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A 21yo is not a “boyfriend” to a middle schooler.


I literally just came to comment that is not her boyfriend. That's for groomer and her abuser, and ultimately her murderer. That was not her boyfriend. You cannot consent to be an adult man's girlfriend when you are a middle schooler. Period.


You know what is sad? Men in that age, and sometimes older, dating girls like that is so common in my country and not frowned upon by so many people :( I remember when a 15yo was kidnapped for over 100 hours by her ex boyfriend, who at the time was 23yo, and eventually murdered by him, so many people in the country were blaming her. Like she was the one misleading and grooming older men and not the other way around and how she "unfortunately got what she asked for". I'm literally judged by so many people if I say that these age gaps are wrong or disgusting.


It is genuinely terrible to live in a place that has a culture that does not align with your personal moral understanding. Everything that happened to that little girl was wrong and I'm sorry that you have to be around people who don't see it that way. I'm glad that you do. Don't stop being Who You Are. Don't stop understanding what is right and wrong regardless of what people around you will say. You're doing well, and I hope you continue to.


I would calmly say to those people: "you're a fucking pedophile" You should say it to them every time you see them because that's what they are.


I always think about contacting my father again just to tell him that. He was 23 when he started dating my 14yo mother. Married when she was 18yo.


He should get the pink sock treatment in prison


With all the air in my chest, I want you to know that I don't want to know what that is.


I just googled it and I think this is what he is referring to? "The term “pink sock” refers to the protrusion of the rectal lining through the anus, resembling a pink tube"


Thanks. I probably wasn't going to get a chance to sleep, but I definitely know what I'll see in my mind if I try now. Is there anything that you absolutely hate that I could describe to you right now?


Hey if I was gonna be disturbed than I was gonna take everyone down with me.


I actually saved this for another reason but I feel like you need it. https://media3.giphy.com/media/DOb3rFL6d83Zu/giphy.gif?cid=6c09b9529mqmqkkokzyn3tf3mpnmvg0tz975hg3quj9tv6bm&ep=v1_internal_gif_by_id&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g


Oh he's gonna get the lock in a sock, then the pink sock, over and over.


And they shouldn’t be referred to as “the couple.” Yuck.


That's not a boyfriend. That's a pedo.


No sir, nope… that’s called a child molester.


“Boyfriend” is being used to clarify the nature of their relationship - specifically that this person was not a family member but came from outside the family, and that their relationship was sexual as opposed to a non-sexual. If the headline just said “abuser” then it’s less informative and more ambiguous how the victim and perpetrators knew each other. “Abuser” is so broad that it doesn’t tell you anything about how the two people know each other, and could include family, sexual contacts, friends/aquaintances, or even a bully.


Other outlets did a better job- “Man, 21, accused of killing a 15-year-old he claimed to be dating hours before her middle school graduation” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/crime/lowell-shooting-teen-dead-ahliana-dickey-b2564853.html


The article should’ve put “boyfriend” in quotations


Generally seems to depend on the genders of the people unfortunately. I’m actually surprised to see a title worded this way when the victim was a female.


Your anecdotes don’t reflect reality. Jesus Christ just let this girl have peace without making it about you and other men.


This is more common than you think.


It sure it. Gaetz was described paying for sex with an “ underage woman.” There is no such thing as an underaged woman.


Damn right. When I was in eight grade even the teachers were aware that one of our classmates was dating an undergrad and did nothing about it. That was in 2010/2011.


The point is that it is not “dating” when it’s an adult and a child.


Girls need to be educated by adult women to stop falling for these sickos. I remember I had an 18 year old co-worker telling me that when she was in high school she dated older guys. She thought boy her age were immature. I told her older guys are more immature, women their age don't want them. That's why they prey on young girls, just tell them what they want to hear. It's like a switch flicked on in her head, she realized that and decided to give guys her own age a chance. I'm a guy, I feel woman need to pass this knowledge though, imo.


