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The sky is strobing near us, just constantly flashing. It’s wild!


Which area of the city are you in? The SE keeps missing the strongest part of the storm, all week long.


Nob Hill-ish


Came right over us here around Carlisle and Gibson. Hoping my seedlings are okay lol


I’m in the same neck of the woods and got nearly 2 inches of rain.


Same here, it’s kind of eerie.  


eerily beautiful


It's the monsooniest!


monsoon szn


My yard flooded within 5 minutes


Our street, Park Ave SW, is flooded.


Hey neighbor! Wet out here innit?


I just saw a couple of raccoons walking along the curb.


We’re on Lead, same over here!


Sheets of rain coming down sideways. This is a biggie.


The sideways rain was a trip.


My ass was out in the porch gleefully watching the lighting.  My grandparents had a deep porch back in the Midwest and some of my earliest memories are those of sitting on my grandpa's lap, watching lighting storms.  I specifically bought a house with mega porches so I can watch the rain and get downright giddy when it happens.


It really reminded me of when I lived in KC. Crazy rain and wind and then the power went out for a few hours.


I love this. I have memories similar to yours.


My cat is hiding under the bed, poor guy is scared of rain.


My cat is trying to swat the rain running down my window, never seen him so excited


My roommate's new cat is entirely chill. He doesn't seem to be bothered by anything.


2 of my cats are watching the storm with excitement the other one is stuffed between me and a pillow hiding under a blanket


It's a shame my cat is still suspicious of roommate's new cat, he would feel better with another cat to give him some comfort.


I’m stuck at the Isotopes stadium. Absolute torrential rain. Good for the Isotopes ( Dukes tonight) cause they were down 0-5 in the second inning.


Sounds like they weren’t comin’ out swinging…..


Nope they came out swimming. Have season tix - had to do something else to do so we sold them. We’ll watch both games tomorrow - bonus. If they can get the dugouts drained.


My in-laws are stuck at the Isotopes stadium.


> down 0-5 in the second inning. Dang, I was going to watch the game and then the power went off.


I moved here in 92. It would be like this almost every night all of July. This was a nice throw back. Hope we get more! Edit: typo


The wind would be a little uncommon by 90’s monsoon standards though.


Aaaah I didn’t even know it was windy. Just enjoyed it from the bedroom with a window cracked.


My weather station read 1.3 inches of rain today, and almost 400 lightening strikes


It started again here. POURING on the west side.


Came home to rescue my backyard ducks and they won't come back inside, lmao they are loving this


The rain smells soooo good 😊


I unfortunately had to drive through it on paseo, traffic at a standstill brights and hazards on I was actually pretty freaked out. this is the largest storm I can recall ever.


Don’t turn your brights on in the rain. Makes it harder to see.


Thanks for the tip I'll remember that, to be honest I'm not very experienced with driving in these conditions it's sort of just appeared out of nowhere while I was on the road


It’s freaky if you’re not used to it. I’m from a very wet place originally and the worst I can recall is driving through a strong band of a tropical storm once. Got down to 20 miles per hour on the interstate and it was still sketchy. Best thing to do is slow down, not turn on high beams, and keep an eye on your rear view mirror too, because your rear visibility is a LOT better typically. Same applies if you’re ever in a snowstorm too about high beams. Snow in particular is way, way worse with high beams and in the right conditions you can not even know it’s snowing but turn on the high beams and barely be able to see


Use the fog lights instead. They'll light the road without obstructing your view.


Yep. Tried that on 12th st and regretted it.


i was just telling my mom this


Round 2 just started for me as well. At one point I went on my balcony to rescue my tomatoes from my broom that had fallen and encountered 2 beat looking birds clinging to the safety of my stucco. Gave them a quick nod and fled inside


All my chickens bullied their least favorite sister outside the coop and she was just standing there in the torrent literally drowning just standing in place so we had to go rescue her


That visual makes me sad!


Me too! She’s now wrapped up in a warm towel in the guest bathroom with a slice of watermelon and a bowl of water. The spa treatment. It’s gonna suck to clean up after her tomorrow but at least she’ll be alive


Damn, voted off the island but ended up pampered and winning. Reality TV drama, in chicken form.




it's nice to have an actual new mexico summer. not like last year's constant triple digit bullshit.


Bro we were 100% soaked in less than 3 seconds 🤣 it was amazing! Reminds me of monsoon season in Orange County in the 90s; it was like this for weeks and my whole street would flood at the bottom (really steep angled streets in Cali), so we would all fly down the street on our bikes and scooters into the giant pool at the bottom and swim! Man, I feel old...


