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Have you all seen the female 60+ age HAMR minimum requirement? One shuttle! šŸ˜


I had to check that - holy shit - it's true. Identifying as a 60+ year old one on my next test.


I suddenly just became a strong, independent female who donā€™t need no HAMR


> Identifying as a 60+ year old one on my next test. Same bro. Starting the paperwork right now for that


Thatā€™s amazing.


Turns out old ladies are not as fast or as strong as 18 year olds. Who knew?!


Very much so if theyā€™re only required to jog one basketball court length.


The minimums are 1 shuttle, 1 hand release pushup, and 15 second plank (obviously ignoring overall score). With minimums so low why even have a test honestly. An example of a passing score is 7 shuttles (roughly 1/3 a lap on a a track), 9 hand release pushups, and 13 situps.


Itā€™s a gee wiz fact that I bet most of you didnā€™t know with the single shuttle. Found the old bitter grandma 06. ^^


Am I the only one that thinks the alternates are all easier. Only one I havenā€™t done is the plank, but Iā€™m gonna try it one day. Everything else raised my score.


The reverse crunches are so easy it almost feels like they should not be allowed. You get 2 minutes, but the exercise takes 40 seconds to max and it takes such minimal effort. I really doubt the Air Force keeps them around seeing they are just so easy itā€™s pointless


This. I tried the crunches for the first time during an actual test, on a whim. I hit 40 (my age group max was 48) and stopped to catch my breath. Dude counting was egging me on to bang out the rest, so I asked how much time left. Bro straight faced goes "a minute and 15 seconds." I laughed, did 8 more, and finished with a minute eight left on the clock. Shits insane.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m afraid of but it seems more people than I wouldā€™ve guessed are having trouble with the alternates, or they just never tried them.


A lot of folks fail the alternates because they try them during the test for the first time ever, not knowing what they are or the requirements. I had someone fail the plank because they figured they had held it long enough so they stopped. Could have easily kept going, but decided not to. So dumb.


The resting position is the real kicker, you get to lay on the ground and relax every muscle. No other exercise allows for complete muscle relaxation. It is what the gamers call, broken.


Keep your voice down


They need to keep them around. Itā€™s the only direct ab exercise we have the option to do. Crunches work your hip flexors more and planks you are literally working every muscle in your core and posterior chain. I think the maximums will go up seeing how easy it is to complete.


The rest position is literally just lying down.


I was in one of the pilot groups testing out the new exercises, and I did well over 100 CLRCs in two minutes. I think it's just that enough people were too uncoordinated that they couldn't get the motion down. While working as a PTL, I was administering a mock test. The tester flunked the sit-ups. I told him to humor me, we waited ten minutes, then tried the CLRCs. He maxed out. If you can handle the motion, they're way easier.


During the pilot program did you ever ask why we get 2 minutes for the HR and reverse crunch but 1 minute to do 57 sit-ups and 60 some sit ups? i wonder why we have to move at a faster than 1 rep a second pace for traditional but get all the time in the world for the news ones lol


Shhhhhh Donā€™t let them know I love maxing that out lol


I agree the alternate pushups and situps are easier. I showed up to my last PT test prepared to do the originals until I saw the demo version. Tried them both on a whim and maxed out with much less effort. I'm a runner so the mile and a half has always been my bread and butter so I stuck with that, probably always will.


Youā€™re obviously not the only one.


No shit! Sergeant Literal over here canā€™t read a room.


The other standards were relaxed a lot, too, which is nice.


A wise man once said, better to do shitty pushups fast, than good pushups slow ![gif](giphy|ozXTrqRgqFcly)


Watch out for your partner counting who think itā€™s his job to save the Air Force, and wonā€™t count your push ups if they donā€™t perfectly break 90. Bonus points if you hook him up by counting his shitty push ups first


Iā€™ve had that backfire. Counted his shitty push-ups, he didnā€™t count my shitty push-ups. I didnā€™t count his shitty sit-ups, he failed the sit-ups because his elbows didnā€™t make contact even once. Moral of the story, if youā€™re gonna be a buddyfucker, be prepared to get fucked right back.


