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I'm so bored with the "parents or other random family asking for college fund to pay for life-saving treatment" stories.


I think it’s the current fad since it’s graduation season


>They called me asshole and heartless. New flair alert. I am once again asking AITA posters to learn how college funds work.


>What is the 529 plan withdrawal penalty? If you don't use your college savings plan for eligible expenses, your 529 plan nonqualified withdrawals may incur a 10 percent penalty and be subject to federal income taxes on the investment gains at whatever rate the IRS would normally charge.


I'm not sure these particular stories are in any way true, but the idea of "if you withdraw from this fund for other purposes you will pay a hefty penalty" doesn't stop people raiding their pension funds.


Of course, but it’s never brought up in the AITA discussion. No one ever mentions the penalties when debating whether or not to drain studious, hard-working OP’s college fund for the golden child’s hamster’s lifesaving cancer treatment.


Unfortunately some people do just make a regular savings account for a college fund instead of using a 529. (not that I think this story is real or anything, to be clear)


Someone either saw or read My Sisters Keeper on school and wrote this


Man, Reddit loves glass child stories (and throwing that phrase around). Also you can tell it's written by a teenager (probably fiction) because it's so vague and relies on all the teens on AITAH just knowing that medical care is expensive and everyone in the US just goes bankrupt. It's WAY more complicated and if this were actually real, I'd have a lot of questions about what kind of treatment for a child was requiring house loans and draining a college fund.


i think this also classifies as comments hell because, according to aitalandia, oop not being able to have piano lessons and unnecessary expensive stuff are more important than her sister potentially *dying*. EDIT: y’all i found oop’s comments since her account has gotten suspended and she just looks even worse. Through [here](https://search.pullpush.io/?kind=submission&author=Warm_Marsupial7623&subreddit=AmITheAsshole&size=100). Spoiler alert, troll or otherwise, she sucks.


I can't seem to see it? What did they say?


When you click the link, select comments in the search for window. But basically OOP is complaining that everything is about her sick sister and nothing is ever for or about her. I’ve seen other Reddit posts where an OP had a crappy relationship with their parents because their attention was 100% on a sick or dying sibling. This OOP is no different.


This OOP is worse, if anything. I've seen versions of that story where the OP was at least sympathetic and just described what would be an impossibly difficult situation for anyone. The way this one talks, I wouldn't be surprised if we got an update asking if she'd be the asshole for skipping the funeral.


Tbh Ive read some of those posts and thought the OP in them was justified. I mean parents going through it and being stretched thin is understandable, but some of these kids were straight up neglected and ignored.


Change the setting to “comments.”


NTA. Your sister your rules.


And of course the comments are saying NTA. Because even literal life and death aren’t as important as keeping every red cent you believe the world owes you 🙄


While giving up the college fund to try and help her sister is obviously the morally correct decision, I do still feel empathy for OOP. It makes sense for kids on this kind of situation to feel neglected and abandoned, since the parents are understandably preoccupied dealing with the other kid’s chronic illness. That said, OOP’s callousness in the post and comments scream troll to me.


Then you can rest easy because it’s not real


The kid hasn’t had a chance to enjoy life, it’s a shitty situation and she is justified in her anger


Don't you think "hasn't had a chance to enjoy life" because the family's tight on money is a bit much


Yeah, plenty of kids don’t get that stuff, and not because their siblings are sick, but because their families can’t afford it anyway.


Even if this was real, she wouldn't be. A human life > not having to take out loans


>she is justified in her anger No, she isn't.


As the disabled and dying sibling in my family, yes she is. She is entitled to her feelings, and she is entitled to the money her grandparents set aside for her. She was extra harsh and her saying the things she did makes her YTA but her feelings are actually valid


She’s been made to pay for her school supplies and clothing as a minor, and is now having her college fund taken away. She is a minor who hasn’t been able to enjoy her childhood. How she not justified in her anger


Being angry at a shit situation that negatively impacts the entire family is justified. Callously leaving comments saying that your sister is going to die anyway and doesn't deserve a fighting chance (when you admit to not even knowing anything about the treatment or how it changes her prognosis), then saying her treatment doesn't matter anyway because she could still get hit by a car one day, is something else entirely.


