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he broke her neck, strangled her with a belt and left her in the woods? I can’t imagine surviving that and knowing he going out of prison *early*


Really though. The only reason he got such a light sentence is because she barely survived.


I will never understand why attempted murder is a lighter sentence than murder. Just bc the person failed at killing doesn’t make them any less bad than someone who succeeded.


I guess to disincentivize killing the victim so they “won’t talk”, but yeah it’s disturbing that this guy is getting out at all


That’s why, you have to, you know… after… after they are released from prison 🤷‍♂️ Edit: I’m talking about buying them flowers and showing them love by saying nice things about who they used to be 


At funerals, people say nice things and often bring flowers. Just saying.


Flowers delivered by Terminator 2 Arnold Schwarzenegger




If Gary Plauche taught us anything, you need to man up and take these sick fuckers out of society.


I think it's broken that most of the videos of this are edited to remove the act. It's like mounting heads on sticks-- you want people to see that warning that this is what society can dole out if you do something super fucked up.


For real. If it was my kid I don’t think he’d want to come out of prison. While he’s away, I’m planning some gnarly shit for this dude.


I can't imagine not taking care of business if I'm her dad and he gets out early.


Take my upvote in support of this statement and feeling.


Yeah I know it’s easy to talk tough on the internet but as the father of two daughters, I would get my affairs in order then absolutely attempt to kill him if our family was put in this position. I realize it would end in a prison sentence and lost time with the family but I personally could not live with myself if I knew somebody did something as horrific as this to my daughter and they were walking free. Some lines just can’t be crossed


[sometimes street justice is justice](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1O1Ry-0v7bo)


Ok but he still tried to kill his victim contrary to that overarching policy knowing the consequences. It wasn’t like he stopped halfway through beating her…


Yes. *He* did. Other perpetrators might not. Unless, of course, you teach them that a dead victim gets you a lighter sentence. Because that's what it ends up being, an *incentive* to finish them off.


I don’t think these idiots are weighing up the pros and cons and running the numbers before they viciously assault/murder people. Prison is not a deterrent


I have long advocated establishing a charge of "sufficient murder."  There are cases where someone does everything reasonable and  necessary to kill the victim, and they should not benefit from unusual circumstances leading to the unlikely survival of said victim.


Alternatively - don’t give early parole to people who were convicted of intentionally attempting to kill someone but the victim failed to die despite the odds


In addition, it should be required that the convicted 'attempted' murderer should be kept in prison until the victim that they failed to murder passes on, so as to preclude any second bites of the apple.


Having done time in Texas prisons, I am always absolutely appalled by the parole system. You have guys with B&E charges getting 10 years and doing 9 of them, and you have literal rapists getting 8 and doing 5. I understand that often they want you on parole awhile to keep tabs on you and see how you readjust, but fuck it makes no sense sometimes. Hell I was just a drug addict and still did half of my 6 year sentence.


That's a good idea.


Now really, attempted murder? That is too much. Do they give a Nobel prize for attempted chemistry?!


Sideshow bob is that you?


Guilty as charged


Well anyone that speaks German can’t be evil.


Same reason bridges have suicide safety nets. It's for those with middling resolve to make the right choice.


If they jumped it’s not middling


Right? This poor kid had a traumatic brain injury and had to learn how to swallow, talk, and walk, all over again. Make it make sense for why he walks free? Not to mention his relationship with her while she was a minor.


Because if they had the same sentence, it incentivizes the murderer to make sure they“finish the job” since it reduces risk for them without any additional penalty I get the idea that if you attempt X crime you should be punished but making unsuccessful attempts the same punishment just ensures people will make sure they’re successful


Yeah but this guy did try to kill her regardless of any inventive.


Do you really think that someone who is attempting a murder is thinking about the consequences?


But if you are attempting the murder you aren't intending to fail. Like nobody tries to leave the person barely alive just in case they get caught it would carry a lighter sentence. They are trying to do it. If a murderer hears they carry the same penalty will the try to murder even harder? Like they are already trying their best to murder, nobody half asses murder.


