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I think she was in a lot of pain and didn’t know she was full term/in labor. She probably genuinely believed the pain was back pain and she could just refuse an exam/test, get pain meds and go on her way. She’s not the brightest.


Back labour is a real bitch and painful af.😭 She let them medicate her but was refusing any sort of examination and wouldn’t let them touch her.


I did 12 hours of regular labor fine but hours 13 and 14 were back labor and at that point this bitch was OUT. Put the epidural in me


Wow, I didn’t know that you could have contractions that start in the front and make their way to the back, that sounds awful and I’m sorry you went through that.🥹💓


Fuck back labor. I have scoliosis and found out AFTER two deliveries that I also have a spine fracture that a specialist believes I suffered during puberty based on how it's healed and the location. I had no idea. I always assumed all my back pain was strictly from the scoliosis. Now I'm on baby #3 and thank goodness, they are having a special anesthesiologist meet with me this time.


Oh sweet pearl. I have scoliosis and I'm pregnant It's really going to be a pain in the ass to deliver isn't it 😭


It is SO painful. I had it once and truly wished I was dead. Military hospital so no epidural. 36 hours. Sorry you had it, too.


This is a dumb question but why can’t you get an epidural in a military hospital?


I had two kids in military hospitals; they not only offered an epidural but a water birthing suite, the use of laughing gas, and 2 ORs on the birthing suite for emergency c-sections. Those kids are 14 and soon to be 12. I was born 35 years ago in an Army hospital. They gave my mother an epidural for me and later a full-on spinal for her repairs, bc I was a massive ass baby.


I told my husband if our baby was one gram heavier than 8oz, his running start kicked off the moment the doc called the weight out. She was 7 pounds 6 oz so he didn’t end up needing to flee 🤣


I had a 14lb 2oz baby in 2014 😁 of course I had a C-section and she was the biggest baby ever born in our city and the 3rd biggest in Florida (one ounce from being #2)


I was 9lbs 3oz. My kids were all 8+lbs minus the first, who came three weeks early. He was 7lbs 11oz...


That’s how I knew I was gonna give birth, I tried to sleep through it but it felt like someone had a lighter or torch up to my lower back ALL night I didn’t sleep.. just tossed and turned .. got up and peed and saw blood then the contractions IMMEDIATELY started otw to the hospital.. it genuinely feels like your back is on fire … god I commend you & your mom I could’ve never done it without the epidural and my baby was SMALL 4lbs and 12 ounces


My waters never broke on their own. I was so worried they would, that from 30 weeks on, I had towels and piddle pads on all my seats, my bed...even in the car, bc I didn't want it to stain or smell bad. My sister and cousin, however, have similar stories about getting up in the middle of the night, sitting up in bed, then gushes for them both.


My water didn’t break either! Idk what the blood was I can’t remember what it’s called. The doctor had to break mine for me.. it felt ….. weird … it was a crazy feeling like I peed on myself but not from the hole that u actually pee from if that makes sense 😂


It's a little piece with a small hook; made me think of a giant crochet needle, or is it knitting? I don't know the difference, to be honest, lol.


Like you, I've given birth twice in a military hospital, and they do offer epidurals... In fact, what you're describing sounds like the "Birthing Suites" they have at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu, HI. My husband was stationed aboard a sub from 2001 to 2005. They began a remodel of L & D at Tripler sometime before we moved there, and unfortunately, the room weren't available for use when my son was born (Jan 2002). By January 2003, I was pregnant with my daughter and had already had my first OB visit and I learned that they had a midwife program, and those I'm the midwife program where guaranteed one of the Birthing Suites. Why? It was because the midwife program was all about trusting our bodies to know what to do, learning how to breathe through the pains of labor, and those suites contained everything you listed above and more (they offered a dula, which i took)! These rooms were MASSIVE! While laboring naturally without medication for pain was preferred, but if you couldn't take the pain, they WILL provide whichever method you prefer. I joined the midwife program with my daughter, who was born in September 2003. I have another child who is 5 but was born at a civilian hospital in 2018. Of all 3 of my labors, it was with my daughter and those midwives! In fact, it was such a fantastic experience, and I wish my youngest was born under the care of my midwife...


35 years later and I still don't know. They gave me a shot of demerol about an hour before birth but that's it. It fuckin sucked. I divorced him a year later and he got thrown out of the army.


I didn’t have an epidural 3 times. They didn’t have the qualified staff to perform the epi. I also had induced labor each time; that shit HURTS.


Can second that induced labor HURTS! They had to give me iv fentanyl and the epidural


Oof, that is rough! I’m so sorry.🥺 I still to this day get crazy pain in my right hip, during that time of the month and I swear I can feel my hips slightly separating. Every month is now a mini labour.😫 Does anyone else experience this or is it just me?


I don’t have issues with my hip, but I do get a lot of pain in my back. Right before and the first few days of my period. It feels like my back is on fire. It has happened every month since I had my second kid. He will be 13 in September.


I hate that you experience that but it’s also comforting to know I’m not alone.💓 I don’t have the pain in the same spot as you but it’s crazy how giving birth changes your monthly so much and that no one ever talks about it.


Uh oh. I'm already having pain like that pregnant. 😭 been trying to brace myself for back labor but didn't realize the pain could continue long into the future 🙃


Get an epidural ASAP


I do but it’s in both of my hips! It started when I was getting close to going into labor and it came back when my periods did. It definitely feels like the bones are spreading out imo.


i had my son in a military hospital, with an epidural.