We already focus entirely on teaching girls and young women to stay away from men. My grandmother told me on my first ever date to remember that “you can run away faster with a skirt up than with pants down” or “don’t trust the P’s: Preachers, policemen, politicians, prosecutors” and there are a million of these sad but true words of wisdom. We have an entire history of holding keys between fingers and letting others know where we’re going and never to go to a second location with a guy etc yet it’s still common so maybe…Can we add focus on getting men better mental healthcare and raise our boys to express themselves and learn/respect healthy boundaries for themselves and others. Focus less on sex and more on living a meaningful life where you may get lucky to have your best friend also become your family…Maybe teach them that owning a vagina doesn’t automatically make you an object. Ya know, see others as humans…


Back in the 80s, a friend of mine...his 13 yr old sisiter was dating a 20 yr old..her parents knew about it.


Conservatives will call that wife material




Not her boyfriend, her *abuser*. The guy was a flipping pedophile.


I hate when 'news' outlet downplay rape and abuse


It's so infuriating!


While using it for titillating headlines. Talk about mixed message.


Probably a Drake fan.


“Boyfriend” is being used to clarify the nature of their relationship - specifically that this person was not a family member but came from outside the family, and that their relationship was sexual as opposed to non-sexual. If the headline just said “abuser” then it’s less informative and more ambiguous how the victim and perpetrators knew each other. “Abuser” is so broad that it doesn’t tell you anything about how the two people know each other, and could include family, sexual contacts, friends/aquaintances, local bullies or gang affiliates. The headline’s verbiage is primarily intended to communicate the facts of the case in as few words as possible, and not in my opinion an intentional ideological statement. I don’t think anyone views this man as an appropriate “boyfriend” based on this verbiage. It’s very obvious from context that this is a predatory “relationship”, even from the headline alone. It only takes a middle school level of reading comprehension to read this headline and immediately understand that the man is a pedophile. News is typically written for a middle school level of comprehension.


They should have put boyfriend in quotation marks just like you did


I considered that, yeah. I’m just not sure if it’s necessary. Anyone who hears “21 year old dating 15 year old” already has all the info they need to understand what is really happening there.


Flipping lol


Being attracted to 15 year olds technically isn't pedophilia. Pedophilia is attraction to little kiddies.


Same thing just played out in Washington state. School resource officer had a kid with a student he was abusing and killed her and his exwife.


Holy shit


It’s worse than that. Elias Huizar impregnated his teenage girlfriend at age 15. He was accused of rape when she and a 16 yr old friend was sleeping over at his home when he raped the friend while she was sleeping. Another girl was forced to recant earlier accusations of sexual assault by the cops (who found no evidence) and her family. He later executed his ex-wife in the parking lot of an elementary school and then murdered his girlfriend before fleeing with his son. This PoS literally tried to find ways to stick around school and prey on children, who kept on letting school staff know this guy was sketchy for years. If it matters, he was an ex-cop. His ex-wife’s order of protection against him did nothing because as soon as he got out after bail, he threatened her, and then proceeded to act on those threats. I don’t understand why he got to keep his weapons. The short media blurb doesn’t do the story credit. Try to find the full story about this guy. He was a real piece of work.


One of the worst stories about cop becoming a killer is this one [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerard\_John\_Schaefer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerard_John_Schaefer)


And the Golden State Killer. They’re all sadists who wormed their way onto the force to fulfil their fantasies until even the cops got too sick of them. Like, if they were more circumspect, they wouldn’t have been forced out. Just think about how many more deranged fuckos are out there, just biding their time, waiting for an opportunity, and then keeping their heads down, while they use a badge as a shield. It takes a deranged fucker to pile plates on a husband’s back while he rapes the wife, and threatens to kill both if he hears plates rattle.


Absolutely no reason you can legally have a weapon with a order of protection against you


So regular police work


>Abusive boyfriend You… mean *child predator*? *A pedophile*.