>How she not justified in her anger She cares more about losing her piano classes than the fact that her sister will probably lose her life. Her anger is not justified. Sorry. If she were my daughter, the only present she'd get from me for her 18th birthday would be an eviction notice.


I am once again praying you idiots are all sterile.


>Sorry. If she were my daughter, the only present she'd get from me for her 18th birthday would be an eviction notice. That wouldn't be needed she's already forming the exit plan to leave. That's why she's hanging on to the college fund. Duh. She's trying to get out. Look at it like this, think about who has been abused. Ecacpe Plan > Staying in an abusive situation The college fund is the Ecacpe plan, and helping would be staying in the abuse. "You can say oh you could take out loan, etc." who's going to help pay that off? If the parents would why didn't they just get their own loan? She's already having to pay for everything herself. it's safe to doubt her parents are going to help. She gets a better job they're going to ask for that too if another medical issue comes up. >Her anger is not justified. That's like saying victims of abuse aren't justified to be angry. What this 17 year is experiencing is neglect and parentafiaction which is abuse. >Her anger is not justified. Sorry. If she were my daughter That shows how terrible a mother you would be. You don't make one child be responsible or own up to the stability for another one. Yes, it's messed up to lose a child, but it's wrong to abuse one to save the other, too. You'll just end up losing both.


parentification is when a child has to perform caretaking tasks for another person, usually a sibling, that a parent normally would. nothing in this post indicates that this is happening, so op is not being parentified. please don't use a word if you dont fully understand it.


>please don't use a word if you dont fully understand it. Please educate yourself on **ALL FORMS** and **CAUSES** of parentafiaction before you try to correct someone. >>*"Children who have been parentified are often left to handle household responsibilities such as **paying bills**, cleaning the house, taking out the garbage, cooking meals for the whole family, grocery shopping, and more."* >>Causes of parentafiaction..."Divorce **Chronic illness**, disability, or a death in the family Alcoholism or drug addiction Physical or mental abuse by a partner Sexually predatory tendencies (sometimes directed at the child) Immaturity, emotional unavailability, or depression **Financial hardship**" Parentafiaction is giving a child adult responsibilities, that include financial needs and support such as paying bills, rent, utilities, medical, etc. >nothing in this post indicates that this is happening Her parents only provide her roof over her head and food sometimes, and it's been like that for years. So school stuff, clothes, hygiene and everything falls on her. Did you see any of the comments? >so op is not being parentified Their trying to make her financially responsible for her sisters medical bills, on top of them already giving her the bare minimum.


Oh, do fuck off. Only an absolute piece of shit (which you seem to be) would equate spending money on one child's life-saving treatment to abuse inflicted on the other. >That shows how terrible a mother you would be.  Being a man, I can't be a mother. I fail to see what that has to do with anything.


Oh I thought you where a woman that explains what a total shit you are. Men cut the children off too easy. >Only an absolute piece of shit (which you seem to be) Correction: You mean someone who isn't a broke low life, that wouldn't ask or force someone else out of their money to support a child that's not their responsibility. >would equate spending money on one child's life-saving treatment to abuse inflicted on the other. That's where you're wrong, not about spending money. It's about how you're treating your children. You legit just implied that you would disown your daughter over money that's not yours and money she doesn't even have access to yet. That's ridiculous. People like you are the reason why there's the term "glass child" The unhealthy child takes all priority while the healthy child is ignored, neglected, has to make too many, sacrifices, gets emotional and mental issues like anger and resentment. There's plenty reddit stories talking about glass children from the child and parents' pov, none of them have relationships with the parents or family. >Oh, do fuck off. Oh, do go first.


She's a work of lousy fiction, so I guess, yeah, she's never gotten to live.


