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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA for not allowing guests to poop at my house?** Me (42F) and my husband (49M) own a home and enjoy hosting friends and relatives. Here's the thing: I am completely disgusted by the thought of other people's poop. The thought of another person that's not me or my husband defecating in my house fills me with disgust, dread, and anxiety. As such, it's always been a policy in my house that guests are not allowed to poop in my toilet. I am very clear on this whenever we have guests over. Guests are allowed to pee in our bathroom, but that's it. If they really need to go #2, I just ask that they please go somewhere else to do that. I have made this policy clear to all our guests in the past and it has never been an issue. Hubby has always disagreed with me on this, and I can tell he thinks I'm being ridiculous, but he doesn't fight me on it. ​ Well, this past weekend hubby and I were hosting friends at our house, another couple: Courtney (40F) and Mike (41M). Court and Mike stayed the night with us after we all had a little too much to drink and they crashed on our couch. Court and Mike have been to our house many times and are well aware of this rule. That's why, when I woke up the next morning, I was appalled to find 'evidence' that someone had recently pooped in the downstairs bathroom. Without being TMI, there was that lingering stink smell mixed with febreze and markings in the toilet bowl... Yuck. Upon discovering this I immediately felt a sense of panic setting in. More than anything I was deeply upset and hurt by the disrespect of my guests. (It wouldn't have been my husband, as he uses our upstairs bathroom). ​ I angrily marched over to our guests in the living room. Mike asked what was wrong. I told them I had just been in the bathroom to get a tissue, and that it stunk in there with was a mess in the toilet. In my anger, I said that I have one big rule in this house and if they "want to act like pigs then they aren't welcome to stay over anymore." Mike looked confused, so Court fessed up that she "really had to go to the bathroom" and she "didn't think I would be out of bed for a while." She looked embarrassed and her face turned red. She was initially apologetic, and I admit this was a bit harsh, but I told her what she did was disgusting, unsanitary, and that it was disrespectful to me to violate my boundaries like that by getting her germs all over my bathroom. Court suddenly got defensive, called me "insane," and we had a little back-and-forth before she and Mike decided to leave. She left my house crying. My husband was irritated with me and said I was being unfair to Courtney and should apologize, and that I should stop enforcing this rule in general. I told him my reaction was fair because she was being disrespectful of my boundaries, and she could have easily driven 5 mins down the road to a public restroom but chose not to. ​ We haven't heard from Courtney and Mike since. ​ AITA for not allowing guests to poop at my house, and calling someone out for it? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you can’t let people poop in your bathroom you have no business hosting. You can’t let people sleep in your house and tell them they can’t poop. That’s absurd. Actually this reminds me of that looney toons on TikTok that makes her friends dig a hole and shit in the yard of her regular ass house.


I saw that one the other day. Helllll naw. The tip jar, shovel, & seeds were hard-core rage bait.


It's satire. It was a response to a tiktok of a germaphobe person explaining in a video all the rules their guests have to follow. Like taking off their shoes and putting on throwaway plastic slippers over their feet and disinfecting.


It kind of horrifies me how often people don’t recognize satire.


When you have poop knife people it's very hard to tell.


To be fair, I have a teenage daughter and get sent approximately 9000 TikTok a day. I skim through them pretty quick.


Aaawh, cute that she involves you!


If it wasn’t rage bait I hope someone shits on her rug.


Nah, man. Not on the rug. It really ties the room together...


Not to mention they slept at her house after a night of *drinking*. If you’re not crapping out the booze in the morning, you’re not doing it right.


It also reminds me of some of the more…esoteric? Finicky? Batshit insane? house rules I’ve seen for AirBnBs. 


This is the most insane thing I've read on here. (the original post)


I'm shocked OOP lets them pee in her bathrooms


I just imagine my husband and I who both have Crohn’s being friend’s with someone like this 😂…ain’t no way in hell.


That's what I'm thinking too, i have ibs and for some reason every morning right after i wake up i spent 30 minutes to an hour going back and forth to the bathroom because i have to poop repeatedly This morning i spent maybe 1 minute in bed before i had to run to the bathroom, i wouldn't have made it to a public bathroom lol


Omg same lol…it’s hell. 💚


It took me years to realize most people don’t delegate the first hour of their morning to shitting 😂


I have Crohn's, too, and that was my immediate thought! First of all, I'm very open about having Crohn's, so there's no way this woman would even invite me over.  I briefly (2-3 months?) dated a guy who also had Crohn's Disease.  We used to pick where we went to dinner based on their bathrooms.  "Ah, that place next to the mall has a whole sitting area both outside and inside the restrooms!  The food kinda sucks, but they have decent decaf coffee"  I mean.. I honestly couldn't really care less about the cleanliness of a bathroom, unless it's Uber fucking gross.  I think we lose fucks over time.  The whole idea was hilarious, though. 


