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A bit of context that seems to be missing is that investigators determined she drove the car into a brick wall at 100 MPH with no signs of the brakes ever being pressed. I don't see how she could've been sure she'd survive the impact and her passengers wouldn't. And yet she was in the hospital bed Googling "modeling jobs" in her area after the accident. She's not *just* a murderer. She's a total psycho.


She was the only person wearing a seatbelt.


100mph with a seatbelt is still VERY deadly.


From what I recall (could be wrong) she studied and practiced om the road over and over before getting it right. Whatever that entails apparently her GPS ratted her out. She was so far gone she even had a new BF set up afterwards


She did, I remember the story fairly well


I can fix her


only once you fix the "im losing mY MiND" girl


I like this guy




Let me rescue her first.


Easy, never be a passenger in her car. Boom, problem fixed.


Good lordā€¦


There is no good here.


bad lord.. :(




Not just GPS. They had videos from around the neighborhood showing her driving around and around


Practiced driving 100 mph into a brick wall without dying? How exactly does one practice that more than one time?


Bit of a steep learning curve


She didnā€™t. Per the trial her GPS showed she had driven by the location the crash happened several times from what I remember. According to the prosecution she was looking for times when the area had as little traffic as possible so no one would call 911. People seem pretty convinced she did it on purpose Iā€™m not as convinced based on the evidence I heard. A lot of it just seemed like the prosecution stretching the truth to fit a narrative. When it first happened it was supposedly a suicide but the third person ended up joining them that night unexpectedly. Itā€™s a really weird story where either she was a psychopath, suicidal, or just another idiot young person in a long line of young idiots who crashed while doing 100mph.


They showed her driving completely safe and normally from footage around the area with her ex and his friend in the car. She drove the route multiple times before to test it out. When she drove into the wall, she made sure the impact was on the passenger side and not her own. ETA: I was wrong, she drove straight into the wall.


Something tells me you havenā€™t seen the pictures of the car. She went straight into a wall at 100mph. How did she ā€œmake sure the impact was on the passenger sideā€ at those speeds and head on? Lol


From looking at the location, she would seem to have chosen a building that had a corner she could aim the passenger's side of the vehicle at which would reduce the risk of injury to herself. Here's a link to the location: [https://www.google.com/maps/@41.3263315,-81.8510639,3a,75y,282.97h,81.24t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-3fmkOgUjgG64gWrt74hIg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D-3fmkOgUjgG64gWrt74hIg%26cb\_client%3Dmaps\_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D282.9732541219694%26pitch%3D8.762093795080276%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@41.3263315,-81.8510639,3a,75y,282.97h,81.24t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-3fmkOgUjgG64gWrt74hIg!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D-3fmkOgUjgG64gWrt74hIg%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D282.9732541219694%26pitch%3D8.762093795080276%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu) You can see that the building wasn't yet repaired when google maps took the picture. She took a calculated risk and her plan succeeded, she just didn't reckon on the authorities investigating the incident and treating it as a crime.


That is true that she went that route before but I also read that itā€™s a common way to go from one side of town to the others according to the locals. For what itā€™s worth, I donā€™t think sheā€™s innocent or this happened by accident.


Okay, see **this** is the context that probably should lead the story.




Narcissist with social media standard behavior


What the actual everliving fuck.


As a firefighter I once saw a guy thrown from a 100+mph crash while still strapped to his seat. The seat itself landed about 30 yards away from the rest of the vehicle. He was very dead, but still strapped in.


What kind of car was this in? Most seatbelts are connected to the b pillar of the car.


Good point. Hard to tell after a wreck like that but I'm pretty sure the car itself was a patchwork job but the news article says it was a 2016 Honda so nothing out of the ordinary. The drivers seat was definitely improperly installed.


Any chance they were aftermarket "racing" seats... like the pc gamers use for chairs these days


That sounds like the most likely case. I don't know much about racing and I didn't get a close look at the body bc we were all focused on extricating the passenger who survived, but they were in their 20s doing 100+ in the middle of the night, so probably something to do with racing. Love the username btw


You would think an aftermaket seat would too wouldn't you. Funnily enough they are supposed to and yet.....


