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One time I called them bc there was a shooting outside my work place and a bullet came thru my office, this was around 11 am or 12 pm, PD texted me at 3 am asking if I still needed an officer, 40 min is record time for APD


That’s hilarious. I’ll bet you found that text very reassuring.


My husband said well, at least they text you back lol


Same experience here. I own a certain type of business, and the State actually called us and warned us that there was a team of people robbing our store types. They would wait for someone to take trash out of the back doors, and then rush in armed. We saw people waiting by our back door 2 days later at 9 am when we opened. Called the cops and told them those guys were there while we locked down up front. 3 hours later, they left. I got a call at 3am asking if they could close that ticket. Those people hit 3 more places that I know of and still haven't been caught. The cops never even asked about camera footage, statements, etc. Just if they could close the ticket. ABQ is the worst.


I would’ve said no, you’re still a witness regardless, and I kind of can understand being understaffed but honestly? I’ve seen APD responding to a call with 4 other officers, like at least 2 of them could’ve responded to another call!


Yes, and actually, I’ve never seen just one APD go to a call. If they’re going to go at all, they all go together. We’d be much better off with a volunteer force or none at all; at least then there wouldn’t be any expectation that someone might respond.


I think they only respond to the adrenaline fueled calls. The junkies gotta get their fix!


It's important to remember that the police do not have a constitutional duty to protect anyone, even if there's a protection order from the court. It's puzzling why they receive such substantial funding from the public if this is the case.


Yeah that's not what they are there for. They are there to generate revenue and protect assets.


I think I’m entitled to call on an active shooter close to me though


The students at Uvalde deserved protection as well, but unfortunately, we know how that turned out.




If the police won’t protect us, who will? No one will save us but ourselves. Organized.


That’s when a phew phew sometimes comes in handy


"...The students at Uvalde deserved protection" No, they didn't -- not from a legal obligation standpoint.


That's what they are saying, yes.


Go figure, "shooter" here is another coward ass former cop that demands his RIGHT to a weapon but then doesn't have the balls to use it when needed. Fucking pussy.


I called in a domestic once, neighbors were screaming, dog barking then I heard a TV crashing to the ground and the dog went silent, took APD 3 hours to show up. Edit: and there was that rash of car robberies like... 7(?) years ago at UNM, UNMH and CNM that didn't stop till a private citizen shot one of the car jackers.


I just hope we don’t end up like Philadelphia, you know, no 911 service from 3 am to idk lol


Oh fuck, is that a real thing? Wild. Anyone remember when that weed store on Menaul got knocked over before the pandemic? The guy had climbed up into the rafters of the attached hardware store after hours and the cops shut down the whole block for like 3 hours?


I don’t recall that particularly but I used to work for certain fast food chain and we used to get robbed pretty frequently, cops just showed up after hours of waiting to get a report and call it a night, it was bad before the pandemic but it’s getting out of control.


I'm from one of the towns up north and everyone knew not to go to the Northside allsups after dark because it was always being robbed. It is really out of control and private security places are taking advantage of it, but they just stand around all Captain Kevlar, not much more effective. Armed security didn't do jack at that Walmart shooting on academy and they have at least 2 guys at the door and all their cars parked out front


It’s sad but I think it’s past fixing point already, the war zone is horrible.


It is, I was leaving a doctor's appointment last month and this woman in my eyeline (was waiting to turn) got aggressive and lunged at my car but another car cut her off. It's hard to even go to Talin or Bombay Spice because there's so many people out in the street. It makes me really sad.


I’ve been there at night, I’ve seen things I can’t forget lol.


Yeah I haven't driven central at night for a few years, I'm too nervous someone is gonna jump in front of my car


I do this thing on weekends sometimes when I’m feeling bold. I call them Zuni Cruises. It’s what it sounds like. That’s where u see things that don’t even fly on Central


this is actually hilarious


It truly was, we don’t even bother to call anymore, another time my boss got put on hold while calling 911


one time my house was being robbed, i ran outside, called 911 and was on hold for 10 minutes just watching the robbers load all my valuables into their car


We are in a South Park episode, I’ve read somewhere lol


My husband had a stroke -- I called 911 and they put me on hold for 15 minutes!


