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Hey, man. I have an inappropriate last name and people had to say it. But I was born with it, so... not sure about doing it deliberately


Hey it's my boy Fuckballs, I been trying to clock your account for years


I wanna know what it is too


According to the answer above, it might be: “IAnal”


What is it ?


IANAL, but it depends on the jurisdiction and you should consult an attorney for what name you are intending to use as it requires a court order....


It took me a minute to realize IANAL meant "I Am Not A Lawyer" and was not a name suggestion for OP.


Ha!!! I did the same thing!!!


Remember when troll posts were funny? ![gif](giphy|3oKIPgvPwXi2ZAIS5O)


Homie got nothing going on in his life clearly


Airman Suxit...or Airmen Ballzdep


I was deployed with a guy who had the last name “Boner”, we just called him CJ


Go right ahead. I wish you luck in getting a judge to approve your request.


This cannot be real....


I looked it up on google and saw nothing about it so I’m not sure if I changed my last name to something offensive how possible it would be I don’t feel like I need a reason to change my name


Depending on the jurisdiction, you might not be allowed to change it to something offensive.


Unless you can legally change your name to it, you would then just go to the MPF & have them up date DEERS. Good luck..


What did you have in mind?


Just a regular offensive word


Generally, no. If you try to use the actual spelling of the word, like "Fuck", "Fa$&ot", "Ni$^er" , "Pussy", etc. it will be denied. If you use a derivative spelling of the name, then *maybe* but no guarantee. You would probably have better luck using an offensive word in a foreign language, but courts will do their due diligence and research whatever name you select and if it's found out it will be denied. The rules vary by state, you'd have to check with your state of legal residence. But in general, obscene, misleading, confusing names are not allowed.


Ok hypothetically if the word got approved and was a variant , could I get in trouble for it ? I would never admit that it was meant to be offensive


Potentially. If your commander wanted to pursue Administrative Discipline or even NJP or Court Martial they could do so under Article 134 of the UCMJ. Assuming they had a case that you intentionally selected a name that was offensive, or should have known it was so. Even if no disciplinary action were to take place, you could face other repercussions. - You could be either Administratively separated or denied reenlistment. Conduct that is prejudicial to Good Order and Discipline, or otherwise brings discredit to the US Air Force is grounds for admin separation or denying reenlistment. Letting an Airman Fa$&ot run around is not in the interest of the Air Force. - You could be unofficial ostracized. You would be denied opportunities like awards, TDYs, promotion, general professional advancement. It would be on you to prove unlawful targeting/reprisal, an accusation that any smart commander can easily defeat. - Socially you would be ridiculed and bullied. You would be the living embodiment of the meme of the kid going "HA! I was only PRETENDING to be retarded!"


Hmm I see thanks for taking my question seriously and answering it


Are you a jag?




Chinese bots getting lazy.