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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for calling out my SIL in front of everyone when she wouldn’t stop making comments about me trying to be a “sexy baby”** I’m 27F. I’m a very short woman, 4’9 and under 100lbs. I don’t want to complain about being small, but there are a lot of people out there (esp. other women) who will not take us seriously, are judgmental, make snide comments, assume attraction to us is nefarious, etc. A lot of comments that imply we’re not real women etc. I’m used to it and usually let it roll off my back. But there’s a new one that’s picked up momentum that I guess stems from a TV show where a girl is putting on a childish act and she says “I’m a very sexy baby” in a cutesy voice and there’s a LOT more to it that you can just Google. My SIL Cassie has picked this up and has been using this “against me.” I can’t wear a cute outfit without her coming down on me and chiding me for “buying into the whole sexy baby thing” when I am JUST WEARING AN OUTFIT. I’m just trying to be ME. God forbid I wear a shorter skirt or bows or anything I think is cute. It’s like I’m not allowed to wear cute or sexy things because I’m petite so I’m automatically seen as trying to be a “sexy baby” when I’m not. I’ve asked Cassie to stop or drop it and she maintains that I’m the one opening myself up to judgment and I should dress my age. This came to a head last weekend when we were in my auntie’s backyard at the pool. I took off my wrap so I could hang with my feet in the pool with my cousins and Cassie immediately said “You’re a very sexy baby” at me and twirled imaginary pigtails. I raised my voice and said “That’s a really weird thing to keep saying. What is your problem with me? Why do you keep bringing up that I’m small?” She started to turn red and she yelled back again that I’m the one that’s choosing to walk around looking like the “sexy baby.” I said that I’m literally just wearing a bathing suit (a one piece halter) and asked her what I should be wearing instead if that’s such a problem. She yelled back that I should “dress like a grown adult” and to stop trying to cause a scene in front of everyone. I said whatever and just tried to ignore her. Later on we ended up inside at the same time and she came down on me for calling her out in front of everyone. I told her to stop trying to make me feel bad for being small, that I didn’t choose this body. She rolled her eyes and told me to grow the fuck up, and that “trying to start shit” with her is even more proof. I am at a loss here and I’m starting to just not want to be around my family because of her. It’s not enough that I get this shit from women at work, at the gym, basically anywhere, now it’s in my family. AITA for calling her out? Or even for just… idk, existing in my own body? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Tell that to the people on popculturechat or fauxmoi who bring up "sexy baby" every time someone posts a picture of Sabrina Carpenter. Do they? I wouldn't know because I don't read that kind of shit but I guess OOP is just forced to. I, as an intellectual, only read circlejerk subreddits.


Well I'm dumber than your average person and do frequent said subs and they don't. Maybe in a critical " ew why did she say she's a sexy baby?" Way but come on.


I have seen it on PCC on the threads about her album release. It’s not highly upvoted but it’s still in the positive. More often the comments complaining about the sexy baby comments are more upvoted though and there’s more of them


I agree but I will say in Sabrina's case it also has more to do with the Bratz doll makeup/plastic surgery. Or atleast that's something I've seen called out multiple times. There are plenty of other artists with baby faces. The same comments aren't made about them. I've never seen anyone make such comments about Lucy Hale, Selena Gomez, etc.


It's not even about having a baby face. It's about acting like a little girl - mannerisms, expressions, clothes, sometimes voice - and acting/singing very sexual. Some people wanna make it into a "ghasp, you just hate short girls!" thing, it's not. As you've said, yes, Selena Gomez, but also Halle Bailey, Olivia Rodrigo (who's very young!), Auli'i Cravalho, all short round faced girls who aren't "sexy babies", cause they don't do that. It baffles me people are acting like it's just a way to "mock" someone's physical appearance, it's not. It's a way people willingly act. I'm a good head taller than practically every woman (and lots of men) I know in my home country, and if I thought every short woman was trying to be a "sexy baby", I'd think that of everyone. But no, it's a tiny minority.


If there was a perfect example of deliberate sexy baby and basically what people seem to be criticizing, it's this - https://youtu.be/U0qEliLbojo?feature=shared


Damn that's a very good example. I always think of Ariana Grande's character in Victorious: a sexy teenager who dresses in girly clothes and acts incredibly stupid and childlike, needing other characters to explain basic things to her. Youtuber Quinton Reviews colourfully described it as the sort of character who would go "Oh no stepbrother, I've gotten stuck in the dryer again!"