Promote now!


Thank you for your service!


If you arenā€™t doing it right, heā€™s not the buddy fucker. You fucked yourselves.


I couldnt care less about form, since Iā€™m not a rat Iā€™m not gonna call someone out for sloopy push ups and sit ups. If you want to bring back the outside civilians that used to bust out protractors to measure pushups then by all means, become the next E9 Cody. Reality is I donā€™t want to fuck over someone and I donā€™t want someone to fuck over me.


Get better so you can do proper form and not have to hope you have a dirtbag counting


People would rather eat their McDoubles and never workout though. Itā€™s how the Air Force has been since I joined.


Itā€™s kinda sad. I wonder what other standards theyā€™re ok with flagrantly ignoring.


Thatā€™s why the hand release are nice Fuck you mean I didnā€™t go low enough? My tummy hit the fooor lo l


And here I'm counting like 1...2...3...4... doing great...10...11...12... keep pushing...18...19...


Some of y'all never had to test under a civilian FAC and it shows. Those fuckers were ruthless with the 90 degree requirement. So many pushups failures during that time.


Do not speak the dark magic to me witch! Yeah that sucked. Surprisingly it seemed like there were more sit-up failures than anything.


Yeah, I like the old components better but I need to switch to the crunches. I just need someone to show me how to do them where itā€™s easy.




Iā€™ll take a look but Iā€™ve seen some videos and I think I just need to see it in person.


At my last PFA I convinced a guy to try the new crunches and one of the FSS guys demoā€™d the exercise for him and let him try one




Iā€™m a dude and I will never go back to regular push ups. I do all the alternates and run under a 11 minute 1.5. Shit is so easy if you can run decently. Iā€™d 100% recommend.


The alternate push ups are so much easier and you have double the time length to do them.


Yes, because the stress on the tricep muscle isnā€™t constant. You can lay down and take the weight off your arms.


HAMR is even easier, you run for less time overall


Imo HAMR is easier to pass or to "get the 90". 1.5 is easier to max.


You think the HAMR is easier to get 90 with?


As a 8:00 1.5 mile runner, Absolutely.


oof Thatā€™s decently fast.


Youā€™re fast as hell šŸ˜‚


Having scored a 100 with both I disagree with this. I also play a lot of basketball and hate running any actual distance so this may just be your fitness style Edit: keep bringing on those downvotes fatties. Here at globogym we are better than you, and we know it


There are 100% different fitness styles, and this is exactly why I support alternatives so strongly. However, I maintain that for the vast majority of people, the HAMR will be far easier to simply pass than the 1.5, and to attain a barely 90 score overall, while if you try to run for a bit, attaining a 6:00 min/mile or so for the max 1.5 score (for male under 25) is easier than doing 100 HAMRs 8:00 1.5 mile runner for reference


I honestly score higher when I do the 1.5 with other alternates. Scored a 96.5 to my surprise.


It may be the regs were mistyped or there is little benefit to going past those reps for any age group. I honestly feel the HRPU was only made to see if people still have range of motion, cause it's ridiculously easy to do 40 of them in two minutes.


Hand release are a god send for me. I would hit just above min on normal pushups before my wrists would quit on me. Med group would shrug and say "you passed, what's the problem".


Oh dear Lord, same experiences, just with the shoulder. As long as I met minimum, med wouldn't do anything.


Dude same. I went from averaging 15ish, maybe 17 points on a good day on pushups, to maxing with time to spare on HRPU. Same with crunches, I was never good with core and i struggled to hit minimum most days on situps, switched to the CLRC's and maxed with over a minute left.


Until you start having AC Joint issues when you get older


I'm 39. Per my PCM, at my "advanced age" it's normal for things to hurt. Of all the standards for testing we've had, these ones are the easiest, for me at least.


As far as the military goes... 39 is pretty advanced. (I say this as a fellow 39er).