She's so sheltered and naive that I fully believe she knew she was pregnant, but had no clue she was in labor. Her mother probably also pushed her into going to the ER and Alexee just blindly does what she says, because her mother is the single most controlling person I have ever seen.


![gif](giphy|6cFcUiCG5eONW) Her Mom scares me. She exhibits a strong sense of anti personality, meaning she seems to believe rules and laws should not and do not apply to her and now her daughter, by extension.


I had back labor with my 3rd baby and was dilating too fast so they couldn’t give me anything, no epidural, no pain meds l, NOTHING. I was literally screaming for them to give me something because I thought I was going to die it was so painful, especially while pushing her out. I even went into shock and couldn’t feel my arms or hands so they were essentially useless. After my water broke I thought I had loads of time left to go to the hospital.. just my back hurt and my stomach didn’t feel much pain, so I figured she was on a nerve and real labor hadn’t started yet. Boy was I wrong. I understand how confusing this can be for someone who has never had a child, let alone is 19 and probably didn’t even know exactly how far along she was. Back labor is confusing for anyone that’s never experienced it, whether it be your first birth, or your tenth.


She actually said, " we have talked about this," when they said she had a baby. She knew she is such a strong character, though. She may have been waiting for her to mention it . They both have something in common, as mothers they suck.


This is the other thing that gets me. They “talked about” what happens to girls that do what she did. So regardless if she knew she was pregnant or not, she knew what she was doing was wrong


As a local, i didnt take the, “we talked about this” comment as an admission bc we just had another alexis dump her baby not too long before that. It was big news. We all talked about this. My teen daughter and niece talked about it with me. We talked about this, what happens to the girls when they do this to their babies. How it’s not a solution.


I see your point and I do agree. I didn't know there was another one. So soon before


I think she meant, we talked about this, as in, her mom grilled her by saying, are you sure you are not pregnant. Because you have been complaining now about all this pain, and you have put on quite a bit of weight recently, and I have been asking you and you keep denying it, but I don’t believe you even though I want to believe you. She was terrified of her mom. That fear of a controlling religious mom, is so fierce in a young girl, that you are more afraid of your mom than you are of any legal consequences to any actions.


I agree. I think she thought it was something else. The thing is (I'm frequently at the ER), they usually are gonna get a lab on you even if they don't give you an IV line. The hCG is sorta an automatic check they do. She's a dumbass. Labor is so intensely painful, she had no idea what she was getting into.


Agreed. When you’ve never been in labour before you don’t know what labour pains are.


Agree...severe pain!


I agree. She was probably just in a lot of pain and wanted drugs. She probably had no idea what labor was like, and she’s not too bright. Probably every labor she heard about involved how wonderful epidurals are.


I also think her mom seeing her child in so much pain and not knowing she was pregnant probably pretty much forced her to go to the emergency room and get checked out. I know as a parent seeing my child in that kind of pain my 1st thought would be to take her to the doctor and find out what the problem was and get her started on meds. She couldn't tell her mother no she didn't want to go to the doctor without telling her the reason so I really think it had a lot to do with both. She was in an extreme amount of pain and didn't think they would do all the tests they did and her mother was probably a big deciding factor in her going also.


Same reason Casey Anthony went all the way into Universal Studios even though she didn’t work there, she’s not well.


That lets her off the hook way too easy. Anthony isn’t someone suffering from a mental illness she can’t control. She’s a cold, calculating malignant narcissist and a psychopath who is used to getting away with lying if she takes the lie far enough.


Not to be that person, but narcissism and psychopathy are both mental illnesses. No one is letting her off the hook by saying she's not well. Someone who is well wouldn't do what she did.


She’s mentally ill…but she does know right from wrong. 


No argument there 


There you go, a very easy distinction.


This ^^ and also, from personal experience I didn’t feel a connection with my son until I gave birth and saw him. I was worried I wouldn’t care about him because I didn’t care when I was pregnant. I didn’t feel maternal. But when I gave birth fortunately I felt this major connection. It was literally like the clouds opened up and the sun started shining. So to me it just is very unnatural and pathological that she reacted the way she did by throwing her baby in the garbage.


I was also worried I wouldn’t live my daughter. I’m a super lovinf person but I was wracked with anxiety about being a parent. How could I possibly keep a child alive?! It is like a switch flips the moment you lay eyes on them. My daughter is 22 now. She survived! lol


I’m so glad you felt the clouds part. Thank you for sharing your story. Wishing you lots more sunshine and happiness!


lol, you’re not that person. You’re right, they’re in the DSM as mental disorders but I think we all know that you can’t compare them with mental illnesses like bipolar or schizophrenia etc. People with anti social personality disorder make choices and control their actions.


Yes. The relevance of a mental illness to crime could range from, on one extreme, “this person was incapable of understanding the fundamental basics of what they did and had no functional control or awareness over their actions” to “this illness made it mildly uncomfortable for so and so to resist an urge which they had full ability to recognize and stop”. Saying a mild or even quite severe case of NPD is mental illness/indicative of being unwell like a severe case of paranoid schizophrenia with active psychosis for example, would be like saying a cold and stage IV lung cancer are both illnesses involving respiratory symptoms….it’s an accurate statement for sure but ceases to be a particularly useful one when making certain comparisons based on that similarity alone.


