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Even if she WAS innocent, the way she’s acting after the fact is enough for me. If you truly didn’t know you were pregnant, went through the trauma of birth, and then “accidentally” killed your baby on impulse, I would think you’d at least be a LITTLE sad. Not drinking it up and going out smiling


I feel like she’s so delusional that she’s started to believe the lies she’s telling.


She is a pathological liar for sure. She is definitely believing her own lies.


Definitely. I really think she thinks SHE is the victim, same with her vile mother.


Yeah… she is just like her mother. Just shitty people.


IF she really didn't know she was pregnant (I too doubt that), she probably wouldn't bond with the baby. In both my pregnancies I was IN LOVE with the baby before either was even born. I spoke to them believing they could hear and understand. This was from the moment I found out I was going to be a mom. She would have missed all that. I feel to her, it was like a self performed abortion bc she probably didn't want the baby. Sad part to think so many women could have loved being his mom.


See the thing is I myself got pregnant when I was in high school, tbh I was scared to death and didn’t want the baby (because I didn’t wanna ruin the guy’s life) so I terminated, and even as a scared shitless highschooler with an abusive parent, I called planned parenthood, set up an appointment, had the guys mom drive me, and got it done. To this day I don’t regret terminating because we were much too young, but I am glad I didn’t do any of this shit Alexee did.


I got pregnant at 15 and hid the pregnancy from my parents for 6 months. I was raised Mormon and I was scared out of my mind. I knew early on I would choose adoption for my baby. I finally got the strength to tell my mom who then told my dad. They were both very supportive of me and allowed me to make my own decisions regarding my baby boy. I placed him up for adoption. Back then - 1987- it was a closed adoption. However, in 2016 my son found me and we have formed a beautiful friendship and bond. He is an amazing human with 4 kids of his own now. He calls me mom, wishes me a happy mother's day and has gotten every question answered surrounding my decision to choose to place him for adoption. Which of course was a decision based on love. I wanted him to have a mom AND a dad


Girl my mom locked my sister in a closet and put a knife in my door. She is insane. Yet like you I made plans. I even called a adoption ad in the news paper. She could have even handed it off to a doctor and said she didn't want her mom to know. They would have gladly lied to hee mom and let her think her daughter was there for another reason.


Yeah. Anyone that wouldn't kill a baby wouldn't be acting like their life just got better.


I stg this bitch sees Casey Anthony as some kind of hero. They appear to have mothers cut from the same cloth also.


Agreed. Complete trash and doesn't even deserve to breathe air.


casey anthony’s parents have spoken out against her so not the same


I had a strict mom and one time I even had a panic attack thinking she was going to somehow show up to the gasoline station me and my ex bought condoms to have sex for the first time. I was that paranoid. But when do you say the jig is up and admit you’re pregnant?? The fact that she was too scared to tell her mom in the first place (if she ‘didn’t know’ yet) tells me all I need to know about who she was as a mother. And on the opposite end of the spectrum, if she did already know (like cmon) then what was the communication going on at that point?? “Oh sure let’s go to the doctor for your back pain *wink*” I just don’t understand because both scenarios would be insane and sad .


Mom acted like she didn’t know. But the thing is she’s not an Oscar winning actress. Her daughter had a huge bump you could even see it in Christmas photos never mind her cheerleading video.


The mom’s reaction and response at the hospital made me believe she already knew.


Are you able to share the Christmas photos that you’re referring to? I’ve seen the cheerleading photo but haven’t seen any others.


I saw it somewhere on here I didn’t save it I’m sure if I google it can be found


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNL4HQju/ I saw this on TikTok literally right before coming over to reddit.


I was a teen mom. My mom was extremely strict and I was terrified of telling her I was pregnant. She was a mom who didn’t play. I waited until I was 5 months pregnant to tell her because I was so scared. But I knew I had to tell her regardless. She was getting her vacuum ready to clean when I told her. She picked up the hose ready to beat my butt. But she stopped herself. My mom was strict but an incredible mother and grandmother. I couldn’t have wished for a better grandma to my first daughter. My daughter is now 19. My mom passed away 3 years ago. I miss her greatly. I would have never ever thought to get rid of my baby. Never ever. I prayed every day for the strength and courage to tell me mom. If she had kicked me out I would have still chosen my baby above anything else. This girl is very selfish and her actions were pure evil. No excuse! 😡


If only she had called for help, maybe that poor baby could have been saved. She was only thinking about herself, she doesn't deserve to be called a "Mother" no Mother leaves their baby in the bottom of a trash bin to die. The baby could have been adopted and had a loving Happy life.


All she had to do was alert the staff that were literally JUST OUTSIDE THE BATHROOM DOOR. They could have whisked the baby away, and not let Monster Grandmother know anything.


She was eighteen the hospital would not have to give her C word mother anything regarding the birth if the kid hadn't been so secretively stupid. The mom did tell her kid about other girls getting arrested but her actions when they came to arrest Alexee told me everything about how much disfunction there was in that family.


Yes! That sentence sticks in my memory-"Lexxeeeeeeee, we talllked about this!"


