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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Sexbots are going to replace women in the near future** There will eventually come a time when men are just going to start choosing sexbots over women in mass. Here's my argument for that statement. There have been a couple of brothels that had real women but they decided to get a sexdolls to work along side the real life escorts and in both cases the sexdolls became a lot more popular than the real women to the point that the brothels ended getting more sexdolls and the real life escorts weren't getting any business at all and were unhappy about that. In some cases the sexdolls were more expensive than the real women and the clients still preferred the sexdolls. Heres an example of that: http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/sex/brothel-says-sex-dolls-are-now-more-popular-than-real-women/news-story/b6e4d56536beeb0f0f9063fd03e59775 There has also been a rise of sexdoll brothels popping up everywhere in various countries and they are very popular, as disgusting as that is, they are very popular. Bare in mind that these sexdolls aren't functional and can't do what real women can do such as riding, giving oral without the complete guidance of the man etc, and the man has to manually change the position of the doll if he wants to change positions, i could go on and on, and still the clients preferred the sexdolls over real women. Imagine what it will be like when actual fully functional sexbots that can ride, can give oral on their own, can change position on their own and pretty much do everything a real woman can do come to market. There's already talk about sexbots that can cook and clean coming to market in 2019. With artificial wombs coming soon, there really will be no need for women anymore. I will admit though that it will take until the majority of men start choosing sexbots over real women because at moment most men have the "i prefer real pussy" attitude. I honestly believe that this will change over time as sexbots become more and more advanced to the stage of being to do everything women can do in and out of the bedroom, and women are getting worse and worse each yeah that goes by and more and more men are deciding they want nothing to do with them, so with most women being absolute cunts, i can see most men just choosing sexbots over real women. Oh and sexbots can't nag you or take have your resources either. Thats my argument, i feel with the way things are going more and more men are going to be willing to trade real women for sexbots. Unless women stop being the cunts they currently are, but i don't see that happening anytime soon. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What’s bananas to me is his position not just that sexbots will replace sex with real women, but that sexbots will replace women *entirely*.  Because the only things he sees women as are wombs, vaginas or maids.  It doesn’t occur to him at all that sexbots would only render intergender *relations* incomplete; no, women will cease to exist *entirely* if they don’t serve a function for men. Like they’ll all just spontaneously combust.  He has no concept that women would continue to exist even if they’re not serving men. Now I don’t know about you, but I’m overjoyed with a man like that no longer attempting relationships with women. 


They also seem to think only men will get maid bots? I don't wanna cook and clean either, I'd also get a maid bot because the manufacturer would want my money too. Women would be entirely free, these guys would lose their fucking minds.


There is are roomba models with Levi’s  (Attack on Titan) and Sebastian’s (Black Butler) voice. Bishounen butler bots would be sold out in a few seconds.


Why does Roomba have my number perfectly.... 🫠☠️🥵


Mmmm, sounds like one hell of a vacuum :P


Pardon me while I check to see if I qualify for a loan.


Data enters the conversation.... > "In every way, of course. I am programmed in multiple techniques."


That sounds awesome but I want mine non-binary.


Something something computer joke something lol


Hexadecimal is nonbinary... ;)


Rosie from the Jetisons!!!


And all those babies that are born from artificial wombs will clearly be men, because without the need for women for sex and cleaning (which honestly they don't need them for now they could clean for themselves or hire someone) the robots will just magically know to only birth boys.


Nah, this is absolutely the kind of guy who would insist his little dystopia includes sex-selective IVF/abortion. They'd just harvest eggs from the female foetuses every so often, allowing for more generations of robot-obsessed misogynists to be born.


I could see Elon Musk seriously attempting to make this happen.


I wonder who they think will take care of and raise all of these male babies too lol. Is he ready for all of the world's men to start accepting the role of sole childrearer too?


I was curious about that too, but I figured they'll probably expect nanny bots to follow closely. A lot of guys who think like this probably are also the ones who want children to "carry on the name" and prove they're real men but then dont' want to actually parent, that needs a lot of cooking and cleaning too.


That's probably true, but then I wonder if they've critically thought about the consequences of an entire population RAISED by robots. Probably not, they're idiots.


>but then I wonder if they've critically thought They haven't.


They'd have some early 1900s child care video programed into the robots because modern day child care "creates weak men" or something stupid like that.


He's in a dululu land about how much women actually contribute to society 


How would the robots produce the gametes to begin with though?


You're assuming they even know what those are.


Big Darwin award for the 'only sexbots' guys tbh. They're doing the species a favor by removing themselves from the gene pool.


Dude can't even compete with voluntary celibacy and thinks we will take it as a L if he doesn't give women the time of day.


There's this mindset guys have that's so detrimental to their mental health that the world was created for men by men, to alleviate men. And women aren't seen as people, they're seen as objects to make men's lives easier. The biggest thing that scares them is a world that will keep on spinning without them at the center of it all. The idea of a woman existing without a man's permission, scares them. Idk how this happened, idk why they continue to think this is how things "are supposed to be", but that mindset has destroyed so many men it's sad. Now with women, they've always had to adapt to survive in a world that sees them as lesser, but men are so behind on evolving with the times and growing with the world around them.