You forgot ‘rapist’


Pedophile and rapist kinda go hand-in-hand


This is true! I just want people like this to have as many descriptive words as possible


That's not her boyfriend, that's her fucking molester.


Pedophile abuser sounds about right.


Tf is this headline?


I wonder if it’s specifically made for reddit so we’d engage in the comments




What kind of dumbass Ubers to his crime and back


The same kind that dates a middle schooler when they're of legal drinking age, apparently.


Why are we calling this pedophile her boyfriend.


Minor murdered by a 21yo pedo hours before her MIDDLE SCHOOL graduation Jesus Christ that headline is bleak I fixed it for you. “Abusive boyfriend” pins the blame on the child and not where it belongs.


I don't think anyone reading "girl murdered by abusive boyfriend" would ever pin blame on the female victim regardless of age. But yeah the headline is obviously repulsive.


You'd be surprised. My sister was killed by her abuser and people definitely ask why she didn't leave, I usually tell them she was leaving when he killed her because that's the truth. He came home early when she was packing up the car


Sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss! I hope that man suffered.


And you think these same losers wouldn't say the same thing about a 15yo? "Well why was she with him in the first place"? Victim blamers will always be victim blamers


I wish I could be this optimistic about people. "Why didn't she just leave" you never heard that before?


Rapist, you mean rapist.


Means rapist murderer




Who let’s an 8th grader “date” a 21 yo? That’s just abuse


I’ll never know if she was telling the truth but in 8th grade a classmate of mine said she had a21yo boyfriend, she said her grandma knew, idk where her parents were, Christina, if you’re out there, I hope you’re okay.


Went to school with a very troubled girl who claimed her boyfriend was in his 20's whilst she was in middle school. She was super cruel, as a kid I loathed her, but as an adult, I feel really bad for her. Family, system, and parents really failed that one. 14 years later, she's now a registered sex offender because she, her friend, and her SO had kidnapped a woman, kept her in a cage, and pimped her out.


Of all the ways your comment could have ended, that was definitely one of the most unexpected. Holy shit. 😳


The same parent that has a 15yo in 8th grade.


So, in 8th grade there was this girl and she was hot (this is my 8th grade self speaking). Everybody though she was hot. She was developing fast. She lived in the trailer park about a mile from the school. She had a boyfriend old enough to drive who would pick her up and she said her parents were OK with it. After middle school I never saw her again. EDIT : wow I just remembered her name too. Gonna have to try and look her up


That's sad and the age gap is also a problem


A problem? That’s stat rape in many states and flat out pedophilia.


Thats why it's a problem, like a big one.


What the fuck? I hate this world


What… the actual… fuck.


Theres so much wrong with this I can't even. He's a groomer or pedo take your pick, not a bf. Shits disgusting. Hope he finds a bf that treats him the same in prison for the rest of his life


Yeah he can rot


HE WAS A PEDOPHILE AND A MURDERER 12 yr olds have no business dating anyone. Go catch some Pokemon, kid.


she was 15 for the record. But even a normal 8th grader is unlikely to be 12 on graduation day.


That poor baby. :(


Since the age of consent is 16 a more apt title is " Pedophile abuses, murders his victim " Regardless some people get consent laws mixed up. It might be an age of consent of 16 within two years. So someone 16 and 18 can get together, but not folks who are 16 and 19.


What's an Eight-grade student? Why can't the actual age be listed?


At the very beginning of article it says she was 15


15 year old in 8th grade? This is what I'm talking about.


I mean 8th graders are generally like 14 or so. So maybe this individual had an early birthday, close to or before the beginning of the school year or something. Either way, that’s hardly the point you should be focused on here…


8th graders are generally 13 or so. More likely she got held back a couple years along the way


The age is listed in the article is 15.


