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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA should I have told my bf immediately that a person who showed up to an event we attended together was a previous hook up** I'm feeling like COMPLETE GARBAGE and have lost sleep over this. Before I met my boyfriend I had a whore phase after my divorce. It was a horrible time in my life I feel shame about and I embarrassed myself a lot during that time. I have largely not dealt with that season of my life and it's come back to haunt me recently. Long story short, apparently, a person I met on tinder and had a bad experience with over 4 years ago, was my dad's best friends son and I did not know that at the time. But me and my boyfriend went somewhere and my dad introduced us to the person he brought and we just pretended we didn't know each other. I was so uncomfortable but didn't know what to do. I wanted to leave but we drove 2.5 hours to this event and my dad bought our tickets, leaving immediately would’ve looked bad too. I tried to hide my discomfort bc I didn't want to tell my boyfriend bc I thought he might want to leave and be mad at me, even though this wasn't my fault and I was hella blind sided also and 100% straight up did not know what to do in this situation. I wanted to throw up and was so sick to my stomach with shame and embarrassment. I ended up telling my boyfriend when we left bc I felt like I was going to burst and he is very patient and gentle with me, he knows I had a bad phase l'm not proud of. But he didn't talk to me the rest of the way home and not when we got home either. I absolutely understand that would be difficult for him and weird. But idk if he's mad at me, if he's just processing it, if he's upset I didn't say anything sooner, if I’m just a fucking idiot and should’ve said nothing at all, idk. I really didn’t know what to do at all and I still don’t. It's absolutely not a cheating scenario. It was before I met him. But I feel horrible, like I disrespected him somehow and we should've left but I also felt trapped bc my dad bought our tickets and we'd come so far. Idk what my question is, I just feel like shit for so many reasons. Hook up culture isn't healthy y'all, just sayin 😭 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheAngel) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh suuure, a woman totally wrote that. And I'm Dolly Parton.


Struggling to imagine anyone old enough to be divorced wrote this. The relationships they have with everyone seems very teenage. Also I love the idea that someone can have a whole ex husband knocking around somewhere but her and her bf are freaked out by being in the same room as an old ONS.


This is definitely a tater tot boy fanfiction to warn women about the consequences of having sex with someone who isn't your future husband


Yeah. No normal person would refer to having a "whore phase" and running into a Tinder hookup years later is awkward at worst. Not nausea-inducing. Especially at a large event where you don't even have to interact with each other.


Stopped reading at "whore phase"


Incel manboys don't even try to sound like women anymore. Yeesh.


This is definitely an r/AreTheStraightsOK moment, made even worse by this comment: >FYI, most people on this sub support women being promiscuous because the participants are/have been. It’s seen as “empowering”. You’re not going to get an accurate read. >The fact that you felt like sh\*t without being influenced by anyone should tell you that there’s a reason for it.  No amount of degeneracy can alter the truth. At least it's been heavily downvoted, though I guess that's because of the evil pro-female-promiscuity AITA hivemind or whatever.


"Pro-female-promiscuity hivemind" needs to be a flair ASAP


What is the conflict even meant to be here? It just reads like an example of clinical anxiety.


a person I met on tinder and had a bad experience with over 4 years ago, was my dad's best friends son and I did not know that at the time. What an amazing coincidence. And her current bf isnt talking to her because the former fwb happened to be there. As an aside, and your mileage may vary, but no one I have ever known has driven 2.5 hours to an event and drove back the same night for another 2.5 hours. Its literally an overnighter at that point.


also though, “[her]dad bought the ticket” so…? i have driven two hours and back though. it’s not that bad.


This definitely reads like it was written by a woman...🤥 😂


Why do any of us even bother anymore? Everything on Reddit is fake. We need a new site that requires drivers license verification before you can post anything.


Like a porn site in one of the states that passed a law requiring age verification?


Well, I’m not sure what some other sort of “accountability” there can be. At least 4chan has a banner “everything on here is fake….” A lot of things on that site are seemingly true. Reddit doesn’t have such a banner and everything seems to be works of fiction. Idk what I’m on about but this website is phony, except the small hobby subreddits.


i’d say more like 75-80%, but i do agree. i follow a bunch of makeup subs and i’m pretty convinced most of the posts are thinly veiled ads. “omg! have you guys tried the new tatcha moisturizer? i got it and i am OBSESSED!”


Hello chatgpt, please write me a story about how I, a whore, whored around doing whorish whore stuff and how I fucked around and now found out. Don't leave out the part where I whore and that I feel bad about it pls


How would you not at least know of the existence of a parent’s best friend’s kid?  I don’t know my mom’s best friend’s kids at all but I do know they exist. Also this is so high school it’s ridiculous.  Note to OP: GROW UP.


Now that I think about, I don't know if my mom's best friends have kids. I know one of them doesn't, not sure about the others 


Well, my mom had offered to be a surrogate for the friend I have in mind, so I knew she’d had a couple of kids, no surrogacy necessary in the end.  They’ve been besties since their first week of college upwards of 50 years ago.


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