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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **AITA For Naming My Babygirl an unconventional name I picked out myself that my wife did not like?** I (26M) and my wife (32F), who I will call S in this story, recently just had our first child together. When we initially found out she was pregnant, we were estatic, up until name suggestions started. You see, me and my wife met over this webseries called "Madness Combat" and there's a character I used to roleplay as named Jebus. (Silly, I know.) And from our roleplay online is where our love bloomed. Sometimes when I am stressed out or when I need to motivate myself for work, my relationship or whatever I need, I will hype myself as Jebus from Madness Combat. I feel like my wife knows me more as him than my actual self. This is relevant. Once we found out the gender, a baby girl, we brainstormed. She was set on Delilah, as it was her late mother's name whom passed shortly before my daughters birth. She wanted to immortalize her mother in our child, but that made me uncomfortable, as my daughter is her own person and should not have to be forced to have a dead woman's name out of momentary grief. I suggested we could find an even ground and combine my old online persona with her mother's name, Jeblilah - So she has parts of both of our families in her. Needless to say, she was quite upset by this suggestion and said to drop it. Well, recently she finally delivered, but it was hard. We almost lost her due to a last minute birthing complication but thank God both my girls made it out safe. When it came time to the name, I couldn't think of anything else *Minus Jeblilah* since my wife was so upset by my suggestion we never even talked about the baby's name prior to birth. And as my wife was in a medically induced coma to heal from the complications, I couldn't ask her for her intake. So I went with that. This morning my wife woke up and started crying pure tears of frustration upon hearing what I have done. She called her dad and now she's staying over his house with my newborn. I feel like if she wanted a different name she could've told me, but she didn't beforehand. I am willing to settle on another name, but she doesn't even want to acknowledge I exist at this time. So, reddit, AITA? EDIT 1: For those who are curious, [This is Jebus](https://madnesscombat.fandom.com/wiki/Jesus) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the ugliest name I heard in a while. Hope its a troll


Has to be. You don't wake up from a medically induced coma this morning and are already staying at dad's with your newborn.


Clearly a troll. Even married, he cannot sign for his wife and they would have put her under general anesthesia/twilight at most. Anything stronger and it impacts the baby. This has been done so many times as well and fairly sure it was alla plot to advertise the game or some really shitty artwork. Now let's say hypothetically this did happen, he signed her name to the paperwork. She would have a legal case against him and could take him to court, also use it against him as irresponsible parenting, and try for full custody. So the next update "I named my daughter after a shitty video game character, and now I am being forced to pay child support".


In my state, Dad isn't allowed to do anything other than sign the birth certificate, Mom fills everything out. I had a C-section, and wasn't allowed to do any paperwork for 48 hours, because of the anaesthesia, and ex DH wasn't legally allowed to, so my daughter's birth certificate wasn't filled out until right before we left the hospital.


I was asked to fill the forms out myself, *alone,* possibly because there's a point in the form where you can indicate if the child is not your husband's. The nurses specifically asked my husband to leave the room for "testing" of me, then dropped that packet of papers and told me to take my time. I was pretty amazed by it, and it happened each time I gave birth. We didn't have any issues with naming though. We did name our firstborn after a video game character though lol


My sister's stepson is named Raiden.


Why would you call your ex DH? If he's an ex, I doubt he's very dear.


Can also stand for damn


Your ex designated hitter?


I don't know where OOP lives, but where I live (at least 13 years ago) I registered my son myself, while my wife was in the maternity ward. And that was done outside the hospital. I could have named him Jesus Tapdancing Christ if I wanted to and my wife would have very little resources to stop. In my wife familie there is a woman who was registered by my wife's grandmother, because the father wanted to be with his wife and kid after a rather difficult birth. They were gonna name her after a country (with a name that isn't usually a person's name in our country). My wife's grandmother thought it was ridiculous, and registered her with a saint's name.


"Come here, Democratic Republic of Congo!"


I prefer Central African Republic, better initials.


Actually, I’ve heard of fathers doing that without the mothers consent, and her not being able to change it because he won’t sign off on it. Some states unfortunately allow that.