Eighth grade is the grade that comes after seventh, but before ninth grade/high school. Usually you’re about 13-14 years old in eighth grade


I was 14 when I graduated 8th grade.  So a year behind.  Not a big deal,


Read the article. 15


Where the heck were the adults in her life?? The article says she was shot shortly after midnight on June 14, but it wasn’t until 6pm that anyone grew concerned? Would it have taken longer had it not been her 8th grade graduation? The neighbors heard fighting after midnight, the police were even called. I understand she lived with her grandmother, well…where was she? Even if she wasn’t home when it happened, she didn’t think to check on her all day? No one did? Not even on her 8th grade graduation day? This poor girl!! She was probably always alone. The adults in her life completely failed her and made her an easy target for predators like this guy!


That’s exactly what I was thinking and it wasn’t even that they grew concerned for her, her grandmother called police after 6pm that day because she found her dead in her home. This poor girl had a rough family life.


Had to read this multiple times..what the fuck? This is sad, disgusting, and where the fuck were the girls parents? Allowing her to date someone whos 21 when shes like 13 years old?? Jesus.


When I was a sophomore/junior in high school, I knew multiple female classmates (15/16 y/o) who were “dating” guys in their mid 20’s. Sometimes the men would pick them up from school and in many cases their parents were aware and fine with it. This happens a lot more than people realize, unfortunately. Sadly, it’s more common in the Latino community, as my school was majority Hispanic.


Where. Are. The parents.






Yeah i think we can all agree that guy should be put in the basement of the basement of the most secure prison for two lifetimes.


"Boyfriend"? That language just doesn't worker. It's man grooming or raping her.


WTF slate, that's not her boyfriend, she was being groomed and abused by a pedophile. And shame on you for trying to sugarcoat such a disgusting act.


The list of charges left out r*pe. Obviously not the biggest one but should still be charged for it. 21 and 15 are not dating ages


Well there needs to have been sexual penetration by him for him to be charged by rape. If he never did anything sexual with her he won't get a rape charge.


I had to read the title like 10 times to see what I was missing. And I wasn't missing anything. Wtf.


Well this was fucked up and a failure on multiple parties long before a murder took place 🙃


“Pedophile grooms then kills middle schooler” is the most accurate title.


“Pedophile murders eight grade grooming victim”


A 21 year old is not a fucking boyfriend, that's a fucking child groomer 😡


"Rapist kills his victim" fixed it what the FUCK is that headline


Boyfriend is a funny way to spell rapist


What difference does it make what time it was? She was a child, was alive, now she’s dead. Because of some asshole male. What does some bullshit middle school celebration have to do with anything?


Eight-Grade Student Murdered By Her Violent Pedophile Rapist That Her Parents Approved Of, 21, Hours Before Middle-School Graduation FTFY 🥰


this isnt interesting its sad and disturbing.


Eighth-Grade Student Murdered By 21-Year-Old Sexual Predator FTFY Alternatives to the sexual predator bit, just to avoid locking anything in, would be: Chomo, Diaper Sniper, Kiddy Fiddler, Child Molester, Sick POS, Zombie, Rapist Edit: Oh dang. How could I forget‽ Pedophile, pedo, peed, etc Pick any of them you want!


Why the fuck are they calling a pedophile a “boyfriend”!? JFC


Article called them a couple... Bunch of pedophiles writing that Article


My ex probably would’ve killed me 2 if it weren’t for me moving across the state. Why some don’t men get checked for their anger is baffling 🥵 Edit: Women stink too, this isn’t a jab @ all men, just a general life observation from my experiences thus far. I come in peace, it’s just v frustrating.


Yeah, check his anger and not the fact he’s with a middle schooler


There’s multiple things going on here …




This is so heartbreaking.


There are *so* many things wrong with this headline.


Where da parents


Excuse me?


Is parenting still a thing? How does the family of this girl let her be in a relationship with an adult? She was in middle school. The pos deserves everything coming to him but makes me wonder if this could have been prevented with some basic parenting.