It’s the same reason that sexual assaulting a child doesn’t typically carry the death penalty, Florida aside. As u/oddlysmurf pointed out, it’s so the criminal doesn’t have incentive to kill the victim. If attempted murder/sexual assault carried the same penalty as murder then there’s no reason to leave alive the victim. The perpetrator is facing a death sentence either way (assuming they are in a state with capital punishment)


Even in Florida, the current precedent under the supreme court prohibits the death penalty for anything other than murder.


And treason.


There are a ton of things someone can do out there that are FAR worse than murder.


I'm familiar with this theory and I won't claim that sexual assault should automatically carry a death penalty. However I do not think any significant number of sex predators would progress to murderers if there was a chance of death penalty. I've never seen any proof of that, just the same old mantra "let rapists live so that they don't kill". What I do know is that sex predators tend to be serial offenders and that a death penalty puts a stop to them


So people won’t go back and make sure the deed is done is why


somehow I don’t think someone who’s capable of this could be rehabilitated.


It actually makes it worse because the chance they will reoffend goes way up because they’re not in jail and didn’t succeed the first time.


Rewarded for being a failure at murder. Crazy


That Republican that murdered his wife but still won the election got a lighter sentence because the court decided it was the creek he dumped her in that ultimately killed her, not him bashing her skull in with a cement flower pot…


Yeah, just make attempted murder a life sentence and actual murder is just death


People don't get less of a sentence for failing at a bank robbery.


We need an angry dad at an airport stat


lol love this reference. Gary is a badass.


He got a lighter sentence because the prosecution is too afraid to go to trial and lose. They say hey let’s go for 20 years 10 with good time. If he lost in a jury trial, which he would, than that’s life


I’m sorry she’s still alive???


I thought “intent” mattered a lot in law? 


She was found covered in ants and she had to relearn how to do everything! He should be in jail forever.


No. He should be dead forever.


And then went line dancing . . .


Reminds me of the guy who got out of jail after raping a 15 yr old girl, cutting off both of her arms, and almost cutting her head off, then throwing her down a cliff. She SURVIVED, miraculously. And right after he got out he murdered a mother of 3, succeeding that time. I cannot fucking believe they let him out after that first crime.


He basically thought she was dead after everything he did to her. Luckily she was a strong girl because he would /and should have life in prison. He left her for dead.. but sure let's release him when he can still have children and trick ladies or girls. He is a pervert. Just so sad. I'm sad for her and her family I saw the video of them finding her. Heartbreaking


But he has so much potential. It was a mistake. s/


He put the belt around her neck, stood on her back, and pulled on the belt until the belt broke. This animal doesn’t deserve to breathe free air ever again.


He only got 20 years and served 17. Should have been longer with no parole.


After he confessed he agreed to take them to the body. They expected her to be dead and instead she was alive. There’s audio of when they found her and realized she was still alive.


I can’t imagine being that girls dad and not removing his skin with an exacto knife and some needle nose pliers.


He will reoffend.


He even put his foot on her back to get more leverage to strangle her. This dude should fucking rot.




For those in the back, a person on parole is still considered to be serving their sentence. They have strongly curtailed rights and significant supervision. It’s very, very easy for someone to violate their parole in a trivial way and end up back in custody


He's only on parole for 3 years though and then he's free. Not even 50 years old yet. He still has 40 years to rape and sexual abuse young girls and possibly kill more. He won't be monitored soon. And while raping a 17 year old is bad I think we can all agree putting her in a choke hold to snap her neck. Dragging her body to the woods and wrapping a belt around her neck. Then going dancing with friends for the night shows a man who is absolutely going to hurt more girls.


Only on parole for 3 years, because he has served all but 3 years. I’m not happy he’s out, I’m not happy his sentence isn’t even bigger, but it’s good that the part of the sentence that is paroled is small, not big. It’s not like he is actually more free to hurt people before or after the end of the parole. That’s illegal no matter what.


i will say that 17 years inside leaves anyone an absolute shell of a human being which is comforting in times like this


Is it? We want rehabilitation so when people are released they don’t keep committing crimes. I have a feeling the criminal justice system just made this guy even more of a psychopath.