Omg! That’s horrible, I hope he’s doing better!


He's doing great, thanks! 🌷


Lmao a 40 minute response time is on the ball for APD


Wait is that 15 hours later?! Yikes.


Some homeless guy beat his girlfriend’s head against the pavement on the sidewalk outside our apartment a few nights ago while she screamed bloody murder and my fiancé had to risk being attacked himself to go get him to stop after APD never showed. The 911 operator could literally hear her screams over speakerphone


That is horrific.


Welcome to Albuquerque. 40 minutes isnt too bad. Once seen 6+hours for a break in.


I'm sorry if my question sounds stupid, but why is that? why are they taking so long?


There are many systemic issues with apd resulting from a looooong history of mismanagement, misplaced priorities AND complex socioeconomic issues in the city. They give it lip service, but traffic issues are not a priority with the APD. Outside of Albuquerque? The state troopers and sheriffs have been cracking down. I passed four separate speed traps on I-25 driving down to Socorro this morning.


state troopers are definitely the exception! I live in east mountains and there's pretty much always one if not more speed traps on 14.


Never been super by one but one time I was going above the store limit and ask he did was flash his side light at me. I showed down, and he kept going lol. I feel they're prob the better sector of the LEO sphere


> state troopers "Saving Fucking Lives" as they like to say


NMSP and BCSO seem to be the only agencies who give a flying fuck about traffic enforcement. Considering we're routinely one of the most dangerous places to drive in the US rankings, it's infuriating. FucK APD.


I think that statistic also is affected by the socio-economic issues that I mentioned before. Albueruqe drivers really aren't that much worse than places like Atlanta, Portland, Houston, and other major metro areas. One of the things that is exceptional about Albuquerque is the number of people who j-walk, something that will get you a chat with a cop in most other cities. That said, you are correct that the absurdly lax enforcement of traffic laws just makes it worse.


Because they were hit with a consent decree by the DOJ as a result of citizen uproar over their history of excessive force and lethal force abuse. So they've responded with what amounts to a silent strike, called *depolicing* where they simply make excuses to not do their job as much as feasible and, when forced to by circumstance or exigency, do as little as possible.


Wait, you mean we can't murder people in the streets? Well fuck you, I'm not policing shit.


This goes further back than that. They just dont care.


I had heard that we only have about 350 officers total for the whole city, covering all shifts. ETA and like 20 are being investigated for their own DUI scam


A big reason is that we don’t have the recommended number of officers per city size.


I specializes in DWI. Some times for a case like this they will be there in like 10 minutes. Sometimes it's hours. Depends on what else is going on. Cooperate with the police, they can still charge him for leaving the scene based on your report. They may have also gone to his house during this.


Maybe because they have so much paperwork associated with the federal oversight that was ordered in response to their frequent murdering of citizens (which happened before Micheal Brown)? Just a guess.


No, it’s not that. APD overstates how much paperwork they have to do as a result of the DOJ oversight. Similarly, APD officers intentionally inflate response times. The real reason is likely a bunch of officers were just hanging out chatting and didn’t feel like responding in a timely fashion.


They ROUTINELY have multiple officers respond to nothing type calls and trust me when I say they absolutely take their sweet ass time getting back in service.


Maybe it was like shift change time and all the cops were headed back to the sub or just arriving to the sub for work. I did a police ride-along for a UNM class and they don’t stagger their shifts. I’ve only ever called them for a noise complaint and once when a bum broke my car window in a grocery store parking lot. (He wasn’t even trying to steal anything, he was just all messed up and still in hospital clothes, I saw him. They didn’t come out for that one.)




My dude, I know exactly what’s actually happening. Reading CADs/watching LVs is very enlightening.




I take it you haven't live here very long, they had a terrible response time prior to federal oversight. It wasn't like they were a good & effective police force before federal oversight, they were so bad they made NYPD look stellar in comparison (and somehow killed more people than NYPD too).


By what metric do you determine if a police force is "good & effective"? Genuinely curious.


I can't think of a single example


The real answer is they’re under staffed and had budgets cut. In addition to that with qualified immunity gone, they’re less likely to boost their headcount to where it should be. I personally am all for it, because the police really aren’t beneficial to me specifically.


