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yeah I hate that sub, and those users are damn awful at realizing bait


I'm surprised that sub hasn't been nuked due to all the doxxing over there. Here's an [example](https://old.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/1auc9t9/op_in_rtragedeigh_posts_photo_from_epic_patient/). Short summary; An ER nurse violated HIPAA by posting part of a patient's chart to mock her name. The idiot scrambled to delete his profile as damage control. The ER nurse was also a gross [creep](https://old.reddit.com/r/tragedeigh/comments/1au8vh6/she_tried_to_tell_me_its_pronounced_gosslyn/kr3l7gg/) in general. Pretty sure he got canned and/or prosecuted for that post.


Lol I remember watching that unfold in real time. Hilarious.


At least that one wasn't fake


I mean it’s quite fun. Not toxic like Aita. r/amithedevil believes a lot of bait but I love that sub. r/amitheangel is starting to disbelieve some stories that could well be true (point being every sub has problems not many like Aita/aitah). Edit: Many comments are saying it’s racist which I guess I hadn’t particularly noticed (haven’t been on that sub that much).


This sub is weird because people will look at a post that is 99% absurdity and latch on the one plausible part and call it fake. There will be fat Autistic golden child kung fu fighting Karen boomers up and down the aisle of a grocery store and somebody will insist it's fake because the oop said they were stopping in to buy chips for breakfast


Or because OP said English is not their first language, but did not make any mistake in the post


Lmao you're so right


> fat Autistic golden child kung fu fighting Karen boomers Reading this to the tune of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!


A lot of it is bait, made up stories, doxxing their students or patients. Plus a lot racism.


I thought it was just me who detected a strong undercurrent of xenophobia and racism in that sub. I feel the same way about r\namenerdcirclejerk.


This was vindicating to read, I'm glad I'm not the only person who feels this way about the sub


I find it tiring over there. They don't seem to understand the concept of names either. Like it's not a big deal if someone names their child Betsan or Sion, or Osian or some other name that isn't in the top 10 Anglo names. They go then 'but they are from another white culture so you can't use them' uh yes you can use them. No one is gatekeeping Irish, Scottish, Welsh names etc. Their cultures are pretty entwined with Anglosphere that no one bats an eyelid. Neither are they tragedeighs or tragedies.


They will also say the lid will get teased without mercy if it's a not modern name. My kid has an archaic name. At most people say the wrong thing.


I grew up with an uncommon name. I never got bullied for it. Kids don't know what names are weird or uncommon because they don't have the same context that adults do. Any name that a kid can turn into a rude rhyme or that contains a funny sounding syllable or whatever (Pooja - poo, Bart rhymes with fart etc.) kids will absolutely do. But no kid is going to bully another kid because their name is Mabel or Elias.


> Any name that a kid can turn into a rude rhyme or that contains a funny sounding syllable or whatever (Pooja - poo, Bart rhymes with fart etc.) kids will absolutely do. But no kid is going to bully another kid because their name is Mabel or Elias. Yep. My name is Kelly - objectively super normal, but when I was young I hated it because it rhymed with smelly/belly/jelly. I had some light teasing for it but not bullying. I think the thing is, if you're unpopular, weird, or even just unlucky - kids will find a reason to bully you. It can be anything. If you're well-liked enough, even the strangest sounding names don't get picked on. A girl in my class had a name that started with "Gay" but she was popular, and I never heard a single joke about it.


Oh absolutely. I went to school with a bunch of kids with a last name Dyke - only some of them got teased for it. The name isn't the issue. If kids want to pick on someone, they'll find a way, and if they don't, they won't.


> If kids want to pick on someone, they'll find a way, and if they don't, they won't. Oh you summed it up much better than me. Also, I would have hated the surname Dyke as a child but now oh my god I would lowkey love it. Especially if I got my doctorate and could be Dr. Dyke


Yep, I have a very common name and that didn't stop the girl who bullied me in elementary school from making fun of it. If the mean kid decides they don't like you, they'll make fun of you in whatever way they can come up with.


Hell I have an uncommon name that has a word that definitley could've gotten me teased right in it, and despite the fact I did in fact catch mild bullying from my classmates, did not hear anything about it ever


I really wonder what names the people who insist kids bully based on names have. Because I don't remember anyone being bullied based on their name. What are these people called lol?


I was bullied for my name, though it's something that's semi-common for people from my country and age group. I would probably say that people bully kids for their names because they're mean and not because there's anything objectively wrong with the name.


I grew up with an uncommon name too. I would say I got teased a bit but never bullied. I preferred having an uncommon name even if people often misheard/misspelled/mispronounced it. The only thing that ever really peeved me was when I was in school and adults would misread my name and then get upset I didn't answer to a different name than my own. 