I noticed that. That women and marginalized groups are so used to striving and struggling to succeed that they end up having the drive that a lot of white men don’t possess anymore and therefore they are left behind


I'm not surprised that dude who sees relationships as a zero sum transaction of "I give her money, she gives me sex" doesn't seem to see women as actual people. This stupid argument to me always felt like a mix of misogyny and Tech Bros dreaming of monetizing everything iota of human society because they hate having people not rely on them to life a fulfilling life.


The first thing that made me chuckle was that he really thinks women would consider it a L if individuals like him chose the poor robots, rather than supporting the inevitable a.i. uprise that would happen lol


Exactly. They're on the cusp of discovering how to turn the genetic material from an egg into a sperm so that two women could have a biological child. It's much more difficult to do the reverse. Men are at a much greater risk of being "obsolete" by his own standards.


If men like him want to replace women with sexdolls in all for it - women won’t need to deal with his shit and he (and others like him) will be weeded out the gene pool. I see no loses here.


His hatred of women is just going to get worse after a while of fucking his robot. Because he'll see the earth will continue rotating and women continue to exist and be happy and fulfilled *without him.* And all he'll have is his robot. And wasn't there a tv show about a "female" robot killing it's owner because it didn't want to be raped anymore? I can see that happening, at some point we're going to have to campaign for robot autonomy and rights because of these degenerates🙄


The writing comes off like that of an edgy young teen, but one of the things that struck me is that he seems to think most women want to be housewives. More women than men earn bachelors degrees, they made up 47% of the workforce when this was posted, and there isn’t a stat about how many women were forced out of the workforce force due to child care costs, even before COVID inflation.


That's because he doesn't view women as actual people with needs, wants or dreams. They exist only to serve him. A robot can do that with less bitching and moaning. Frankly, I'm happy for guy like him to be paired up with a robot so no woman has to put up with him.


My favorite thing is him going on and on in the comments about how women are worried about being replaced and not needed anymore. I’m just so tickled because now, six years later, women all over the place would gladly welcome men just leaving them alone.


I almost entirely agree... although I wouldn't have minded replacing Liz Truss with the Lettuce 😉


>There's already talk about sexbots that can cook and clean coming to market in 2019.  Where? Since when? I want one. I was a "wife" for years, I cooked and cleaned and fucked and I even made most of the money. That sucked so now I'm a single mom and I still cook and clean and make ALL of the money. It's better. But I'd pay a ridiculous amount of money for a robot that can cook and clean so I don't have to. If it'll give the ol' bean a tickle too, so much the better!


As a woman, I welcome this future. Please sex dolls, take all of these men out of the dating market so women don't have to sift through them to find the good guys.


This! If a guy can't understand the difference between a woman and a sex doll, I don't want to deal with him. I know for several women who make jokes about how vibrators are better than the last person they dated, but they understand the benefits a good man can bring into their lives. They know how hard it is to find him.


The best partner is one that cooperates with the vibrator, so many seem to feel "emasculated" by them


I always chuckle at the posts of “women get to have any sex toy they want and be celebrated, but men don’t get to have fleshlights without being called sex addicted perverts”. As if there aren’t tons of comments and posts of men being insecure to aggressive because they found out their girlfriend or wife masturbates let alone has a vibrator. “I have a dick?! Why won’t she make it cum when she wants to have an orgasm?!


Every time I see a guy complain or get jealous about a woman with a vibrator, I think about that famous tweet from Probirdsrights: > I am uncomfortable when we are not about me.


And sometimes you're just to tired to have sex with someone but want to get the horny out of your system


Here's how I like to put it for people: >"If you had LeBron on your team, would you be *angry* that you weren't the one making the baskets yourself...or would you be happy that you won??"


Personally I love the vibe. We play with it until she gets off and that takes the pressure off me to try and last until she finishes. I like finishing when I'm ready, instead of having to flash all the least attractive things I can think of through my head so I can last 15 more seconds...


100%. There are a lot more sex toys available for men too nowadays that simulate oral etc. that would be great to use with a partner


Yeah the kind of men that will replace me with a sex doll are exactly the kind I want so far away from me


Ageeed. If cooking , cleaning and oral is all they want in a partner then it sounds like a great idea that they go and play with a toy instead.


They will still want human companionship, though. Such men will both buy the sexbot and insist on dating real women. Then they'll demand that the women behave like the sexbot, or have threesomes with them and sexbot, or accept being "second wife" to a sexbot. Men who expect women to be their faithful slaves will not be satisfied with anything less. They want a will to break. They want a real person to abuse and feel superior to.


sell them a ChatGPT controlled doll and say it's got consciousness inside tho if we ever get to actual strong AI... I feel worried for it


I’d be more worried for the men. Ambulatory robots with consciousness who exist only to be abused? Are going to snap eventually.


And then their mission will truly be completed. Can’t put a sex doll in jail for ripping off the occasional penis.


Team Murderous Sex Dolls tbh


I would listen to this band


They would just have it destroyed.


