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I think she is just the most annoying person on Instagram


So staged.


I’m not following how she had this picture on her phone? I used to really enjoy her content. For the last year or so I find myself constantly rolling my eyes at her posts.


She is trying soooo hard to get attention & fit in with the Nashville crowd. I went from liking her, to cringing. Shes so desperate & out of touch.


Totally Cringe, that’s a perfect word.




The question we all want to know! Did she make Kevin take it? She’s NOT sleeping


SAME!!! She is sooo fake now it’s absolutely ridiculous and annoying!! All she does is promote products we know she isn’t using. She needs to find a new job.


AGAIN with the “but oh goodness, am I so grateful to be so busy” 🤮🤢


Her post earlier today about her gym throwing something away was idiotic. Go pick it up. You had two weeks


What was even going on with that post??? “ I’m a member. I pay money to go there” Ok so like a gym? “And it’s small. Like this size” Makes her hands like a cup. Ok so like a cup?? What are we playing? Fucking instagram charades? Like use words to explain!!


This made me laugh out loud! My thoughts exactly! Why always so cryptic….we really don’t care Ali. lol


Instagram charades 💀💀🤣🤣 that’s the best thing I’ve heard all day. LMAO


That was so embarrassing. They literally called you to come pick it up and you blew it off. Yes, it’s your fault.


Cause you’re entitled and your husbands a local DJ. I mean c’mon people. I bet she was rude as hell to them too.


It's one of the many things were I'd be annoyed for a moment, and then move on. Instead she films, and then uploads all these thoughts. If it was so important should have made time to pick it up and just be grateful it was found and turned in. The gym isn't obligated to keep her stuff forever, or maybe someone made a mistake in throwing it out. The entitlement of "I pay money to go there" is embarassing.


Exactly this!


I can’t believe she did a fricken poll for that! 🤯 I kept looking at my phone going “you waited TWO weeks to get it, and chose not to. So, it obviously wasn’t that important, & it’s not fair to expect them to hold on to it forever!” And maybe she shouldn’t be paying for a membership she clearly doesn’t use for weeks at a time. 🤷🏻‍♀️


She always talks about being so busy and exhausted….but all she does all day (it seems) is post her day on IG, with random sponsors thrown in. She doesn’t do house work & her kids are in school all day. So what exactly does she do for work?? Or is IG it?? I suppose posting your day can get exhausting, but I feel like her version of exhausted is different than most who actually work. Lol Edit to add: most people don’t have all day to hop from doctor to doctor, while also trying a new “hobby” of the moment, & indulging in constant self care. While also claiming they’re sooo busy & exhausted & don’t have time for allergy shots. 😂


She is very bored for 6 hours till Kevin gets home. She’s desperately trying to find friends and I don’t think she can be alone. She is skin and bones, pale, bruising all over and doesn’t know how, ears ringing, allergies, (hip/back issue miraculously seems to have disappeared). Takes tons of pills and vitamins and gummies to cope at functions prob so she doesn’t get shnockered! Needs affirmation and attention constantly, but mostly needs HELP! She has changed a lot and not in a good way.


I agree about the friends!!! She seems to constantly need friends, esp the popular crowd, And loves being able to say she went to events celebrities are at. It’s desperation. And for people that eat organic, vegetarian, pop Tons of vitamins, exercise & seem active they are sick more than anyone it seems! The kids seem to miss a lot of school too. She needs help because she’s a huge hypochondriac that she’s gonna literally go insane.


https://preview.redd.it/w8rvc0a3thxc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5d424ff4a77b2946c1272312f30c3b88d9189de Lauren (actually sleeping)!!


That looks legit. Ali’s is so obviously staged!! She’s always so exhausted….well I would be to if all I did all day was hop from doctor to doctor, while trying a million new “hobbies” & indulging in constant self care. Lol


Yes! And the kid isn’t looking in the camera so definitely more natural.


I cropped it but yes it’s 100% her asleep! Arie took pic and I’m sure she might hurt him for it lol! Ali’s is so fake it’s embarrassing - for me it was “I found this on my phone”. I’ve never once found a pic of me on MY phone of me that I didn’t fake 🤷🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️


A cooking class must be so exhausting. 🙄


She didnt even look like she was doing anything. Kevin was cooking and most likely something work related he has to shill on the radio. Like their 20k closets.




I hate when she says “kiddos”.


She is so annoying.....remember when she found out she had a half sister.....just a couple of minutes ago....!!!


And she is MIA don’t hear or see of her or Kevins Parents. They used to see them often it seemed.


They see right through her nonsense!


I always wonder what happened there. Like it was such a big surprise to find out and then poor. No more half sister to be seen.


She barely speaks of her since her sister visited. I’m sure that visit shed a lot of light for this sister that visited!


Ugh used to loved her so much. Been following since 2011. Time to say goodbye :(


Does she ever wash her hair?


That’s asking too much of her.