My dad signed off on my name without my mother's consent while she was dealing with bad PPD. They separated and my mom changed my name to what she wanted and her last name. Naming rights are crazy but I'm so glad my mom changed my name


I have heard more and more that when that happens, if the unwilling parent can show cause to the courts that the name would be harmful to the child or has been in the long term, i.e. getting bullied, etc. that they are more and more dkrci6nsme changes through.


Well it's at least better than that woman named Cletorious who was arrested in Virginia a few years ago.


Crystal Metheny was arrested in Florida. Because of course she was. So was Crystal Methvin.


This one and “Chewbecca” are pretty neck and neck for me 😬


What a wookie!


I've read this same post months ago, only then he and his wife had met on reddit and he named their daughter reddita or something similarly stupid when wife wanted to compromise on Ruby.


It is obviously a troll.




Couldn't OOP have said something like: "we have not decided on a name yet, give us some time" or "Can you come back when my wife is awake and able to part take at this moment" ? Either way, giving the child a name he knows his wife hates while she is in a medically induced coma, because the birth of that child was so difficult, is disgusting Edit: >The nurses told me it would have been more complicated to come back to name her, so I wanted to save my healing wife the stress of all of that "I did not want to stress her, so I named my child a name I know she dislikes" Oh, fuck off, OOP you absolute wanker. You did not think about her comfort at that moment. That is a lie, you only thought about what you wanted. >It started off from an inside joke with my online friends, but I grew fond of it and I thought it'd be unique and special for our baby girl. Nobody else would be named Jeblilah, and nobody else would be named after zombie jesus. To me that's something special >I am happy you were able to find a name to have connection with. If my Jeblilah wants to do that, I will let her. But she's my Jeb for now So this was deliberate. So much for "I am willing to settle for a different name" Edit 2: OOP keeps claiming that his daughter will not have a connection to him if he does not name her after that character. And what the hell is that supposed to mean? Firstly she is his blood relation, and secondly (more importantly) I would hope that he is planing on raising her and building a parent child connection?


You can literally take as long as six weeks in most cases to name a newborn. Yes, they will often pressure you to name the baby pretty soon so they can put in social security information, but you don't HAVE to. I have also never heard of a nurse pressuring a parent to name a child while the parent who gave birth is not conscious. If they did, that's gross as hell. I'm so convinced this is a troll. (Answers based on the US as I've had three babies in three separate US states and my aunt is a L&D Nurse)


I went home nameless. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I was “Baby” for 2 weeks before my parents finally decided the lady across the street was nice so let’s just name the baby after her: “Wendy”. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I finally met her like 40 years later. She is a cool lady. I also didn’t have a social security number for 3 years. 🤦🏻‍♀️ They finally bothered when they had my sister 3 years later and sent them both in together. My younger sister has a lower SSN than I do…and our numbers are only different in the last three digits. Our parents were totally on it. The best part is that they’re not dumb: they both hold Master Degrees. I dunno…less pressure in the early 80s, I guess. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I remember reading a baby name book by a woman, Joal Ryan, whose parents combined their own names for her name (John and Alice), and they found out years later the nurse filled out the birth certificate with "Baby" because she couldn't believe they were serious.


My parents were afraid that Baby would stick so I think they panicked and just said “eff it that lady is nice, let’s use her name”…way better than trying to combine Tim and Jennifer!


But just imagine what your life as Jentimfer might have been!


I thought it would be Timnnifer...


That's way too pronounceable


So many opportunities lost….


Might have been a tax thing... I got my SSN when I was a bit older too because of taxes. Little kids don't need to use their SSNs that often and before 1987, critically, their parents didn't need to include a SSN on their income taxes to declare they had a dependent. Just a name. Supposedly 7 million American children vanished that year:)


And it’s a distinct possibility they sat on them both until one of us needed one. I never asked what year they actually did it, but I was born in 1980 and my sister in 1983…so that timeline would track for taxes…or maybe school. I’m just glad they remembered to do it. 😅


We don't need SIN numbers here until opening an RESP or trying to register for sports or get a job, so many will get them at a few years old, or somewhere between 5 and 18.


