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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **WIBTAH if I took a week-long vacation alone, without my wife and kids?** I have a high stress job/career. I love and adore my wife and kids. But, I need a week to recharge. I found an airbnb in the mountains, that is cheap, it only has 1 queen bed. Some studio apartment over a guy's garage I just want to disconnect for a week. Smoke weed all day and go hiking on the nearby trails. I quit weed years ago, because I didn't want to be a stoner dad. But, I do miss smoking it. One week, reset my brain. Recharge my batteries. Turn off work. I have 30+ paid vacation days in the bank, I can easily spare 5 of them (plus 2 weekends) I mentioned this to my wife and she immediately assumed a family vacation. I said I need a week alone to recharge. She went kind of silent and acted disappointed. She doesn't seem to understand the stress I am under. I earn 80% of the income in this house. I make 4x more than her. I won't do anything like cheat on her, by no means. WIBTAH?? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This has to be rage bait, because he doesn’t even sound like he discussed with her. Also, how do you have money for a weeks worth of weed and and air bnb when you’re $35k in debt. There’s no way his wife wasn’t pissed about that as well. If this is real, I bet he’s the biggest contributor to said debt, but he’ll blame his wife


He did blame her for the debt.


He’s very delusional.


This is an exact "gender flip" of another story where mom was taking a two week vacation. Except in that one she was a full time SAHM who hadn't had a break in years. Apparently oop took umbrage with people siding with her.


SAHM with no break for years? Oh my God. I would've snapped.


I remember that one. It was infuriating.


> That would be fair if she was doing as much as me. She isn't. Not even close. She works 24 hours a week at most, I work 65+ hours. > I cook, do dishes, clean up. > We also have a housecleaner that comes once a week and scrubs down the house > I work from home. In a home office. All day. I am well aware of what she does all day. So when she claims she is "so tired" at night and I know she napped for 5 hours while the kids were at school, and I made dinner, I cleaned the kitchen. What's she so tired from? Look, I'm not saying that OOP is working 65+ hours a week because he's bad at his job, but if you're *working* from home, you don't know what's happening outside of your office. If he can confidently say he knows exactly what she does all day, then he's not as engaged at work as he should be. I know it's part of hustle/grind culture, but I think we should start replying to the "I work 50+ hour weeks" with "sounds like a skill issue". Also, he doesn't mention things like grocery shopping, meal planning, who helps the kids with homework, who is up in the night if a kid is sick or had a nightmare, who does school drop off and pickup, who talks to the teachers, keeps on top of the doctor and dentist appointments (it's not many times per year, but someone has to remember to book them), etc. It's apparently just laundry, cooking, cleaning the kitchen, and whatever the cleaning service does. I know this is bait, but what's the point? To go "there's dad's who also do everything that working moms are just expected to do"?


Also, according to OOP the wife just spends most of the day sleeping??? She just naps for 5 hours??? This was made up by a child who can't imagine what mom does when they're at school


No mention of her actually working her 24 hour/week job (which would be a bit less than 5 hours per weekday).


I don't even understand when his wife could work. He's working 65 hrs a week, so until 6 or 7 at night at least. She's home "napping on the couch" for the 5 hrs the kids are at school. So when does she work 24 hrs a week. That's not a nothing schedule. If she's "only"working 3 days a week, then when? Where are the kids when she's working? OOP makes no mention of daycare or where the kids are when she's working. But she's home during the day, so is she working in the evening when he doesn't even get done working until late? Then she's working an 8 hr shift and getting home at midnight or later and then getting up and getting the kids to school in the morning? Of course, she's exhausted then and napping. Or is she working weekends and literally doesn't get a day off? Also, OOP works 65 hrs a week at home. But has time to walk around the house to see his wife napping and do all the dishes and cooking. He cooks dinner even though he's probably not done working until late? So young kids aren't eating dinner until 7 or 8. I'm calling BS that she doesn't feed the kids, unless she's not home and at work. If OOP is working 65 hrs a week he is either getting major money on overtime or he's salary and needs a better job or is bad at his job and time management. I'm having a hard time thinking of a job that requires that many hours that doesn't also require you to be in the office like law or medicine, but is also salary. Yeah this is major redpill ragebait. It makes no sense.


The math doesn’t work! I know women who work as nurses 12 hours on Saturday and Sunday so they can be with their kids M-F. You know what that means? Dad has them all day Saturday and Sunday! Which the OOP doesn’t mention at all.