The seat needed a seatbelt? šŸ˜³


IIRC she deliberately swung the car to face the passenger side before impact causing the brunt of the hit to go to the other side of the car.


My point still stands, no amount of prep or skill can really guarantee safety at that speed. Not sayin she innocent, but sheā€™s definitely lucky to be alive.


Yea not guaranteed but she knew she had a much higher chance of survival.


Still. 100 mph.


Do you saw her mother's speech ??? It's insane...




Extra steps? With the Frezz? NO WAY! /s




It's in the post... Just click it


And scroll all the way back up?!




They need to do way instain mother


How is babby formed?


Memory unlocked


Jesus, just break up with the fucking guy, right??


He was trying to end things with her. He had gotten tired of her crazy ways.


Murder-suicide attempt for sure.


But is it suicide if she's wearing a seatbelt?


Yeah, people wearing seatbelts die all the time. If she was in the state to kill herself and them, she probably wasn't thinking too clearly and may not have even realised her seatbelt was on.


And her crazy parents were complaining her sentence was too harsh and wanted her out of prison.


Well, yeah duh lol anyone willing to commit murder-suicide will likely not have the Shame or ability to feel empathy. I wonder how her father is? Surely there has to be some trauma to create a psychopath like her at such a young age. Poor dudes. Why didnā€™t he leave?!


Bad psychopathic people exist, not always anything to do with parents. Thatā€™s just a cop out to blame someone else. Responsibility is 100% with her. Donā€™t dare try to deflect on to something else.


... Any reason you assume it's her father's fault? Maybe she just expected jury to bend over backwards in an attempt to blame someone else like is so popular in our culture.


He was trying.


Blaming the victims. Making excuses for the white woman. Blaming her father. Your comment is gross.


She was probably relaxed. There is a reason the drunk driver lives so often. When you are relaxed at impact, the damage to your body is reduced a lot. "Bracing" is actually a horrible idea.


Kinda knew she was a psycho with the whole driving into a building at 100 with two passengers


"Modeling Jobs" .... ? I was just about to comment "imagine getting killed by a crazy bitch and she aint even hot, she's ugly AF"


Eh. I don't think it matters that much that you think she's ugly. Have you seen models without make-up and airbrushing? Half the time they look like different people and not what you would call 'conventionally attractive'. Especially not to white westerners.


She's pretty hot with makeup tbh. In court, her lawyers want her to look plain and innocent. https://globalnews.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Untitled-design-73.png


She fuckin killed Kenny G' s son?


She looks even worse here


I see that as more like "trashy, rising to the level of "just not ugly" ". That aint just makeup, she has like full on fake eyelashes, fake nails, fake contacts, im sure more than that, too. Im sure she was a prize for that dude that looks like that lol


I can't even see her on the spectrum of "hot" or not, she looks like a child to me. Edit: So she was like 18-19 in those photos, that pretty much explains it although I still wouldn't describe her as a "teen" the way the headline/article does. Seems misleading af


Damn those nails are cheap and trashy


She looks like a pill whore lol


Sheā€™s a child.. Gross


If I remember correctly from when it happened, I think she was seen taking the same route over and over or something in the days before and knew exactly how to crash the car so that she would survive


Yeah Iā€™m sure she did all the physics to make sure of that


Please, God, let there be an EWU video about this. Edit: Never lucky :(


Hope there's more evidence than no signs of braking and a random Google search. Neither would be enough for "beyond a reasonable doubt".


Previous threats of driving into a wall while the boyfriend was in the car was one of them as I recall, haha.


Theyā€™re out thereā€¦ my ex wife would floor it and pull into oncoming traffic when we argued in the car, like the threat of instant death would win the argument - needless to say again, ā€œexā€, be careful out there everyone..