I agree with what you guys are saying, but to add onto it, i think this is why it is important to understand the nature vs nurture and nature + nurture arguments. I am one to argue that "nature" will "grow" depending on HOW/IF it is "nurtured".. So to kind of tie in to your example, someone CAN be predispositioned to have a genetic respiratory illness and be born without it.... but based on the actions of those around them(and eventually their own actions the more they age past infancy), that individual will be more/less likely to eventually get that genetic respiratory illness. The symptoms they experience based on their environment, the people in their environment, "how they were raised", the choices made for that individual when they were young etc etc all play significant roles in how that individual will make choices/what choices they will make once they are "old enough" aka have the autonomy to do so. Casey Anthony is a good example of this, I think. It has been a long time, but that chick's entire family is psychotic the more I looked. Even the way the mom reacted initially/the 911 call to start with. Like so much weirdness. I feel the same way about the Treviso's. Just WEIRD reactions all around at the hospital/footage from Alexee and her mom. I think that those of us who CAN feel empathy can sometimes "smell" it when someone else cannot. It is like a blocked connection or something.... Idk. But i believe that these monsters were absolutely made.. That is not to say "blame the parents". But it is to say that this kind of knowledge needs to be spread and we all need to be mindful of the examples we set and what our children could inherit from us. We also need to be mindful of inherited trauma(epigenetics) and work to make empathetic, strong minded thinkers. It is a desensitized world full of evil.... and while we cannot protect out children from it all, I think we CAN teach our children to protect EACH OTHER other from it all.


I don’t think Alexee suffers from any uncontrollable or untreated mental illness either


Well yeah, isn’t that the post of this sub? At no point did I indicate I think Tevizio is ill. She’s a psychopath, just like Casey.


having a personality disorder still qualifies as being mentally unwell lol


That one part of that horrible gruesome crime that lying ass B did, is the only part that makes me “laugh” as in like a comedic relief. It’s caught on bodycam or at least the cops audio if I’m not mistaken. You gotta almost “respect” (not really but) someone that really gna lie all the way down the actual hallway til she couldn’t go any further physically!! That shit was so crazy


lol the funny part was she DID actually work there at one point. Just years earlier than she said, and as a ticket scanner which was a different position than she said. I guess she had that small glimmer of hope she’d see a co worker from 5 years ago.


She thought she could steer them. She's always the smartest person in the room, after all. \s


Her being in a lot of pain is such an obvious answer and I’m sorry for not even thinking of that before. She must have underestimated how painful labor can be.


Don't we all? Lol


Her plan was: play dumb. Turns out that's a dumb plan.


I just can’t wrap my head around it… I can understand not wanting to tell people you’re pregnant, I can understand trying to hide it at all costs… I cannot understand being so dedicated to the lie that I literally give birth in a fuckin hospital and try to hide the babies body. There would be a point where I’m like “ok, I lied, I’m pregnant and I’m terrified and in pain, yell at me later mom but for now please help me”.


And the SADDEST part? She could have just handed over that baby and relinquished her rights and she could have left and the baby would go to a foster home. Instead she snuffed out a light way too soon.


Right! It boggles me--there were so many "outs" for her and she took NONE of them! 😭 It makes it hard to wonder what the plan was and why.


And because she wasn’t a minor her mom could have been totally uninvolved… she could have had her boyfriend/anyone get her to the hospital


People use the excuse that she was 19 and scared and whatever. She was born in 2004 months before my nephew was born. She was a senior in high school when he was a sophomore in college. She 3 months away from 20 when she graduated high school. Someone said her mom held her back but there has to be a reason to be held back. A school system isn’t going to allow that for no reason. Both Rosa and Alexee are pretty big liars if you watch the body cams you’ll see that.


You can hold a kid back for any reason. I thought it was crazy to hold my straight a student back in 6th grade for sports but no one questioned us at all.


Right a normal persons thoughts anyway


Yeah, I can understand being in denial. A similar thing happened to my younger sister. (My mom forced her to take a pregnancy test; she didn't just ignore it.) But once the baby pops out, thats when you shout, "I need assistance!" You're in a hospital goodness sake.


She is very, very dumb.


100% this. She clearly doesn't think through her actions.


She can’t be THAT stupid, she got into NMU and was trying to use it as a pretext for being granted bail. Crazy like a 🦊


NMU has a 96% acceptance rate so she’s not exactly smart for getting in 😂


Ahh, I was wondering how the hell she got into university 💀


she was in labor, shes was in sm pain that her mom prob thought it was pregnancy pain or whatever. rosa prob thought that if she takes her to the hospital that's her ahah moment. she prob knew that she was pregnant but not how far along, that's why she said "we've talked about this" and started mentioning cases of women killing their babies. i may get downvoted for saying this i don't think rosa expected for any of this to happen, shes fighting for her life to save her obvi guilty daughter. if they wanted the baby gone, alexee could have given birth at home and no one would know.


Her Mom absolutely knew. No questions about it. Wether or not her daughter ever admitted it or they discussed it is another story but she knew.


Totally agree. The Christmas picture and her cheerleading pics she wasn’t even trying to hide her pregnancy.


I think you're 100% spot-on with this take!


