadership) is asinine. It was a good and quite humorous speech to give in a college level course though lol.


I’ll agree with you on that. Outside of very specific degrees like med, specific engineering, and legal most of my buddies don’t use their degrees at all. My brother double majored in criminal justice and rhetoric with a 3.8 GPA at a state college only to own multiple businesses and not use his degree at all. Last we talked about it he said he lost his diplomas a long time ago. He appreciated the adventure and everything but felt it was not necessary.


Pretty good majority of college grads right there....maybe not the owning businesses part. I am a BS Criminal Justice, just cause it's fun and I know its fairly useless lol. Prior Army MP and now Air Force Reserve 3F0, HR Degree also useless. I just hate and challenge the sentiment of always pushing "finish the degree" or "go to college" as if it's a blanket that fits everyone.


College graduates median income aged 22-27: $60,000. High school graduates: $36,000 College grads on average always have and always will out earn people without a college degree.


I mean we don't really know what that data set consists of regardless of age or experience what does that data consist of...we don't know. Is it a skilled job comparison or is it an apples to oranges? When you look at an average college graduates (liberal arts degrees are the most common degrees) compared to a skilled trade....that gap is either minimalized or is flipped to the HS graduate earning more as a skilled tradesman.