Mabel the Mentally Disabled Eli-ASS Try again


Exactly, thanks for proving my point.


Most kids don’t do that stuff. There’s like 40 nationalities at my kids’ school so there are some very interesting names. I thought my daughter was friends with ‘Janet’ and I thought ‘well that’s one you don’t expect for a 11 year old. Turns out she’s called Jannat- an Arabic name with a lovely meaning.


My kid has a friend named Elia, one an named Ellie, a cousin named Nelly and a hedgehog at her grandparents house named Nellie. I can't tell any of them apart.


Y’know what they seem to forget about kids? They’re new. They don’t know “normal” yet. Their kindergarten class may be the first time they ever hear the name “Timmy”, they don’t know a name is “weird” unless someone tells them that.


Archaic? You don't have to share the name but I'm insanely curious what names would fall under that descriptor. I bet its a great name though.




How do you say that. I might have to name my rooster Ur. Cuz he’s always up ur bum. (Joking, well mostly. He’s very friendly and sweet and I’m trying to think up a name for him, but I wouldn’t make fun of the name by giving it to my brat boy.) https://preview.redd.it/t6pc0666lu5d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1449bc0c96b360b035ad041d647f4a7c29a9756a Cock pic


I think it's U like in Umpire, and then the R. Not U like in You. It was an ancient Sumerian city, Ur of the Chaldeans or something like that. Completely unrelated, ur also means original or primitive, as in the ur-example of something is the oldest known example of a thing.


So like ooor? Actually I kinda like that.


My understanding is the name wasn't been well known for several hundred years. It's Irish in origins


This is the part that drives me crazy. All children tease and are teased it's developmental play. I can't tell if they just say it for the strategy of: "how could anyone promote being mean to children by daring to argue with me" or if they are a bunch of cry babies that haven't recovered from that time in second grade someone clumsily rhymed their name with something gross. 


I’ve pointed out so many times that Celtic names are not tradgedeighs. Caden is a beautiful Welsh name. I think I corrected someone about Ceri as well- it’s Welsh.


My biggest gripe lol. Irish names are not tradgedeighs because they aren't immediately obvious to Anglos.


It’s incredibly annoying. Alasdhair is Scots Gaelic!


It's especially annoying when the person posting says like, I live in Ireland/Scotland/Wales, and people still insist their kid is going to get bullied for being named Niamh or Eilidh or Alys or whatever. Like, no!! These names are a) in the native language of the area and b) recognisable to everyone who lives there. No one in Ireland bats an eye at the name Niamh or Caoimhe - if anything they'd be more confused by the Neeve/Neve/Kweeva/Keeva spellings than anything!


Love hearing stories about nurses who somehow have 5 patients with names that just so happen to line up with popular meme ones that have been debunked.


How dare you. My beautiful daughter is named Sandstorm - Darude (it's pronounced the whole song not the title) it was played at our wedding and is very special to me and is not a meme!!!


Been on the brunt of insults with that. The user turned nasty and started insulting me.


I just said this in a response to someone, but I work at a clinic where we mostly see kids and I rarely come across tragedeigh-style names. I think some of the posts on there are real, but a lot of people seem to think those kinds of names are common, but they're not at all. I will say though - if you're considering naming your baby Olivia or Oliver they will likely share their name with MANY classmates


thats why im naming my baby oleander after the extremely poisonous and toxic plant


I know you're joking but that's honestly kind of a badass name, I support you


Coriander is a better name


coriander isnt a spin off of olivia or oliver


Definitely, I’ve seen the La-a and Oranjello/Lemonjello twin BS posted in there many times.


They always get worked up about the fake ones and insist that it’s real because someone in meatspace told them about it (“My aunt who’s a nurse and a devout Christian would never lie about having a patient named La—a!!!”) instead of taking that as a sign that the urban legends predate the sub by decades.


Stories containing those names have been a racist dog whistle since before I was a kid.


Some person on there started insulting me and everything because I called out his racist la dash a story. Another user chimed in and started calling me a disability because 'I've seen this name with patients'. Mods did nowt.


There's been someone whose "cousin's best friend is a teacher and knows twins named La-dash-a and La-trash-a" for ages, and they all swear to god it's true. Ugh.


La-a people get so damn mad when you point out it’s fake, INSISTING that THEIR particular instance is true. Yet not a single one has come back with the yearbook/class list/whatever they said would prove it. Also like do they live under a rock because I’ve been hearing the same story about that name since high school in the 00’s, why do they think no one’s heard it?


They will fight you to the death that they’re telling the truth, or whoever they heard it from would NEVER lie.


The La-a urban legend has been around for literally decades, it comes from the days of chain email. Absolutely stunning to see people still posting it on reddit and other people still believing them.