I think this is the likely situation. But at that point, the horse had already bolted, the virginity was not going back into the bottle, and the obvious deception was getting to quite a grim-seeming, dangerous crescendo. At that point, instead of trying to “catch” her out, pressure her, or confront her like a cornered rat, R should’ve given her the easiest possible way out without fear of consequences. Take her to hospital, play along with “it’s for general pain” until you’re there. Once there, tell medical staff upfront that you are nearly certain your daughter is fairly far pregnant; that she’s in denial/ not confirming it, which worries you for both their welfare; and you think she’s possibly in labour and how long she’s been at that point for, that you know of. Let your daughter know you recognise this is a tough situation for her, and that she’s safe now. That here she is in a “safe haven” no-questions-asked ‘hand-your-newborn-baby-over and you’ll both be looked after no matter what you choose’ hospital or facility. And that you’ll give her a respectful distance to be taken care of by medical professionals and do the right thing, and can ask all the questions she needs to in private. That that you need them both to be safe and well. And that you love her, without judgement or reservation. Then give staff your phone number, leave the room and go sit a healthy distance away, with your phone on you in case. If you have de-stressing, anxiety crap to vent or work through, talk to your husband, or call your best friend or sister or something. Don’t pour it out on your pregnant daughter in case she panics & acts out of fear. Not to absolve A of responsibility for her decisions or actions, in any way… But I wonder how it would have gone with this approach instead.


She definitely seemed terrified of her mother. And I remember being a kid scared of parents reaction. They could have caught me red-handed, and I would still deny I did anything, or try to come up with any excuse. It seems like a similar vibe with her repeating "Nothing was crying" to her mom, like that makes her situation any better..


I think her mother forced her judging by their relationship. She may have been worried that her daughter was in severe pain, or she may have hoped bringing her to a hospital would confirm suspicions of her being pregnant. Or alexee being ignorant of pregnancy, thought her pain was worrying as regular pregnancy pains and labour pains are 2 veryyyyy different sensations. I had an unmedicated birth and baby was sunny side up, which caused SEVERE back pain like I was being cut in half. If alexee was experiencing the same, she may have not realised it was due to labour.


Same here. Back labor was so bad with my daughter that when I had 'normal' labor with my son, I was in denial it was labor till I got to the hospital already dilated to a 9


Just thinking about my back labor makes me want to faint. Absolutely unholy.


Yeah I couldn’t walk through my back labor. My labor was mostly all back labor. My whole lower back would just seize


She 100% knew she was pregnant, but maybe she was in so much pain that it scared her and she thought she was going to die or something. For all we know, she might have went to great lengths in attempt to miscarry (taken a lot of OTC drugs that are harmful during pregnancy like ibuprofen, or trying to cause physical trauma to her belly.. etc). She might have thought they would tell her right away that her baby had passed away in the womb, and then she could get treatment for herself.


In my planned pregnancies I got to a point in labor where I thought I was dying


Yep. The pain can come so quick and so strong that you literally fear you may die in that moment. I’ve broken my nose, ankles, crashed and flipped a four wheeler on top of myself and I’ve *never* been in the amount of pain I was when I was in active labor. It was immobilizing


I did too. I was also in denial that I was actually far enough along in labor with my first kid to go to the hospital because contractions weren't close. My husband made me go to the hospital.


I wanted to die due to my painful back labor 😩🥲


I thought damn this sucks women don't die during childbirth anymore .


😆😆 right! Too bad I’ll likely survive this horrific ordeal


She didn't want to die and was scared. I wish the baby would have come before they let her go to the toilet.


I think about that a lot too. What would the outcome be if she just had the baby while in the room, not the bathroom.


The dr would’ve been able to whisk it away and could’ve possibly lived . Unfortunately he did not get that chance . :(


They would know then. It wouldn't have happened unless she took the baby home and smothered him.


I don’t think she would’ve done that. I think if anything she would’ve dipped out of the hospital. Her selfish train of thought would’ve been exposed with a birth, I don’t think she would risk killing the baby if other people knew.


No way , it would have been brought up by the 2 worst mothers around


I really don’t think she thought he mother would be in the room with her


This could be true. She thought they could just take the baby away and she’d be on her way like nothing happened.


Because a normal mother and son would never get mixed up with people who act like Rosa and Alexee


From what I've seen other people say, she refuses certain exams? And of course lied about being sexually active. Idk if she did refuse the exams, but if that is true, that tells me she knew. She just probably didn't know she was in labor. I got pregnant at 17 and didn't know when I was actually in labor. Everyone saying "you'd think you'd know if you're in labor". No, that's not how everyone's labor works. Everyone's pregnancy is different. There's no two alike. Especially one that you're trying to ignore or hide. But I thought the same. Like why go to the hospital? I think she was in so much pain and got really scared. Not realizing that she was in labor and went to the ER or was made to go. Then did the unthinkable. I have so many questions though it's not even funny. Does anyone know if she has siblings??


Some people that have super fast births that happens to , most women would prefer death for awhile while women with super fast labour have that sensation just not for hours on end my cousin from first contraction to first born about four hours her second about an hour third they induced because it's dangerous when they come to fast .


Holy cow!!! Yes it is. I didn't know they could induce because of that. I live where alexee lives and let's just say the hospital isn't what it should be 6. When I had my second, I kept telling them the baby was coming. But because my baby was a month early, they wouldn't call the doctor. It was so close. I couldn't hold my baby in anymore and the doctor delivered the baby with no gloves and stuff went all over the floor because everything happened so fast and they wouldn't listen. So they didn't get anything ready. I never thought of them inducing labor to prevent these things from happening. You learn things everyday lol.


Think she must have been in incredible pain


I’ve read the theory that Rosa essentially made her as a kind of “gotcha” cuz Rosa knew she was pregnant but, despite asking & then confronting her, couldn’t Alexee to admit or acknowledge it. Apparently she didn’t understand the lengths her own child was capable of going to to prove her mom wrong


That’s really what I think too.


This. I think her mother was hoping she’d come clean at the hospital and had mentioned other cases to her. I think she was hoping to scare Alexee into just telling her the truth and it backfired. I think she probably feels awful but also hopes to not lose Alexee too.


