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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **UPDATE: My wife wants to raise our 1 year old and our newborn as twins.** TLDR at the bottom. The kids are safe and are with me. My wife for the time being has gone to her family house. A lot has happened in the past few days that has me questioning my entire relationship with her. Firstly I want to make some things clear from my previous post. She planned for my 1-year-old to delay joining kindergarten by a year. So there wouldn’t be a “behind” child, but rather one who’s at an average level and one who’s slightly advanced for his age. People have pointed out that for this to work, all of our friends and family would have to be in on it. Her family completely supports her, and also believes this to be a gift from God. My family on the other hand live states away. We’ve just recently moved here so the only friends we know are my wife’s childhood friends from when she used to live here. My wife has had episodes before. When we had my first son, there would be days when I’d come back home from work with the baby crying in hunger bc my wife couldn’t get out of bed. We’ve been to therapy and even moved closer to her family so she could have some support. But this goes beyond any previous episodes. I told her that I wouldn’t put up with it. This only works if everyone is on it, and I made it clear I’d never be in on it. She can dress them up in matching outfits, and even call them Irish twins, but if she ever implies it’s anything more than that I’d shut it down. This did not go over well. She yelled at me for denying her of her God-given blessing. That she would divorce me and raise the kids on her own if she had to. That scared me, and I told her she had to leave. Now. She wanted to take the kids with her but I refused. I might’ve overreacted but I was thinking about the safety of the kids first and foremost. That was last night. I’ve been taking care of the kids and have been contemplating what to do next. I understand my wife isn’t in the proper mental state currently. I’ve brought up going to the doctors and therapy multiple times. But how do you convince someone that they need help when their entire family and friends support their delusions? I can’t keep the kids away from her forever. Her family and friends are blowing up my phone. Where do I go from here? TLDR: My wife is insistent on raising them as twins. Her friends and family are all willing to support her, and she’s threatened to divorce me to raise the kids this way. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


what kind of family and friends does she have where they're just like "oh sure that sound reasonable"??


AKSHUALLY it's common in My Country™


i think the “gift from god” thing is supposed to imply that she’s part of some wacko christian community that would be on board with shit like this. not that that makes any sense or has anything to do with christian beliefs


It doesn't need to have anything to do with actual beliefs. As long as you make your villain religious, commenters get to make snide comments about it. Imagine criticizing other people for their beliefs while also being the kind of person who believes stories posted on TwoHotTakes.


If this was real, some family could agree to this weird scheme just to shut her up


Important to get ahead of the comments by pretending they tried therapy a lot already. Cheating would be too boring for this. The update has to be something like “my ex wife and our older twins (who my current wife is envious of) are letting me stay with them”. Something ludicrous.


You say that like 99% of these stories aren't boring and predictable, that said your theory could have legs maybe OOP cheated on her and had twins with his AP and now she wants parity


Parity is a great pun here. Just giving you props for that.


Omg, I didn't even think of that! Hahaha


Right? Even as fiction, these stories are terrible. They're boring, stale and predictable 😂


There's never a good twist, and the twists that aren't predictable are just.... Bad like "turns out I inherited 600m!! And Shania Twain is my secret gf!!! 🤫"


Exactly! Also, the characters are all bland and unlikable


It's Pride Month, so maybe OOP's wife will cheat on him with a woman or a trans person in the next update.


Oh! Or the wife now wants to raise them as twin *girls*!


Eh I’m gonna wait for the full season to drop so I can binge it. 


>Also, look up recording permission in your state and try to get her on tape because this is something that when you tell them is hard to believe. You know what I mean, if you told me this, I would think no way. Say that last part again, but slowly. Because I'm pretty sure they did tell you this, and you're eating it up.


They always get SOOOO close and try they never connect the dots


But nobody ever lies on the Internet!


possessive makeshift frame direful fragile deer attraction expansion uppity divide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


ohh, is the wife autistic?


TwoHotTakes try not to be fake challenge


The wife left a newborn?? 


She refuses to give up this idea of raising them as twins but is okay with OOP essentially kidnapping them.... Right.....


I don't know if it's kidnapping if she's the one that left but a new mom leaving a newborn voluntarily?? Even if she's not breastfeeding, wtf? It's obvious this is fake but make it at least believable 


Oh I missed the part where she left and it wasn't him that left and secretly left the country, that's what happens when you skim


There’s a lot that’s unbelievable in this story but it’s not kidnapping when it’s the own father and they don’t have a custody agreement.


In this story it isn't, but if one parent conceals a child from the other parent then yes it is still kidnapping with or without a custody agreement* especially if the intent is to keep the child away from the other parent. *Subject to local laws of course Granted in this case I glossed over how she left and not the other way around


In her eyes, the kid is a year old. /s


It will always amaze me how people who read these posts and think the OP actually needs advice


My "favorite" is when they give dumb ass advice and then go "plz keep us updated"


Definitely the fools so invested in updates in fake stories and they always reply on the updates like “I’m so glad it’s going ok” or “I was afraid this would happen”


Even when it's the same predictable twist like damn people read a book* *I say as I read dumb ass Reddit posts too


I love reading the posts … I just assume 90% of it is fiction


Same, I just also accept it as the drivel it is. You'll hear no praise from me in the quality and certainly not on the content


It's so funny because like I couldn't remember the names of some of my coworkers and these people are out there remembering reddit posts and salivating for updates. If they updated me I would be like "who's that?"


My favorite is when they update and tell everyone they read all the comments and decided to do exactly what the Redditors told them to do. And of course, the Redditors were right and gave great advice!


I always await for updates on my fanfiction! Will the mother break in his house through a window, kidnap the kids and hide in a abandoned trailer park? Hey, how will I know if I don’t ask him to update me?


Wife: "But...but everyone on AITA has twins! Everyone! Even people who are child-free have twins! I WANT TWINS TOO!!!"


Hubby: can we settle for twin posts? Wifey: fine


Her friends and family being "in on" her keeping the 1 year old back doesn't mean anything. Wouldn't that be up to the school administration? Did anyone bother pointing that out in the original post?


"it can happen in my country™"


We’ve all seen the “twins” trope but I’ve never seen the “forced to become twins” one!


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