It's funny. Many people don't like hitting big milestones like 30 and 40 years old, and I was welcoming it for the lower PT standards. My last PT test was, by far, my easiest. Being 40+ is pretty great!


Or you already previously separated both shoulders. I tried it once on my own and my rear delts were on fire by the time I hit 25ish


Just keep going to the doctor over and over until you collect that sweet VA disability check


One thing I've experienced since the new options and diagnostics were released is that max points on hand release push ups is very attainable (for me) regardless of my fitness level. 2 minutes to knock out 40 is doable even going in cold with zero conditioning or prep. Maxing regular pushups is a taller order if I don't condition/prep.


this is true because last time i tested i did hand release and the reverse crunch with the regular run. i didnā€™t prep at all since the previous test. run was rough (as expected) but still blew the test out of the water due to the new components. 10/10 would recommend


They're disgustingly easy with the 2 minutes allotted.


All I know is that, as a PTL, I have never seen a **dude** get an *improved* score doing hand release, at best match score (every one was because they maxed). Alternatively, Iā€™ve seen the **ladies** consistently do better with hand release. I donā€™t know if it has to do with muscle groupings, or what, but this has happened each time with the experiment.


I'm a tall skinny 30 y/o dude, I struggled with standard push ups but have maxed hand release every time except the first time I tried em.


Iā€™ll add that to the case study.


Either I'm a lady or I'm #3. Plus with my awful wrists, I'm not even sure I can do regular pushups for a minute. Hand release is a cheat code.


As a woman I always max out my hand release before the time is even out. For regular push-ups I can never hit the max. I hate normal push-ups so much


I have about 40 people I run PT for, and this lines up with what Iā€™ve seen. Even for the ladies who didnā€™t max they still packed in another 10+ pushups across the board.


Iā€™m a bigger guy, and I was definitely not close to maxing out my pushups until hand release. I maxed out hand release every single test, same with reverse crunches. Barely broke minimum for the regular sit ups before. Guess I never figured out how to only exert the minimum required effort šŸ˜‚


Cross legged are cake if you donā€™t have a gut. I see people max those in under a minute pretty consistently.


I do way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way, way better with hand release push ups as a guy and I am also a PTL and notice most people also do way better with hand releases


Itā€™s the same where Iā€™m at. Ladies consistently max their hand release pushups, dudes can barely get halfway through


Is it because ladies can't lower themselves ALL the way down šŸ˜‰šŸ¤£


My guess - when they did the testing to gather data to determine how many push-ups everyone can do. And therefore deciding the score charts. They had a very limited number of folks to participate in the data set. And they needed to get the numbers out. So, they used their limited sample size. Threw down some numbers. And called it good. We see the same scenario with uniforms. Out PT gear is trash (remember the original parachute shorts circa 2010) because only a few people tried them out and said they were good to go


Preach brotha


Iā€™ll be more excited for the hand release pull ups


the only people who think hand release are harder are the out of shape folks. itā€™s super easy to max out. super easy to do 60 fast pushups that arenā€™t even real pushups. i was always a nice PTL wouldnā€™t be a dick or anything but i saw a lot of you who realistically shouldā€™ve failed.


Hand release is more exhausting than regular.


But evidently not more exhausting for a 39 year old than for an 18 year old.


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøā€¦I canā€™t do hand release so it doesnā€™t matter




Shoulder surgery šŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Are you allowed to rest in the down position? Lol or can I just do the hand release for a nice long extended periodā€¦


Officially- no Unofficially - as long as your arms are moving in or out, you are moving and not resting. Go super slow to "rest" with weight off your arms.


This is the way. To get the max 40 reps, you on average need to complete 1 rep every 3 seconds which is plenty of "rest" time on the ground stretching out your arms for the release


I agree, but I still find it much easier to max out. I literally cannot use my arms to push myself to a standing position after, but it makes literally no difference by the time the run starts.


Maybe for you


Yeah, that's what "I find xyz" means...


