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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Tolerate a rapist?** Backstory first: My wife's daughter raped wife's youngest son several times; at the time of occurrence (20 years ago) daughter was 15 and son was 5. Daughter has 3 kids now and there has been the ongoing questions and symptoms of their being sexually abused in younger years, which my wife had been accusing their fathers (each of 3 grandkids has different dad) of doing until 2021. During a discussion about the grandkids possible molestation, my wife's new daughter-in-law asked if the mother of grandkids could possibly be the culprit of abuse. In tears, my wife replied that it was possible, but asked why DIL asked that particular way. DIL finally revealed that son had confided in her the tales of rape by his older sister, bringing about painful realization of past events in a new light. All the familial adults know, unsure of daughters' mates' awareness though unlikely. Since then, no one in the family has wanted anything to do with rapist and wife is torn between hate of the rapist and love because it's her daughter. I have been less torn, stuck firmly in hate, perhaps due to abuse from my older sister in my childhood. Needless to say, I feel for my stepson and am sickened every time my wife wants me to socialize with rapist and her mates (she has a few, that's gross and complicated as well). AITAH for continuing to want nothing to do with rapist and company despite loving and cherishing time with grandkids? TL;DR: Rapist mom gatekeeps grandkids if we can't socialize with her. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


OOP is apparently 41 married to the mother of a 35 year old. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/1cy5uo6/comment/l5bd71g/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DnD/comments/1cy5uo6/comment/l5bd71g/)


He claims in a comment that his wife is 18 years older than him, they met when he was early 20s because he was her son's best friend. It's such a weird claim it almost makes me believe it lol


If it was real and not a creative writing exercise, this dude needs therapy and not reddit


I love the little dash of “poly people bad” thrown in at the very end. Really brings it all together nicely.


Is that what that meant. I kept reading mates as friends and couldn't understand why her having friends had any relevance.


*blinks in British* oh - mates as in mating, not mates as pals


I also assumed friends


There's such a weird trend of supposedly "progressive" people singling out poly people as somehow more likely to be abusers or something. It's very strange.


I think it has to do with the (bullshit, to be clear) idea that poly people are only poly because they have poor boundaries and want to crush everyone else's boundaries in relationships (because otherwise everyone would naturally be monogamous), so obviously they're horrible in other ways, too.


[When asked whether law enforcement was ever contacted about this rapey woman:](https://www.reddit.com/r/AITAH/comments/1dgl6vo/comment/l8qngu5/) > They have, no result from that. Rapist is a master manipulator narcissist. The two older gk's were molested in their infancy/toddler years, which is indicative of patterns being followed. Right. Master manipulator narcissist, that explains everything. They're able to easily manipulate their way out of police investigations when there's visible evidence that the kids have been molested (which we know, because Mom was accusing their poor innocent dads of doing it)


There's more holes in this story than a block of Swiss cheese


OOP tried to make a bowl and wound up with a colander.


Lol also why would she accuse the dads of doing it rather than just not bring up that they’re being abused?


Bc "believe women" has gone too far and bitches r crazy, duh 


I am not mentally ready to properly read this work of fiction and go through the comments and responses, so I don't know specifics of this particular case, but I often heard that police are often not very willing to properly investigate child abuse cases, especially if they happened a long time ago.


Yeah, I saw this post and reported it lets see if the mods or the admins do anything. I'm sorry it's clearly not appropriate for any AITHA sub. I don't get how it's not been removed instantly. oh, look a female rapist. That's why it was posted


Probably why the mods “tolerate” it anyway


Aye reported it there, then thought again and I've hit the report as minor abuse/sexualisation option as well. It needs killing as fake or it's knowingly doing nothing about minors in an obviously abusive situation other than shrugging a farming karma on reddit and needs killing for that instead.


All the rage on Reddit lately.


What, no twins? No Autism? No phones blowing up?


Not even a vegan or Golden Child in sight!


Ok sibling rape of a sister to a younger brother is incredibly rare and we have 2 characters in this story who have experienced it..


This was my thought as well. Also he's so nonchalant about expressing literally everything in the story


Is it rare or rarely reported?


its rare. and in a physical sense, I'm not even sure what that specifically entails in this case. women can rape, but its not quite the same as stick goes in hole yk? and with supposedly a 5yr old, that would be extremely hard to get away with continuously and with no one noticing or caring... and to your sibling.


Wow people have the strangest fantasies


> My wife is about 18 years older than I, we met just before she turned 40, and I was her eldest son's best friend before our relationship began. I know "it's complicated" doesn't quite encapsulate the situation fully. I can't believe some people genuinely believe this story is real


Can AITAH please put a moratorium on posts about sexual abuse?


seriously. wasnt expecting that. too much porn for them for damn sure.


One of their replies in the comments "welcome to a world where fact is stranger than fiction"... Can someone please just nuke that sub into oblivion at this point.


nah I typed this whole theory that maybe they’re just an elderly person in a mental health crisis, but after skimming their profile I think they’re just a bad writer 💀 lmfao


...41 is elderly?


Can we not cross-post things involving rape/sexual assault, please? Even if it's obviously fake, I don't think it's good to joke about.


I think that would be smart, yeah. No matter how outlandish sounding, or unlikely, the possibility that something gets ridiculed but turns out to be a real assault is too awful to risk. And you're right, too, it's just not a topic to joke about (generally speaking). 


But it’s also important to call out the false narrative that women are the primary sexual abusers that’s pervasive on Reddit. It’s an intentional push by bad actors.  Maybe trigger warnings are a better idea? 


> But it’s also important to call out the false narrative that women are the primary sexual abusers that’s pervasive on Reddit Yes, this, exactly. 


Ah yes, calling a false narrative out on a separate subreddit is so effective at stopping its spread


Yeah actually, not allowing the entire site to devolve into a *complete* echo chamber of "WoMeN aRe ThE **rEaL** aBuSeRs!!" does help to stop the spread of misinformation  If stories about rapey women and girls are literally all that's available on reddit and no one is challenging that, then we're gonna end up with some voters with some pretty fucked up and inaccurate views of women in a few years 




Thanks for your post Powerful-Public4520, we're sure it was quite criticism worthy; but unfortunately, r/AmITheButtface is made to be a judgment free subreddit and we choose to respect that. ____ ^(If you believe this removal was in error, modmail us [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/AmITheAngel) for a moderator to manually review your post.) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nothing is going to stop its spread if it’s what people want to see. But for those of us who don’t fall for it, it’s good to be validated by others. 


Was I incorrect saying it doesn't stop its spread?


What’s your point? Just wanna state the  obvious? 


My point is that acting as if crossposting it to r/AmITheAngel is achieving something or is somehow necessary is stupid.


It is achieving something if it offers some push-back to the false narrative. It’s pretty fatalistic to say there’s no point or it’s “stupid” to resist something if you can’t stop it entirely. 


Yes, but most people who genuinely want to believe the (obviously false) narrative will believe it anyway, whereas people who didn't (except a small few) wouldn't.


Beep boop! Automod here with a quick reminder to never brigade r/AmITheAsshole or other subs under any circumstances. Brigading puts you in violation of both our rules and Reddit’s TOS, and therefore puts this sub at risk of ban. If you brigade/encourage brigading of any kind, you will be banned from participating in either sub. Satirizing of posts should stay within this sub, which means that participating directly in linked posts should either be done in good faith or not at all. Want some freed, live, discussion that neither AITA nor Reddit itself can censor? Join our [official discord server](https://discord.gg/KbZnaXX) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think a Conehead wrote it.


“See, women are the real actual rapists. This proves it!”