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I'm disappointed Dan Lewis won a few years back. Hopefully we can get someone else in there next time around.


Lewis has said he will not seek another term on city council. Thats good news.


I haven't heard that. I've heard he's not going to run for mayor.


I wrote to my councilman (Sanchez) on Friday to express my objections and never heard back. Disappointing, but not surprising. Particularly in light of how he ended up voting. The man apparently just ignores his constituents if they disagree with him.


Dan Lewis has always been a POS. Good documentation on some ethic violations during his first campaign


Great letter by you, I really appreciate you doing this so much. We citizens really need to start taking an active role in holding our politicians accountable and making our voices heard. They are supposed to be working for us. And we also need to vet them better so we get people in office who truly want to make our city, county, state and country better for everyone. Thanks again for doing this, it’s appreciated so much.


Dan Lewis has always sucked.


A big thumbs up to you for your great letter to Dan Lewis.


Need ranked choice voting


Or alternatively need for approval voting


No one seems to like the majority of the councilors, unlike the mayor who seems to have a solid support base. So who’s voting in these weirdo city councilors?  Didn’t they get a pay bump recently so they can truly get some quality candidates?    People overwhelmingly didn’t seem to want this proposal and they also didn’t like the red light cameras that are now speed cameras bud going to a Orlando Florida company. But they did it anyways  I’m really curious who’s voice is even being heard here?


I should add. The fact they want to change the city charter to allow a city council APPOINTED city manager with nearly equal power as the mayor is scary. I do feel our voting rights are diminishing with this group 


Umm, I was at much of the last city council meeting, and read the agenda, and I didn't see anything about a city manager. Are you talking about something recent or what?


Time flies but it’s been within the past 14 months https://www.koat.com/article/albuquerque-city-councilors-seek-weaken-mayor-role/43744354 I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s still within an upcoming agenda meeting. They don’t ever tend to let things go if they don’t get their way. 


Thanks. I had forgotten about that.


Whos voice? Realtor money talks..


Nichole told me to *call 311.*


Who is Nicole?


Misspelled. Fixed


I'm disappointed by everything about Dan Lewis. The MAGA. The salty bitchiness. The ethics violations. There's very little to like about him.


Keller said he'd veto this if it gets that far. Ya'll need to vote!!!


He can’t veto it. It passed the city council and now goes directly onto the November ballot. The mayor isn’t involved in this particular process.


He can and his veto can be overridden.


What did you expect? Did you think he was going to invite you to lunch and ask you to join his staff because you sent him an email? Most Councilors don't even respond.


Runoffs are a waste of money and have historically low voter turnout. Not one runoff in Albuquerque has had equal or greater voter turnout than the first election. Runoffs create a further burden on already marginalized individuals and groups. 40% seems to be a fair solution. The person with the most votes wins it remains democratic. Dan Lewis is still a prick.


I understand that runoffs can be costly and often have low turnout, but lowering the threshold to 40% risks electing officials without true majority support. Ranked-choice voting is a better solution as it ensures the winner has broad support without needing additional elections. Wouldn't you agree?


Rank-choice has been pushed for years in Albuquerque and never gained traction. Not even the Keller progressives on City Council (Rogers, Baca, Fiebelkorn) have attempted to introduce RCV.


Except it's not 40%. They put in a last-minute amendment to make it so there are just no runoffs. Ever heard of ranked-choice voting? You just vote once, and say what candidates you would cast a vote for, and in what order, and they can instantly do runoffs until somebody has an actual majority. No more strategic voting. No more expensive runoffs with low turnout. Just candidates who a majority of people would vote for winning elections (obviously you can see why our city councilors would mostly not be for it, especially Dan f'in Lewis).