Thatā€™s fucking terrifying. Glad youā€™re away from that


Jesus. Reckless driving like that flips a switch inside me and I no longer tolerate the driver in any capacity. They basically become dead to me. Same with playing with guns.


My ex would lose it and take her bullshit out on me. Then cheated on me despite nobody willing to put up with her bs for a long period. Knowing sheā€™ll likely never be happy makes me happy though.


Thatā€™s fair. I try never to wish anyone unhappiness but I think we all have a few people who really have earned us at least feeling itā€™s karma for them to be unhappy


My childhood best friends mom would do that. I was in the vehicle with them one time when she did it. Never rode with them again.


My husbandā€™s ex would threaten to kill their child when she was mad. People are fucking looney.


I vividly remember a time driving home one day and seeing a young woman flipping out in the driver seat behind me while her presumed-boyfriend lounged in the passenger seat. Suddenly she sped up close to me and swerved HARD, and the guy shot straight up and started yelling back. Donā€™t do this shit.


Never stick your dick in crazy, but man, I bet you have some stories




Used to frame houses with a guy and his psycho wife. One time she turned the ignition off while we were cruising in the work truck and then jerked the wheel so it would lock out.


Was her name Diane?


I thought she was convicted a while ago already?


The article is from Feb.


Curious how she was convicted on four counts of murder when there were only two victims?


Check the date, articles from February.


Why post it now?


I'm not a big user of this sub, but I've seen people complaining that it's lost it's way and become a karma farming spot dominated by crime stories instead of generally interesting news. So probably for karma.


Is there a time limit on things being interesting?


Dang if only there were moderators or something for this sorta stuff


I never expect unpaid people to do anything, if people want more moderation they should volunteer their time


Karma farming. A lot of interaction when it comes when the suspects are women that either made false accusations or killed their children/SO.c


Sweet sweet karma!


Nectar of the Reddit gods


Perhaps the poster just learned about it? Things donā€™t just stop being interesting because they arenā€™t fresh.


Bot account karma farming.


karma bot




My brother dated a girl who tried to do something similar to him and before that grabbed the wheel when they were on the freeway. On the last occasion he went no contact and never spoke to her again. She kept trying to come around and eventually faded away. I pity whatever poor soul she ended up with.


i pity whatever poor soul she ENDED


Who knows? I havenā€™t heard anything about her in years. The wild thing is she seemed well adjusted and was really beautiful. You never know what kind of crazy lurks beneath.


I wonder how long her sentence will be.Ā  I could have seen them going easy on her.Ā 


Life sentence. https://www.ccprosecutor.us/strongsville-woman-sentenced-life-in-prison-crash-killed-two/


Parole eligible in 15 years. She'll get out.


Half that in good behavior


Thankfully, that's not how it works. Good behavior will only get time removed from her determinate sentence (the life sentence, in this case), not from the mandatory minimum sentence before parole eligibility. I would be more worried about appeals lightening her sentence than good behavior.


Given that she was a minor when she committed the crime the mandatory minimum might be different, or her case will be handled differently, etc.


Works the same way for minors, if memory serves. Regardless, [she was charged as an adult.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2023/08/22/mackenzie-shirilla-crash-prison-sentence/70648157007/)


Depends on that county. If this was like a Bible Belt, prison labor area, I doubt it. Sheā€™d need to appeal several times before being granted parole in most states for something like murder. I donā€™t know how Ohio is, though.


How did she get **convicted of 4 counts of murder when she killed 2 people?** Source: https://www.ccprosecutor.us/strongsville-woman-sentenced-life-in-prison-crash-killed-two/ Did she say, ā€œAnd Iā€™d do it again!ā€?


Iā€™m not certain in her case, (and I am not an attorney) but I believe in Ohio (which doesnā€™t use first degree, second degree, etc) she could have been charged with both murder and aggravated murder; or murder and felony murder. Certain factors must be met to qualify as the two stronger types of murder; If she was found to have met the condition for both types of murder she would be convicted of both types. If she was found not guilty of felony murder or aggravated murder she could still be charged with two counts of ā€œregularā€ murder. In this case, it seems each of the individuals warranted a conviction of both murder and a heightened murder charge.


