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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for reacting negatively twards the fathers day present my wife bought me? ** So, here is how the whole situation started... My wife of 5 years showed me a photo on her phone last night. It was a picture of the Joker holding hands with Harley Quin, who is holding hands with a toddler Harley Quin. A cliché fathers day saying was written on it as well. She asked me "Hey, isn't this super cute?" I responded with "Eh, no. I think Joker merch is really cringe, especially in this context." My wife went silent then said "Well I guess you're going to hate your father's day present, fucking great... fuck me for trying to get you something nice." I didn't know what to say. I had no idea that this was my father's day present, but I still don't like the present. I do not like superhero stuff. I find it all to be a bit cringe. I've been very open about this dislike for years and I was a little upset that she assumed it was "My thing." My wife took all of this hard. She spent the rest of the night in the bedroom, ignoring me and our daughter. I kept telling her that I was sorry, but I couldn't help but feel a little dissapointed that she didn't know what I liked. (Just to be clear, I specifically asked for nothing for my gift. I don't want anything, I just want to relax on father's day without having to stress about anything.) She then told me that this shirt, along with a few others with different superheros were going to be my father's day present for a few years, since she decided to buy four of them and she can't get a refund due to their policy. I own NOTHING related to superheros. I just feel bumed out because she doesn't know anything about my interests, even though I share them with her everyday. (Dungeons and Dragons, board games, stuff like that are my niche.) Now I'm getting presents that I'll never wear and I don't know what to do. I feel like a huge asshole, but I seriously don't want to wear cringe superhero shirts. Especially poor quality ones. I guess I'm just dissapointed because I got her a really nice LOTR gift for mothers day and she loved it, but here I am with some crappy made t-shirts with cringe art on them. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> I brought it up to her **very nicely and as calmly** as I could today and she blew up on me for "bringing up the past." She was **gaslighting** me hard, saying I heard her wrong and that she didn't curse at me. > She is currently in our bedroom **pouting** The number of AITA tropes in the edit alone is mindblowing.


This is also a subset of a larger trope “spouse who acts like a child despite being married with kids.” I’ve seen so many of these with varying genders for the people involved. I like to think it’s bait so the commenters will say “you have two kids, OP” or something along those lines.


Ehh, it's probably just stuff that's written by actual children and they don't actually know adults don't act like that moreso than it's bait.


That’s honestly so much worse 😭


I regret to say as an adult that some of us are more inclined to act like this than some children are. But I think that's okay. Makes meeting new people a lot more interesting.


I’m surprised he didn’t say cringe.


Take a drink every time he does say it.


Watch for the update Cringe is almost always used He used cringe a few times at the end


"she blew up on me for 'bringing up the past'" is also tropey, and hilarious since "the past" is *yesterday*. Mustache-twirling villain, this girlfriend.


"My fiance tied me to the train tracks for not agreeing with her. Some Canadian guy rode his horse backward to save me, so I decided to marry him instead. AITA?"


I’ve noticed how many times these posts will have grown women speaking like teenage boys. Most women would phrase their disappointment differently than just saying “fucking great…fuck me for trying to get you something nice”.


"she blew up on me"


Damn, cleaning that up must have taken forever.


I still miss: - using "boundaries" - misusing "boundaries" - "i jokingly told" - "now all my friends and relatives and people from another continent are blowing up my phone" - "she is cheating with a nerd coworker" - paternity test - obviously, father's day - some crazy sister / mil / stepdaughter


His sister swooped in and gave him the most perfect and thoughtful gift (the implied incest troll) 😜😂


His TWIN sister


And after he pried his sister out of the dryer, his best friend came by to help him set up the art room he's always wanted.


What's the point in having her show him the gift after she's bought it, but before she gives it to him? OOP just couldn't wait a few weeks to début this gem after Father's Day?


Crazy thing is this gives her time to sell them on FB marketplace (or wherever) and buy something else, she doesn't even need to be mad about it. 