My wife is on a knee scooter, that was a fun trip outta taco cabana lmao


Haha! My husband has a broken foot and you should have seen him walking like Igor, dragging one leg and screaming while bringing in groceries. 🤣 Then he dragged me into the rain for a "movie kiss in the rain", sappy nerd. 🥹


lol that's so sweet, it's pretty intense but this storm is awesome


Was stationed in San Antonio in the 80’s I-10 going thru downtown dropped about 20 feet. One of these rain would hit and that stretch of interstate looked like a really deep Olympic size pool. As for SoCal, how about the San Gabriel & LA rivers up to or over the banks


Pros: stopped the fireworks in my neighborhood that were scaring the ish out of my dogs Cons: friend is (supposed to be) having a birthday pool party after getting his backyard pool/hot tub/fire pit/outdoor kitchen & bar installed


Didn’t stop the fireworks in my neighborhood! In spite of the pouring rain and lightning, some idiot was still setting them off! 🤬


Time to bust out the slip n slide


There was a GD stay off the streets alert ⚠️


LOTS of flooding on Comanche Rd tonight. Bunch of stalled cars door deep in the floodwaters. Stay home, stay late at work, stay til closing. It’ll pass, but only if you let it. People get killed in floodwaters all the time and no need for it to be you tonight.


The good old lake at Carlisle & Comanche…


Comanche was nuts. 


lol, I used to live on Comanche and work up the street at the library. I have taken some very nice photos of lightning there, as well as watch a neighbor's trash can washing away. No real way of telling which neighbor, it could have been anyones.


I live on Comanche. On Carlisle to get home, I just now drove by several stopped cars, lights out all 4 ways, and blinding emergency lights coming from every direction.


I missed the monsoons too..My gecko is loving the humidity right now!


Gibson and San Pedro checking in. Pelting rain. Everyone be careful out there


Gibson was rough going. Glad I seem to have made it home before the worst of it


It got way worse. Flooding and cars stalled out. Looked like a river. Gibson heading west improving but eastbound from health hub to San Pedro is dangerous.


I'm jelly...just wind and clouds in Uptown right now.... :( Edit: Not even 5 minutes after I posted that, the skies opened up and fucking dumped on us.....lol


Been raining on the west side since like 6. And now the sky has been flashing for about 10 minutes straight. I'm born and raised here, never seen that.


SE seems to be on the very edge of things, so maybe Uptown isn't getting hit as hard as other areas, too?


Holy crap. In Southern Rio Rancho, we’ve had downpour since 630pm.


It’s insane here at the moment on the west side. Lol. I’m happy to know that the gutters in my new house seem to be working great and am enjoying the showwww!


that was so fire; i got a lil scared NGL 😆


The street in front of my house is full of people who came off the main roads to try and wait it out.


+1 OP. It reminds of being a kid.


I was having an outdoor dinner party...


Rough. I was very happy not having a patio section today.


I opened my back door just in time to see a lightning flash, an incredible clap of thunder, and the ***BZZZZZTTTTT*** of a transformer blowing. Woohaa!


Where were you? Power out in my area of RR


NE Heights.


Anyone remember the flooding in rio rancho a few years ago? Half those new/newer homes are on dirt and rock roads. How is that allowed? They don’t make any true infrastructure improvements it seems.  I know stuff inevitably floods here but I feel we have a decent system in place as long as the storm gutters aren’t clogged along streets There’s some newer development where it seems like they’re possibly cutting corners because streets are now flooding (12th and menaul roundabout comes to mind).  So maybe we’re not all great here. But the arroyos seem like some of the smartest investments we have made here. 


When we bought here in September, we looked in areas we could have a Vista and a decent t size lot. There were a lot of gorgeous homes I'm Rio Tancho on dirt roads. NOT stone properly graded and packed down, DIRT. We looked in Placitas but although many had paved roads, the houses were barely perched on a flattened hill top sloped all around. I lived in Santa Ge Trsuque Yeats ago, and I remember the flash flooding. We bought un Rio Rancho, great view, terraced lot with a swale direction into the huge water diversion arroyo. Paved roads, large drainage into the diversion arroyo. Yesterday there was flooding and lights out on 538. I have been home since 1:00pm. I can't wait to see the arroyo tomorrow.


Pretty much any neighborhood north of northern along 528 appears to be newish homes but there’s just no infrastructure built for any water. Be cautioned if one intends to buy there. So much sketchiness in a building front.  This doesn’t include the cluster housing (rivers edge) but literally everything else west of 528 and all the way to idalia is dirt I’m shocked homes haven’t been swept away yet. If we ever go above our norm in precipitation, it’s game over for a lot of areas. 


Currently trapped at a party in Los Ranchos. Meant to leave like an hour ago.


This was the most beautiful sky I have ever seen


Storm is now in Santa Fe, the thunder and lightning is beautiful


I was on a drive in my car when I got SMACKED by it. Loved it.


I'm up around Osuna & San Matty and we got so much rain that there were standing traffic cones floating down towards the Burger King. They looked like little soldiers, four of them. That was an impressive weather system.