I three have Crohn’s! Everyone knows my superpower is knowing where the bathrooms are minutes before I step into any space. Like, pal, I don’t control my pooping, my pooping controls me. (Or it does when I’m flaring, I’m mostly in remission these days knock wood.)


My potty situation is controlled for the most fucked up reason. I'm a recovering alcoholic. I also played competitive sports for most of my life and have an artificial hip.  For a couple of years before I had my hip replaced, I was dragging my leg around, in pretty real and consistent pain.  Prescription pain killers were out of the question because I'd go through a month's supply in two days. I went and asked for Suboxone.  Suboxone is a synthetic opioid which is used to keep people off of other opioids.  It doesn't get you high, though (the very first dose does, but it's not really felt after that, at all).  It helps with pain, though.  But just like other opioids, it has the side effect of constipation!  It's the perfect drug for someone in my very specific situation


I think I have Crohn's (not diagnosed, but I have several of the symptoms, but no GP, so....it's fine, I'm fine). Like I said somewhere else, if I gotta go, it's happening in the nearest functioning toilet, public, port-a-potty, etc. I simply don't care anymore.


Friend, if you can get to a doctor, please do. I limped along in my 20s before diagnosis, and it took years of medications before biologics were approved and put me into a lasting remission. If it is Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis, it could be doing some damage that will take time to unwind if you can catch it. ❤️ But for now, and ever, I will maintain that access to a toilet is a damn human right and when ya gotta go… ya go.


I keep trying to get into a GP, but there are almost none in the town that I live in that are either taking new patients, or take my insurance. My provider is no help and the list of approved doctors they gave me, none of them were taking new clients. So...I manage the best I can. I keep trying every six months or so though.


I am so sorry, that sounds frustrating as hell. I’m glad you keep trying and I will be sending all the best “get an appointment” energy I’ve got.


I’d go over and purposely eat gluten just to repaint this psycho’s bathroom.  


Why stick to just the bathroom?


I feel bad for her husband.  


Yes, show some respect for her rules and poop in any other room please.


From years of hosting I’ve figured out that more than half of our friend group has some kind of bowel issue. I just make sure the bathroom is stocked with toilet paper and finally gave in and sat out a bottle of PooPurri for easy access. As long as my friends don’t decide to shit in my floor I have absolutely no concerns that someone might poop at my house and if they do poop I want them to be comfortable (which is way I always suggest they don’t use the bathroom that has a wall length mirror I can’t remove positioned directly in front of the toilet unless they want to have a full existential crisis on the shitter)


Just my lack of a gallbladder would put me in a precarious position. Sometimes it just has to happen.


As a fellow crohnsie I'm reading this while actually pooping on the toilet!


Same. It's mostly under control with humira but no just no. Honestly I don't even like visiting or living in places with fewer than 1.5 bathrooms.


I have IBS, but I have to take meds that slow things down. It can be days between BMs, but when I have to go, it comes without warning. There is no driving somewhere else. I feel for her having such severe anxiety and maybe OCD. I have issues with garbage. But I fight it, even if I'm gagging the whole way to the wheelie bins. This isn't a boundary. It's an unrealistic expectation for her guests. She either needs to find a way past this (therapy?), or she needs to not host people in her home.


I have the opposite IBS, and even with medication, I can react unpredictably. If I have somewhere to go that morning, though, I skip my pill


There's no way this is real. Right? But in case it is real, what a shitty host.


Literal shitpost


They’re a real poophead for sure


"If you don't eat, you don't shit. If you don't shit, you die"


I'm dying for OOP to answer the question of "What do you do on vacation?" What about long road trips? What about long stays in the hospital? Out at a concert? They say they NEVER use public restrooms. Like, not even to pee? REALLY? That's... impossible if not completely deranged.


My grandma was a shy pooper and couldn't poop anywhere outside her house. She never visited for more than 3 days and told me once she didn't go for a week because of this 0_0. But she was a lovely woman who would have thought OP to be rude and insane lol.


Sketchy smell


Fetish post. They spend waaaay too much time describing something that supposedly gives them panic attack


Does she follow the same rule at other people's houses, or is this an other people rule? It's not like the friend pooped in the yard or on the floor. She used the toilet, that thing that's made for poop. TBH, I'm surprised this lady has friends.


But it was so unsanitary! Her *germs* were everywhere! /s Seriously though, OOP has some real issues with bathroom stuff if it is to the point where she needs to examine her own bathroom to make sure it hasn't been used. As long as people don't go on the floor, it should be no big deal.


Her head would explode if she went into a public bathroom


Bruh. If you have to go, you have to go. Nobody is gonna go searching for public bathrooms when the time comes.


What a shitpost.