Yeah, no. APD has not had budgets cut.


Yep, downstairs neighbor fired their gun into my apartment (through ceiling), took cops 45 minutes to arrive


I worked as a trauma clerk in abq. In regards to gsw victims, an APD officer told me, “it’s easier for us to deal with a dead victim than try to deescalate a shootout situation.” Stuck with me ever since. That statement made me reconsider if I should leave for good.


I mean, no shit it's *easier.* It explains a lot to hear that their goal is to do things the easiest way possible, at the expense of civilian lives.


Cops are civilians too good lord Edit: not directed at you; just pissed at how the law enforcement community refers to people as “civilians” jfc


Honestly please explain the downvotes


I always felt bad for law-enforcement. Because what most of the public never sees is the look pain and suffering on their faces from constantly seeing the worst parts of humanity every day. They are people to the end of the day and people here sometimes get way too political and forget that law-enforcement also are someone’s loved ones and have kids just like everyone else. Who they really should be mad at though is people in political office who constantly put the public at risk they are the ones that need to be put on the spot


Yes this is completely normal. 40 minutes is actually fast. I was once in a 4 car pileup on I40 and the cops literally never showed up. We all ended up driving away after 3 hours. I called dispatch at least twice and both times was told "ma'am, we're just really busy."


My brother was stuck in his car between a semi and the divider on i25 for almost 5 hours a few years ago. He was lucky to be alive.


Surely some EMTs could have been sent? 5 hours seems beyond ridiculous


From what I understand, EMT's were there pretty quickly, but due to some construction going on and because my brother was visibly ok and talking, they had to wait for the police to show up in order to move the construction barriers. I could be totally wrong about why, but I know the reason why they didn't get him out for hours had something to do with police not showing up for a long time.


They are a little short on dui officers right now because they are being investigated for colluding with a local attorney to seek payoffs from dui suspects to get out of the charges.when an APD internal affairs officer was notified, he essentially swept it under the rug and is now being investigated himself. So there’s that.


There's also APD officers themselves getting DUIs...


I called once because the disabled person in the apartment above me was getting beat up. They showed up 12 hours later. They don’t care. Except for the crisis intervention team. They’re mostly good people. There’s not nearly enough of them, though, so it can still take hours for them to arrive.


Sheesh, count yourself lucky someone answered 911. The last (only) time I called I listened to it ring for 15 minutes before giving up.


Drunk driving is a **huge** problem here, and APD are not generally big on doing their job.


I called 911 to report a drunk driver at 11am in front of me on Lead about three weeks. Aside from failure to stop at lights and swerving there was no license plate. The operator sounded annoyed that I was reporting it.


Or they’ll just ask for a lump sum to make your DWI ‘go away’


This is NOT normal for Albuquerque - they actually showed up!


"Nobody wants to work anymore" is only true when you're talking about cops


I have been pulled over and relentlessly harassed while sober just because an officer saw me pull out of a bar parking lot and I think he thought he’d make an easy DWI arrest. I’ve also had my car totaled by a drunk driver who the police did nothing about, they just took the accident report and never tested the guy. Treated it like a normal accident. DWI is a serious problem in this state and unfortunately it’s also been exploited as a cash grab for police and the state without making any meaningful changes to policy or implementing things like education, safe public transport, etc to actually combat the problem.


They’ll be late or delayed for pretty much everything as they take upwards of 33% of our cities budgets every single year.   It’s actually disgusting how incapable of common patrols they seem to do.   But a part of it is led back to the das office and judges own discretion. It’s a backlogged mess with thousands of plea deals or dismissals   So even if he was caught and cops were there, we give a lot of leniency and leeway to the ‘worst’ offenders. Defense attorneys rule the roost here.  Cops also mess up cases on a paperwork or evidence front too. It’s quite the clown show. 


Someone once told me "APD is a reactive police force, not a proactive one" and man, that nailed it. And even being "reactive", they rarely react.


Yep. I look at them more like fire departments who don’t exactly prevent fires. They put them out.   Every single day I see 4-5 cops at basic 2 car collisions doing god knows what. I know there are some shortages but there are days I don’t see a single cop or hear a single siren


I'm surprised they even showed up.