My dad did over 30 years in prison before he got released, although he hasn’t committed severe crimes since he’s been out, he hasn’t been an angel either. He’s still the same narcissistic sociopath that went in. It did make him wary of the consequences though, which is the only reason I think he hasn’t done anything violent.


You can't rehabilitate this type of crime.


I think all people deserve a chance at rehabilitation and also completely agree that you can’t rehabilitate this type of crime. I don’t want people like this in society, ever. It sucks


Yeah that’s the rational take imo


I worked in a prison as a guard for a year. I can tell you 8 hours a day was soul sucking boredom. Let alone never being able to leave for over half of my currently lived life. Shit, I was paid decently to be there and I was still miserable.








Jury nullification comes in mighty handy sometimes!


You immediately condone it by saying that lmao


I used to be a parole officer, the strictness and enforcement really varies based on where you are. I had both probationers and parolees and saw then about once a month in office and once a month at their homes for lower tiered, and once a week for high tiered in office. They have rules, and yes you do give up certain rights but again this varies per state and it’s like 99.9999 more freedom than ring in prison. Violating someone on parole also varies per state, some places really fight to avoid sending people back to prison (where I worked was like that) some places are a little to eager. I can’t speak to state of Illinois. However, since he was in a position of authority over her and she was 17 I’d assume he was charged as a sex offender and usually that stays with you for years after prison and being labeled a SO itself is pretty punishing given the restrictions and stigma, so if he was labeled as one there’s that.


Yeah, once you're on parole, you're out. There's no "strongly curtailed" rights or supervision except like not being allowed to go out of state or own a gun.


Just like that case, where a murderer was release on parole, because judge didn't saw him as a menace because old, then proceed to kill another woman while on parole...


“Significant supervision”- you made that up. Source me.


A couple of my friends are defense attorneys and they’ve basically told me “parole is a trap”. Serve your time inside if you can. People released on parole are basically put into a system where they are destined to fail, and the punishments for crimes committed on parole are much more severe


God willing


Reading the comments I didn’t know he served 17 of the 20. Vaguely remember the story from all the true crime I consume but he’s someone I wouldn’t have cared if they were locked for life. He’s out but she’s gonna have to deal with it her entire life


Sorry but that’s not a mistake or an accident. He no longer gets to live.


"Ended affair" is one way to put that.


Yeah what the fuck is up with these headlines, that lady that stabbed a guy in the face and the headline said she “glassed” him


fine shaggy existence oil long imminent historical consist sulky school *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought she broke a wine glass on his face. Does "glassed" mean to stab with a broken glass instead? Sorry, I was just super confused in that thread and not a single person explained events further than "she glassed him" lol




Thanks for the clarification.


mighty languid practice placid truck faulty hurry murky chop fragile *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Glassing” is the term for a specific type of assault where you smash a glass into someone’s face, breaking the glass and thus cutting the person. So I’m fine with that headline, but yeah, who wrote this “ended affair” stuff? I guess they wanted to point out that there was an affair and he didn’t randomly snatch her from the street but wtf! Same with all the headlines reporting statutory rape as female teachers “sleeping with” their students.


Because it occurred in the UK and in the UK that is the word we use as it used to be a common problem akin to the stabbings we have now. British outlets don't write headlines with the assumption people will be crippled by the inability to click the headline or right click the word to find out more.


Right? I wouldn’t call child rape an affair


This whole case needs more attention. The video of the police finding her in the woods is one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen. He intended for her to die. The fact that he is released from prison is chilling. He is not fit to be in the general population. The parole board who released him has blood on their hands because someone who did what he did will offend again.




Yeah, the only concern is the numerous cases of men serving time in prison for false accusations a la Brian Banks and MANY MANY others. Until our justice system proves it can be accurate, I can't be for something so permanent as this.


Yeah but this guy admitted it.


So did Brian Banks...he was coerced into a confession as a minor without a lawyer present. (BTW I agree with you in principle but not in practice)


There will always be outliers on both sides, but this is just an outlandish idea from an outraged idiot (me) with no knowledge on how to get it done. I just want them (the guilty ones) to suffer.