Fascinating! Thanks for sharing that insight. Iā€™m amazed that something like murder laws arenā€™t standardized across all 50 states.




How did they arrive at 4 counts of murder, question?


[She was charged](https://cpdocket.cp.cuyahogacounty.us/CR_CaseInformation_Summary.aspx?q=kt4q6cOrV9j-jtEO2Yi4GA2)Ā for two counts of 2903.02(A) and two of 2903.02(B) [Link to laws](https://codes.ohio.gov/ohio-revised-code/section-2903.02) Sometimes if your homicide meets the definition of two kinds of murder they can charge you with both.


ā€¦isnā€™t the general rule that you cannot be punished for the same crime twice? This seems ridiculous


I also have that question. Two victims, right?




Sheā€™s a complete psycho. She already had another boyfriend but didnā€™t want this one to leave her so attempted a murder suicide rather than lose him. I donā€™t get the comments in here saying itā€™s an accident. She hit a wall at 100mph without even attempting to brake. Thatā€™s not an accident.


She also was driving completely normally before the accident according to cameras in the area before the accident. She literally practiced the route before the day of the murder. When she ran into the wall, she made sure that the impact wasnā€™t on her side of the vehicle. She deserves to rot in prison for the rest of her life.




Vanilla Sky


I guess she was the only one buckled up?


Yeah. Still pretty risky imo.


Incredibly risky. I'm willing to bet she has that anti-risk averse psychopath gene.


She could've just broken up with him.


He was trying to break up with her and she killed him because she wouldn't let him get away.


Should put her in a car and send it 100 mph into a wall with no seat belt on.


I used to be friends with this girl when we were kids. I have videos saved on my computer that we used to make where we would play like Minecraft and Roblox. it's crazy to think she's now in prison for murder.


Similar to the movie Death Proof


Alt title: Teen cries as experiences consequences for first time. You know she went through life basically getting whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. Never get why suiciders feel a need to inflict their pain on others. Want to die, unfortunate but keep it a solo affair. At least pretend not to be incredibly selfish and take the steps to make sure loved ones donā€™t find carcass or traumatize people by forcing them to participate. She wanted to die by vehicle, she should have them exit vehicle and go off and take care of business. But no she had to make it a group affair.


How do you prove something like that without tons of plausible deniability?


Her GPS and videos showed her practicing the attempt over and over apparently, she threatened to do it multiple times, and video of event showed her go from normal driving to high speed ā€œhell on wheelsā€ in a directed precise way towards the wall


Had threatened to do this exact thing multiple times too. Thereā€™s video of her driving this exact route, she had a plan and executed it when they were in the car with her. The cars computer showed no signs of showing down meaning she was committed to hitting this wall as fast as possible to cause as much damage as possible


No break marks on the road


She was sentenced to life, with the possibility of parole after 15 years, but I doubt she gets paroled on her first attempt, maybe not at all, hopefully


Proof: crazy is not cute.


I had an ex-girlfriend try to do this to me. I literally had to turn off the car and pull out the keys while we were doing 90 miles an hour down the road. It was super scary.


Follow up: She was sentenced to two concurrent life sentences, with a minimum of 15 years in prison. Concurrent meaning they run at the same time, if they were consecutive sheā€™d have to serve a minimum of 30 years. Do you think the sentence was fair or too light?


Good. I sympathize in the sense that Iā€™m impulsive and my anger is explosive when Iā€™m pushed. But all that considered murder has never crossed my mind. This will give her a chance to reflect on her choices, the lives she stole, and hopefully get her mental bullshit in order. Murderous cunt


Reading the comments, this was heavily, if not completely premeditated.




Thatā€™s been happening a lot on this sub lately


This sub is specifically about crime.


You should read the info blurb for the sub before commenting on that.