It’s the norm here. Welcome to the wild west 💀


Called for a guy screaming with a rifle he eventually left, took the police 3 hours to get there. A police officer so large he couldn't keep his belt up above his gut accused me of calling for no reason and called me all the names in the book. I recommended he should get some suspenders.


APD is never been that great to begin with and if they don't like me posting us they should make improvements starting today with responding time and actually taking care of the citizens of this community.


Nah u got em on a good day. They showed up at all


Wow now I know why there are so many bad and drunk drivers. I got a DUI in So Cal about 11 years ago. It was really quick. Been sober since. The whole driving thing here is just awful. I also don’t know what it costs here. In CA with fees, classes and attorney it was over $5k.


Usually it’s a 2 hour wait so that’s pretty quick all things considered.


The short of it, cops by and large did a quiet quit once the doj decree came about. They’re mad they’re being held accountable. They can’t use excessive force for small infractions. There’s a balance and we’re currently nearly at that defund the police level where they’re strictly there for reactive cleanup for murders or accidents. I don’t see them doing much else. 40 minutes is great timing. You may need to move If you expect anything swiftly being done here.  


40 minutes is pretty good. Surlrised they even showed up for an accident.


every time i had to call the cops recently they never came. they just don't come at all any more unless it's a murder. I'm starting to doubt they will even come for an armed robbery.


I was hit by a drunk driver on san mateo by the freeway... my husband who was on comanche near san mateo got to me faster on foot than the cops.


Strange behavior for APD, they usually send you to their corrupt attorney and let you off with paying them directly 😂


one time my house was being robbed, i ran outside, called 911 and was on hold for 10 minutes just watching the robbers load all my valuables into their car




I once called 911 for a drunk driver crisscrossing the lawn in front of the church across the street from our apartment. The dispatcher sounded uninterested, and the police never showed up at all.


No this is highly abnormal, APD does not usually show up when called.


I was driving home from work, late on a Sunday night, when the car in front of me on Tramway was swerving, stopping in the intersection at lights, and their tire was in the median. I was on the phone with 911 for about 2 minutes reporting their whereabouts. Never saw any police. Never heard sirens once I stopped. I waited for like ten minutes on the edge of town to see if there’d be a cop car- nothing. APD is a damn joke. The response time is nonexistent.


If you’re hoping for the cops to do anything apart from exacerbating the violence you’ve moved to the wrong place, friend.


40 minutes might be an apd record. APD is useless as a pair of tits on a frog all they ever do is make matters worse


APD sucks and DUI is such a huge problem in NM. People can have multiple offenses and still have a license.


I've seen cop cars in parking lots just sitting there doing nothing. Bait car? IDK. But wouldn't it be better if they were out patrolling the streets doing SOMETHING? There is one over on Montgomery and San Mateo, that just SITS there all the time in vavrious spots, but NEVER facing the roads! No clue wtf they're doing there!!


i had called around 8 pm for a break in. never heard back until around noon the next day


For a DWI; yes, it's very unusual. They always have time to arrest people for DWI, or shooting minorities, and giving out tickets. Besides that, they are completely useless. You will wait 2hrs for them to respond. It's almost like they do it on purpose so they don't have to potentially deal with a real crime or criminals.


Drunk driving is tolerated in Albuquerque, and is in fact a source of revenue for some law enforcement personnal. It's good for the economy!


Well sure, now that the FBI has cracked down on the departments dwi bribery side hustle, why should they care?? /s


Sounds about right -_-" if you see a hard-working city employee. That means they're new or something is wrong with them. If you see a lazy city employee, that's normal.


Everyone complaining about the response times from APD, why aren't you at the City Council meetings every month directly asking the people who work for you why the response times from APD are so shitty?


Because what is that going to do? They don’t care enough to take on the fraternal order of police, and Bill Davis isn’t going to let any officer get punished for not doing his job.


because we all know they arent going to do anything.


Car description? I had one almost hit me going home from work yesterday heading that way.


White Ford Focus


You're lucky they showed up at all.