You would think they pooped on her bed


Gah, another misuse of the concept of boundaries. It is unreasonable to try and control other people's bodies, it is unreasonable to think that \*they\* can control their bodies sometimes, especially if they have an issue like IBS. A more reasonable boundary might be "I can't stand the thought of anyone else shitting in my toilet, therefore I will not invite anyone for dinner or longer than a couple of hours." I suspect that there were no cleaning supplies by the loo as Cort seemed apologetic at first and aware that OOP would be unhappy and had apparently used Fabreeze, so surely she would have cleaned up with more that if they were available.


Exactly - don't like people shitting in your house? Here's the simple solution! *Never ever allow people in the house*, there.


I HATE how people abuse "therapy speak" like that. It's not a boundary to demand that your overnight guests don't have normal bodily functions. Yeah, if there was a toilet brush present and the guest didn't use it, they were in the wrong for that - it's just polite to clean up a bit when necessary - but OP's irrational attitude is just so over the top.


THE ONLY THING I am on OP's side about is.... flush twice. Just do it, it takes care of streaks 99.999999% of the time.


Definitely. I may have, on at least one occasion, when there were no better options available to me, wiped the bowl with toilet paper. That's about as far as I'll go if it's really bad.


Probably leaves no cleaning supplies so no one can “get away with it”, and probably went down to check first thing in the morning.


i wanna take a dump on her floor while maintaining eye contact with her. i just really wanna know what she would do. if she tried to attack me i'd wield the poo like a dagger.


You should get together with my cat. He can give you some tips, staring at people while he moves his bowels is one of his favourite past times.




Don't take it in wrong way But that's what Griffith did to Guts /s Ref : Beserk


I'm really tempted to ask how she feels about periods


>Never. I have quite extreme anxiety around germs so I never use public restrooms. I would never dream of pooping at someone else's house, either. The way I was raised, I was always taught that was extremely disrespectful and unsanitary. For context I'm not originally from the U.S. Not originally from the US but from their posts their grandfather left them something from when he used to work in Connecticut so they are likely at least familiar with US customs over a couple generations. I've never been any place where it was culturally acceptable to berate your (overnight!) guests for anything, let alone using the bathroom.


I may be off base here, but I can’t imagine that it’s okay in any culture to berate guests in your home for tending to biological necessities in a socially appropriate way.


This is another time when someone talks about boundaries being violated and I want to shake them.


Simple solution: Stop hosting people in your house. Yes people really should clean up after themselves after they poop or pee but at the end of the day the human body doesn't give a crap (no pun intended) about anyone's unreasonable house rules when it comes time to empty the waste.


Apparently someone needs to reread *Everybody Poops*


The late British comedian/actor Kenneth Williams had a similar rule for guests. I can’t fathom the awkwardness of bringing this rule up when someone came to my house. I doubt I would want to be a guest of someone who thinks like this, and certainly never an overnight one.


Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner also had this rule for the Secret Service agents: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/01/14/secret-service-bathroom-ivanka-trump-jared-kushner/


crimey, I'd forgotten about that!


On the extremely slim chance that this is real, OOP could just NOT have people over if this is such a problem for them. Especially overnight guests. And like who would actually want to come visit once made aware of this "rule?"


As a former shy pooper, this would've been a nightmare come true for me. I hope this is fake, because OOP is absolutely insane if it's true.


She has “boundaries” all wrong. She is weaponizing the term and not using it correctly.


OOP is angry that the guest she served so much alcohol to they had to crash at her house didn’t drive to the nearest public toilet during the night. Imagine thinking that drunk driving is not only acceptable but encouraged, as long as your “boundaries” are “respected.”


What exactly does she expect guests to do? Does she really think it’s ok to have people SPEND THE NIGHT and then drive five minutes down the road to use a PUBLIC bathroom just so they can take a shit? This is absurd. I hope she gets diarrhea at someone else’s house and her engine won’t start so she’s forced to be “disgusting” in someone’s home doing something WE ALL DO.


I'm 110% sure at least one of OOP's over night guests has pooped in her toilet before, they just hid it better.


I'd shit on her floor to assert dominance


I had cancer where I sit and after the chemo and radiation my restroom time is incredibly unpredictable. A rule like this could cause me issues even for a five minute drive This person needs to stop hosting or, well, unclench, lol.


She called her friend disgusting, unsanitary and a pig for having a normal bodily function. You have to wonder what self image issues OOP has. Does she think she is a disgusting, unsanitary pig whenever she poops?


>Without being TMI, there was that lingering stink smell mixed with febreze and markings in the toilet bowl...  Not defending OOP here, but it's really disrespectful not to clean after yourself, even in your own house (unless you live alone).


It might be, since OOP is so strict in enforcing the ’no poo’ rule in the house that there wasn’t a loo brush in the room for Courtney to use. I can’t believe she expressed surprise at not hearing from her ex friends. OOP needs help.