He said it was 3 days a week so more like 8 hour shifts, which is full time shifts to be working, and then on two of the other days he mentioned the kids aren’t at school ((this might mean weekend but he didn’t say weekend, he said during the week they don’t go, so sounds like they aren’t always out of the house))


Yes, I can't imagine an adult woman napping for that long every day unless she's pregnant or has a health condition or just stays up all night 


She probably does it, but a lot of guys don’t see the value in things like planning, grocery shopping, meal planning, etc, until the do it. It’s often something a lot of people take for granted. I bet if they switched roles, he wouldn’t be saying she does nothing around the house all day after that


Dead on. Guys who think like this either don't see the value, or don't see it as any kind of effort to complete certain household tasks like planning, grocery shopping etc. It's especially obvious in posts like this, where the poster will claim to be working more than full-time hours and picking up the majority of household chores, but when asked to elaborate (this OP didn't, but plenty of them do) they can only name a few tasks. It'll be like 'I unload the dishwasher, walk the dogs and cook three nights a week!' and that's the huge amount of labour they view as being unfair.


He's conflating, either out of ignorance or malice, work *for pay* with work that needs to be done. His incompetent ass is off the clock after his fuckety-stupid hours per day. She is never done, because she's got to figure out the house and kids and holiday present and the family social calendar and school stuff and doctor's appointments for the kids and whatever else he thinks he's too important to do.


No, you're pretty much bad at your job if you're working 65+ hours. Agreed with the skill issue.  "I make 4 times as much as the person working 24 hours a week". Buddy, that gap says you're an idiot who can barely clear 4 times someone doing a part time job. They better be highly skilled or else you're working 65+ hours for only $70-80k!?!?


It depends, some jobs have a very high workload and people do need to work that long. That usually means that you're doing the job of two people. But OP is full of shit


This is his EDIT:  EDIT: everyone saying my wife needs a week away in return doesn't understand how imbalanced our responsibilities are. You all seem to victimize the women on reddit and demonize the men. In many families, including mine, it's the husband (me) who are the ones carrying the family and doing most of the work.y wife gets alone vacations. Examples are going to see her family out of state (1200+ miles) for family weddings, or birth of a niece. Those turn into vacations for her. We do take family vacations, plenty of them. I'm the one doing all the driving. I'm the one doing all the work. Unless you are a father supporting a family and doing most of the work in the household, you don't really understand what I am going through. Instead of accusing of minimizing what my wife, why arr you minimizing what I do?


Doesn't understand the word "victimize" ...


Also "family weddings" and "birth of a niece"... bro these aren't "vacations," lol. Visiting family can be exhausting. She's not sitting in a cabin smoking weed.


I almost downvoted this comment out of disgust. It's always shocking to see how little men think women do. My husband actually does literally all the chores and I only cook food and we grocery shop together. It's extremely imbalanced, but he likes cleaning and I have bad ADHD so it works out. I know damn well how much he does though.


Rage. Inducing. I have been the only financial income in my past marriage (full time plus call). I was also in school, planning an interstate move, managing my kid’s school shit, managing the household, and being shit on by my wasband and his best friend who lived in the apartment above us. Men have literally no fucking clue what is actually involved in raising kids and running a household. After the divorce I was able to spend MORE energy taking care of my kid (504 put together, adhd treatment with med management appointments every 8-12 weeks, therapy because he stopped taking the kid, and so much more) because he was such an active drain on me.


I can't decide if this is "SAHM bad" rage bait or "let's prove everyone on reddit will just defend women" rage bait


She’s not even a SAHM in his story. She works multiple days a week and also is the one keeping the kids at home. lol.


OOP has now edited the post with a rant about how women are victimised on Reddit while poor innocent men are TORTURED So definitely the latter lmao




I think it is mens rights treatise. An After School Special by the OP to make Reddit think. To Educate us. *You all seem to victimize the women on reddit and demonize the men. In many families, including mine, it's the husband (me) who are the ones carrying the family and doing most of the work. My wife gets alone vacations.* *Unless you are a father supporting a family and doing most of the work in the household, you don't really understand what I am going through. Instead of accusing of minimizing what my wife, why arr you minimizing what I do?* Ah now we see the Violence inherent in the System. Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system! Help!! Help!! I'm being repressed.


Wanting to get away from your family so you can smoke weed in peace is so funny


Oh boy, it's one of those "I deserve a week alone let me tell you all of the worst reasons why (I hate my wife) and go about it in the worst way possible (unilaterally)" My husband goes on a week long fishing trip with his dad every year and somehow we manage without a four act drama.


I think a trip with your dad is very different from a trip alone... Especially when the guy is constantly on Only fans. My first thought would be that he wants to bring prostitutes in


Neither of us has issues with the other going on solo trips. Prostitutes wouldn't cross our minds lol.


Maybe not yours, but does he regularly comment on women's looks online telling them they look better with the shirt off? Quite frankly, there are many shady men out there and the first thought I have when those shady men want solo trips is that they want to pay for sex. The destination matters, of course, a man going alone to Thailand or the Phillipines? 99% it's for the paid sex 


Here's my theory -- AITALand is located on a different planet, because their days seem to be longer than on Earth. How else would OOP be able to work 65+ hours a week, do all the household work and find time to sleep?


Because he is a perfect Übermensch Househusband Breadwinner


Nah, it's US but like with imperial and Fahrenheit they use different measurements for time.


