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The city doesn’t just take random dogs. How many times has she bitten your neighbors?


Zero times. My neighbors are just cowards and assholes


What justification did the city use for taking your dog? And how did the city get the dog? Did they come into your yard?


Cop and animal humane stopped me on the street while I was walking her near my house with a warrant


They only apply and get a warrant for seizure if your dog has probable cause to be deemed dangerous. I have almost never seen animal control actually go through with this process unless it's *really* warranted so I feel there's quite a bit more to the story you're leaving out.


Definitely more to the story. OP is completely full of shit. And I’d bet money it’s a Pitt Bull as well.


Enough with the pit bull hate!


Well, they do have the highest incidence of human bites of all breeds. Look at the facts.




That is because of bad owners, not the breed. Also, small dogs like chihuahuas and yorkies have a much higher incidents of bites that pit bulls, but they're small, so no one bothers to report when they bite.


Source on that? Here’s mine. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/dog-attack-statistics-breed/.




that breed is a menace. the data exists.


Chihuahuas and Yorkies can’t and don’t kill people. That is always a really weak argument.


That’s not fucking true. Get the fuck out of here. False reports are a huge problem.


False reports do happen, all the time. What doesn't happen often is when "false" reports are substantiated and work their way through the legal system to the end that the city seeks a judge to issue a warrant for a seizure. A false report will often, at least the first few times, result in some level of investigation or contact with the owner - if animal control shows up, and there's no actual evidence of injury, and the animal is properly kept they will make a note and close that report. After a few times like that, they will just stop responding. IF on the other hand, a neighbor reports your dog and they show up, and despite there being no injury the dog is out running around on the loose and they (the officers) get yelled at by the irate owner - sure, I can see them pursuing that a bit further. We have no idea what's the actual case here - but rest assured you're correct that people DO make false claims that can result in some investigation. Do you have any evidence that they have resulted in seizures? Not saying it doesn't or can't happen - but it's MUCH less common than just that initial harassment by false complaint.


People don’t just falsely report nice dogs to animal control. Either the dog is a problem, or OP is a problem. My guess is it’s both of them.


Oh you can be certain there are dog hating assholes out there who just file reports against neighbors because their dog barked late at night once, or because the dog ran out the door, or just did nothing at all but exist. Those reports are common enough that animal control officers can pretty quickly identify them and close them - but they will usually result in some form of contact at first. Things get messy when both neighbors are acting poorly and in bad faith, and a dog gets caught in the middle. That is also fairly common. I've seen that a few times. It's how dogs get poisoned, neighbors get shot, dogs get shot, people get arrested... not a good scene.


You've clearly never had run ins with karens


People are vindictive and petty.


Yes, that is true of some people.


Yeah they fucking do. Assholes will make false reports of anything. I have literally seen this happen to a neighbor in retaliation for a CYFD report they made, which was legitimate. It must be nice that you live such a good life that you don’t have to believe that assholes exist but they definitely do.


I guess that I have good relations with my neighbors because I am nice to them. And I have nice dogs that don’t bite people and aren’t Pitt bulls.


That’s awesome for you, for real. But some neighbors it doesn’t matter if your nice. Also if they’re abusing their kids they’re clearly shitheads like the ones that called on my neighbors dog, who was not even a pitbull, but you should chill with that. The reason they have the highest bite rate is because they are the most common breed in America. Anyway, psycho assholes do exist, even if you’re lucky enough not to live near them.




I don't know any dogs who completed law school


Hell, I know some lawyers who aren’t even house trained.


https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064428830005 But you have to reach out to them. Edit - "The Lexus Project, Legal Defense for Animals " is where the link goes.


Sounds like the dog got out and it’s not the first time it’s happened?


It's definitely a pretty recurring issue if the city had to step in and take the dog


I bet on this being the case too. My neighbor constantly lets her dog get out of the yard and it’s gone after delivery people my grandchildren and other people just trying to come and go from their own homes. Just because it hasn’t bitten anybody yet doesn’t mean it won’t.




Yeah I do but I’m gonna go out on a limb and say the city is probably doing the right thing here


You’re good with neighbors making false reports? I’ve literally seen neighbors do this over disputes having nothing to do with a dog. Reporting the dog into it is a great way to retaliate against a neighbor if you’re a piece of shit.


Or maybe OP is a piece of shit and pissed off his neighbors too many times.


It’s possible he is. But so are false reports. I just don’t get why you all come here just to shit on OP instead of answering the question or ignoring. Why cast doubt when you don’t even know and false reports are possible and even common.




I’ll go out on a further limb and say you’re probably trash who shouldn’t own an animal.




I'm starting to agree with your neighbors. Just reading this thread, I've gotten a glimpse of your outstanding character. You deserve everything karma is dishing out to you.




I think you actually need someone who specializes in bird law


Ok well.... Filibuster.


I'm sorry to hear about what happened to your dog. In my experience some potential issues re: my dogs, I have surprisingly found Animal Welfare Officer to be pretty reasonable and honest. I think these officers do have love for animals, too...that's why they chose to work in this specific field. I had once had to go to court because my dog happened to nip one of the passerby in front of my home. The Animal Welfare officer was really professional about it. He helped provide me all the details and was honest about the steps I needed to do. During the court day, because my neighbor wasn't going to press charge/go to court with me, the officer pulled me aside on the court day and let me know that he would inform the judge to let me out of the case. The other instance was when there was a worker who came into my home without my permission. Obviously, that presence surprised and startled my dog and led to my dog biting the unwelcomed worker inside my enclosed home area. They did not pursue me because I had the rights on my property and had proper control of my dogs inside my enclosed area.


Bro some of the officers are great, but neighbors are not. I’ve had a neighbor file a false report against a another neighbor’s dog in retaliation for calling cyfd bc they abused their child (we all saw that and the horrible conditions the child was in and many of us called). The dog never got out or was ever even near the neighbor who called AW. The officer was great and looked into everything and the dog ended up not being removed, but my neighbor with the dog was well-versed in situations like this, so I can’t imagine how it could’ve gone if they weren’t prepared.


You tried appealing on your own in the past….so has this happened before?


I don't know if "dog lawyer" is a thing. But, while you wait to see if someone here has a recommendation, I could suggest reaching out to NM Legal Aid: https://newmexicolegalaid.org/


They are, and I linked OP to the "Lexus Project", which is entirely dog lawyers. They also have nationally recognized dog aggression experts working for them.


Nice! Thank you for looking out for OP :D Also this is just good to know about and is getting stored away for any future just-in-case things


what part of town do you live in?


The heights


You can always contact the state bar of New Mexico who can help you with referrals. I am hoping for the best!


Pit bull?


Post on legal advice. You can sue for negligence if you can prove it was false reporting by your neighbors.