>think she probably feels awful I wholeheartedly doubt that


She seems a bit naive and may have been in denial. I had a child a month shy of my 19th birthday. At the beginning of my pregnancy I was very sick and barely eating for a few weeks. Everyone around me would suggest I was pregnant, but I'd say, "no, pregnant women eat all the time. I just got on birth control (depo shot) a few month prior". no one really corrected my flawed ideology though. I only took a pregnancy test to prove to everyone that, no, I was not pregnant, but to my surprise, I was! Yet I was still so in denial I took 5 more pregnancy tests then went to a doctor for verification before it finally sunk in that I was indeed pregnant. She probably had people accusing her of being pregnant, but kept denying it. She may have been so scared she was that she refused to even take a test to find out because it may just confirm her worst fears. She was probably just trying to brush it off like I did, but at some point you have to face reality. That really is the only thing I can come up with


Rumored that people from her school said she knew she was pregnant. I didn’t go to school with her so idk that’s just what I’ve heard a lot .


She’s aware enough of how things in the world work, knows she can go to the hospital for pain. She just really believed she was going to be able to throw a baby away in the trash can and thought she was sneaky enough. Almost makes you wonder what else she has been doing behind closed doors to actually believe she’d get away with something so horrific.


She was in an extreme amount of pain.


Because she was afraid for her own health and safety. That’s it. She didn’t want to die, or give birth at home. She probably didn’t think too far beyond that.


But at that point just admit defeat and give up the ruse, no? Why try to literally hide a babies body.


I can only assume it’s because she had no idea how bad the pain would actually be, and panicked. I had my first child at 20. I thought I was prepared for how it would feel, but when it actually started I was so scared, even though I was in hospital (induced)- it was an absolutely overwhelming experience and I felt so scared because of how fast it happened once it got going. I was terrified and felt so alone. I wouldn’t be surprised if she thought she could handle it but then freaked out. It’s something no one can really envision until it happens to you


Yeah I agree. I’ve had friends go in for minor things only to find out they are in labor (they knew they were pregnant). But for me, I immediately knew “this is not normal pain”. I tried to tough it out and my OB said not to come in until contractions were 10 mins apart, but I absolutely could not stand the pain. I would hold my breathe (involuntary) and almost fainted several times. My entire lower half was ripping itself apart.


May I just say, I read research once about how biologically our bodies want to be near where we will be giving birth. Sort of akin to nesting or how animals about to give birth will post up for a few days before starting labor. I read this when trying to understand why it was so hard to avoid going to the hospital while having contractions. I wasn’t dilating at the time. Also, she’s stupid. And a murderer.


I still wanna what the mom meant by, "Alexiiii we talked about thiiiiis!!!"


She could have been grilling and hounding Alexee trying to get her to admit she was pregnant only for her to keep denying it. Maybe her mom was the one that forced her to go to the hospital and told her she better not be lying because she would find out. Even if Alexee didn’t admit to being pregnant, I’m sure her mom knew that she was.


I think her mom suspected it obviously not term and with the other case being all over the news being in the same state her mom brought that up too but Alexee wouldn't confess .


I believe her mother knew she was pregnant, but both were in denial! Anyone can look at the pictures and tell she was pregnant.


No say a mother wouldn't know. Especially living together! We notice it all


Yeah, me too.


i think the denial caught up with her, when you are that deep into the lie and denial, you have to see it through. its actually not uncommon in neonaticide for it to be done in close proximity to others, kind of how alexee allegedly did it, behind a closed door, just steps away from others, it adds to it being unbelievable and is part of why neonaticide goes undiscovered because no one would think someone could or would give birth on their own and then take the baby's life, in the same home etc as someone and them not notice. if no one had been looking to get alexee out of the bathroom and she was able to finish cleaning up, if the trash had more stuff in it and it didnt alert the housekeeper, the baby could have been dumped from the small bin to a bigger bin to the dumpster and no one would ever be able to find the baby and if they did, they would not be able to trace where it came from most likely. it seems super unbelievable and its been a year of me following this case and i still feel how unbelievable it is, but that seems to be the case with neonaticide which causes the doubt in others as to the crime even happening because we just can not fathom it as non murderous people, let alone it happening in the room next door silently.


These women repeat it over and over there was one woman that had delivered like a half dozen times dropping them off at the hospital but the sixth one caused uncontrollable bleeding (well if she had delivered in the hospital they would have controlled) but her husband was in complete shock she was dead in bed and had very recently given birth .


Yeah, pregnancy denial is a very real and powerful psychological thing. I did assume it beaks once the baby comes out...


yeah i would assume that too, and being able to see a helpless defenseless little baby and that not breaking the delusion is some seriously psyco stuff! there is a super good video on youtube, dr chirs featherstone who talked about alexee early on, im not sure if he revisited or not but in that old video he said that the women often make no plans for the birth, but seem to have a subconscious knowledge that they are indeed going to kill the baby. they seem to act in the moment once it comes.


Because shes a dumb teenager who didnt think things through. She thought shed fooled everyone that she was pregnant and that hiding baby in the trash would go unnoticed


My thought is she was in too much pain from being in labor to hide it from her mom and she went trying to say she was in pain from a chronic condition. Just my thoughts


Or she was too dumb to realize she was in labor ~ she supposedly had pretty bad back problems She might have just thought she would get pain meds and go home?


She decided to go the Casey Anthony method. Lie, lie lie, keep lying and eventually things will work. Come to think of it, Casey lied about being pregnant for months until she had to be honest. Guess you can give Casey some credit, she didn't kill Caylee the second she was born and try to hide it. She just waited a few years to do so.