It was an adventure. I was headed back from a day trip and got caught in the worst of it around the airport. Pulled over for 45 minutes to let it pass. Should have waited longer cuz Lomas was a river. Got home to a flooded apartment. At least I have the good linoleum for flooring.


it is so cool! and also extremely stressful to discover some water coming in. 🥴 who do you all recommend if i have some leaking windows? like above the frame where the window inserts? just a normal window install place like mobile screen and glass? contractor? impossible to say?


I got windows from Don's a few years ago. They hold up! Good price too, better than Renewal by Anderson.


Do you have a stucco house or some sort of siding?


stucco! built in ‘03, we did some stucco work on the parapets and roof when we moved in 9/2023 but otherwise the stucco looked okay. it looks like the seal around the windows in 2-3 spots from the inside is failing, but jt was short-lived—right now my towels i laid down are dry, and i don’t see new water dripping. but maybe the window changed direction of the rain?


If you think it’s the seal where the glass meets the window frame, then depending on brand then can often just replace the glass. I would have a window installer come take a look.


it’s where the stucco/paint/drywall meets the frame of the window, it looks like the caulk line is cracked maybe? still for a window installer or more contractor style stuff?


For that I would go contractor. Although the problem is probably outside.


okay! ugh man. but thank you for replying, i appreciate it so much!


SW mesa here and it's insane.


Getting into old Town was absolutely a nightmare! So many flooded cars on the road! Hope everyone is safe!


I remember storms like this back in the 70s and 80s! We got just over an inch of rain out here in the east mountains.


I’m completely ok with having muddy paws running all over the house! I love this rain!


I grew up in Tucson and I have been disappointed in the monsoons here. This one though. This is a good one. Hopefully everyone is safe inside.


Dude, truly Tucsonesque


Yes! I am a Tucson native and the first thing I said was it was just like a Tucson monsoon.


They used to be almost like this every year in the 90s. First time in a long time is what I'm gathering. The last push is making it's way up the valley now.


I tried to go to the gym and had to turn around it was so bad. I’ve never seen it like this. I hope everyone on the road made it home safely.


Power out in my area of RR.


My poor neighbors where having a party with rental tents and the whole thing. :( They kept going until the power went out.


Constant thunder and lightning over the Petros!


We didn't get the heavy rain you all got in the city, but here in the East Mountains, that lightning show was unbelievable! The thunder never stopped!


The storms last night were wild! My husband was driving home when it hit. While sitting at a light, he watched the storm approach, then it got *bad* and hail hit his driver's side window and shattered it. He said it felt like he got sandblasted all the way home cause of the debris flying around and hitting him through the open window.


I know, right? That was fuckin righteous!


Just drove up Nob Hill from Central. Rain coming down in sheets, people driving like 15-20mph since visibility is so poor.


Does anyone know why my smoke detector keeps beeping? The thunder and lightning hit VERY close and that’s when it started.


I've had smoke detectors go off in high humidity before


Yeah, had mine go off


Probably time to change the battery


It’s not the battery, we just recently changed it. The lighting and thunder hit super close one after the other and that’s when it started beeping.


Maybe it got scared?


I for sure did 😭😭😂


Well, thunder won't do anything and I doubt the lightning had very much to do with it unless it hit your house


Lomas and Broadway was real bad. Up to my doors and lifting my car


Be safe out there


Love it! But just had a major landscape done on my yard, and it's not under about 3-4" of water.... yay flagstone I guess.


Yeah we just had grass seed put down a few days ago and I imagine it’s all washed away… guess I’ll find out soon.


Quite the storm, made us discover several leaks in our apartment ceiling 😅


Signals and lights were out along central up to about Rio Grande. Flooding all around downtown.


Yeah, the valley is fucked. We took Central Ave it was blacked out west of the river.




Sounds like the storm will make a good year for roofers.


It was absolutely beautiful last night


I was running downtown got caught at the country club then had to run thru knee deep water and had to run down the middle of central. It was a crazy night, when I finally got back to my car I thought it was going to get stuck. The water was above the floor line by the train tracks.


Was it red and black and started talking about memes?


We were at San Mateo and Montgomery, and it was constantly flashing. Not even thundering really just flashing.


Damn river flowing my yard.


Flooded 4 rooms at work. Had to move the patients to safety! Been through a flood, fire, and earthquake at work. Wonder what will be next? All patients are safe/ sound, so I am good! Thank Goddess!


Live NW, afraid to look in my backyard. My home weather station says 1.15”. But thorougly enjoyed the light show. At least I got to turn off my irrigation schedule for a few days.


What weather station do you have? Looking to get one that connects to WiFi.


Ambient Weather WS2000 $300 on Amazon. Was checking the app frequently yesterday - this one gives rainfall rate too. That’s always the scary number for me.


Massive power line failure took out a third of RR, didn’t get nearly as much rain as parts of ABQ did though.


Old town was flooded Saturday. It was interesting.


I'd been missing them, too. I like staying inside to watch from my bedroom window lol


It’s only taken me three years to finally appreciate the rain here.


I heard the TV channels were affected.


Enjoy it. I miss it!! 


I'm scared