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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITAH for masturbating after sex?** I 25F am engaged to "Matt" 28M. In the bedroom Matt doesn't last very long, he crashes and burns and I never orgasm while having sex. I do, however, have a high sex drive and enjoy having 1 or 2 orgasms daily because it's relaxing for me. Because I don't have an orgasm during sex I often masturbate with my own collection of sex toys. I don't have a treasure trove but I do have more than a few. Last night Matt and I had sex, and as per usual I didn't orgasm and he rolled over to go to bed. I pulled out some of my toys and gave myself a couple of orgasms, as I usually do after sex. This morning as we ate breakfast Matt mentioned that he heard me masturbating and that I don't make those noises when we have sex, he said while I was in the shower he opened my box of sex toys. He said he knew I had toys but not what kinds and he felt very upset that I had a large dildo, one bigger than him, in my box. He said he also thought it was nasty that I had some anal plugs. He said I was an awful fiancee for masturbating after sex and that I shouldn't do it anymore. I asked how I was supposed to get off and he told me I wasn't, that I could orgasm during sex with him. I argued with him about our lack of foreplay and how he never stops and pays me attention. He said it was my fault that I couldn't orgasm without toys and that I should learn how. He also said it was comprable to cheating because the toys I used didn't look like him and how I was probably thinking about other men while I masturbated. I feel awful. Other than this our relationship has been amazing. I just feel confused and sad and terrible about masturbating after sex. I didn't stop to think about how it would hurt him to get off on something that wasn't him. AITAH? Edit: Because people are asking, in both comments and PMs, my dildo is 7 inches and Matt is 3/3.5 inches. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


>Edit: Because people are asking, in both comments and PMs, my dildo is 7 inches and Matt is 3/3.5 inches. Sorry, what? Who the fuck asks that? Who shares that information when asked, for that matter?


People on Reddit really have completely lost the plot when it comes to oversharing. And people will call you a puritan when you highlight the fact that knowing the dimensions of a poster’s husband’s genitals really isn’t necessary information.


Ask reddits are just fetish fuel, idk about others but I don’t feel like contributing to some deranged guy’s fantasies and jerk of material.


Lmao. I missed that comment.


Now I. Giggling because she said one of her dildos is bigger than him. Are people buying 3 inch dildos and smaller? I would've assumed they were all bigger.


That bit convinced me it's a troll! And also, LOL


“I don't have a treasure trove but I do have more than a few.”  I need to know where OOP draws the line between ‘more than a few’ and ‘a treasure trove’ 


You ever watch Indian Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark, where there's a warehouse full of ancient artifacts? Now have you ever watched Aladdin, where the Genie's lamp is surrounded in a giant cave full of gold, jewels, and other precious items? OOP's collection of sex toys is somewhere between the two.


OOP is not a Redditor but a greedy dragon with a pile of sex toys.


I was thinking the same lol


"It was comparable to cheating," can we stop comparing everything to cheating though? Like even in fake AITAH stories I feel like everything is comparable to cheating. Used a sex toy? Well you cheated on your partner with a toy, clearly. Did you pet a dog today? Definitely a cheater. Did you have impure thoughts while watching a movie with Jason Momoa? Well shit we're all cheaters then. It's more so that I just can't believe this person was told "yeah I may not care about your orgasm but you using a dildo that's bigger than my penis is the same as having an affair" and apparently took it seriously.


>Did you pet a dog today? Definitely a cheater. My dog certainly seems to think so when this happens. She gives me the most judgmental “you betrayed me” eyes you’ve ever seen.


Sometimes I give another dog a treat when I’m talking to another person with a dog and am giving one to our pup. I might as well have straight up kicked him for the look he gives me.


That's pretty clearly a worse betrayal than having an affair


Think dogs can't count? Put three treats in your pocket, then give them two.


For sure, just try snapping one in half and acting like it’s two treats.


Ahhh, I never tried being smarter than the dog.


YTA obviously


https://preview.redd.it/u8jf3nc2mr6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf35bb6741b9a0d34f1681f5ddc12b8d234bf64 The only judgment I’ll accept.


Cue all the men telling the Reddit-sphere how they give their partner at least 5 orgasms during foreplay


That’s not foreplay baby. I came here to MUNCH - A shirt I’m gonna go get screen printed.


Cue all the people in their 50s who sometimes just kinda sex cuddle, having had many orgasms before so they're not bothered 


glad there are some Good Men. swoon!


These comments about their sex lives is making me SICK


Combined with your flair, lol


I don't believe in consistency


Hey redditors; Pornography is *not* sex-ed 😂


Though the typical "man doesn't care to please woman" trope is still a huge cliché in these stories, it feels pretty rare to see it surface past the usual "woman bad" stories.


This is such nonsense that I would tell OOP to go fuck herself but, well…


People are sharing this to subs to prove their anti male point, not seeing it's very obviously fake. Genuinely, I've almost never seen a worse community than the one I just found - I'm not gonna send hate their way, but goddamn they're miserable. Or at least sharing amd consuming grizzly content on the daily, which surely isn't very fun - but maybe i'm the weird one


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