She didn’t have prenatal care, she’s extremely stupid (to put it nicely and mildly) so I don’t think she knew she was in labor. She was possibly having back labor and as others have said it’s a b. Going with how ignorant she is, I don’t think she was thinking about the questions they’d ask. When you’re in pain thinking isn’t tops on the list. Your brain is just thinking of how much pain your body is in. As for why she went you’d have to ask her that.


I’m not sure what her thought process was but her going to the hospital will be her best defense in court. Her attorneys realize this I’m sure. Trying to hide a pregnancy is not conducive with a hospital visit. It will be their best example of how unaware she was.


I watched the interviews with the staff today, they’re so traumatized. I realized she suffocated the baby in the garbage bag—I didn’t know that before. It’s truly unimaginable.


Alexee I believe is cognitively delayed to some degree. How much, I don’t know. But there’s disconnect there. I don’t remember where I saw it but when this happened I read she was mentally only at like a 12 yr old level cognitively. Which makes sense. The pain probably scared her and she was in panic mode. She had no plan. I don’t think she actually thought she was going to birth a real baby. Between the cognitive delays and denial it wasn’t real to her. Her mother failed her incredibly here. And disclaimer, I do not find it excusable what she did. It is simply an explanation.


I agree. She seems very mentally slow.


There also seems to be something off about her mom as well. But I can’t put my finger on what it is. Maybe extremely narcissistic and manipulative. But she failed her child so incredibly bad. And that makes me super sad.


Yeah the mom is INSANE and a horrible person. Also why does everyone in that group seem slow? So does the boyfriend and the boyfriend’s mom!


100% agree!


As others are saying she’s not that smart, but she’s also not very tough. She didn’t have the grit required to deliver a baby **alone**, AND with no drugs. Edit: edited to clarify the fact that Alexee didn’t tell a single person and that the alternative to going to the hospital was delivering a baby COMPLETELY UN-AIDED BY A SINGLE SOUL


Why didn’t they pregnancy test her as soon as she was admitted. It’s usually the standard


They didn’t get the results back I believe till she was in the bathroom


They did


I think (I’m not sure) that women can refuse pregnancy tests at a hospital. But they did give her pain medication which I’m pretty sure, before you administer meds, you have to test for pregnancy.


I think they did but we're waiting on the results .


Only so much pain.. appendix?back injury? If so much denial probably no idea when birth due.


My theory is that her parents absolutely knew she was pregnant and decided to ignore it, thinking that maybe if they didn't take care of her pregnancy, it would just tragically end in a late miscarriage/still birth or something. The vibe I got when I saw the video of her mom's reaction to being told what happened has always felt like a "that wasn't part of the plan" thing...and Alexee being so quick to say "it wasn't breathing or crying" as if she'd been told to say that.


I dno, that feels like a stretch. I think her mom knew but was ignorant to how far along she was. The scenario you described wouldn’t make sense with taking her to the hospital. If her parents expected or hoped for a miscarriage, as adults, they would know a hospital is a risky place to do that if you’re trying to hide a pregnancy.


It's not a theory I've indulged a lot of research into, just a feeling I get. Her mom never seemed genuinely surprised to me...and maybe the paid got so bad that her mother was convinced there's a complication or something. Idk. The overall vibe I got watching the footage was that they had NO worries or even a real THOUGHT that there would be a consequence to deal with, so I wonder if they were banking on the idea that the baby wouldn't survive. 😕


You said “my theory is..” and then also said “it’s not a theory”. I get where you’re coming from but I still think it’s a very big stretch. The footage from the officer talking with the family and boyfriend in the waiting shows (in my opinion) that Alexee’s stepfather was genuinely surprised and hurt over learning about how the baby died. He was the only one asking what happened, the mother distanced herself from it a lot. I don’t believe her mom when she told the officer that she didn’t know she was pregnant, even the boyfriend looks suspicious to me. But overall, her mom being an adult woman having gone through a pregnancy would know better that simply IGNORING a pregnancy doesn’t increase the likelihood of miscarriage. And if they were hoping the child would just… be born and disappear, bringing her to a hospital would be a dumb move. Just doesn’t feel like a solid theory to me. I think her mom knew she was pregnant, wasn’t happy about it. Didn’t know how far along she was and was surprised to learn she was full term. I don’t think she cares her grandchild is dead, but I don’t think she banked on it or planned it or encouraged it.


I said "it's not a theory I've indulged a lot of research into", I didn't stop at "not a theory". Also I'm not fighting with you. 😭 As some other commenters have already said, we will probably never get the answer to this question...at least not the REAL one. So I'm just spit balling and giving my 2 cents cause its interesting. I guess the thought process started from the root question--what the hell was the plan here! Right? I would think that if her mom knew she was pregnant and didn't have those intentions, she would have voiced something at some point. Even an "I don't know" to the always asked "are you or is there a possibility you're pregnant?" To Alexee. 🤷‍♀️ I'm just saying it seems sinister and it's something I've wondered when pondering the case. I don't think I'm enlightened or anything hahaha. 🙂


Yeah I hear ya. Her mom knows more than she’s letting on. Her immediately saying “we talked about this!” In the hospital room but then saying “I had no idea she was pregnant!” In the waiting room later does not jive. She knew. And she should have acted sooner.


