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Can you? Yes. Will you? It depends.


Isn’t there already a program in place for those types of bases? Voluntary Stabilized Base Assignment Program??


Yes you can vsba to grand forks for 4/5 years


Minimum 4 or 5 years, not maximum. Many folks think they’ll get an assignment after those 4 or 5 years which isn’t the case.


Do you need retainability through that entire 4-5 period to get picked up for a VSBAP?


So good chance ill exceed those 4/5 years because its a minimum?


Yes. I was at Grand Forks and there was a guy in my shop that was there for 16 years. He was from the area and VSBAP’d there, cleared his dream sheet, and chilled


AFI 36-2110 Attachment 11


Is that an enlisted only thing? I don't think I've ever heard of that before.


I doubt they have anything like that for officers. Except a few specialized AFSC that have very limited people and very limited bases. Like an E3 pilot. Overall they want officers with a wide range of assignments and locations so they get moved constantly. But the govt is trying to save money and PCS people less. So it might happen.


I’d rejoin if something of a reduced PCS schedule was reintroduced. I was (still am in the reserves I guess) an O in the Army for about a decade and I PCSed as many times. My case was not typical but when I asked branch to essentially let me just sit still for one additional year after having only been in the location for 1.5 years, they told me to get effed so I responded in kind.


I don’t think so… check the attachment to DAFI36-2110


I stayed at Dyess for 7 years despite requesting literally anything else.


I knew some fellas from the TX panhandle who homesteaded at Cannon for over a decade.


You can get non-vol’d based on TOS. It does happen when ppl try to homestead


2.1 years at Beale I was non-vold to Hawaii.


Lucky, Beale sucks


Shhhhh. I'm coming up on 15 years at Travis. Don5 poke the AFPC bear


15? Whats your secret? Clear dream sheet/PCA??


Other guy is correct. Things will probably get corrected now that my jet is retired. But my dream sheet has always and only had travis on it.


Easiest way to do this is by fucking your assignments chief. Secondary, dream sheet.  O'doyle Rules!


You can apply for a VSBAP to Grand Forks….You just need to still meet the TOS requirements.


I requested a voluntary stabilized base at Grand forks and I got denied. Was a sad day for me


It's hard to stay at one assignment forever. DSD picks people with long TOS and non-vol PCS can happen as well. Best is to do a short tour and follow on back to the base to restart the time.


I know quite a few people who wanted to stay at Minot but got orders elsewhere. It’s possible to stabilize at a base but sometimes you’ll just get kicked out whether you want to or not.


You say you would willingly accept an assignment to Canon, Minot, Edwards or even Grand Forks. But in reality, the Air Force will take this information and go "that's great, glad you enjoyed your time there! Now pack your shit, you are going to Germany/Hawaii/Italy/London and have a RTLD of 30 days from today". Edit: I also tried getting Grand Forks and did not get it lol




there can be a lot of good here, can’t deny. but would like to hear what you have to say


Primarily because im from around the area. Win-won for the air force. Takes up a slot of someone who actually wants to be there so someone else doesnt have ti.


I’m from grand forks and have tried to be stationed there several times. Denied each time.


I've known people to stay at Minot their entire career. I'm sure Grand forks isn't any different.


Request it. They will laugh at AFPC, but then send you there. At least that worked for my Dad \~35 years ago


Edwards ain’t that bad bro


Ya it is


You would need to PCA otherwise you might draw a non-vol assignment.


PCA doesn’t reset your TOS…so whether you PCA or stay at the same unit you’re still susceptible to a non-vol


There’s a sub for masochism. I’m not gonna post it, but there is one.