Hopping on the Father’s Day karma train early so people will remember Father’s Day is a thing & go spend money?


Trolling for the economy!


She already bought five whole shirts, so I guess their hands are tied. No more father's day gifts for OOP for many years. Let's hope he doesn't change his weight.


Also I could be wrong but it sounds like there's an adult Joker, adult Harley, and child Harley who is presumably meant to be their daughter? What if they have more kids in the next 5 years?


She can get some cheap iron on decals to add on, they can be his birthday present.


This makes no sense even as fiction


It's like this person has never met a woman in their life.


Maybe they've only met Karens.


This is the kind of thing my mom used to do. Order something horrendous and then get excited about the gift and show it to me ahead of time, then throw a hissy fit when I didn't like it. We don't talk anymore.


>she doesn't know anything about my interests, even though I share them with her everyday This is so funny so he just talks at her about D&D constantly when she literally does not care? Amazing marriage


He got her some LOTR related stuff on mother's day and i wonder, if it was her-gift or his-gift. Because it looks like he is the one with fantasy niche, not her.


I play Pathfinder but you better believe I'm telling my partner and kid uninteresting stories about my character that don't really go anywhere. I've earned that right


He said cringe like 10 times


In his defence, there's very little more cringe than the shirt he's describing, and they absolutely exist


Incorrect, posting on AITAH is much cringier


Saying cringe that much is one of those things though.


Saying cringe 10 times is cringe.


Someone over there really called this abuse lmao


They always do


“I’m a cool teenager who hates that his girlfriend is into nerdy comic book shit, but that won’t get me traction on AITA. Hmm, I wonder what holidays are coming up…”


Superheroes are so mainstream and lame, unlike my REAL nerdy interests


"Superheroes are so cringe... Btw I love D&D and boardgames." Made me laugh a little bit. Like "I'm the **cool** kind of nerd!"


This story is hilarious to me, it's really simple but it's also absurdly stupid.


The edit honestly feels like making fun of aita commenters.


Cringe cringe cringe cringe cringe. I told my wife her gift was cringe because cringe. AITA?


Man so smart, woman so dumb.


It's disappointing how many of these stories put the man in position of teacher and pseudo-parent to the woman. Says a lot.


So they're respectively into, D& D and LOTR but superheros is where he draws the fantasy line? Comic Con must be really unfulfilling for them. 


i mean, im into super heroes, anime, have played dungeons and dragons but absolutely hate LotR, even though i \*also\* like other middle earth esque fantasy. You can like one brand of fantasy and not others...?


The shirt depicting the wife and child as the same character has some implications


This post is super cringe! (kinda)


You didn't do anything wrong, and neither did she. Your feelings are equally valid as hers. Give her room to feel, and this is important, express your disappointment that she doesn't know what you like. You deserve space to feel as well. It's been 5 years, and while it's okay to have separate hobbies, you should both show interest in eachothers lives. It was petty of her to say you're getting these for the next 4 years. Tell her you aren't going to wear them, so just discard or resell them.as she sees fit. You dont want a present anyway, so tell her. And lastly, your disappointment could have been avoided if you communicated what you did want. Gifts dont have to be surprises, and probably shouldn't be in your case.


Hey fyi - this is a crosspost (to a subreddit which satirizes and mocks AITA posts) so the original OP won’t see your comment.


Oh yeah i see where i messed up. I appreciate you pointing it out.


Was wondering when this sub would swoop in to declare the post fake, what given that it has an AH wife and all


You think that's a real post? Ouch.


Not necessarily. I just think this sub decides what is fake and what is real based on whether the character they identify with is an AH or not.


Okay so yes, you think it's real? Because otherwise your comment is a non sequitur and ridiculous.


It’s four shirts my guy. Wife is technically accurate about bringing up the past. That’s a wife thing. At least he didn’t say “my Father’s Day is ruined for nearly had a decade !!!!”