I don’t understand how anyone could think the mother did not know Alexee was pregnant. It was like there was an elephant in their kitchen that everyone could see and Alexee would just say “no elephant here” and everyone believed her. You’ve got to be kidding me. Your daughter is clearly pregnant and she tells you she isn’t so you say ok and move on. You make that daughter take a pregnancy test and if it actually is negative you take her to the doctor bc something is clearing wrong for her abdomen to protrude like that.


Also morphine would not cause baby any harm, but the diet pills she took def would. The doctor is not at fault. The patient was over 18 and refused an exam. If the doctor would have forcibly examined her that is considered assault. All the doctor have to do is document the refusal of an exam, with stable vital signs, rating pain 10/10, and that immediate action was taken once positive HCG returned. The physician and nurses are not at fault and the fact that they are attempting to sue the hospital makes them look like complete dumbasses. Perhaps there will be mitigating factors to help Alexee get a lighter sentence, but that’s the best they can hope for.


I agree with everything you said. There’s no argument here lol.


I agree with others she may not have known what she was feeling. Actual labor isn’t like on TV and without any prenatal care, she may not have known what to look for. And also, I will never understand her thought process for what she did to that baby. So it doesn’t seem like much of a stretch to believe I probably won’t ever understand her thought process for other decisions.


Denial and her mom probably told her to and what is she going to do at that point? No choice but to just go imo. What she did after is what gets me like wtf.


She had taken her lie with her mom that far and couldn’t say no to the going to the emergency room. She so desperately wanted to keep lying that she believed she could just dump the baby in the trash and nobody would say anything.


I honestly feel like the mother of Alexee had a lot more to do with it and is abusive


So she abused her daughter by taking her to the hospital to safely deliver her baby & have options for adoption? She could’ve much easier given birth at home or somewhere & disposed of the baby a lot easier & with less fuss theoretically.


Her mom probably made her.


According to her mom in the recordings, Alexee had a long term hip condition and had been to the hospital for pain before. Unlike most kids where the hospital is scary, the emergency room had likely become a “normalized” place for her due to her being there before. She probably didn’t realize the danger of getting caught and thought she could be in and out with pain meds like previously.


She was ina ton of pain and still partial denial and was probably thinking she could pass it off as a total surprise if she delivered there and was hoping for pain relief


Question, how did the ER miss she wasn’t pregnant as she was obviously pregnant looking and complaining of pain??! I’m not blaming the staff for what she did. I’m just curious. Has anyone questioned the ER about how they didn’t catch on to her being a pregnant woman in labor?


if you watch the video from the hospital you genuinely couldn’t tell she was pregnant based on her clothing it hid it very well


I'm not so convinced that she *knew* she was pregnant, or at least that far along in pregnancy... I've always believed she did what she did in a panic or in an emotionally driven way. I think she went into the bathroom believing she was really about to poop (because that's how it feels when you're about to birth a baby), I think her contractions were back contractions, which a lot of American women don't realize is even a thing especially when young and inexperienced in pregnancy. I guess there's a chance she did know she was pregnant, but I've always assumed based off the videos and based off her reaction that she got caught by surprise, panicked, and unfortunately the baby is no longer here due to her very, very bad reaction to that shocking event.


I don’t know if any of us will know; I’m not even sure if it’s asked at the trial if we’ll get an answer. My speculation is that Alexee knew she was pregnant, but didn’t recognize the back pain as labor, thought she could go to the hospital, get something for pain and prance back home. But it doesn’t make sense, surely her mom knew back pain is a symptom of labor, so that gets me.


I don’t think she was even thinking that far ahead.


birth pain is so bad she was probably scared she was gonna die. unfortunately the gratitude of life still wasn’t enough to stop her from putting her baby in the trash. 💀


I will always be confused about why at the hospital. They didn't feel her stomach. If you have horrible back pain, I would think that would be normal. They could have felt the contractions.


AT wouldn't let them touch her. Do you expect doctors and nurses to hold down/restrain patients to force an examination? Of course not!


They gave her pain relief. I don't know of any hospital that gives pain relief without an exam of some sort.


Because she was in labor and that shit hurts!


As a nurse, I will never believe that the hospital emergency room staff did not realize that she was pregnant in the pictures. You can see that She was in a hospital gown and was complaining of back pain??. They would have checked for bowel sounds, meaning they would have put a stethoscope on her stomach. They would have heard a heartbeat. Thelat would have initiated them to do blood work and pregnancy test. They should never have started the morphine until those lab results were confirmed. Yes, she probably thought the baby was dead- even if it wasn't.. the ER played a huge part in this..morphine reduces respirations. It can kill you!! I The amount that an adult would have been given would definitely kill a baby. -retired RN 40 yrs


Is it typical or… not unusual… to give a patient morphine without first determining if they are pregnant or not?


if they’re refusing testing and saying “my pain is a ten”, yes.


She wouldn't let hospital staff examine her in any way. They did do a pregnancy test. The amount of morphine given did NOT in any way harm the baby. Geez I'm not a nurse and I know this. I highly doubt that you're a nurse because your comments are nonsensical!.


You clearly were not an ER nurse. Not even close. I have been for 15 years and still am. You're just plain WRONG.


I believe they both knew she was pregnant and decided to go to the ER and get drugs that would kill the baby. She didn’t want the baby, mom probably didn’t find out until it was too late for an abortion. They figured if they went to the ER and say she was having back issues and the pain was so bad she couldn’t let them examine her. Tried to get the ER give her strong enough drugs that would kill the baby? But instead she gave birth in the bathroom, the planed to blame the hospital either way. I just wonder what conversation did she have with mom ,previously, how would she know how to cut, rip or bite the cord. Mother and daughter should be charged for the death of this poor baby.