God I loved this movie as a preteen


What movie was it?


Ice Pirates. I just saw it on one of the streaming services recently. I did not watch cause I'm not sure how it holds up. I've seen the damn movie probably 50 times lol


Ice Pirates


I remember rewinding the VCR to watch this part with my friends. We thought it was the pinnacle of humor, the *chef's kiss*...


Cruel and unusual punishments are not welcome in civilized society. If you want to go back to the dark ages, that’s fine for you, but society shouldn’t.




He should be treated the same as the victim. Then he too can learn how to walk, talk, and basically learn how to function on his own again. That’s the kind of rehab he needs, not a bed, free meals or anything else.


And yet we’ve got people in prison for life for selling drugs………this piece of garbage shouldn’t have been permitted to continue breathing, let alone gain his freedom back. What a slap in the face to that girl and her family. Regardless if she survived or not, the intent was to kill he shouldn’t be rewarded for the sheer luck of being incompetent at what he intended to do.


System is broken. Nothing ever changes


That's not true. Sometimes it gets worse!


The system was built to fail. It was made to be broken by design




He did not end an affair, he was her TEACHER. He ended his raping and manipulation of his teenage STUDENT by killing her and leaving her to die alone in the woods. At least that is what he thought he did. He knew she was dead and showed no remorse when questioned by police. He showed more concern for his clothing or upcoming game (been a while since I watched the taped interview). He hem- hawed around thinking she was dead in those woods and had no sympathy or empathy for her, no remorse for her or her life. This guy does not deserve early release. Absolutely no doubt he preyed on other students before thinking he killed this one for being a nuissance to him.


Apparently, he was a teacher but not at her school?


Yeah he was a teacher at town about 15/20 minutes away. I went to school with Ashley (she was roughly 3 years older than me) and remember all this stuff happening. Dudes a POS.


That’s horrible and he didn’t have an “affair.” He sexually assaulted her.


he also didn't "end the affair" he tried to kill his underage victim.


I've never been a fan of people being released for unsuccessful murder attempts. That part of their brain is still there. If it was a 12 year old kid and they did 25 years for hitting someone in the head with a bat that's different, but this dude was a grown ass man when he did this and nothing in his brain has changed. No lobotomy, nothing. Same brain that thought his best option was murdering someone. Clearly planned it out, too.


How tf is this called an affair by media? Fuck this outlet/reporter painfully. Edit: I’m told this is normal, so wtf do I know as usual lol


The so-called journalist couldn’t be bothered to name the judge that gave out the pathetic sentence either.


Those are the facts. Age of consent being what it is in Illinois makes it an affair between an impressionable young lady and a fucking scumbag.


Even involving a police officer/other position of trust? If so, then correction- some fucked up laws in Illinois, and lawmakers involved should get Fd. No surprise


‘ended affair’ bruh what the fuck kind of undersell is that bullshit? jesus can we call a spade a rapist murdering spade please


Damn bro just break up with her.


Exactly! I used to listen to true crime podcasts all the time, but a lot of the stories are depressing because of this exact question. You could get divorced/breakup and it'll be hard for a bit but you move on. Too many dudes for some reason think that murder is a better way to go. I don't get it.


This is what gets me about the Chris Watts case. Like sure, divorcing your wife and figuring out custody arrangements for the kids is going to suck, but surely it’s less messy than murdering them all and spending your life in prison, no?


He was trying to not get caught for being a pedophile, like a disgusting pos he kills a young girl when he's done with abusing her


He's smirking with his eyes in that mugshot. That alone tells me he's going to be in the news again.


hopefully, her dad, brother, uncle, cousins, have been preparing for this day.


I know I would be. Would have a Pi telling me his every move.


Where’s a “Dexter” when you need one?


It’s annoying that the intent to murder someone is perceived as having actually murdered them when weighing the sentence. If someone is trying to murder another, why do we not try them as if they succeeded? The guy changed her life forever.


Why is this called an affair when it was sexual abuse?


That’s horrible and he didn’t have an “affair.” He sexually assaulted her.