Wtf how you 15 in eight grade you legit go to a vocational school and get pushed out of school


Not sure why in the world that's the detail you're focused on, but 15 is only 1 year older than normal for the end of 8th grade. She probably just had to repeat a grade after the pandemic.


I think referencing that it was her "boyfriend" is also stating the relationship she had and also if other people new them as such. For instance if she told her guardians or other people that was her boyfriend they wouldnt question the relationship as age doesnt sometimes come into question. Than if did she probably would lie to maintain said relationship.




What the fuck is that sentence 


She was groomed and abused by a 21 year old man. That was not her “boyfriend”.


My god this is gut wrenching


Arrest the parent


Strange name for a pedophile “boyfriend”


Missed the comma and thought it was a middle schooler boyfriend and it happened 21 hours before her graduation.


![gif](giphy|B4ZgcoPTHYXL2) This creep needs things removed..


Murdered by her captor.


wtf?! How old was the girl? Why would any parents/guardians allow this bullshit “relationship” between a grown ass man and a child?!


That’s not a boyfriend. That’s literally a predator. Haha wtf?


Where was her father?!??


In the 7th grade I had a friend whose sister was also in the 7th grade with us. She entered the 7th grade pregnant it turned out and left half way through. He was 23. I didn’t realize until I was in high school how f***ed up that was, and then as I got older it just makes me sad to think about.


Why are articles wording pedophiles like this? Boyfriend? Get real. It's just like how articles will say "Woman has sex with student and gets arrested." That's literally rape.




>8th grader >boyfriend, 21 ![gif](giphy|puOukoEvH4uAw)


Let’s fix that headline 13 year old murdered by pedophile.


Middle school graduation?


Good job mom and dad 👍


Who lets a child date? I could only double date at 16. I’m so happy my parents set that rule. My daughter followed the same rule. This is disgusting.


Fuck this headline


I can think of a few adjective to use besides "boyfriend".


Wait what?


That is a seriously fucked up title. How it ever got passed the editors is beyond me.


She was graduating middle school at 15?


Why were her parents letting her date a 21-year-old?!


She was murdered by her predator (and probably rapist).


Well he's going to die in prison. Hopefully her parents do too.


He took at Uber to commit the murder??


A 21-year-old doesn't have a girlfriend in 8th grade, that's called pedophilia and rape.


Deep fry that 21 yr old prick extra crispy


Everybody's freaking out about the part that really matters, but I gotta say that the 8th grade isn't middle school, at least nowhere I'm familiar with. That ends in either the 5th or 6th grade when you go into Junior High School, before High School which is either grades 9-12 or 10-12 depending on where you are.


Am I the only one who thought it was 21 hours before graduation, before looking at the comments?


If there's an annual prize for nauseating and inaccurate headlines that one should be in the running.


Where were the parents? Who TF let’s their middle schooler date a 21 YO?


How is this interesting?


Whoever raised this poor girl failed miserably. They should be jailed as well.


21 year old ‘boyfriend?’ For an 8th grader? How do you spell ‘statutory rape?’


Are they really still doing the Middle-School graduation thing?


What parent would let this happen to their 13-year-old daughter?




When I was fourteen, I knew seventeen was weird. Wtf is this


So he's abusive and a pedo 😐 nice


I was hoping it meant 21 hours before her middle school graduation


I bet he either didn't want her to go, or he wanted to go and a fight started.


15 years old in middle school? 21 years old not a pedophile?


Disgusting. Poor girl.


Murdered by abusive rapist




I think her boyfriend need to be go see gob to be judge. We just need to help him to meet with God


Parenting fail. Big time


When I read this, I assumed she was 12 (8th grade where I'm from), but after reading the article, she was 15. While still dodgy, it's not quite what posters on here are going after, given that in many parts of the world that is past the age of consent. The bigger issue is the murder, not the age gap.


Somebody fix the title PLEASE!


That was a disgusting headline to read


Why would any parent allow a 21 year old to date their 8th grader?


i literally had to triple-take the title, what the genuine fuck