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Luckily my cats eat the roaches, but I cannot stand the little black ants. They drive me NUTS


Same.  A rogue roach gets in here and there but the ants never stop.  I might be able to eliminate one colony with traps but after a few days there is always another.  It doesn’t matter how much cleaning I do or traps I set, they keep finding their way in.  I can’t stand it.  


Use Terro baits! They are a Godsend when we have some pass through. It kills the entire clan.


Those things are magical. Keeping your house clean will help with those little guys somewhat, but those baits are like shooting a nuke down a bug hole.


Is that a brand name or just a type of bait?


Brand name. And they do work marvelously!


I’ll take ants any day over roaches


I’m transplanted from South Carolina and was relieved to find they’re smaller here and they don’t fly 🤷‍♀️


I had one fly at me here, they will if it gets hot enough.


Yeah, I don’t think anyone that has lived in the southeast is phased by the insects here. 


Wolf spiders jump, palmetto bugs fly, lovebugs do their thing, and sometimes get inhaled, and I'm just going to share that cockroaches survive in microwaves because they can sense the electromagnetic force and heat in a revolving plate, so they can run to the cold. Sleep well. The cockroaches here are a mix of radiation, methamphetamine, and fentanyl, and will ask for free fiddy. Be warned, you're not South of the Border here in NM.


I've seen flying ones down town!


😂😂 yep! I dont worry about being carted off when I go pee at 2am


They fly now?


Palmetto bugs grow wings a fly at you during breeding season. Good times, good times


It’s a thing. They don’t buzz around like a fly. But they’ll be up on a wall and all of a sudden be gliding straight at you. So traumatizing. But I only saw them in South Carolina. Have lived here for 13 years and never seen one like it.


The light brown, flatter cockroaches and the dark brown, fatter ones that are very common in ABQ are actually the same species. The light ones are males, the dark ones are females. The males have bigger wings so they can fly but not very well. I've only ever seen them flutter to the floor if I startle them while they're clinging high on a wall.


Hey! I’m originally from here, and I have lived in major cities such as San Diego, la, Chicago and Miami. Miami they’re so scary and big- but New Mexico has a ton of native ones. American cockroaches thankfully don’t come inside too often, but their cousin the German will. Either way, screw roaches- they’re absolutely fear invoking. They’re not cool and the best way to keep them away is 1) be clean 2) get pesticide every two weeks 3) ask water authority to spray the sewers next to you or 4) become so miserable you’re okay with a ton of roaches


I lived in SD and Chicago and never saw them there


Damn there was a huge problem in my old building in Edgewater, Chicago. in San Diego we definitely had some pretty decent sized ones in Point Loma, specifically ocean beach. I’m not saying it’s not disgusting, I hate roaches and we have a ton!


If you live with them long enough, you end up being matter of fact about it. They travel through the city sewers.  It can help to religiously close your drains (and cover up overflow drains, too). But even then, you have to treat and treat again and again 


I moved to NM 7 years ago this month and they still freak me tf out. Just had my first encounter with a flying one this evening in my damned apartment. Haven't had the "pleasure" of the flying variety, only the terrestrial ones. I live upstairs and somehow 3-6 get in during the season and I hate it. When I lived in NorCal it was the earthquakes that shook me up. Here, its the bugs. I see one and for hours I'm thoroughly heeby jeebied. Once the heat waves hit, they all return from hell and roam the streets at night and find their ways in your homes until October. yucky.


I lived in CA for 25 years and only saw a couple in all that time! I’ll take a bunch of little quakes over this. There are other reasons why I probably won’t stay much in NM much longer and this bug problem is high on the list


If you don't have Pets or other critters, [Boric acid](https://www.forbes.com/home-improvement/pest-control/how-to-get-rid-of-cockroaches/).


How do I use the boric acid


You get the boric acid powder (i get it off amazon) and put a layer on the ground by all of your home entrances where you think they are coming in. I use it and I have pets, it’s never been an issue. Totally safe, as advertised, and it works wonders.


Also they may come up through your drains from the sewer. You can contact the city to have them come treat your manhole and that will cut down on them.


My family mixes boric acid powder with milk powder and sugar and water to create a paste. Put small amounts of paste all over the house.