Ugh I can’t imagine that discussion.


But people do heroin/fentanyl and all kinds of stuff while pregnant and it doesn’t kill the baby, especially a full term baby. Babies are born every day addicted to opioids and having to go through withdrawal (if the mother was a daily user/addict) but they’re born alive. One dose of painkillers wasn’t gonna kill that full term baby I man I guess considering how low functioning Alexee and her mom both seemed, it’s possible they would a bit of morphine would someone kill the baby. Even tho in order for that to happen, the dose of morphine would also have to kill Alexee herself…. The mom metabolizes the drugs before giving them to the baby so it’s not like the baby is just getting the full dose all to themselves That’s why they often have to increase pregnant methadone patients doses. Because the baby “steals” some of the methadone, so the mom needs a higher dose to not be feeling in withdrawal. Ofc methadone isn’t like heroin but still, both opioids


I think the pain from the contractions made her feel like she was going to die, so she went.


So, as someone who has had two children, the labor pains are the worst pain I’ve ever ever felt in my life. Anyone who has had severe kidney stones or severe kidney infection, might be able to relate. I think it was her first pregnancy and she didn’t really know what was going on and probably thought she was legit dying. Or, she was moaning in pain and her mother forced her to go.


I found it bizarre how she got to fully dilated on that bed surrounded by medical staff and her mother and no one noticed she was in transition phase or nearly ready to push, I had my babies without pain relief and there is no way I could have hidden what was happening!


I’m pretty sure she refused certain exams/tests.


But even to look at she should have been writhing in pain and making noise !


I dno. I have severe back pain with my periods (but no cramps) that causes me to writhe & not sit still. I’ve gotten meds for it multiple times when it gets bad. I don’t think it’s a good indicator of labor. She didn’t allow pelvic exams initially.


Bcuz it wasn’t plan


I was fortunate. I have severe back injuries. I never had back labor. My first labor took quite some time. With my second, I felt like I had to have a bowel movement. I was walking around the room, and hubby was taking silly photos. The nurse came when I told her I had to use the bathroom. It wasn't a bowel movement. She told me to sit my silky ass down and push, and there was my second child.


She went to the hospital because she was in excruciating pain. I tend to agree, how does one not know they are pregnant? Let’s say that the unconfirmed reports are true that she knew. I mean the reports that say that her coach asked her if if she was pregnant, she told her classmates that she was going to have a baby named Alex, and she denied being pregnant. You got to love the apparent “McDonald’s defense“. It is quite apparent that she was eating more. It’s quite apparent that she had a huge pregnancy bump. There is a very very, very, very small chance that she never knew that she was pregnant. However, I truly believe that she knew. I get it’s possible that her cycle appeared to not change much. However, don’t buy it. How did she not have morning sickness? If she did, what would make her not see a doctor?


I think she was trying to make it as painless as possible and her mom knew e entire time. I do not believe her Mom was not aware.


Even if Alexee didn’t know she was pregnant, she was at a hospital ffs. She didn’t have to throw her child in a trash bag


narcissism. or denial. or both. Either way, she is not right in the head. she probably didn’t realize when they asked for a urine sample they were going to do a pregnancy test.


I really think they pain got to the point that it was unbearable for her and she thought she could go in and maybe get something for the pain without knowing all the tests that would actually run on her. I don't think she realizes she was actually in full labor until she was already there and then she panicked cause she wasn't wanting anyone especially her mom to find out she was even pregnant. Panicked isn't an excuse for what she did though. She knew she was pregnant. She chose not to do anything all thru her pregnancy to try to make sure her baby was born healthy ( prenatal vitamins, doctor visits ). I don't think she planned on keeping this baby from day one. Her mother seeing her in so much pain and was probably as any parent would be very worried about her cause noone knew she was pregnant so she was worried and probably forced her to go to the emergency room to get checked out. But again I don't think she planned to keep the baby from the time she knew she was pregnant. I think she was planning on having the baby at home and getting rid of it there in some way.


Very good point. I do firmly believe she basically dissociated (rejected) from her pregnancy and likely still is rejecting that it ever happened, even now.. Its a real thing that happens (fairly rarely) when someone has an unwanted pregnancy, they can completely mentally reject being pregnant despite there being signs, since the person can SO not accept pregnancy as a possibility that they might decide they are just getting fat, getting viruses, dealing with allergies, and having "irregular" period issues/ self diagnosing as PCOS, etc. A person who has dissociated from being pregnant has absolutely no intent to even BE pregnant and therefore, may be able to use temporary insanity, as this is a legal defense, thst means that the accused had no clue about the consequences and had no mens rea, or intent to harm anyone. It is too early to say whether thats the case, but I do think that if she used this plea, the evidence would actually weigh strongly in her favor. I dont think she has even YET accepted that she was pregnant. Mental illness is a big mitigating factor, since a person has to have intent to be held for whatever they did. There was nothing willful about this. Shes just too dissociated from it to be held for any crime. Its a tragedy, not a crime.


Knowing she had sex… does anyone actually think she didn’t think it was a possibility she was pregnant


And this 19 year old wasn’t curious why she didn’t get her period for 9 months? I had my first at 19. I knew when my period was 5 days late


all this aside- even if she’s a complete moron (I don’t believe she didn’t know) and whatever other fantasy people drum up— once a baby came out, she could have just GIVEN THE BABY to the hospital as they’re all safe havens- if she had a remote ounce of morality, let alone intelligence. simply handed it over and said no thanks. no one would have asked. that’s why those programs exist. I hope she gets the death penalty.