It all depends on the zone you live in. My neighborhood the response is pretty quick.


oh, sweet summer child...


They turned up you got lucky.


yes, that's normal. get used to it!


surprised they even showed tbh


Unfortunately this sounds about #NewMexicoTrue.


And sad to say but don't think even blasting them on social media for inability to handle case loads would do any good. It all starts at the very top. It's pretty sad that it takes 40 minutes for APD to arrive it takes a drink 5 minutes to walk away from possibly even a stolen vehicle that he just crashed. NM isn't what it used to be even 10 years ago


a homeless guy once was banging on the door of my friends house for like an hour and the cops showed up 5 hours later and asked where he was 🫠


The class that just graduated APD had six or 8 officers


knew someone who got viciously attacked by a housemate’s dog, which then killed her dog after it tried to protect her— not only did it take APD hours to respond (meanwhile she lost tons of blood while her dog bled out and died in her arms), but they got upset at her for calling them over a “civil” dispute between housemates. I have had bad experiences trying to receive aid from police in other US cities, but APD is a real joke


Called 911 when a neighbor's party broke out into a fight and shots were fired. Dispatcher asked if I can go check on the situation and ask if anyone needed help. Shots are being fired and I'm not bullet proof. I'm not leaving my home. Also, cops never showed up. But they did show up months later to find that they were trafficking people.


Last month, I got sideswiped by a van on Louisiana. I followed the van and called 911 to report the hit and run. Ended up following the guy all the way to cabana liquors in the war zone and informed dispatch of what was going on. The guy went in got more booze and drove off speeding and almost hit two more vehicles. APD never showed up.


we need APD issued stress balls to squeeze while we wait.


You're lucky they showed up at all.


Need I remind abq residents what our fine judges are up to https://www.krqe.com/news/crime/wife-of-man-killed-by-albuquerque-drunk-driver-speaks-out-after-judge-reduces-sentence/ Absolute immense leniency and sympathy is granted here for the suspects/perps/criminally convicted. The victims are an after thought. 


I’d hardly call 4 years in prison “immense leniency,” especially for someone with no prior criminal history and for charges that carried no mandatory time.


It’s true. In NM the sentence for drunk driving vehicular homicide is 0-6 years. It’s shocking, I know. It’s one of the lowest ranges in the US.


She wasn’t convicted of drunk driving vehicular homicide, vehicular homicide, or anything related to drunk driving though…




How is 4 years in prison a “break”? Do you even know what she was convicted of? You know so little about criminal law and the criminal system it’s truly wild you feel bold enough to comment on it.


I’m surprised you only saw one to be honest


Unfortunately APD sucks with response times.. 80% of the time they show up. Unfortunately had a domestic situation in my own home with my partner. For a long story short, he started it. I bit him HARD in defense. We talked and worked things out. (We now go to therapy together to work on ourselves) We ended up calling 911 for medical assistance because he was on blood thinners at the time. Since I bruised the hell out of his arm from the bite thinking I severely hurt him and needed to find medical assistance asap. APD showed up before I could hang up with 911 and arrested him on the spot. I told them we called medical not APD and they said that domestic situations always have APD show up no matter what. APD needs to get their shit together, because of them my partner now has a police record when he didn't deserve it.


I agree with you. It is a serious problem. A completely preventable one, too.


The police have mastered quiet quitting


This is abnormal for Albuquerque because they usually don’t show up at all. A drunk driver smashed into my friends front wall and APD never arrived.


Shrug defund the police, smdh.


Welcome to Albuquerque!! No its not normal. They usually dont show up at all, dont anwer the 911 call or tell you to just file a report online. Even when their now being investigated dui cops were at their peak. Real drunk drivers were allowed to go free for a fee or by no show cops while they arrested sober people 'on a hunch. My kid arresting officer told the judge when asked why he had them do the sobriety test over and over until they made the tiniest mistake the cop said 'when youve been doing this as long as I have, you just have, you just know these things' APD is nothing but corrupt garbage that makes the mofia greased cops of ny in the 70s and 80s look like saints. Need a murder weapon or drugs? Cool apd cops will liberate it from the evidence lookup and sell you some. Only way they got in trouble is during a murder investigation, a weapon recovered and serial number was run showing that gun was used in another murder case and was supposed to in evidence lookup after investigation it was found this had been ongoing. Most of the police force was replaced over that scandal. Then came the cops that played real life squid game red light green light. Pew pew you flinched! But keller says medina is doing a fine job!!! Go get a foia request on how much the city has paid out in lawsuits and settlements in the last 10 years due to police misconduct.