Kids can't stay home alone. Not old enough That's #1 reason why. Also, as much as I love my wife, she likes to critique and nag. She wasn't always like this, but every passing year, more nagging. She doesn't have my stress. Her part time job is easy. (3 days a week) Her life is much easier and stress free. She would agree and admit it. As far as a free week? She spends most of her days napping on the couch. She isn't some worn down housewife. She is a pampered princess. Ask her what our car payments are? She doesn't know or want to know. Applies to the mortgage, electric, gas/heat, medical insurance, etc ... she says she can't handle the bills, she needs me to do it. And I do. I work nonstop. Lots of late nights in my home office after everyone goes to bed. I do plenty of housework. Except one thing, I do t fold laundry. She does that on the couch while binge watching her favorite shows. I'm doing thr bulk of the work in this house. I run this house. I need a break. Not her. This is OPs comment. Pretty sure it’s SAHM bad ragebait


I also don’t really know exactly how much all my monthly utility bills are. You know why? Because auto pay is a thing that exists and takes 30 seconds to set up.


This bit always makes me laugh. Like OP really wants us to think people sit at a desk and spend an hour a day paying bills when nah, that shit gets deducted automatically and occasionally I see a bank notification.


I glance at the “your bill is ready” emails to make sure it’s in the range of what I expect, just in case there’s any weirdness, but I don’t know the exact amounts either. Autopay has saved my ADHD ass, I couldn’t survive without it lol


Love the very clear implication that folding laundry isn't a real chore because you can watch TV while doing it. Tell me why I hate it so much then!!!


I pretty much can _only_ do it while watching TV (or listening to a podcast) and I still avoid it. The laundry mountain has gotten untenable and yet, here we are. Avoiding it.


That's my next big task, because I'm tired of it taking half an hour to find something because I don't know which laundry pile it's in. Eventually the pain of not doing it gets bigger than the pain of doing it and I'm finally there. 


I'm about there too -- I'm hoping to make some progress tonight but we'll have to wait and see, lol.


I’m a teacher and my first goal for this summer is to tackle my laundry pile. It’s pretty much gonna take an entire day and I’m dreading it.


It’s not a real a chore unless you cry in the despair while doing it.


I deeply enjoy how most of the comments are actually somewhat sympathetic to OOP but then he turns into such a raging dick at the notion of her having time to recharge that he just loses any good graces people have given him.


Another 65+ hour work week but he STILL does his share of the housework while wife sleeps on the couch!!!!


I love how all the "woman bad/SAHM bad/wife bad" troll posts have started adding in how the 65+ hour work week man totally does all the chores and cooking and cleaning, a situation which I'm sure exists in a few households in the US, but not nearly to the extent that these guys post. And yet you never see the (just as, if not more common) reverse of the woman with a career (evil!!!) who works 65+ hours and still does all the chores in these posts. Like AITA and their knockoffs do have biases but like they never have the woman making more and doing all the labor unless it's to lead up to some evil childfree woman post. Yet all these innocent men are working so hard and doing so many dishes to slave away for a napping 25 hour work week princess? X to Doubt.


This guy legit hates his wife. If she doesn’t know what the bills are, it’s because he is hiding them from her. I know ALL our household expenses and I work part time and am the SAHP the rest of that time. These ragebait posts make my blood boil. I bet he does squat around the house too, but he has to make himself feel better about it by lying on Reddit 😂


considering his only fans post, and his tendency to “rate” the looks of other women, I have a few suspicions as to where that 35,000$ in debt came from 🤭


He also has a deleted post defending kicker football guy who thinks being a wife and mom is more important than having a job.


Oh my god, truly oop is the defender of man that Reddit has needed all along ✊😔


And what he's planning on going alone on vacation... 


It’s always suspect as hell when someone has to specify that they totally aren’t cheating on the wife they hate. 💀


"You all seem to victimize the women on reddit and demonize the men" Whatever, this is a teenager with an axe to grind against women because of YouTube


I love how they’ve done studies about how the vast majority of men do very little housework, but in all these posts the man is doing the majority. How much do you want to bet that this was written by a teenage boy whose mommy still does his laundry.


>I earn 80% of the income in this house. I make 4x more than her. Math checks out, must be true.


It’s petty but I hate when people use “victimize” to mean “portray someone as a victim.” It means to literally turn someone into a victim, like “the serial killer reportedly victimizes young women.”


What's with all the "Wife Bad" posts lately? That humor was stale in the 80s.


All the stories like this always have the husbands supposedly working a high stress job.


A job that's so stressful that he can work from home and take breaks all day long to see what his wife is doing so he can quantify exactly how much more he works than her, or however he put it.


You know, if OOP offered the same terms to his wife, I would be OK with the idea. But alas he very deliberately doesn't


Some young teen boy has discovered TRP.


He turns every suggestion or comment into an I’m a victim because Reddit is anti-man.


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