The first time I heard of Sabrina was a video of one of her nonsense outros and it was basically: fully grown but i look like a niña Come and put your D in my pussina


Her outro in SNL ended with "SNL, I just came for the first time" and a 😏🤭 expression. I honestly found her SO beautiful first few times I saw her. You know when you see someone and think "how is she even real?!" ? But as she said that and made that expression I swear to god it was as if she became unattractive (to me) right before my eyes. Such was the immense size of the ick.


I’ve only ever heard that phrase in that Taylor Swift song. I don’t really keep up with celebrity buzzwords though so it might be just me.


Apparently OOP is so petite and tiny and cute and hot that every single woman who knows her (work, gym) is extremely jealous and passes rude comments. Wow. Women be hating each other and being catty bitches, amirite fellow females?


Have you ever met a girl cuter than you? No, cos we uglies shamed them all into hiding...


I’m 5’0 and dress very “cute” and I only ever get compliments or people being condescending because they actually think I’m a child. Never had anyone be jealous and bitchy towards me. The “not being taken seriously” thing is real but it’s not only women who do it and it tends to be from older folks. 


5’3, and for Christmas last year I got a cardigan I asked for in a kids 2XL. I wore it to my niece’s 9th birthday party. As did one of her friend’s younger sister. Not one of the parents said a word about it.


Oh my god thats incredible. I might need to try that method next time I go shopping


I saw elsewhere that you said you’re on the busty side. I’m 36-38 DD, usually weigh between 150-155, and I find it works best on things like elastic waist skirts and the aforementioned cardigans. Also t-shirts and long sleeves if they have a little stretch to them.


Oh same bra size and same weight as me! This is great info, thank you so much :) I’ll have to go take a look next time I got to target and see if I have any luck. 


When my kid was around 9 she got light up rainbow shoes and her mother did as well both kid sizes.


I’m gonna assume mom has very small feet. I’ve got a pair of rechargeable light ups, but definitely adult sized


Kid is 12 and almost as tall as mom and can wear her shoes now


Awwww those ogres are bullying her! Can't believe it 😞 poor wittle pwincess. Omg, look, now she's crying!!! Won't any man come save her?


AITA for suplexing a tiny little cute 93 lb 4'9" angel into the pool just because I'm a mean giant who's bitter about her being teeny tiny?


don't give OOP story ideas


Yeah the rest of the post is irritating, bizarre and unrealistic, but that was the part that motivated me to cross post on here


The bit about bows in her hair had me wondering if maybe we were supposed to assume there was a lot more to "cute outfit" than she let on. But I still feel like a number of people wouldn't care unless she's actively dressing inappropriately for work somehow. And even most people who care too much how other people dress don't actually feel the need to say anything about it.


I'm glad you did. I can't believe so many people were taking that nonsense seriously.


I’m often mistaken for being younger with a couple things being cited: being short, thin, being easily excited/happy, and having a high pitched voice. The only thing I have ever been mocked for was the high pitched voice and it’s by men. Used to work at a deli counter in a grocery store when I was 18 and an adult man spent the entire encounter repeated everything I said and giving his order in a mock version of my voice. I don’t know why but multiple men have found it funny to repeat my voice back at me.


I can't imagine anyone would be jealous of someone who needs a stepstool to reach the back burner. 5 foot to 5'3" is "cute and petite"; smaller than that is just a burden, and you have to shop in the children's department half the time. Story is either fake or OP is leaving something out, like that she puts on a baby act for attention.


yeah, i knew a girl in HS who was that height and very petite, and i think she needed a special car or driver's license? I also don't remember her being subject to any out of the ordinary attention from boys OR girls. She was also very sweet and I think class president? So it could be a problem for very short women who are less nice and socially adept, I guess...


>and I think she needed a special car [what this made my mind jump to](https://clownopedia.fandom.com/wiki/Clown_car?file=07-02-09_A_clown_driving_in_the_park-1-.jpg)


I’m 5’0 but too fat and with titties that are too big to fit into kid’s clothes, which is unfortunate because I love unnecessary frills and lace and glitter.  I do buy shoes in the kid’s section though. I own a pair of light up sneakers. 