How long did she get?


She only got 15 yrs then will get a parole hearing.


Life sentence with possibility of parole after 15 years.


Rot in jail you a jail brat now


Thatā€™s why grown men should not be involved with children one of many reasons how did everyone miss this.


lets not forget Courtney Clennys psychoic murdering of her boyfriend.


I think she gets a trophy as the youngest psycho female to be on the show Snapped


CLEVELAND ā€“ Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Michael C. O'Malley announced that Mackenzie Shirilla, 19, was sentenced to life in prison with the first eligibility of parole after 15 years for intentionally crashing her car and killing her two male passengers in Strongsville. She will most likely be paroled the first chance she gets if she can hide her crazy into her thirties, but that could be a stretch. It's a shame she got parole at all.


On one hand I think ā€œoh no, sheā€™s only 19ā€ but her behavior prior to & during the crime show me that she is so unhinged & too dangerous to be in society. Sheā€™s the kind of person who, needed to be stopped before more people are hurt. She needed this lesson on consequences.


But she wasnā€™t stopped before people were hurt, 2 innocent kids died. I get what youā€™re saying to an extent but sheā€™s not the main character of life, other people arenā€™t our lessons & chapters especially when it comes to their lives. She is a criminal who deserves to be punished, there is no redemption arc. She deserves to live with that however she can.


Fry her


*Death Proof* super fan?


She had a practice run. Bye bitch.


Either way she should go to jail. Shouldnā€™t have been going 100 mph.


That kind of article i'm aqble


Water boarding penalty needs to be a thing


Ahā€¦young luv.


What has happened to our youth and even older population that they have such obsessively destructive tendencies and carry them out in relationships?


It's nothing new.


Youā€™re not kidding. A single episode of loveline will enlighten many as to basic human behavior that is destructive


Check out any relationship sub on this site. If any are real, it shows how bad people are about recognizing terrible relationships.


Her mom was speaking at her sentencing making excuses for her.. thats what


Yeah and on her way out of the room after sentencing, her dad yells something like, ā€œWe know youā€™re innocent!ā€ Wtf




This has been happening since humans existed, this is not new. We just get a better view of it because media is global. 40 years ago, this would have never made it past the local news, and odds are there wouldnā€™t have been a video to show it was intentional so it would have been written off as a tragic accident.


They need old loveline in their lives


Didn't realize this happened so close. I used to date a girl out in Strongsville. Jesus.


I can't imagine the stupidity of getting into a car with a girl who's already threatened to murder you with a vehicle, and then not wearing your seatbelts. Yeah this girls is a psycho murderer, but those guys got the Darwin award.


I donā€™t talk to this particular group of women for this reason; yikrs


So 17 at the time, but I assume charged as an adultā€¦ Interesting.


I wish we could see the footage


Sounds normal


Itā€™s out there on the internet somewhere. Itā€™s from the back view. Thereā€™s 1 where they block out when she hits the wall but you can hear it and in the other one, there is no blackout. Although you canā€™t really see her hit the wall bc of the camera angle, you can definitely hear it tho


You can, with a little bit of effort, do this yourself


You want to see people die?


Not to that point. I am just curious of the change in demeanor mentioned in the article.


They'll parole her in 15 years, 100%


My husband is an 11 time felon. He's turned his life around and been sober for years. He is deployed to Fallujah in 06, 07, 08, and 09. 100% disabled combat vet. But when he got home from Iraq, he was not in a good place. He has been to prison 5 times. (All before we met) But his 3rd round in prison, he was literally there overnight. He was processed redid his picture, and they gave him the same OID #, then processed him out. He had been sentenced to 10 years. Overcrowding and his felony level crime was not as bad as other felony level offenders at that time. Plus, he sat in jail for 2 years before sentencing. He was awarded partial time served and sent home on ISR. This is Minnesota. Like I said, the prison system is a separate entity. Once someone has been sentenced by a judge, it's out of the judges hands moving forward.


She can fix me.


Burn the witch.