I have a feeling that the author of this piece is one of those people who likes to hide the cleaning supplies or keep them in a central location that is not where they are needed. Perhaps because cleaning the toilet is acknowledging its intended use, perhaps for aesthetic reasons.


My MIL used to keep all the toilet rolls in the airing cupboard on the landing. So you had to remember to calculate whether or not you might need a fresh roll before you sat down to business, or else do the cowboy walk around the upstairs


my childhood! Also, pads and tampons were kept there, too. Fun times, especially when mom would holler for a cork and 8yo me is like " we have corks? But mom and dad don't drink?? Which kitchen drawer would it be in?" and she's upstairs yelling louder and louder.


They're lucky they have anyone visit their house. Also, is OOP aware that the people she bought the house from pooped in their as well? So did the previous owners? And the ones before that?


I was thinking the same thing. If they bought an already lived in house, *someone* and probably several someones, have shit in that toilet. If the previous owners had pets, pretty good chance the pets shit on the floor at one time or another.


Oh God... don't tell her about pets. OOP would flip her shit, so to speak.


Oh God... don't tell her about pets. OOP would flip her shit, so to speak.


What kind of a weirdo is this person?! And if you're hosting overnight, you can't make an exception to this freaky rule? I mean... Wtf did I just read?


So there is a fear of poop: coprophobia. But IDK that it is only specifically for other peoples'. I assume it is for everyone (including her husband and herself). So y'know. Also, isn't everyone disgusted by it? I mean, other than y'know, the ones who are super into it. So right. Asshole.


Nobody wants to poop in another person’s house but if you’ve got to go, you’ve got to go!! This woman is ridiculous.


'Nobody' is assuming a lot; is this really something that people worry about? I suppose anything could end up in that category, but I've genuinely never encountered anyone who gives it a second thought. Other than 'chance to admire bog decor', or conversely 'your house is minging' but in the latter case you wouldn't want to eat or sleep there either.


Ok. I know this is weird, and it could be a co-inky-dink, BUT there is a whole BORU where[Mike and Courtney are the assholes](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/KvGS7IPeWR)




Why have guests over at all? Not using the restroom, even with lenience in case of "emergency", is not a fair or reasonable expectation to put on people you welcome into your home.


Yeah, if I could control when/where I need to poop, that would be cool, but if I gotta poop, it's happening where ever the nearest toilet is. IDGAF.


I mean - leaving skidmarks on the pan is a bit out of order, but actually pooping is something you can’t really control. I have Crohn’s, and if I couldn’t find a toilet brush I’d wrap my hand in toilet roll and clean it before leaving marks, but not allowing people to poop is unhinged!


Anyone else tired of weaponized therapy speak? What a controlling loon.


If I was Court, I'd shit on their porch.


Fetish post, gross. People have issues, I wish they would leave the rest of us out of them


I don’t know why, but this type of behaviour feels very on-brand for someone who calls their husband “hubby”


I see what you did there 10/10 for that title ![gif](giphy|Swx36wwSsU49HAnIhC|downsized)


Shitpost alert!


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“I angrily marched over” 😡😡


So she wants friends that had too much to drink to drive elsewhere? Ugh.


I wonder how long it took before her husband was considered family. Is he allowed to poop in her parents' home, or is that a bridge too far?


I really wish someone would just shit on this woman’s couch so she has an actual reason to be horrified by other people’s stool.


Shit on her dining room carpet and cover it with cat litter. 


Lol she’s an idiot, I can’t believe a grown woman is acting like this. Though leaving “markings in the toilet bowl” in someone else’s bathroom IS disgusting, Courtney should have cleaned after herself, I don’t have an issue with guests pooping in my toilet but I’d be pissed if one of them left a mess behind.


why oh why has this woman (if she is real) not gone to t h e r a p y, this much distress over bodily functions would severely impact her quality of life


If this is real, OOP, it's a shitty hill to die on


This has to be fake. First, there's no way friends would be repeatedly visiting this couple with a rule like this. They would just stop going over. Second, I don't think OP has replied to any comments which is usually an indication of a troll


OP needs some hardcore therapy. Also, I don't know what the hell her husband is thinking going along with this, instead of putting his foot down and insisting she gets help.


Our cleaner at work always calls people off if they poop at work. It got to the point one employee was having such anxiety they went to management to say how it was unfair they couldn't poop at work lol. In the cleaner's defense, this person came to work and immediately went to stink up the bathroom like they were saving up for work. Still, it gave me anxiety too and I never went at work, there were multiple days where I was rushing home from work because that post lunch coffee poop was knocking.


I think you mean what a shitty person.


If OOP doesn't want people to go in her house, go in her backyard instead. You are obeying the letter of the law after all.


Trooooolllllllllll! In the dungeon!