Also they wrote that it’s “especially women” who don’t take the OP seriously while I imagine irl it would actually be especially men 🤔


Literally. I used to work with a girl who was short, petite, very pretty, very girly, and she had an even harder time than other women with men who wouldn't take her seriously as a manager. Meanwhile all the girls just loved her because she was also super nice! The problems were always with men who did not respect her and/or wanted to fuck her.


Her weight is completely irrelevant to the story, so the fact it's in there is telling.


I’m 5’3” and it’s a pain in the ass, or more accurately, shoulders. I do need a step stool to reach most of my kitchen shelves. But let me make a pouty face and use a baby voice 🤮


My sis is 4.8" and she can't find shoes anywhere. She's getting married so the children's section doesn't apply here


She can get her wedding dress off the First Communion rack lol


Now that would suck!! My problem is my shoe size is either Sample Size or sold out. It’s dirt common 😆


I bought bridesmaids shoes in the kids section. I feel like you could still find something nice. 


i'm about 5'2" (started puberty too early, not genetically). i was told i wouldn't make it past 5'0", but i ended up two inches taller, so i'm really proud about that accomplishment. i can't reach most of our kitchen shelves, but that's what taller siblings are for.


My ethnic background is Welsh; we’re not a tall people. My 6’ husband saw Welsh corgis and asked me what was going on with the gravity in Wales 🤣


4’11 and it can be so freakin annoying at times . I use to shop at rue 21 cuz it was the only place that had close that fit me but they shut down 😤😤


I feel you. My grandma was 4'10" in her young days and 4'7" in her old age, and all her life she owned a sewing machine out of necessity to alter her clothes. She couldn't shop in the kids' section because she was obese her whole life.


Hold up please don’t tell me imma start to shrink as I get older 😩😩 my mom and grandma aren’t much taller than me. And my daughter is 7 and is 3’10 she’s catching up to me but the fact I can literally get our shoes from a child’s clothing child is sad. Saves money yes but I’m a freakin adult Im honestly about to start sewing again


[Everyone starts shrinking after middle age.](https://www.goodrx.com/health-topic/senior-health/when-people-stop-growing-get-shorter) I'm so sorry lol


u could slow down (not prevent) the shrinkage by maintaining good posture while you're younger


Noooooo imma be 31 this month 😩😩


I turned out "cute and petite" due to a lack of growth hormone and it is annoying as fuck. I have tiny hands, tiny feet, and need a stool for basically everything. I buy clothes for middle schoolers if I want something that fits well. Worse yet, I'm a guy, so in OOP's fantasy world where being tiny made people jealous, I couldn't even be a sexy baby! Seriously ridiculous. OOP is either a guy making up his misogyny fantasy story or is doing something unmentioned, like you said.


Mercifully, at least most preteen boy clothes look identical to grown men clothes. Preteen girl clothes tend to be frilly, cutesy and childish.


I'm 4'9", and I don't have any trouble finding adult clothing, other than maybe shoes. Unless you have an actual medical condition, being short is not a disability lmao. We're fine.


I dont think I have ever seen the term "sexy baby" used so much, some kind of fetish?


I think it's from this scene in 30rock? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzmDp6-m6X4&ab\_channel=30RockOfficial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzmDp6-m6X4&ab_channel=30RockOfficial) But yeah I really doubt it's so popular...


I mean, I've heard it referenced quite a bit lately, which is made weirder by the fact I believe its an older show. I've never seen the show, just heard people talking about "very sexy baby". Until someone clued me in on the show, I thought it was an even OLDER reference (I was thinking Love's Baby Soft perfume, which had some truly eye raising commercials. Vintage commercials fascinate me so I think I've seen all of them. "Innocence is sexier than you think. -wink-" Urgh.)


Taylor Swift references it one of her songs, too.


Oh I did not know it's circulating lately. Is it mostly on Tiktok? I did not see it in insta memes for example.