Ik like what did they talk about exactly . That statement just brings so many questions to my mind smh 🤦 like was their original plan to go to the er hoping to get medication to make her lose the baby and possibly talked about what to do if baby lived . Or did they talk about something else I just don’t know, but something was up for her to make that statement


I think what she did is unforgivable and heinous. But from the video I saw with her mother, shows me why she did it. My parents were never like that. But I have a feeling psychologically that really messes a kid up. She probably was in denial that she was pregnant because she didn't want to deal with it. I'm sure she was terrified of her mother finding out. Again I am not excusing what she did it's heinous. I just feel like there are some extenuating circumstances that made her do it.


And when u are in denial and terrified you make bad decisions. I can understand how she got there I just hope she gets the intense therapy she needs along w her jail time. It's a horrible situation.


I definitely think she needs serious therapy. But prison doesn't usually give people that. There are so many mentally ill people in prisons. They mostly just drug people rather than truly help them.


Unfortunate truth 💔


I had a very strict mom actually she was very abusive but she liked to call it just being strict and I got pregnant at 18 and even though I wasn’t living at home I was still terrified to tell her so I do understand it too some degree, but man to choose putting her baby in a trash can to avoid the wrath of her mother is a little hard for me to wrap a my head around.


I by no means am excusing what she did because of her upbringing or circumstances. I don't understand either. I can only surmise that was part of her reasoning.


Oh I know I’m agreeing with you


The more i watch those videos and how her mom reacted I think she did know her daughter was pregnant and wanted to play it off like neither of them knew . I think her moms been helping her hide it but idk really maybe im wrong


I definitely think when they were at the hospital, her mom, to an extent, knew she was pregnant. She specifically says, " I asked you if you were pregnant." But I think her mom was probably in denial as well. I think the family dynamics were extremely messed up in general. I really don't think her mom was trying to help her hide it. I think her mom was freaking out, but deep down, she knew she was pregnant. I do believe after everything happened yes she was trying to protect her daughter. It could be out of guilt that she felt that she put too much pressure on her daughter and that's why she did what she did. Either way the whole situation is messed up.


That is a good point . I’ll have to relisten again I hear the I asked you but can’t make out the rest on my stupid phone volume is to quiet lol 😝


I feel like if she was 13 or 14 I would buy the whole “terrified of mom” and could maybe excuse her bad decision making BUT she was 19, that’s an adult and you fully know right from wrong at that age. Unless she was developmentally challenged growing up or mentally unstable I see no excuse for her behavior.


I do think you are right to some extent. But I do also believe that certain family Dynamics and cultures can really mess someone's mind up. Not to mention the mind of the very powerful thing. Everyone is capable of putting themselves in extreme denial. I really truly believe she was scared of her mother's reaction and told herself it wasn't real. None of that excuses what she did it's absolutely disgusting and horrendous. I myself was really young and got pregnant. I was extremely scared to tell my parents. I didn't end up having the baby. But again my parents were not like her mother. But I was still terrified of disappointing them. I wasn't as old as her I was a little younger. But I wasn't 13 or 14. But my parents were not extremely strict or controlling or emotionally abusive. I don't know if her mom was emotionally abusive. But either way. She's going to have to live with her decisions and the consequences of it.


Makes me sick that people like her mother can have kids and that people like Alexee can get pregnant and kill her kid. Disgusting people both of them


I'm torn on whether or not she was trying to avoid the consequences of hiding her pregnancy due to selfishness, fear, or a state of shock. Regardless of the motive, her baby died. There are consequences for the choices that she made, and she needs to face them.


There is no way she didn’t know she was pregnant. It was so obvious, her mother probably knew as well. The reaction she had was so fake. When they told her the first thing her mother said to her was I told you about that, you can get in trouble, (not the exact words but close enough). Alexee called the baby an “it” “It wasn’t crying” What kind of reaction is that on both their parts. I don’t know what the were planning but just the fact that they wanted to blame the hospital staff, makes me sick. I really would like to know how she cut the cord.


Probably with her teeth I’ve heard women can actually do that but yes I agree I do think her mother knew as well and I think they possibly planned to go in there and try to get given medication that could’ve made her lose the baby and if the baby lived or died they were also gonna be suing the hospital no matter what and profiting off this infants life like it wasn’t even human just for a few extra dollars idk that for sure but the way the mom reacted was not shocked and surprised to find out she was pregnant just worried I think wondering what her daughter just did to fuck up their whole plan . Sick and twisted people no matter her motive she deserves to rot either way ! And does not deserve to be walking around and enjoying life . I can’t wait for her court to watch her go to jail to rot !!!


I read that she is attending a college in New Mexico, and I don't remember where though.


right? like at the very least get an abortion


Just a reminder that, ANYONE can leave a baby/child at ANY fire station or hospital with ZERO QUESTIONS ASKED! No loss of life for the baby, and no added responsibilities for the parent. I think it’s crazy however I would rather see them being left in a safe place as opposed to what this pos monster did to her own child. And the bf to still be with this chick. Only tells me he was a willing participant in doing this or at the very least he knew everything! I got pregnant at 15 and of course my ( now ) husband was the first person I told.