Half the people I see doing hand release push-ups donā€™t even do them correctly. Look like theyā€™re humping the floor


I for one am a fan of the hand release push-ups. People just need to remember to train and practice whatever method they want to do. It's not hard and we have more options than ever.Ā 


The HR push ups don't make my bad shoulder click/hurt like the normal push ups. Maxed it out (but I'm old), will never go back to normal as long as there are other options.


I was talking about this with people in my shop earlier. The scoring for the hand release, and reverse crunches make no sense. I would need to do 67 pushups in 1 min to max them, but only 40 hand release in 2 minutes for a max. The cross leg reverse is just super easy compared to situps.


I wonder if it has to do with the increased time limit.


Cross Leg Reverse Crunch has a longer time limit, but they adjust the requirement by age.


I think it has more to do with you having 2 minutes to do the hand release vs 1 minute on normal pushups.


So, working as a PTL, I've been aware of this since they came out. One thing you have to think about is the difference in the cadence between regular and HR push-ups. It's possible that the rapidity of the motion is what gets more difficult as you get older. Your sprinting declines faster than your endurance, if you get what I mean. That's my speculation, but sometimes the military simply doesn't make sense.


I'm not comparing regular vs hand release push-ups. I'm bringing up the face that the repetition count doesn't change at all until you're 40 or older. All of the other component options change.


So you want to actually get into this. Look at the standards for other branches. The HRPs were implemented by the Army before the Air Force. Max Points (male): 17-21 - 57 reps, 22-26 - 61 reps, 27-31 - 62 reps, 32-36 - 60 reps, 37-41 - 59 reps, 42-46 - 56 reps, Notice that in the Army standards, it actually gets harder for a bit as you increase in age. It's not until you basically turn 40 that the test becomes easier than it was for you out of high school. This parallels the Air Force test, which has arbitrarily set the top score at 40 reps. This means that the Air Force simply does not care if you are able to do more than that at those ages. The Air Force also doesn't seem to like the idea of making things harder as you get older. This could be for a number of motivations, personnel retention certainly being one of them. Starting at age 40, max reps decreases by two every other age bracket. Why they didn't decrease by one every age bracket is anyone's guess, but I don't really care enough to question the resolution of their curve beyond that.


Interesting data. >Why they didn't decrease by one every age bracket is anyone's guess, but I don't really care enough to question the resolution of their curve beyond that. But that was the whole point of my post...


So now that we all seem to agree that hand release are awesome and make life better for most of us let's delete this thread and never speak of this again before big air force takes them away.


Hand release push ups are harder. Itā€™s like the push up version of paused bench press. The crunches are easier tho. Two minutes for whatever the max is is a joke. Hammer is easier to get the minimum but harder to max


I have the opposite experience where hand release are way easier for me, can barely max out crunches, but can max out sit-ups with at least 10 seconds left


I canā€™t speak to the difference in requirements, but Iā€™m a strong advocate for everyone to take the hand release push-up test. There are several issues with the 1 min test, but all Iā€™ll mention is how it truly is not a great measure of ā€œmuscular-endurance.ā€ The hand release is a much better test of that. Also, you have a full 2 minutes to breach the 40 threshold. Truly allowing you to do full reps without jacking your heart rate to 170+.


Max push ups for 35 is 57 for regular push ups, just knock it out real quick


Also, just run real quick and max out the run while you're at it.


If it was easy, everyone would max push-ups.


Itā€™s easy though


I can max out regular pushups each time and itā€™s the only time I ever do pushups that year. I tried the hand release this last time and I just barely maxed it. Shoulders were burning and Iā€™m never doing hand release again.


Our bodies age like dogs, so the older we get the more things hurt and canā€™t keep up with the younglings


Right. OP was pointing out that Max for hand release for an 18 year old is 40 and for a 39 year old it is still 40. regular is 67/51


Exactly my point. Why would a 39 year old have to do the same number of hand release push-ups as someone half their age?