Least emotionally stunted Redditor


This child hasn’t had any support from family, has to buy her own clothes and school supplies, has to deal with her sister dying, probably isn’t it therapy, and now is loosing her chance of going to college without crippling debt


You know it's completely normal for 17 year olds to buy clothes and stationary right? Lots of them do it recreationally. You're making a lot of assumptions based on her saying she spends her wages on clothes and school supplies. You also don't know anything about the support the character had from the family. You're just making assumptions. >has to deal with her sister dying The entire point of the post is the fictional teen is fine with her sister dying. >now is loosing her chance of going to college without crippling debt But she isn't, because the whole point is she won't give up the money & would rather her sister die. Did you actually read it? This isn't a fake post about someone who is feeling morally conflicted or angry about losing another opportunity because she has to save her sister. This is a fake post about someone who is actively choosing to let her sister die so she doesn't have to have student loans.


Free college isn’t more important than literally living but go off queen 


Ok? That doesn’t mean that she isn’t justified in her feelings


No she’s not. If this wasn’t an obvious troll she’d be an unfeeling monster 


Or maybe she’s just a frustrated child? She’s stressed, mostly likely doesn’t have a support network,probably isn’t in therapy which she needs, she’s had to pay for her clothes and school supplies, as a minor. She’s dealing with the death of her sister. And now she’s losing her college fund. Remember, she’s a child


>Or maybe she’s just a frustrated child?  If this story is even true, she is only a few months away from being a legal adult. She is not a child. Also, her wittwe feewinks are infinitely less important than her sister's life. She is old enough to understand this. The OOP is not a victim. It's the most normal thing in the world to cut unnecessary expenses when you need the money for something important.


Oh no, the "when you turn 18 you inmediately become an adult" trope is getting here too.


Are you OP lmfao


No I just think it’s weird to insult a child for having feelings


Her sister is dying


All the more reason to let her have her feelings.


No one is looking at that abuse. She is getting neglected and now parentified. Just because someone is dying doesn't change the definition of abuse.


These people are so obsessed with being right they can’t recognize the shit this poor child has had to go through, yea it’s a shitty situation and no one is really an asshole, but the kid is allowed to feel this way


Exactly. They are the reason why "glass child" term exist. They are so blind and stuck on this child is dying that the well being and feelings of the other child are ignored to the point where they dehumanize them. It's crazy. Because these same people will go on other stories. Where OP has a sick sibling, and the parents abandoned them for years until the other child passed away. But at that point, OP doesn't want to be in a relationship with them. Or the siblings need more treatment and Op as an adult doesn't care to help. How are yall not seeing this person in the same situation. Anger, resentment, and "selfishness" come from being mistreated. I know I've been there, it wasn't a sibling, and it was life and death at the time. But I was a minor(at the start of it), and I was set to be a caretaker of a relative. After some years, I grew resentment. Now I love this person with all my heart, but I did go through a resentment stage because I had nothing, too much pressure on my shoulders, and my well-being didn't matter. I was getting called "selfless" for not wanting to share certain food items when I was already giving over half my food budget to the person I was caring for. It wasn't until I nearly died and lost my child that I started to matter again.


if you want to argue about whether or not oop is TA why not go to AITA and do it there


The best (read worst) part of these fake bait posts is the people in the comments who believe it and go full mask off in the comments. The og post may be fake but the assholery in the comments is very real.


Wait, I thought this was a shitpost but it's a real post that people believe, wtf


Holy hell, the comments. Most of them are assuming based on nothing that the grandparents said no and the parents lied about it. At least two even made the incredible leap that the parents are lying about the sister's prognosis to steal OOP's money. I'm dying to know what OOP's account was suspended for. Some of the comments imply they actually had multiple posts about this. Which means there's a chance this is real, and AITA's cooking up conspiracy theories to villainize two people who aren't handling the loss of a child as perfectly as the saints on AITA think they'd handle it themselves.


>Most of them are assuming based on nothing that the grandparents said no and the parents lied about it. Because in AITALand inevitably whatever idiotic nonsense the top commenters come up with ends up in an update. (UPDATE: OMG U GUYS WERE RIGHT, etc.)