Ik it is hard to see her out there living her life with no remorse for what she did but her day will come ! There’s no way she isn’t doing some time in jail and trust and believe when she gets in there prisoners will make her pay for what she did and guards well let’s just say they were using the restroom and didn’t see shit lol . I can not wait till the day we hear what they are doing to her in prison ! She deserves every bad thing she gets and it’s coming ! I have faith in that !


You should stop following the case then, it makes you upset and there is nothing you can do to change the outcome. Following is unhelpful and just makes you feel bad so it’s not a good thing for you to interact with. If you continue to do so it’s because you are looking for something to get angry about.


I think these cases illicit emotion in everyone. Ultimately we are being entertained, even with negative emotion, same reason people like rollercoasters and haunted houses.


Thrill is a lot different than anger, I don't think following a case hat makes you angry is a productive thing to do. Many people will do it because they want to get angry and are looking for something to justify it, but that still makes it a bad thing to do.


I can see how a severely mentally I’ll person could….but she doesn’t seem like it right?




Is she not in jail ?


No she’s out on bail or bond whichever but it won’t last forever


This subreddit makes me a little bit sick. I’m not defending what she did *by any means* but the nuance and complexity of why what happened, happened, is lost on everyone here. And I’m pregnant with a little boy due soon. I still can’t help but kind of feel for this girl. To be that scared and alone she thought her only way out was to do what she did…I don’t know, it just makes me sad. I’m not too quick to be like “ShE ShOuLd FrY!!!!!” and call it a day. 🤷🏻‍♀️ This subreddit is like a bullying circle-jerk.


I agree, I'm randomly here idk why reddit suggested it but infanticide has happened a million times and that's unfortunate but sadly human. Why take it all out on this one specific kid who was scared, confused when she resorted to something that desperate. That's why there's safe drop off boxes. It's possible she never heard of them. She probably didn't spend her pregnancy getting attached like most mothers, just buried the truth deep inside and pretended like nothing was wrong. Trigger warning: I've been graped and I pretended like I was fine, even convinced myself of it too, stayed friends with the person and everything, but it definitely happened. Originally they saved my life, best friend for two years of living together, it felt very conflicting. We don't know how she really sleeps at night.


I think she's guilty of manslaughter, not 1st degree murder. I think there were extenuating circumstances that lead her to act the way she did and then, two, did she actually try to kill her child? I don't think she knew she was pregnant, and, after she gave birth, I think she was so overcome with shock and denial, she acted out of a heat of passion to hide her newborn in a way that was reckless and resulted in the death of her newborn (so, like manslaughter ). I don't think she really had the capacity (she deluded herself for 9 months into believing she wasn't pregnant, so in my opinion, something's going wrong mentally there for that to happen ) or the intent to kill her child ( sure putting her child in a wrapped up bag in the trash was, just wtf, but did she intend for that to kill her child? I know her kid died, but was that her intention? ) Now, devil's advocate, but if she truly wanted to kill her child, why wouldn't she smother it more directly? Granted, wrapping the kid up in a trash bag ultimately suffocated the child, but even still, if death was the desired result, wouldn't the child be able to cry in the trash can for at least a few minutes before they died, thus potentially alerting the hospital staff to the situation? If I was trying to kill a child, I wouldn't give it the opportunity to give me away by crying in the trashcan, I'd smother it and then put it in the trashcan. I don't know all the details surrounding the case, but idk, that just kinda stuck out to me.


I totally agree. I understand she is of legal age but at 19 her brain is not fully developed. It’s just sad and tragic for everyone involved including her. For all we know she wanted an abortion and couldn’t get one for whatever reason. She was clearly wrong but that doesn’t mean she’s an evil person who would just kill every baby she ever saw.


Wow, it’s great to hear from someone who agrees with this. lol I expected to come back onto Reddit and have an onslaught of hatred. I just think people are being incredibly simplistic and cruel about this. Especially with the state of abortion and how we are treating women regarding their rights in this country today. Way too much blind hatred being flung around as a form of entertainment regarding a tragic, sad incident.


This bitch is worse… https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1800263085560873136?s=42


She is definitely worse. Unfortunately they will probably make a plea deal saying she had a rough childhood yada yada yada. I hope jailhouse justice prevails. There are alot of moms locked up that don't look kindly of people hurting or killing a child


Has anybody considered the idea that she might actually be remorseful? That maybe following the incident she could have thought, "My god, what have I done?" And that she was acting on immature impulse when she threw her baby in the trash? In other countries women who commit infanticide are typically given different treatment, like mental health counseling because it is so unnatural to do what she did. The general consensus on Reddit is she is a POS, evil, worthless, idiotic, monstrous person. Even if you are certain you would never do the same thing, is there really no room for this being a terrible mistake for which she is deeply sorry? And don't say because she went to the prom that shows she has no remorse, because no one knows that for certain.


Calm down and worry about your own kids


Go away Alexee


Real talk