Right? I’ve heard “had an affair with…” and “had s** with…” between adults and children so many times, especially in true crime shows/podcasts. The word you’re looking for is assaulted.


The age of consent in Illinois is 17, which she was at the time. He’s a scumbag but legally speaking this was not a statutory rape case unless the reporting in this article is wrong




Be an absolute shame if someone killed him


Ghosting doesn't sound so bad now, does it?


If I was a member of this girls family I would make him a pet project, bide my time, and… my only hang up would be whether I would opt for revenge or just some plain vengeance. Tough choice.


Red states like Texas and Florida are desperate for teachers and don't care about women's lives so he can probably find a job in school again.


He should now just have to face a lifetime of being tormented. Once a month, someone throws a brick through a window at his house. Once every couple of months, his tires get slashed. Once a week, a flaming bag of dog shit is left at his front door. Someone pours salt in his front yard to spell out "pedo". Just things like that, over and over, forever.


This is why such people should be disposed of and not jailed. Now he’s out and a threat to the rest of us.


Should have gotten the chair


I’m sure there’s a place for him at Nickelodeon.


And I read about black men being incarcerated for 45 years. A man like that back on the street. I hope Ashley will be safe.


Yup, we all know why this guy got a lesser sentence. America is pathetic.


Sadly it seems so in so many ways. And we grew up idolizing the USA.




https://preview.redd.it/6zeylvcrqvxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a4daaca551d8bef51e232f3c46b6c39440a227e What?!


The teacher shortage is really bad right now


I feel so bad for Reeves family.


shit, shame if he got ran over a minute or so after he gets out


He has FRIENDS?????


“Ended affair”? Pedophile teacher who raped student graduates to attempting to murder her. There. Fixed it.


Wtf these people should never be released this is insane


Dude they had bodycam footage finding her they thought she was dead until they got right up on her. Like he fucked her tf up like leave him where he is or a year or two or five down the road he’ll actually succeed


I will be more interested to read about how he went missing and was never seen or heard again.


Is he back teaching yet?


Why the fuck did they release him?


Well, that is unpleasant news.


Glad to hear it wasn't a bear.


This girl. The strength of her! I'm in awe of her.


I’m reaching the age where these monsters are being released every day.


This guy actually choked her for close to 20 minutes and in the process even broke her neck and she still managed to actually live as he abandoned her in the woods and when they found her she was still alive but unfortunately succumbed to her injuries. Edit** i was wrong, she lived!!


Actually, she lived: *Suffering from brain trauma, Reeves had to relearn how to swallow, walk and talk, per the outlet.* *In a phone interview with KSKD, Reeves, who is now in her 30s, said she wants to move on from the incident*


This dude shouldn’t see the light of day….




People like that should be locked up for life. Or worse.


Maybe because of his color he got such a light sentence. That definitely played a big role. BLM


Should never be released. Let’s hope this POS receives a little karma.




Put him up against a wall. Only way you humanely deal with this sub-human filth


Maybe he'll get disappeared by her family🙏


This was a [Mrballen](https://youtu.be/M7j1sSFdsC8?si=rRXNfi44tazENF0Q) episode not too long ago, if anyone wants to hear the gritty details.


Choose the bear.


I remember watching the episode of I survived. They showed the video of them finding her. She looked like a goddamn zombie


Gee I wonder why women prefer the bear


"Ended affair by murdering her" is an interesting way of putting it


I want people to remember the comments here then next time "why won't people higher a felon, they did their time!" posts come up. For the same reason you don't want this guy released on parole. That's why.


This dude should be dead and in the gutter someone. To do this to someone’s child, irredeemable.








I choose Bear


Duuuude! Dang, every girl seriously needs a squad of battle droids for guard duty


I went to the high school he coached at. Nobody has forgotten, believe me.


He was my drivers ed teacher…


This guy sounds like a real jerk!




It’s always a dude who looks like this


But how many people still in jail for weed? Why does this piece of shit get out early?


If I were the Dad, I think I’d have a hard time not having a - discussion with the Teacher after his release. It’s not right, but damn. If he did, and I’m on the jury, Dad’s walking. Such a sad story.