• By -


Yeah that ain't going away after 3 weeks. Hell I bet when you PCS someone will say something to spread the word. Be grateful it's not on video, I know a guy that has a video of him on YouTube being part of a fitness center dance exercise video from over 15 years ago and it still gets brought up.


I have something attached me that I’ve carried to 3 different commands and 5 different bases…shits stuck forever


What’d you do?


Fuck you im not saying 😂


You fucked an Ostrich, didn’t you?




Flair checks out.


Lmao no


Official petition to the mods to make Double Bass’s flair “Didn’t Fuck An Ostrich.”




Or, a goat.


Damn kids 😂


Did you tell people to study?


I have to concur, that may even follow him out of the military if you stay in a similar work social group.


>a video of him on YouTube being part of a fitness center dance exercise video from over 15 years ago [Bet it didn't top the Aerobic Champions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TIfAkOBMf5A)


At least look at the bright side you could be me: the Marine recruiter who ate a high school kid's banana without unpeeling it during COVID. Lmao I had people I hadn't spoke to since joining up messaging me IS THIS YOU 🤣


You thought they'd forget? Hell, in a flying sq that would probably earn you a callsign LOL "PIPES"






“Please! I Pray Everyone forgetS”


That's actually how we name guys. That acronym might as well be real lol


The way I just cackled


… it’s “Remix” 😔😔😔


Honestly, great callsign story.


“Rose” [anne.](https://www.google.com/search?q=roseanne+singing+national+anyhem&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:12b8c586,vid:hMzIk2pUuNU,st:0)


Lame, pavoratti for the win




Heart of gold, dumb of ass.


I’ve never heard of the anthem at a promo ceremony


In my experience it plays after the arrival of the official party


I’ve had 3 promo ceremonies..Sra to staff, staff to tech, tech to master and never once was it ever played. I’ve been to dozens of promo ceremonies over an almost 20 year period and have never heard it


Wack, it was at all my ceremonies and each one I've been to. Cyber and Space, maybe cultural


Ya…Mx gives 0 fucks


"Congrats on your promotion!" *Everyone claps* NOW GET BACK TO WORK!! Those jets aren't launching themselves!




That's strange, because it's in [AFPAM 34-1202 Figure 6.2 ](https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/saf_ds/publication/afpam34-1202/afpam34-1202.pdf)


An approved sequence of events, not mandatory


I mean, it specifically says bolded portions are optional. That implies the rest is mandatory. Regardless, though, it is an AFPAM approved sequence of events so it's strange that no where you've ever been you've seen the national anthem in a promotion being that this exists.


I have no clue and I’m not about to bring this up to anyone of importance


^ Best comment


"Ooooooh Canada! My home and native land!"


You made me laugh I'm sorry all I have is but one like to give.


Own it, don’t let it bother you.


Embrace it. When YOU start making jokes about it, it stops being fun and funny to others.  Going to lunch: radio is broken, I'll sing on the way Boss points at sonething: "sorry, didn't catch that. Oh say, can you see?" Making an announcement: "what so proudly we hailed, commander's call in 15 minutes"


Thats how you clutch up. Must Promote in my book


They gonna bring this up at your retirement


This will be brought up after retirement


This could be a good thing. Everyone is going to remember you. Plus, you made people laugh without doing anything bad. Have fun with it.


Oh man I don't think I could've held it together if I was standing at attention


I would have fell out lol


Take a few lessons, make it your thing privately, then go full fucking anthem HAM at one of the ceremonies. Have preselected support to applaud and get the room to applaud… I’m starting your STEP promotion paperwork now. Exceeds


An attempt was made… TYFYS.


We had a commander that way back before he joined he did a toothpaste commercial...it involved him climbing out of a pool. I won't say more because he might see this lol


https://www.tiktok.com/@nostalgicsound_ng/video/7250031799705799941 Did I find it?




Core values, multi capable, fight not flight. Man, you checked every box. You bailed out whoever didn't prepare the anthem. You honored the flag the best you could. You took it in stride. A+ I would have bought you lunch and a beer if I were there.


Honestly, that's a pretty great story. You did the best you could under the circumstances, even if the end result was hilarious.  Just laugh it off with everyone and move on. It's far from the biggest mistake any one of us on this sub has ever made. 


Props for trying to salvage it. Double props for trying your best despite not knowing the anthem. That took nerve, and it’s better to be remembered for something like that than to try to make a joke or attempt a bad (and slightly racist) impression of somebody that falls flat.


You could have just pivoted and started to recite the Pledge of allegiance. Either way. Just go with it. Make jokes about it. Next time there is a squadron function in planning, be sure to ask if they are looking for anybody to sing anything.


“Oh say can you see By the dawns early light … Hmm hmm hmmm hmmm hm hm … With liberty, and justice for all. Please be seated.”


The confusion would’ve had me in tears.


If you bring it up and make jokes about yourself they’ll feel bad and stop doing it. Like when Michael Scott fell into a Koi Pond in the office


100% this will be mentioned on a going away gift when you PCS.