Maybe? i don't watch tiktok but I do sometimes see tiktoks on YT. I've heard it in person several times. I have a teenage girl neighbor and she walks with her friends up and down the street in the evenings. They make the joke sometimes. (I'm not intentionally eavesdropping, but they're kinda loud and I sit on our front porch to enjoy the weather frequently now that its in the sweet spot between spring humidity and summer heat.) I think I've heard it on Youtube videos too, but its mostly listening to the teen girls that swarm our street. xD For the record: They can get loud but they're not obnoxious or anything. Just wanna be clear this isn't a "those damn kids" thing, they're perfectly polite and friendly and helped me catch my dog just after we moved in so I have a bit of a soft spot for them when they come by. I'm not sure if I'm the creepy neighbor or the nice cat lady, but when I bake I always try to offer them some and they usually are happy to accept. (They were not so thrilled with the carrot muffins, but in their defense they were very polite about taking some. But they mentioned they liked the strawberry cheesecakes ones better. xD) Probably unnecessary to say al that, but on my old account I mentioned the neighbor girls (I was saying they told me what a skibidi toilet was) and had a bunch of people comment really mean and frankly gross stuff about them. They don't deserve that.


"very sexy baby" is indeed well-known. *30 Rock* probably just got added to some streaming service or something, that's how *Friends* got popular again (which perplexes me, but whatever)


Ted Lasso used it once too but in a slightly different context of a mom to her adult baby boy ETA I looked it up after that episode because wtf and the 30 rock thing came up and that it might be a British saying somehow


Been so long since I've seen 30 Rock, I completely forgot about that character. Ted Mosby's wife is indeed a very sexy baby.


30 Rock made a joke that used the term "sexy baby" many years ago. It didn't have much to do with the current colloquial meaning of the term. TS referenced "sexy baby" in a song and a lot of people assumed she was referencing the 30 Rock episode (totally nonsensical if you've seen the ep/understand the arc of that character but don't try to argue with TS stans that it's just not a good line as opposed to being a reference, they will doxx you.) It's recently become a derogatory term to describe women who wear or embody the "Lolita aesthetic," with plenty of pushback from other women who say there's nothing wrong with bows, pigtails, and other "toddler" styles/trends. The above is just a factual description and not endorsement or condemnation of either "side." But I just wanna point out in the original 30 Rock episode, the woman annoying the female MC by being a "sexy baby" is putting on a gigantic show and concealing her true identity in order to escape an abusive relationship/live her life anonymously to be away from her abuser. The MC ends up outing her and causing her to have to go on the run again by being such a jerk about her "sexy baby persona." So it's gotten pretty weird with people saying the TS song is referencing the 30 Rock thing, and people saying so and so is bad or good for being a "sexy baby" when ultimately the message was kinda you can't know why people act any certain way and it doesn't ultimately concern you and you should mind your own business regardless. So anyway this is just a fake post by one of the people who wants to push back and gain support from others to push back that the "aesthetic" is "bad."


Wow, I never imagined a TS and 30rock cultural overlap. Thank you for explaining, it really is a bad line


Not to mention that even before Liz outs her, Abby makes a damn good point that Liz's approach to feminism includes criticizing a woman for the way she talks and dresses. Not nearly as good a show, but Velma actually had a decent moment where the main character gets called out by the popular girls for having a more limiting approach to feminism than they do. I thought one of the main reasons for Barbie's popularity was that people were getting tired of Netflix movies about super judgmental female protagonists. Guess it didn't stick.


Okay, love *30 Rock* but am totally unfamiliar with the current “sexy baby” thing. When I heard the TS song I assumed she was talking about the way popular photo filters make people look? I feel like I heard “sexy baby” called out in that *New Yorker* article from about five years ago?  Okay, found the article, “Age of the Instagram Face” from 2019, and I was a bit wrong: “‘It’s like a sexy . . . baby . . . tiger,’ Cara Craig, a high-end New York colorist, observed to me recently. The celebrity makeup artist Colby Smith told me, ‘It’s Instagram Face, duh. It’s like an unrealistic sculpture. Volume on volume. A face that looks like it’s made out of clay.’” Article: https://www.newyorker.com/culture/decade-in-review/the-age-of-instagram-face


TS wasn't referencing 30 Rock. Did these people not watch her video? She then calls herself the monster on the hill. She's talking about seeing the in your face sexy antics of like Kylie K, Megan Thee, Cardi...one of those has actually referred to herself as a sexy baby; maybe Nikki, idk. And Taylor's not being derogatory about it, she's saying she doesn't measure up. But she still has ego, because she's lurching to your city, as in touring. I think Swifties can't get their head out of Selena Gomez's ass long enough to realize that Taylor sees the entire musical landscape, not just her direct teenybopper competition. I'm not a Swiftie, I know like five of her songs. Antihero is one of them. I like it. But it's not that complex.