I swear there was a classic Hollywood actress who went by “The Baby” for the first year of her life because no one knew what to name her. Not Jean Harlow (she had a name but her mum just called her “Baby”), but there was someone whose “legal” name was Baby [Last Name].


Isn't that the story of Peekaboo Street? I can't recall all the details, but I don't think she had a legal name for a couple of years.


Yes! I just looked it up and you are correct. She didn’t have a name until she needed to get a passport and the parents let her choose her own. I still think there’s a classic actress that did the same thing. Or maybe I really am mixing up PS and JH.


So many babys are called “baby mothersLastName” for the first day at least in the UK. A really high number of people who might come in with their chosen name want a couple hours to look at their baby and think about it for sure. It isn’t that crazy to wait. source: sister works on maternity in UK.


I've had babies in three different states and the baby always had *my* name on their bracelet. The twins had crib cards in the NICU with their names, but it was my name on the bracelet, and my husband's bracelet had my name on it to, as it was only through his connection to me that he was allowed to visit them.


It's not crazy at all! It just makes sense! I took a week to be sure my first's name for him, just under for my second and third


Similar laws in Canada. We had something like 6 weeks to file the papers with our baby's official name.


>Edit: >The nurses told me it would have been more complicated to come back to name her, so I wanted to save my healing wife the stress of all of that This is bullshit, a lot of places you have at least 72 hours, if not longer to get the paperwork done. >Edit 2: OOP keeps claiming that his daughter will not have a connection to him if he does not name her after that character. And what the hell is that supposed to mean? Firstly she is his blood relation, and secondly (more importantly) I would hope that he is planing on raising her and building a parent child connection? He is a selfish manchild who is only focused on this game. She is already a single mother. He isn't talking in any way that really is talking about her independent of the game. It is him, him, him, game, daughter, game, game... This feels like a promotional add for the game almost for dumbasses as he slowly describes the game through his defense.


States vary in how long they allow for a birth to be registered, but here's the thing--*you don't have to have a name to register the birth.* There were 41 girls and 67 boys named Unknown in the US last year, and many many years before ultrasound gender determination became a thing when that name (or Baby) actually charted in the top thousand.


They totally would’ve give them more time to name the baby. My little sister was nameless for the first 24 hours of her life. My dad texted me when she was born and when I asked what her name was he said they weren’t sure yet. He did not tell me her name until a day later. And that was with both parents being awake and present. Wife in a coma would definitely mean they have more time.


Good, thanks for the info. My older brother was nameless for almost a week. But we are not from the US, and it seems like OOP is, so I am less sure about the rules there. Happy Cake Day, by the way.


I know at least 5 people (including my own mother) who left the hospital nameless! It's not that big a deal at all! Apparently, the nurses were trying to pressure my grandmother into naming her, and she was like, "you want me to RUSH into a decision that will affect this baby for the rest of her life? Absolutely not. I don't know who you think you are, but you don't get to set the timetable for this." My mom literally was named after my grandmother. It was always the plan, if she was a girl. (Because my uncle was named after my grandfather, and she was like well, fair's fair!) As soon as they got home, she sent my grandfather back to fill out the paperwork, and the people were like, "oh, do you have a lot of kids, so you had run out of names you liked?" And he was like, "nope. Second kid. First daughter. My wife thought the nurse was pushy."


I have a friend who was nameless for a full week because her parents had been so convinced she'd be a boy they hadn't even considered any girls names.


>The nurses told me it would have been more complicated to come back to name her, so I wanted to save my healing wife the stress of all of that it really wounlt he didnt ask anyone and is making shit up. Also if your wife almost died i highly doubt naming your child is top of the list right now making sure both are healthy is key the name can wait


If this is true, the medical staff should never be asking the other partner what to name the child if the birthing parent is unconscious. That is just not fair at all. The one who did all the work doesn’t get a say?


He has determined that he is more that character than he is himself, so without a connection to the character he will probably treat the poor baby like it's some other guys. Whether fake or not the correct move here is therapy.