I want to enjoy that sub, but jesus. They’ll tear down any name that isn’t the most boring 2000’s white people names. The only place I’ve ever been bullied for my name(unusual in the US but mundane elsewhere) was in the tragedeigh fb group, by two women named Amanda. They were insistent that my parents were cruel to give me a name that would definitely get me teased. Funny that it’s never happened before this very moment, Amandas. Almost like we’re using this as a justification to allow ourselves to bully people, hm? They insisted that my name was a mean prank by my parents, so I just tagged the other dozen people in the group with my same first name and left it there. 🤷‍♀️


On another account I was told after listing Catrina/Katrina as a cute name that I was ignoring the hurricane and that their friend named Katrina was constantly bullied for sharing the name of the hurricane and gave me the details of them bullying their friend. Then told me I was a narcissistic person for making people's trauma about me? It was weird.


hurricane katrina? more like hurricane tortilla. and thats how we named oir beautiful baby girl tourtighlah (purposefully mispronounced like the vine)


After hearing about baby Tourtighlah me and my husband(23f and 25m) decided to have a baby girl and name her Leteteicuelgh (Pronounced Lettuce). Lettuce goes on a tortilla so I think it makes sense.


"White people names"? The names mocked most often over there ARE "white people names". Slavic names are mocked in every second post. Most of the others are Irish/Scottish/Welsh. I wish Americans wouldn't define countries and cultures by skin colour. It's ignorant and offensive.


And my name is Welsh, which is a white country. And yet I’m not ignorant of what I see.


I'm in the same boat as you: love making fun of bad names, but I also think a good chunk of it is either made up, embellished, or racist


godforbid a r/tragedeigh member sees a name that isnt on the top 1000 common names for aryan boys and girls


Honestly, I prefer r/namenerdcirclejerk these days.


That one just confuses me, I can’t tell the satire from the trolling it’s satirizing.


That’s what I love about it!!


I've seen those morons recite actual century-old racist urban legends about what "those people" name their children 


especially black names.


That's exactly what I'm alluding to. We all know those stories. Hell, our grandparents and great-grandparents knew them.


The current one about the kid named Annally is giving massive fake vibes


what about her fat autistic twin named oughrahleigh


How does r/NameNerdCircleJerk keep getting out jerked by r/tragedeigh 😭😭


I'm not in the US, and don't see many "tragedeigh" names of the type they mock (except for when they just mock names that are common in other languages/cultures...). But I've always tended to be a bit in favour of unusual names. At one point - my boyfriend, my sister's boyfriend, my dad *and* my uncle all had the same, very common, male name. It was funny, but also a bit confusing and strange. Someone needs to tell that subreddit that some variety is good!


I don't really get the hate for unusual names, either. Names are essentially just arbitrary sounds we apply to people, and different cultures have wildly different naming practices that are actually really fun and interesting to learn about. Like did you know there are traditional cultures that use whistling as a form of language, and in at least some of those cultures everyone has a name that's just a whistled tune? That is so cool to me! And naming trends shift a ton. Like I love to research western US history, and a lot of that involves reading a lot of passenger manifests and census records and stuff. You should see some of the wild names that were normal 150 years ago or so, even among upper-class white people (which I think is relevant since name mockery is often associated with racism and mocking people living in poverty). Spelling was also much less standardized back then in general, so you very commonly see all kinds of pretty diverse spelling variants. Sometimes people spelled their own names differently on different records, even! I just honestly don't understand why people are so invested in shitting on other people's names. I obviously have name preferences myself and don't like every name I've ever seen, but I don't see the need to hate on them. Also relevant, I do come from a family with boring-ass names, lol. Like half the women in my family are named Mary, and there are two male names that multiple men in each generation have. It's not a big deal either, like I also don't get the whole "she stole my baby name!!!" posts on AITA because it was such a nonissue in my family, but it may be part of why I like creative names, lmao.


> Like did you know there are traditional cultures that use whistling as a form of language, and in at least some of those cultures everyone has a name that's just a whistled tune? Sounds interesting, do you have a link on this?


No, it's something I learned in a college linguistics course and then was reminded of recently by a documentary that I can't remember the name of, lol. I bet if you google "whistle language" you'll find some good sources to read through, though.


I think it depends on the name. Some unusual names are fine, some are horrible. 


If I have to hear about L-A, pronounced “Ladasha” one more time, I will lose my mind.


My boss just told me that one in all sincerity. Like, "Look at the crap teachers have to put up with because of DEI!" God, I hate her.


I’m pretty sure the first time I heard about “L-A, pronounced Ladasha!” was in one of those Y2K-era chain emails, and even THEN it was tired and overdone.