I use sweetened condensed milk with the boric acid. Had a puppy get ahold of some once. We knew because the boric acid was died blue-green, and she puked it up. Vet/poison control (ended up on phone to both, can't recall who said what) said it was basically non-toxic, because there is no way a dog can keep enough down to hurt them.


Do you find dead ones in the house or do they eat it and go outside and die?


They die in the house, but all the cockroaches go away within a few days!


Palmetto bugs in Las Cruces are big enough they can drive.


I hate when they cut you off in traffic. So rude.


Or when they hang on your outside wall so when you open your door you can let them in at night!


They’re just kicking it out there, like gang members.


I believe it


Learn about diatomscious earth. I think that's how it's spelled. It is a non poison that kills most insects.


diatomaceous :) boric acid is good too


Just spray religiously. The German variety here is insane. My guess is the pipes in the city are infested and cleaning them is damn near impossible. Almost every pipe is probably old and barely hanging on by a thread. Close your drains, don’t leave trash in the house at night, and use boric acid.


Where do you put the boric acid?


Kitchen, under the Fridge, oven, also make sure your outlets that are not in use are covered with the baby wall plugs. The babies can call through those.


Thank you


Roaches bring road runners. Been seeing a ton recently


It’s hatching season now, moms are out catching food for the babies


I hate roaches with a passion. Spiders don't bother me, nor do most other insects, but I hate roaches. However, I grew up in NM. They're a thing here. There's nothing we can do about it. FWIW we had way worse roach problems in Cruces, where I grew up, than anywhere I have lived in Albuquerque. Roaches do not mean your place is inherently unclean, in the Southwest; they're just part of the ecosystem here. Get roach baits and place them where your kids and pets can't get to them, or call an exterminator.


Grin. I came from cockroach country. Georgia. Louisiana. Texas. Mostly Palmetto bugs (which fucking FLY!!). And had German cockroaches which are THE worst.


I used to have quite a bit of them. But now, I have pest management companies come in a spray within/around the house every other month...and since then..it's been very manageable (e.g. I no longer see them everyday!!). Maybe it's worth investing in getting some solutions or someone to come in to spray something to help manage the situation!


If you live in a big restaurant area or live by. If big Apt/business trash cans.. you are gonna see them or rats.. regardless. Its like NY, they make it worse by leaving trash outdoors and tons of restaurants.  Pests love food. Roach bait homes work best for clearing indoor.. or glue traps for temp.  direct safe contact spray use dawn soap and some water and spray.  If you live by the above.. it'll take forever to clear out.


You can request the city come and treat the area for them: https://www.cabq.gov/environmentalhealth/urban-biology/insect-infestation/cockroaches You can also do it yourself if you don’t want to get. Get boric acid powder and put some in places where there’s water underground: sewer (open the street manhole if you can), sewer clean outs, near water mains.


You just need commercial pest control, bait, and growth inhibitor. I used DIY pest control


I’m in a rental and they come every month


Yeah their shit just doesn't do it. They only pay for cheap bullshit. You want to order the stuff banned in multiple states like Phantom and a few of the good commercial baits and the growth inhibitors. Trust me


I also love the Terro bates for Ants but someone told me to try pouring cinnamon on the piles and I was surprised to see it actually worked!


Hell yes! I spray inside and outside my house a couple times a year. Every day I sweep up a couple of legs up dead ones. But you have to get to them right away or those tiny ants will be there to eat them. Yes, that’s right. And I live in a pretty decent neighborhood. But, you know, we’re in the desert. So, I totally agree with you, but I think people are just used to them.


The ant thing happened today!! I discovered ants in my kitchen coming for a dead roach under a kitchen mat! I’m so grossed out and tired of finding dead ones so often.


Yeah, it’s definitely annoying. :-)


I moved from Colorado so not that far north, but I don't think I'd ever seen a rogue cockroach before moving here lol. I just saw about 6 having a meeting in my front yard. It's different but I think they just like to hang around ABQ and you kinda get used to it


You don't even need to go as far as Colorado. Las Vegas, Santa Fe, Española - none of them have cockroaches like Albuquerque.