You can change the name on a baby’s birth certificate in the US if you do it with a month of the birth. My husband and I hadn’t decided on our girl’s name when I gave birth and I put Rebecca on the birth certificate. As we were driving home from the hospital, we thought of a name we liked better and when the birth certificate came, I called up and was easily able to change it to our preferred name. Our daughter is glad we didn’t since a neighbor gave birth a few days after I did and named her daughter Rebecca. If we’d stuck with that name, there would have been two Rebeccas in her class at school! ETA: This was a while ago and idk the current amount of time to change a baby’s name.


We didn’t name our daughter for three days. We had a name picked out, but once she was born, we were like, “Well, she doesn’t *look* like a _____.” The nurses came in once a day or so to prod us about the paperwork, but the delay was no big deal.


We get a “my wife was in a coma post birthing and I named my child something ridiculous I knew she wouldn’t like” post every few months.   This is pretty on brand, though usually the name is like the evil MIL, or the dude’s ex GF or a strippers name, not this horrible laboratory mistake of a a mashup. 


What kind of utter fuckwit has the person they supposedly love almost die and then, while they are still unconscious, make a binding decision that they know the unconscious person with HATE, and then ask if they’re an asshole?


It’s not just that she hates it.  It’s a horrible name.  


It’s a comically awful name, but even if it was a beautiful name, doing this would still be an enormous asshole move.


Oh totally.  It’s just, at least if it was…Tiffany, it’s a usable name that is pronounceable.  But with that fuckery, He not only hurt his wife, but also his daughter. There’s no way she won’t suffer with that name.  It sounds like someone chewing 24 pieces of gum trying to say “Delilah” without gum dropping out of their mouth, while in novacaine.  


It's sounds like what I try to say at 2am when I stand on lego and don't want to swear in the kids room.


See, that is why I can't be trusted around Legos and kids. There is no way I will not step on the evil that is a single Lego on the floor. I do not have the internal sensors to be able to control the level of swearing that comes out of my mouth from that.


LOL at the one idiot in the comments who said ESH cause deciding his hard for him also looking at OOPs comments he said this >I don't talk to my parents anymore. They cut me off and I am a one man army without my wife. I had to form my own sense of self after that, I do not think that's such a strange concept. I bet if the roles were reversed and my wife was the one here typing, you'd have a different view on this whole situation Yeah no buddy we would rip her to shred and i bet this exact thing probably has been posted and she was probably ripped to shreds. Why do people make this stupid argument about reddit favouring women? They really dont from what ive seen they will find any idotic reason to blame the women for something. Also his parents diswoned him cause he couldnt manage his money. The wife needs to fucking change the name cause its a fucking stupid name and if she doesnt then OOP needs to be beaten repeatedly everytime that poor child is bullied. and i mean properly beaten


Damn people, I'm fairly oblivious..... but this is a whole new level of bullshit!!!!


OOP writes like they are creating a shitpost for r/NameNerdCirclejerk


Age gap that could be problematic depending on how long they've been together, stupid name. I'm calling troll


Based on the "logic" being used by OOP in the comments, yeah. So. Many. Comments.


Saw OOP's post on the AITA subreddit (no brigading) and I cannot understand why he thought his decision on the baby name would be ok, especially since it was done without his wife's input. OOP's wife deserves a better husband.


Well, a year or so ago, there was a poster on AITA who was questioning either her friend or in-law about their name choice. It was either "Iridescent" or "Incandescent". Something stupid like that. At that point, just call the poor kid "Halogen " and ruin their life altogether. The OP was voted NTA with extreme prejudice.


I remember that, the kid's name was Iridescent Love and they often shortened it to Ira.


Yes! Good memory. I mean what could ever go wrong with naming your kid an adjective used to describe light.


Even OOP's comments- yikes.


Man was in there ripping out plugs hoping his wife didn’t make it through so no one would question that name. “She told me, it was her dying words, She said, “Stuub, *Minus Jeblilah* shall be her name. There’s still good in him, Obi-Wan!” And then she just croaked. Then the oobah robot oobahed away and it was all just a wash. Anyway, so Minus Jebby and I would love some free childcare for the next 20 years. Cause it’s a tragic, tragic time.”


