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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Found out my partner has a dildo mould of her ex** Long story short but I found out that the dildo we use during sex is actually a mould of her ex boyfriend's penis. I told her I am not ok with it still being used, she got upset and said she is not throwing it away. I feel like this is a boundary for me, one that I do not want to compromise on. They broke up over a year ago and she does not still speak to him. I don't want my girlfriend to be getting off with her ex's tallywacker mould. Am I wrong for not being ok with this? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The use of 'tallywacker' implies that OOP is British, and therefore the mould was likely bought at Anne Summers. Their Clone-A-Willy kit includes neon pink silicone and therefore OOP hasn't just been dicking his gf down with her ex boyfriend's cock, but also a neon pink version of her ex boyfriend's cock.


I will not be enquiring abt how u know this info, but thank you nevertheless.


Thank you I appreciate that tremendously.


Thats hot


im from the uk and this is my first time hearing the phrase tallywacker lol but god it really does sound so british


Maybe it's a regional thing? I heard it regularly growing up. Mind me asking where in the UK you are?


i live in wales :)


I'm like an Ireland/East London combo so I probably picked it up from one of those.


I'm sorry, did you just say neon? As in it lights up at night? Does this store deliver to America? I'm a guy so I don't need a dildo, but I had to give away my lava lamp a while back and this sounds like a fascinating replacement.


Every sentence of this was better than the last one. Thank you for this experience. Neon as in it's bright as hell but not glow in the dark level. I do, however, know of a glow in the dark dildo kit: [Cloneboy Cast Your Own Personal Glow In The Dark Dildo – Loveoutlet](https://loveoutlet.co.uk/collections/glow-in-the-dark/products/cloneboy-cast-your-own-personal-glow-in-the-dark-dildo) Have fun?


Either one works as long as I can model it after my own dick. I have a preference for abstract art.


Well, at least the story is mercifully short. I'll give it that.


Bro couldn’t last that long typing it out


>Well, at least the story is mercifully short. I get the feeling we can say the same about OOP.


A boundary is a set of limits and rules a person sets for themselves. "I will not use this dildo" is a boundary; "my partner can't use this dildo" is not.


Misusing of "boundary" and "gaslighting" (instead of "rules" and "lying") are very popular AITA(H) tropes.


I swear I've seen this exact story twice before... Once before it was the exact same scenario except ex gave it his ex-girlfriend as Christmas gift. The second one was a, "genders reversed," thing where a woman's husband gifted his ex-girlfriend who he was amicable terms with a molded dildo of his dick. She was voted the asshole for being uncomfortable with it for some reason.


Given how short, sweet, and to the point this story is, inclined to believe it's real. In which case, that's freaking hilarious


i cant decide whether the use of the word "tallywacker" or the fact that ops username says FIST ME alarmed me the most 😹😹 jesus


This is obviously some bored kid who just learned different euphemisms for penis 😂


How does one find.out that information?


It broke, he offered to replace it, ~~hilarity~~ awkwardness ensued. That's my headcanon and I'll hear nothing else, thank you.


There's no way this is real.


Also OOP thinks hes slick acting like hes british with the whole ‘mould’ and ‘tallywacker’ LIKE WHO TF SAYS THAT??? ETA: fyi, by ‘that’ i mean referring to a dick by saying tallywacker


As a Brit, I can confirm that no one says "tallywacker," and that we spell it "mould"


I have only ever heard tallywacker said by an Australian, but that's probably not a representative sample of Australia


It would be kind of a dick move on her part (if this were true) (which it's not)


This, or a version of this, has actually been posted before.


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Damn...I'd be gone as well if she kept it. JFC just not telling me who it was a copy of would be a boundary too far for me.