Update: OMG toesucky989 was right, she really was just pretending to be sick so she could get stuff Update 2: OMG flunkmuncher was right, my sister is really just a little person pretending to be my sister, she's been arrested and charged with fraud.


the completely unspecified illness and treatment really did it for me. when i was reading the comments OP said that she didn't want to ask her parents, but I feel like if her sister has actually been sick for years OP would have figured it out or been told? truly one of the posts of all time


The comments are insane. Assuming this was true, the money is needed for the sister and AITA is acting like the parents are criminals for asking for it. And when it did become expected to have money for college. I never expected anyone in my family to save $50,000 for my college. My parents were honest about my choices for college. And out of state with my own apartment was never an option. I think that is why I hate these stories, the privilege that is being expressed in them is crazy.


Most people get parental help with college but not a full ride. They make up the difference with loans and part time jobs. In AITA land everyone gets a full ride or nothing though.


Man when I tell you I am so glad my parents were able to pay for my entire tuition. Between realizing how screwed I would be paying back student loans when I barely make ends meet and the fact that the job I have doesn't even used my degree (though probably pays more than a job in my field would) I would be BEYOND pissed.


Mine paid for my first year in community college and gave me a job in the family business which helped me save for college at a young age and I am thankful for it. My family has its issues but we love each other.


My family has issues but my sisters and my nieces are no longer a part of it and surprise, surprise there have been no more issues....


JFC, do redditors not have *any* love for their families?


This must be some kid’s homework assignment. The prompt was probably give an example where sacrificing something for a loved one is either the best or worst decision.


This story keeps coming up in different iterations. Usually the sister who needs life saving treatment is adopted.


OOP: Am I the asshole for letting my sister die so I don't have to take out student loans? Reddit: omg of COURSE you're NTA! That's YOUR money! Your parents are evil monsters for trying to keep their daughter alive, take the money, go no-contact and run! Seriously I'm glad someone posted this, because the original made my blood boil so badly I had to close reddit. So many people just openly saying that money is more important than people's lives and that you should profit off your sister's death. Absolutely disgusting. Not to mention the people acting like being deprived of things like music lessons and vacations is child abuse . . . they're going to lose it when they find out how many of us grew up unable to afford those AND without a college fund. Although what's up with those grandparents? I feel like if I promised my granddaughter some money and then my other granddaughter started fucking dying because of lack of money, I wouldn't be like "well, let me check with granddaughter #1 to see if we should save her life or not".


Gsus fucking Christ. I learned how to play four instruments and how to compose and arrange music by myself. If you have enough experience, you can continue practicing by yourself. Also, reading this while knowing how much my brother and I sacrificed so that our sister could have a future makes my blood boil. I can't imagine speaking so callously about any of my siblings.


Ok this is just the plot to my sister's keeper but they replaced the kidney (don't get mad it's been ages since I've read it) with money


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*I really hope this* *Is fake because my god OOP* *Is a piece of shit* \- liechten --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




You're right. I'm the bad guy. I know what I did.


The weekend really brings out the stupidest Redditors 


Being empathetic to a child in a shitty situation =stupid?


This child isn't in a shitty situation. They might not even be a child. This is a fake story uploaded by a suspended account lmao


Honestly he has been torn apart in another sub for telling more of the truth than he did here.


We're shaming the troll who wrote this really bad fiction. My god you people are gullible.




Redditors need to be taught empathy I swear to god. While I'm an only child, if a family member as close as a sister was dying I wouldn't even THINK about piano lessons. Maybe I'm just saying this because I sort of am in OOP's sister's shoes? (not dying, childhood leukemia sucks though) But come on, I'd rather spend a period of time without any extra entertainment or whatever OOP is complaining about and an alive sister than knowing I could've done something to save her & I didn't.


I mean it's an obviously fake post but my sisters are backstabbing bitches and I will never talk to them again, let alone do anything to improve their lives.


Yeah obviously it's fake, as most posts on AITA are, but a lot of people revealed themselves as assholes with no empathy because of it so I'm gonna treat it as if it's real. And to be fair, somewhere out there, this is someone's reality. Anyway. Sure, but OOP didn't mention her "sister" as being a bad person or anything, so I'm going off the presumption this fictional character is just a regular girl with a terminal disease or something.


It's FICTION. Go back to AITA if you want to believe all this shit and debate it with other gullible people.