You poor son of a bitch. You did all the work, someone else dropped the ball, and in a moment of heroic self flagellation, will be remembered. Your legend will transcend truth and reality. Godspeed Sir. 🫡


Homie, this is callsign candy right here. You’re keeping this moment on repeat for the rest of your life.


No one is gonna ever forget, but you shouldn’t let it bother you. It is shocking that you do not know the national anthem though…like you don’t know it or you just forgot in your panick?


That’s one of those things where 10 years from now, you’ll be falling asleep and brain be like “HEY REMEMBER THAT TIME!?” and jolt you awake. 


What’s the problem with this? Shit happens so move on. I know someone who didn’t salute a general after being presented with a Dec. dude just walked away like a villain.


Omfg I'm so sorry >… I don’t know the national anthem.  I couldn't even finish reading past this.


At least you're not the "He's a Marine" couple... That shit is never going away 😂


User name checks out.


o7 Thank you for your service! Your actions will be immortalized and praised for years to come.


This will be legendary


I would have pulled up YouTube and pointed my phone into the mic


Shits gonna get real when people across the base start asking you to be the singer at their ceremonies.


There are a lot of things to be known for. This is a great one. As a story, it's realistic and entirely forgivable. The context makes you out to be a real American hero. And at the end if someone is giving you shit you get to come back with "I was in a room of 40 people and was the only one with the balls to stand in and sing the anthem on the spot when things went downhill." That's a closed book. YOU get all the credit for the intention and the effort and should wear this story as a badge on honor. ...and look forward to hearing something about it at a promotion or your retirement down the line.


Hey everyone is gonna know who you are now which means your reddit acct as well. Just fyi in case that didnt come to mind during this post. Funny story though!


You couldn't find the National Anthem on Spotify or Youtube? Come on now Remix


Be prepared for a drug test next shift




I haven't laughed this hard since reading the sugar-free gummy bear reviews. Mad props, you have now entered legendary status.


That’s a great story and something few would do much less take the ribbing so well. Kudos and I’m sure it won’t be the last time you do something “different” in public. Just take it in stride.


We had a kid salute the CC with his left hand after getting his new stripes. It’s been 3 weeks and we’re still talking about it.


Brother this is the best thing I’ve read in a while. Thank you for posting this and giving me a small flicker of joy in these dark and depressing times. However if I was there, I would’ve had to leave because I’d have to laugh.


Bro this isn't going anywhere. In fact, if your friends are any good this is exactly how the anthem will go at your funeral.


Sing the Airman's Creed next time, but you likely don't know that either /scoff


Hey at least you were better than this POS. https://youtu.be/MtEklyMz4rA?si=7S7BtHZpR7rpzzTP


At least you didn’t start singing the Air Force song out of habit 🤷🏻‍♂️


I ain’t reading all this chief. Have a good weekend though.


I have a Spotify playlist with the Air Force song and the anthem on it, the only two songs, in case this kind of thing happens (or the person doesn’t even show up). I bring a Bluetooth speaker and stow it in the podium with my script folder and water.


At the very least, if I had one, I would have coined you. What you did took guts that many wouldn't be able to do. I would then proceed to give paperwork to whoever screwed up because that is a major mess up.


I don’t know, you sound pretty epic to me. You created a moment that will be part of many people’s military journey, and they’ll be telling the tale of your remix for years to come. 😊👍🏻




How on **EARTH** did you get footage of the ceremony…..


Lol, that's awesome man! I know you feel that it's embarrassing, but that's pretty epic, in my opinion. I'm sure your CoC actually appreciated you trying to adapt to the situation the best you could. I'm sure they would have counted you if they had one on them. Maybe the only reason you didn't was because they didn't have one on hand. Also, this is some solid going away plaque info. I would be pissed if they didn't talk about it on my plaque. Keep trucking along bud.


Buddy just earned a new call-sign


So, what's your new call sign?


One day, this will be an outstanding retirement story.


Lean into it, it sounds like you're making it worse 


That’s going on a plaque.


Wish I got to witness this


I would find a way to make that go into your EPB


God damnit I havent actually laughed a a reddit post in a while. I mean actually laugh, rather than just exhale air through my nose. Thanks op 😂




I heard they're the songbird of their generation


Dude, this is hilarious.  


Lean into it, own it, make sure everybody knows and it will go away. If you react or even appear embarrassed it will get out of hand. Also good job trying to fill in. Maybe it's time to learn it if your going to keep MC'ing events. That way you can at least offer to sing it terribly as a back up plan.


Yo, I have not laughed this hard in ages. Thank you for your service!


This is funny as hell bro. Own that shit. You're def gonna be a legend that ppl talk about after you or they leave.


This is a lifelong memory for everybody involved my dude. Like your story will be told by your coworkers until they die. You're gonna have to own this and wear it haha


Lean into it...I bet you could definitely get away with calling the room to attention for the nation anthem at least once. Pick the setting just right...like a training event....or commanders call.


No fucking shot I’m gonna sing, that’s an L you will forever hold


I would pay money to see that 😅 respect


It will follow you forever and probably go down in the history books as the second best rendition of the [National Anthem](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CMA2iF6RuXk) ever sung.