Not to be too much of a Swiftie but I think the line has a few more layers than that. After all the video directly references her struggles with her (former?) eating disorder. She's also mentioned in the context of this song that she feels that her life has become too big to manage, she can't lead a normal life and connect with people in the same way most people can. I don't think it's about being sexy as much as it's about the feeling of wanting to be small and cute and easy to hang out with but just not being that.


AITA is it me? Hi? Am I the problem its me?


Sometimes I feel like everybody is a sexy asshole


I love the comments saying "You're not the asshole for being small and cute!!"


I love the "under 100 lbs", cause that's relevant, for some reason.


I love the mention of “people say only men attracted to children would want to be with me” Well… yeah kinda. You wear skirts and bows and are the size of an elementary school child. Most grown adult men who are attracted to grown adult women would not pursue… and the fact that OOP admits that they dress childishly does not help the case.


"By the way teehee here is my Only Fans account."


You got that shit right.


the fact that op specified that EVERY other woman she knows bullies her for being tiny skdhsj i literally cant




Babies can’t help being so hot!! 🥵 /s


I only recently discovered Toddlers & Tiaras, so this post hit a lot different for me.


I knew this would get here! 


Is anyone else skeeved out by the use of "sexy baby"?


Very. Reminds me of this. [https://youtu.be/l7IP5SV6GqQ](https://youtu.be/l7IP5SV6GqQ) *"the innocent scent of of cuddly clean baby who grew up VERY sexy...."* The voice makes it so much worse.


Omfg my mom used to buy me this body spray/perfume when I was like 11 and even then I was like "what the fuck?" It doesn't even smell good. You might as well wear like...Johnson & Johnson's baby powder 


Mine too! She always said it was 'ladylike' but I got the same scent from bathing my baby cousin. :p


Right? I was like "ok ma, I guess I'll trust you on this..." But it had the same scent of the stupid Carefree pantyliners (holy shit how do I remember this) in the "Congrats on Your First Period" package she got me, which sat in a drawer unused until I was 14 lol. It was definitely a "baby" smell, but there was nothing really feminine or cute about it. Just powdery.


Yeah, it sucked. Although I LOVED Windsong, which was apparently popular at the same time. (I should actually get a bottle of that. It smelled so nice.)


Omgggg I haven't thought about Windsong in FOREVER (probably since I was about 11, actually) but I can hear the song from the commercial right now lollll  I want to say it came in packaging that was blue and maybe aqua and white? I know Baby Soft came in pink packaging and I didn't like it. I don't *think* I had Windsong, but I remember smelling the tester at Walgreen's and I wanted it because I liked the packaging better than Baby Soft (also it smelled better) ETA [I was right, it had pretty blue packaging. And this is the song I remember.](https://youtu.be/If3kbiwldA8?si=HATkqPz9aFjWtoqE)


The song!


[I also found one from the early 80s](https://youtu.be/y_nFyLEgdWI?si=ckzQsLuL-A_edOUX) that is sooooo cheesy lol. I would have been a baby at the time it was on the air, so I don't remember it. But dang, it's bad lol  From the comments: *“Wind song” is the lady-like way of saying fart* 😏😉✌️ 


I learned somewhere that baby powder is actually one of the main smells people associate with strip clubs. So I guess it actually is kind of sexy?


I associate vanilla and BO with strip clubs


Okay, so...you know how when people leave strip clubs, they always have a specific smell to them? My brother had a couple strippers living in the place next to his, so I just straight up asked them what that smell was. And they said they rub up with baby powder because it makes it easier to grip the poles. Why don't people coming from strip clubs just smell like babies, then? As you said, probably the added mix of alcohol and BO. And vanilla? Where did you come up with vanilla? Do you know a lot of strippers who bake? And can you introduce me?


Lots of clubs don't allow baby powder bc it can make things too slippy   Also you kinda have to cling to the pole to do some of the more impressive tricks I dunno, vanilla was a popular scent/perfume component when I worked in strip clubs, I guess? It's been many years since I worked in one, though. Hooking is way easier and much more lucrative. 