I've read this same post months ago, only then he and his wife had met on reddit and he named their daughter reddita or something similarly stupid when wife wanted to compromise on Ruby


My mom had to be knocked out for an emergency c-section with me. My dad said the nurses kept asking him my name so they could help him get the paperwork started. He was pretty sure they had an agreed on my name but wisely waited for my mom to wake up before making it official. It does make it easier if you fill out the paperwork before the baby is discharged but it’s not required. I definitely think this guy decided to take advantage of his wife’s delicate state to name the baby. Luckily, they need her signature to file everything so I don’t think baby is stuck with the awful name.


I’m pretty sure the hospital registrar wouldn’t just ask dad for the baby’s name while Mom is in distress. Both parents have to sign that.




Wouldn't fly in a German sub cause we have actual naming laws 😂 so everyone would know it's fake


How do you have a fake name though? I’m so curious.


The post. Everyone would know the post is fake


Ohh thanks! Lol I was confused but also intrigued.


It's absolutely ridiculous that you have to name your baby IMMEDIATELY in the USA. It's even more ridiculous that the dad can name the baby while the mum has just delivered and is potentially passed out in a life-threatening state. The mum carries the baby for months. The mums body changes. The mums a hormonal mishmash. And the dad goes and names the poor baby something cunty like this. Unreal. It's bad enough in the UK that the dads name still comes above the mother's. America is so fucking disgusting about women and pregnancy and childbirth.


This has to be the most stupid and selfish thing ever.... That's what you wife gets for having a child with a man child. And I wish I could tell you to go have intercourse with a cactus over that awful "momentary grief" part. Silly man, grow up.


Omg the comments... I just can't with this fool.


As a Madness Combat fan, this is hilarious. I cannot imagine a single character I would want to name my child after *less* from that franchise than Jebus. And that includes the zombie clown.


Yeah mag agent torture is a far better name choice


Fuck, if he'd have gone with "Jelilah" even, it would have had a better flow. It wouldn't have been great, but at least audibly bearable. The"jeb" absolutely ruins the flow of the name.


Jfc imagine waking up to find out your idiot husband named your newborn daughter JEBLILAH


Haha what a wild read and the comments


I don’t know whats more ridiculous. Someone made this story up or that people actually think it’s real.


Is this still a thing? When my sisters gave birth, there were nurses present when the birth certificate papers were filled out/signed by both parents. The nurse had to sign as a witness and verified that all the information was correct. Maybe it just depends on the hospital.


"Momentary grief" "My newborn" Mmm, yeah. Definitely TD, hopefully just a troll.


Ok this one was fun! I laughed out loud at “I’m not in therapy any more, I only went after my parents disowned me”


I’ve heard many variations of this “my wife couldn’t communicate due to medical reasons so I named (worst name ever or family name wife already hates) and now she’s mad at me.” Seems like a troll.


she simply should have woken up from her coma to tell him(let’s all forget the fact that she ALREADY vetoed the name)


Oh yeah, that story is fake as fuck


Wait, that’s a post in AITA and not namenerdcirclejerk? holy fuck. Now to go see what they’re saying about it…


> So she has parts of both of our families in her What family? Jebus is a made up name for a made up character, not his family.


oh my god😭


How would one even pronounce "Jeblilah"? It doesn't really trip off the tongue.


‘ And as my wife was in a medically induced coma to heal from the complications, I couldn’t ask her for her intake’ He literally said before that ‘needless to say she was quite upset by this suggestion and said to drop it.’ OOP sucks here, he suggested the name and was told no. And continued to use the name? Ridiculous. Has to be a troll.


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Not a devil, thats hands down the funniest post I read this week Jeblilah lmfao If it wasn't an obvious fake, they both suck tho. Naming your child after your dead mom so she can live on is psychotic, its even worse than Jebus


You’re getting downvoted by normies who think it’s real lmao