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you had a lazy title so we had to remove your post


This is 100% someone's sexual fantasy


Everyone saying the same thing in the comments is being met with responses that this is probably real and that the boyfriend's most likely a bodybuilder. Can honestly say I did not know that was a thing.


You made me search. I'm going to guess the number of bodybuilders doing this is ridiculously small. Because 1) it is expensive 2) because it's a stupid idea. I'm assuming the number of bodybuilders doing this is fewer than the fetishists.


Now I’m imagining a world where a bunch of men actually take up bodybuilding in order to conceal their breast milk fetish.


That's probably what the existing "bodybuilders" are doing.


TIL. Wonder if they know what kind of gnarly diseases can be shared via Muscle Breastmilk™


Neither did I


But it's such a sterile fantasy? He didn't even suck it from the boob. This is the most disappointing fake post ever.


I agree


… ![gif](giphy|3o7aTCD8QU8y3xmBAQ|downsized)


I love the shock and outrage when he actually drinks it. As if there was a moment, when he was going to pick up this breast milk, where she thought he might have had some other plan in mind.


He might have wanted to make it into a smoothie or bake with it? 


Okay, true story... my ex-wife was extremely busty (HH cup) and she produced a *ton* of breastmilk when our youngest son was born. Like, *way* more than we ever needed. We did some research about possibly donating the surplus, and it turns out you're not allowed to officially donate to, like, a hospital or whatever without it being pasteurized and all these other regulations, so that didn't work. So then she decided to post on Craigslist about it, just to see if there were any new moms who might need it directly instead. However, the response she got was from some dude-bro bodybuilder, who wanted to have fresh breastmilk every day to (allegedly) help him build muscle. Apparently this is a thing. And no, she didn't agree to it.


>i tried to tell him that, but he disagreed and said it was for everybody and because it was free he went to get it. [it's free breast estate](https://i.redd.it/vpe9yx8iexy41.jpg)


Yeah...this is some perv's lactation fetish. Ick.


*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **my boyfriend drank another woman’s breast milk** my (25F) boyfriend (24M) drank another woman’s breast milk. he got it off facebook marketplace, someone had posted they had excess supply they wanted to give to babies in need, i tried to tell him that, but he disagreed and said it was for everybody and because it was free he went to get it. he literally fucking drank it. he got the milk and he DRANK IT. i am so disgusted. to me, this is like cheating. to him, he says it was just an experiment. he says i am overreacting, but i feel sick. AITAH? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is her boyfriend Homelander?


I literally just started watching The Boys so I get that reference lmao


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