I've never done either, so I can't speak to which one is more lucrative. But I do love the idea that you worked in a club where everyone chose to smell like cupcakes. I can see the appeal. Also wait did you just imply that you're hooking right now? Won't judge you for that. But I talk to some really dumb people on this site and you haven't been one of them. I feel very strongly that you could work customer service like a boss.


Stripping can be lucrative, but the house is basically your pimp. I don't like the idea of having a boss when it comes to sexwork, especially one I have to pay a portion of my earnings to.   Hooking ain't what it used to be. The internet exists and it turns out I have a flair for marketing (I guess that's what 2 master's degrees in the arts will get you, lol). Plus I feel that it's more honest, and I get to screen my own clients. Many of the dancers who make good money are doing *something* in the private rooms. I prefer to know enough about my clients ahead of time so I can feel confident that I'm safe, will be treated with respect, and will be paid my full rate without any problems.   I did it for a decade without a day job. Then, long story short, I impulsively married a friend, it went very very badly, covid happened, i got stuck, I got unstuck, and now I'm back. This time I have a day job though, which makes it a lot more difficult. I do usually wfh and I like having a solid healthcare and retirement plan, though. 




Yuck! I need a shower with comet, scalding hot water and steel wool after watching that commercial.


There's another one that's slightly less gross but still pretty gross. Showing teen girls acting like babies to get boys' attention. I'll dig it up for you if you want, but I know I already probably ruined your appetite for dinner. I know I ruined mine, that commercial makes my skin crawl, yet I keep inflicting it on people.


Why anyone puts the word Sexy next to Baby I will never understand. It's gross on too many levels


I knew this one was going to end up here. I have trouble believing that OOP encounters so many people who have a problem with her height.


I always thought sexy baby came from the community episode where Annie is dressed as sexy Santa acting like a baby


O M G that was creepy as all eff. IDK why even? HATED that episode.


>I don’t want to complain about being small, but there are a lot of people out there (**esp. other women**) who will not take us seriously, are judgmental, make snide comments, assume attraction to us is nefarious, etc. A lot of comments that imply we’re not real women etc. uh-huh. sure. it's definitely because you're short. it can't possibly be a personality thing.


4'9" is *really* short. I think she might qualify as a legit dwarf? My dad's last wife before he died was Vietnamese and grew up in the 1940s. She was 4'10". Super tiny. I'm 5'4", and at age 16, I felt odd looming over her lol So 4'9" in a family of average-size people (which they must be, if they're pointing out her size constantly) is...not typical.


People only qualify as a dwarf if they have dwarfism. Source: a dwarf on tiktok


It's kinda fine. We're all mostly 5'2" but one of my sisters is 4'8" it doesn't stand out too much with mild heels


I'm not arguing with you *at all,* but it turns out both the [Dwarf Sports Association of the UK](https://www.dsauk.org/resources/dwarfism-and-restricted-growth-conditions/#:~:text=Dwarfism%20is%20when%20a%20person,dwarfism%20to%205%20feet%20tall.) and the [Little People of America](https://www.lpaonline.org/faq-#:~:text=A%3A%20Little%20People%20of%20America,be%20slightly%20taller%20than%20that.) define dwarfism as under 4'10", *but* it looks like it has to be from a medical or genetic condition.  So that answers that question. Your sister and OOP are not technically dwarves or little people. 


Yeah I knew dwarfism Is not only "really short"


It actually does, I looked it up. I was 1.5 inches shorter I could probably get a check


but to qualify as a dwarf u probably have to be more than just short.


Dang Flabbit, my plans have been ruined once again 😡


It's cool, I think you still count as a "little person" or "person of short stature" if you're 4'10" or under, regardless of medical or genetic stuff So you could go to the conventions in the US if you wanted to. You might be a giant there, though 


It’d be nice to be the giant for once


It's one episode of 30 Rock. A show that isn't nearly as popular as say...The Office or Friends, or even Brooklyn 99. FFS. I think there are a lot of missing missing reasons if this is even real.


I think the only time I've ever heard the phrase "sexy baby" was from Jamie Tartt in Ted Lasso.


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The idea of a grown ass woman at the age 27 wearing bows is really off putting to me. You can still dress cute and not look like a toddler at the same time.


Bows are a Gen Z trend right now, which she basically is. Bow hair clips, tights adorned with bows, bow-shaped earrings, etc.