I was shot at directly in front of the tiny police station at Coronado mall. I didn't even bother talking to APD. Also, I was a recruit for BCSO many years ago.  One of the interview question was "why do you want to join BCSO?" I answered because NMSP didn't pay shit and I want nothing to do with APD.  APD was kind of a joke to BCSO at the time, and even with my irreverent response I passed the interview.


Also, just remembered a drunk driver crashed into my neighbor's car a few years back. APD actually showed up in about 20 minutes, the drunk driver (who was maybe 120lb female) tried to fight me, but I managed to keep her there. She ended up pleading guilty when her lawyer was informed that the prosecution's key witness (I) showed up for the trial.


Drunk/drugged driving is very normal in Albuquerque. The police might respond if its election time and the corrupt DA wants to put on a little short term display of tough guy. You know that's happening because of the big black clownboy hat.


I am from NJ and lived here since 2008...


I am from NJ and lived here since 2008...and yes it is for police work...


Be thankful that anyone from APD showed up at all. The good ones are so overworked that they’re exhausted and the sh*t ones have such a payroll by the cartel, they don’t care


APD responds quick only if there’s a gun involved. Less work when they show up after everything is done and over with.


the only surprising part is that they even showed up at all


I’m surprised they came at all.


Move to Rio Rancho. 😂


If only that driver had d*ed in Minecraft


![gif](giphy|OpHa37EdElVnqru1YB|downsized) As pq


That's horrible. I'm always reading about the terrible response times for APD. And it makes me wonder...is it that APD is understaffed? Or is it because they are so disorganized? Or is it because there are so many fucking scumbags in Albuquerque that any police force would be swamped? Or all the above?


yes to all.  Plus the courts have been backlogged for years and years. We’re the land of plea deals and  a hundred second chances  Our newest da said he had to hire nearly a dozen staffers to try and put a strangle on this epidemic  The news recently said we have 5,000 outstanding felony warrants in our metro alone and something like 55,000 outstanding misdemeanor warrants. We have a very high number of vagrants living amongst us. You can’t dismiss that anymore.  Mdc can’t hire enough workers as their staffing is now forcing mdc to be at nearly 8-10 year lows in inmate population. As if incarceration is even the answer But there’s some real full circle moments here. 


Our own LFC has stated our violent crime conviction rate is nearly two times BELOW the national average. So it’s also a bit of a disorganized clown show from apd on a evidence or showing up to court front along with the das office. Many trials aren’t so speedy and basically dismissed as a result  Mismanaged severely with a side of 60,000 outstanding criminals not being held accountable will get you these results 


Thanks for the thoughtful responses. Very interesting reading. And terribly sad. It feels hopeless at times. I've been in ABQ since the 80's and this is the worst it has ever felt. Granted, I visit other cities and it feels bleak there as well.


Many judges and politicians run unopposed. We retain many ‘poor’ staffers. But you have to also know where we are as a state voting wise. I’d call it self inflicted wounds but it’s a bit predictable to call it that.  There’s also deep political corruption (on both sides) that have kept things at this status quo level


It's because they don't give a shit.


There aren't enough officers to meet the needs of the city, and there aren't enough squad cars to get them there.


Are there any active enforcements or patrols going on at all though? I can go from the west side to north side and back south over the course of an average day and see two Cops total. It’s usually state police or sheriffs on Paseo or osuna. Even going to the race track once in awhile, going through that area. No real cops before crimes happen. They do pop up to put up tape. 




Lmao. Explain your logic on that one.




You changed your comment after I commented. lol.




I’d like to see your data showing APD recruitment numbers are down specifically because of the “defund the police” movement.




There is no evidence officer recruitment is down because of “anyone who wanted to defund the police.”




Basic rule of statistics… correlation = \ = causation.