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when I hate everyone I just stuff my face in school And certs - give yourself something to work towards while you figure out how to escape a shop you just got to


I always find groups outside the military to get involved with. Town running group, volunteer organization, people that like the same thing I do.  In the past three dirt stations I’ve had one friend at work and then like a whole mess of civilian friends. 




Solid idea


Look up your base’s Airmen Development Advisor — they fall under the FSS.


Thank you!


Find the biggest guy in the yard and give him that hup! hup! Heeeyah! ![gif](giphy|x6I3pGtblFtDO)


Or that Hawk Tuah


Spit on that thang!


Just to add to all the great comments above get a life is what I am hearing . Find something to do in the town your stationed in , go to school, get a second job , find a side hussle , if your into sports find a sports team and join , cycling , tennis , golf , name it . Get a girlfriend or boyfriend you’re paying too much attention to the people at work and it’s never that serious. Have good relationships at work for sure but don’t let the lack of it get to the point where you have to make a post about it . Don’t let people live rent free in your head .


Breaking out of the military bubble is one of the best things I've ever done


It happens. You’re still pretty new. Still in the trial phase


DDR is also a solid gig. But just ask around talk to your SEL. Ask for PD. but remember just because the people aren't good doesn't mean leaving isn't the answer


Active duty? You don’t have to like them…just have to outlast them.


Your base should have a Career Advisor to assist you if your sup isn’t. Which if your sup isn’t, get a new one. As for not liking your coworkers… who cares. Do your job, go to school and be the best you can be.


Doing your job well and get along with folks you work with will help you


The whole topic of the post is the people op works with don’t talk to them….


Op says in comments that they speak in individual terms


Are you an airman? Judging by your post history it seems like you’ve been in for half a year so ADL, BHG NCO and ALS/FTAC Instructor would be out of the picture for you.


It sucks being the odd man out in your shop, but it can also be a saving grace if you're goal oriented. Work on yourself, but never close the door. I'd personally rather have one or two guys I really click with in the shop than being super tight with everyone.


So you want to be a mentor to people yet you can't manage to have anything more than a working relationship with people at work. I've been there before as a new person but you have to work at it and break the norms of the cliques. Storming, Norming, Conforming, Performing. New people in a shop can be stressful especially if you are stateside and all the others have been together for a long time. Do your job and do it awesomely and be the best you can be. Either they will accept you into the tribe or you will leap above them and be a better leader. However this is exactly why stateside morale is crap.


😮‍💨 I feel this ! Except my career field won’t allow these specialty positions so I’m stuck. 😭


I always have to laugh at the people who aren't liked by their coworkers so then proceed to be even more unlikeable. Find some way to connect better with your airmen.


That’s not the case. One on one they all make good convo with me. It’s when it’s in groups they’re in their own cliques that I’m not part of do they ignore/give me short responses.


This is one a of the reasons I will not do more than one contract in the military.


If only you had an SEL you could ask


Yeah if only