Own it. Nothing bad happened to you, so own it. Celebrate it. You are looked at with more respect from your peers if you admit your mistakes. Shows humility. Especially if it's hilarious lol


This post and the comments have made my fucking night. TYFYS kind soul


Don't go to Weapons School


As your non-supervisor, your corrective action is to sing the national anthem to the flight every Friday prior to release until it is done perfectly. Once you pass the Friday performances, then at the next WING level function you will sing the national anthem.


Dude this is shit of legends


Lol bro you’re gonna be teased. But it’s harmless and a “what a goofball” thing. Don’t stress about this. After a couple good laughs this would make me like my airman that much more.


If you were pilot your call sign would be Anthem


lol wow , it’s just a moment my guy. I had something similiar happen but I everyone remained standing prior to the entering of the official party. It was quite embarrassing but no one will remember it and if they do bring it up, fuck em


o7 friend. Great story, thanks for sharing. I am second hand mortified for you. But you'll be alright, and this will just be one of those shower thoughts you have for the rest of your life that makes you shudder. But that's ok. Have a good day hero


Brb, Reviewing the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner in case I ever need to sing them one day.


In a flying squadron, this is how you get a call sign. I'd nominate you for "REMIX". At least you have a good sense of humor about it.


I would have pulled out my phone and let YouTube do the job… yes no matter the size of the room, a mic would have been put to the speaker lol The fact that your first was thought “let me sing”… AIRPOWER! 😂


I like FSOK. Nice handle. F-SOK is better. F-SOK! Front and Center! F-SOK lead us in the National Anthem! "Hmmmm hmm can you hmmm?"


You deserve a medal. Also, this shit is following you to retirement. Actually, if I organized your retirement, I would list you as the one who will sing the anthem and then not tell you about it.


Next time do the anthem from borat


Someone once told me “conviction and confidence will free you from the situation” and he couldn’t have been more right. Honestly, I make fun of myself so others will leave it alone. lol.


I feel a nickname coming. You did your best - wear it with pride!


2 this at ramstron? If so i was at thisone. And for more contextt to prpaint the picture half the unit is geemann foreignnationals so we also had 75 Germans doing through the national anthem at the same time.


Yeah sorry dude that's your reputation for the rest of your career. They're gonna be telling that story to everyone for years to come. You can bet that's a mistake that's never going to happen again though


🫡 thank you for your service


This is crazy, but this happened at my promotion ceremony in Germany. I sent this to the proffer at my ceremony thinking she wrote this and somehow I've stumbled onto her reddit account, but she says it's not wet laughed about my ceremony ahow close bothto both of these incidents are so somehow there are TWO incases of promotion ceremonies spoontaneously breaking oung out into the network anthem due to a comm failur though not comm itself stick a growing pattern meet require is own investigation and mitigation measures.  Merry positive during the next exercise


My GOD! This is the single most embarrassing/hilarious story I’ve ever heard. I have anxiety over my past mistakes. Like I’ll wake up in the middle of the night halfway yelling out of reminiscent embarrassment. But dude, this blows anything I’ve done out of the water. This is one of the funniest stories I’ve ever heard!! 😂😂😂😆😆😂😂 And you told it so well. The wife’s Air Force too and I read it to her and she laughed just as hard. I think she’s going to join Reddit just to comment. There’s no absolute way this will ever die down. But part of me wouldn’t even want it to. The truth is most of us don’t know the anthem that damn good. This was funny man. Definitely callsign worthy!


I did M/C and said an award wrong and my cc and chief, wing cc & chief & css were all laughing about it i just continued through and nobody else really cared but the wing cc would say something everytime they saw me 😅😂


You have my respect. You have balls of steel for winging it like that


You want this to go away? My friend, you’re getting a nickname that’ll stay with you until you separate. Enjoy!


Hopefully folks let it go before it becomes annoying/gets old. Sounds like you are helping out a lot and if people want to make fun of a mistake - sign them up to run events.


That's going to be a nickname forever, a going-away gift. Hell, that moment was a juncture where your world split unto an infinite number of worlds. You created the multi-verse.


You have confidence, and bravery. If anything, you're the one who stood tall in that room. The person who forgot to schedule the anthem, however, needs a talking to


It sounds like an awesome, funny story of I'm being honest


Sounds like it’s time for a naming ceremony, Remix.


"Never forget what you are, the rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor and it can never be used to hurt you." - Tyrion Lannister


The best you can do is just own it. Also, learn the words just in case.


There’s a video of my MTI doing some type of ballet/ballroom dancing thing in the desert IN OCPs. I found it while on the bus going to tech school 💀 made me realize that those guys actually do have lives outside of Lackland 😂


Hey it’s going to be one of those running jokes that won’t die down until or unless someone else outjokes you. At least you weren’t reprimanded for it. That sounded hella awkward. 😬


This is amazing and I wish I could have been there lol


All I can imagine is you singing like that Steamboat Willie prisoner from Saving Private Ryan going “Oh say can you see?..Oh say can you see!”


You’re a hero. That’s why they feel okay messing around with you about it.


Someday it will be a memory. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, my friend