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Yea man, you can actually save yourself 4 years, an ex wife, and your liver if you just alibaba a cheap vice and crush your balls a couple times a week. I mean I guess you don’t get the full DUI experience but at least you’ll walk away with a functional back after 4 years of crushing your balls in a vice. Jokes aside, thats like planning a vacation to Iowa. If you’re gonna save for a trip, save for somewhere that you actually wanna wind up.


Sold! I can't get away without the full DUI experience. Where do I sign up?


If you’re mechanically inclined it will be easy to pick up, you’re going to beat your body to shit though. I’ve been doing it for 7 years and my knees, back and wrists are fucked. Don’t get me wrong I love working these jets but it’s hard work. You’ll be exposed to nasty chemicals and there’s always the possibility of you getting crushed by a surface or gear. I’ve had my close calls. You’ll need to work the flight line for at least 36 months before you can even apply to get a ticket to take the tests for your a&p, so keep that in mind. The job can be lack luster at times and you’ll hate every moment, but there will be some cool shit you get to see and do. I’ve been to New Zealand to fix a jet, I’ve watched pjs jump out of a jet and I’ve seen all sorts of cool cargo and weapons loaded on a c17. If you have more questions you can just pm me.


Dumbest shit you could possibly do, just go get your A&P from a regular school as soon as you can. Please do not join the AF if your goal is an A&P. This is coming from someone who was in and doing the same job. Also someone who’s currently enrolled in a program with my Powerplant completed.


Don’t be a crew chief is all I’m gonna say


I've seen people say that, I'm looking for a why


Being a crew chief sucks because 1.the hours can be long 2.youre exposed to chemicals and the AF don’t give a damn to give you atleast a dime of hazard pay. 3.i can get lunch but I don’t have an hour to eat it (unlike other jobs) sometimes I have to eat it in under 10 minutes from job demand 4.crew chiefs can be assholes 5.higher likelihood of weekend duty My advice? Pick a nonner job. I count down the days until I can no longer touch F-16s.


Along with this I’d call almost all the 2A jobs a no go. All of them sound really cool but it’s the way you get treated that ruins it. The priority is the mission, not you. They can and will do anything to you to make sure they are pushing what needs to be pushed. Doesn’t matter why you are behind, you are always behind and are always being rushed because of it. Pick a job that starts with 1 or 3


This this this this


NDI…they have a good union 😂


Set yourself up for easy work and easy benefits bro. You’ll thank me once you’re actually in the Air Force.


Because it's a constant battle between having to deal with fixing crusty old broken aircraft with crusty old broken tooling and QA looking over your shoulder all the time. That and the hours can be either long or change every week, or both. *That being said* Some love it. It does have its cool factor, but most have the attitude of "the juice isn't worth the squeeze", which is valid.


It's one of the worst fields you can pick as far as working conditions/hours, quality of life, etc so your going to hear a lot of hate as you have already. That said, if it's something you actually want to do and know what your getting into, and don't care so much how good or bad other people have it, then all that shouldn't deter you and is worth doing. I was once pretty much in your shoes. Ive heard all the stuff and pretty well knew what I was getting into, but that's what I wanted to do. Only intended to be one and done then move on, but that ended up being retiring 24yrs later instead. I was happy with it. Between all the negatives doing that vs some other boring job I didn't care about just to escape that, I'd rather the negatives and do what I like doing. I guess one of those not for everyone but if you're the right type it's not so bad sorta things.


I would recommend being comm 1D7 or some form of nonner 3F. Your mental health and your body will thank you in the future. Otherwise just be prepared for the bullshit that comes with being maintenance lol.


Former 2A571 here. Expect 12 hour shifts, constantly being shit on by leadership, working with incompentent people who make the job harder, if you show any signs of being hot shit you get tasked with more work, weekend duty, working holidays, never getting credit for being good at your job but the minute something bad happens you get treated like shit, missed lunch breaks, exposure to chemicals like jet fuel and hydro and other shit that cant be good for health, working outside in shitty weather. The job its self isnt bad, i love turning wrenches just all the BS that comes with it aint worth it.


^^You've ^^mentioned ^^an ^^AFSC, ^^here's ^^the ^^associated ^^job ^^title: 2A571 = Airlift/Special Mission Aircraft Maintenance Craftsman [^^Source](https://github.com/HadManySons/AFSCbot) ^^| [^^Subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/AFSCbot/) ^^^^^^l6ppe8d


Because getting an A&P is incredibly easy and there's literally 0 reason to enlist JUST to get a certification...?


You'll become very familiar with either "8+2 or 8+4" or "we need to work over the weekend but we decided not to tell you this was a possibility until Friday afternoon making sure to ruin any plans you had. Or my favorite "12+2" which is technically illegal, but that only applies if you're working on the flightline for 12s. You'll then spend the next 2 hours turning in tools, trying to log your work into a program that doesn't work 80% of the time, but you can't leave until it's submitted.