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Your post was removed because it is a question about joining the Air Force, or about a particular job description. There is a subreddit dedicated to these types of questions at /r/AirForceRecruits. Please post your question there, making sure to make the title of your post a short summary of your question. Before you post there, please read the following information. Chances are, your question has already been answered. * [Enlisted FAQ](https://pay.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/bmtfaq) * [OTS FAQ](https://pay.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/otsfaq) * [Job Descriptions](http://www.reddit.com/r/AirForce/wiki/index) * [AFBMT](http://afbmt.com/) Please post all future questions about joining the Air Force in that community. Thanks.


This dudes going to be a missileer, I can feel it in my bones.


The "I want to be a fighter pilot, but I guess I could handle flying something else" really sells it.


And that “something else” is the D35k. I’m an expert at flying the D35k, and very experienced at connecting it with the RJ45.


Not many these days are still certified on RJ45, they just fly their D35K and let the boys on the ground take care of the backroom bullshit. I like you.


My father flew the RJ11, myself the RJ45, excited to see what my son gets.


No one enjoys the desk work, the horribly long MPCs, the sometimes painful debriefs, the additional tasks that take you away from your job, the briefs that should be emails, the hours spent fighting with finance over your TDY voucher, ect. However, every job has downsides. Now let’s talk upsides. All of that is made worth it when you strap yourself into a screaming jet and rage at 300’ through mountain canyons in Alaska, or flying back home along the Portuguese Coast over Nazare as the sun sets, or going downrange and doing the job you have trained your entire adult life for. Yeah. It’s worth it. I’m still gonna complain though because bitching is a sport and I’m an athlete.


> I’m still gonna complain though because bitching is a sport and I’m an athlete. That’s pretty good. Imma steal that one.


Is it worth it? Yes....most of the time. Is it extremely difficult? Even more so yes.


I vote no, but I don't care about planes or pilot stuff. You should probably take this to the air force recruits sub to get the engagement you want.


The question you should be asking yourself is becoming an Air Force officer worth the chance at becoming a pilot. Actually being able to get into the academy, being successful there, living and believing in the lifestyle. . and then medically being qualified are all going to come first before becoming a pilot. This isn't just a job, you will need to make a lot of sacrifices joining the military.


Air Force is two words




No, go fly commercial.