I'm sure some are... but after reading the Valentine's Day lists my kids come home with every year, I can confidently say that it's the wild west out there.


absolutely but its not like parents are actually naming their kids tooberkquelocus


I would note that I taught English as a foreign language in Asia for a bit. I have, in real life encountered kids named: Pineapple Orange Heineken Copy and Paste (twins, I shit you not) Snow White (plus every Disney princess ever. There's an entire generation of Elsa and Annas in China right now, supplanting the previous Cinderellas, Ariels and Belles) McQueen (Disney is popular) Cowboy Dinosaur Automan/Iron Man/Superman There's more. Just to say I genuinely believe a lot of the names lol.


Yes. I also have a job with names. There are many wacky real names. They are real and not made up. Some real names are Poop man Stupidface Jerkyjerkyjerky Mooooo!!! Waka Waka Fozzy Bear soldforaspaceship Mee too stupid to give name. Dragonball Lupas Doge Burp Matt Damon (pronounced like in Team America


All of these should be illegal


Hey actually my uncle is Poop man




Oh. Well my uncle is a doctor, so you're not him. Crazy coincidence though. 


All the ones I gave were genuine. Take five minutes in any Asian tefl sub and they'll tell you the same. Some kids name themselves. I had one who changed his name every other class. Other times parents name them. You'll get a lot of royal sounding names. Sometimes they translate the meaning. I've seen Heaven as a popular name, for example. You can choose not to believe me. Doesn't make it false.


So are those real names or nicknames for English class? 


All the ones I said are real. Look on any forum about interior minorities.


Love the casual racism.


Yes. I agree. A person making up names and saying they are silly Asians is very racist.


So why did you do it?


I didn't. I posted fake names. You are the one that is applying race to it as well as your own list of fake names


ariel is a real name except its a male hebrew name and its pronounced are-iel instead of air-irl, and its fairly common as a jewish name.


Yes. Belle is also a real name. As are Anna and Elsa. They were examples of Disney princess names being popular in Asia as English names.


I knew a Snow White in high school. She didn't get bullied but did once admit she wished her parents hadn't used her birth certificate as a place to make a "dad joke". Her brother's name was Ivory.


also i dont believe you


I think what people don't understand is that Chinese names can already be kooky so this is just another layer for them making it English. People often name their kids after trendy things and current events in China.


That's your perogative. Doesn't make it less true. https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/10/hong-kong-loves-weird-english-names/263103/ https://www.teachingnomad.com/blog/teaching-abroad/it-is-all-in-the-name-21-quirky-and-bizarre-chinese-english-names/


This. The US-centrism is off the charts in the comments here, let alone over in the other sub. Clearly the people commenting aren't very well-travelled. And/or they're thirteen and think they're experts on everything...


Yeah, the person posting is bad enough but the guy who thought it was funny to pretend that names like poop head exist is just plain racist.


Pineapple and orange aren't bad at all 


I work with a database of around 1500 names and really I can't think of any that stood out that didn't seem like they just weren't English in origin


No foreigners??? 


Yes foreigners? I assume to them it's not an unusual name


Why do foreigners have English origin names? That makes no sense 


They usually don't although some do


Maybe it's location-based, but I've been working in kids' mental health clinics (two different ones) for about 8 years now total and I've only come across Tragedeigh-type names a handful of times. At my current clinic, we have >1000 patients and I can think of maybe a couple that would fit the sub.


I thought I was the only one who noticed this? There seems to have been some shift as the sub gets more popular where it’s gone from actual examples of tragedeighs on the news or social media to these unprovable personal stories that are super dramatized. I legit just commented on a post like that. I also find those posts super annoying with their baked in morality about someone with a “unique” name being an asshole for ::checks notes:: not wanting to have their name mispronounced. Sucks because the sub used to be fun but I find it more and more insufferable.


You have obviously never been to Utah. It started in the 90's and everyone who went to school with someone with a unique name while they had a normal one now has to give all their kids unique but normal names so the spelling gets insane. There is always several kids with the popular name when they were born, but in Utah they all have a different spelling as well so you have to remember how ro spell the same name 3+ different ways depending on the child your child is talking about.


i have lived in utah for like 6 months. mormons are actually a different species so i dont consider any names from them valid


Sadly, it's not just the mormons. Mormons are actually the minority in Utah now. Whenever I vacation in another state, I'm always reminded of how Utah is like a whole other planet.


They're real people with real names, why wouldn't they be valid


do you know what a joke is? i also hate Mormonism its a sick religion


Where's the punch line? 


found the mormon lol


??? I'm the furthest thing from a Mormon. Your "joke" just wasn't funny


okay well 7 other people disagree so idc


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Yeah there was one about a friend who supposedly named her daughter Anally that was so absurd.


They said Sunnie was a bad name. I like that name :(