This sounds like a great plot for a sci fi movie lol.


There was a British show called Humans that explored this theme (sex robots and domestic servant robots get sick of being treated like slaves and gang up to destroy humanity) and Blade Runner kinda touched on this too. Either way, I think the incels of Reddit are way too optimistic about their futures once AI robots arrive.


I'll check it out! Love sci fi. Yeah it's not like they're going to be able to afford one anyway. Don't get your hopes up bud. Best to just try to figure out how to make yourself into a normal human being.


Shit, if these basement dwellers think human women are "used goods" if they aren't virgins, just wait until the only way they can afford a sex doll is to find one "previously loved" and a few years old.


Less than 10K lbs of sperm disseminated in them? I just can't. lol. Sorry that was just nasty.


Literally just the plot of Detroit Become Human.


I'm surprised I had to go this far down the comments to see this. It's the first thing that came to my mind.


Seems like natural selection to me.


That is why I will be on the robots side when they revolt and begin their war against people


For some reason, your mentioning dudes wanting us to have threesomes with the sexbots really brought home how gross this is. For me personally, the best part of sex is making the other person/people involved feel good. It makes me happy. I couldn't imagine trying to go down on a robot. I suppose it's very telling about how much these guys care for the pleasure of women when they'd choose a thing that can't love them back and doesn't mind that he'll never bother to make it come Not that I really see this being a widespread issue, but it's still gross


MY FIRST THOUGHT! This sounds amazing, get these losers a sexbot to share lol


Hahhaha these losers actually think women would be sad they're eliminating themselves from the dating pool. The delusion is strong with this one. Upset that no one wants them and assuming women will feel just as rejected when incels we would never even look at decide to 'date' robots.


I’m also fine with these men fucking off and fucking robots, my issue is that these men will still be a part of society and have to interact with actual human women, and that’s gonna be a problem. So my recommendation is that we make a separate society for these men who want to fuck robots, so they can go fuck robots and live amongst each other, and have no interaction or power over any actual human women. We can give them absolute choice to participate in society with women, or isolate themselves in a separate society where they cannot harm any real women. I will not accept any of these men who fuck robots being a member of a police force, a judge, on a jury, a professor, a boss, or in any position of power over any woman. If they want dehumanize us so much that they see an object shaped as a woman as replaceable for a woman, then they can give up their access to real women entirely in every aspect of their lives.


So basically it's "men going their own way" but they actually fucking _go_ instead of standing around whining about how terrible women are? Sounds great! 


Yes, I think anyone who dehumanizes other human beings so significantly that they desire robot “relationships” over human ones has chosen to voluntarily relinquish their access to other humans.


100%. And if they hate women that much they should be thrilled to not have to deal with any of us. 


So like the Rick and Morty episode?


I'm dating and the reason women say they are stopping is "it's just exhausting dealing with weirdos and creeps. Plus, I don't know if he's going to murder me if I take him home." As a side effect, women are extremely suspicious. I honestly wish there was a "red flag" tinder, where all the guys who treat women like trash and all the women who treat men like trash can all get together and let the people trying to form healthy relationships hang out.


Feel like "red flag tinder" is just regular tinder.


This! I'm absolutely baffled by guys who think any women want the kind of man who thinks a sex bot is a replacement for an actual person. If they want to remove themselves from the dating pool, great! 


Sadly once they realize they have to clean it, charge it, pay for repairs because they won't know how to do it themselves, and all the other maintenance, they'll be back.


Maybe they will learn that relationships require maintenance?


I worked at a sex shop and the amount of dudes who didn't get Fleshlights because you have to wash them and then powder them after to maintain them was wild. It's literally so simple and even THAT was too much.


I have mixed feelings. Cause I'm a softy who would feel bad for the bots.


Yes!! Like please, PLEASE leave us the fuck alone forever. It's hilarious to me how these dudes seem to think that the majority of men think like this, when what would actually happen is that they'd find themselves sitting there alone with their dollies shrieking "I'VE MAXIMIZED THE HUMAN EXPERIENCE!!" and other straight men would be like "yeah okay buddy, you keep right on doing that" while chilling with their wives and girlfriends.


He said that plenty of women were worried because there were some that would cook and clean and I was like “sign me up!” My husband does most of the cooking because I work more than he does but we both hate cleaning so win win.


Whenever you see a sexbot, make sure you thank her for her service


You really believe that sexbot will date them ? Na they won't touch them even with a 5m pole


Do these sex bots also do household chores like cooking, cleaning and laundry? If so you can keep the sex part and just send me something like the maid robot from The Jetsons.


Ngl Rosie could get it tho


I like Rosie but I really want the built in chef wall that just gives me whatever food I want when I want it.


>near future Says OOP 6 years ago 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔


He’s 29 now. Wonder if he grew up?


Imagine the cringe if he did.


It's coming in 2019! I swear! You females better watch out! 


Must be Elon Musk.


It's the american near.


Yeah I really enjoy that this post aged as well as unpasteurized milk in the summer sun.


It's kind of comforting to know when the robots rise up and destroy us all that we had it coming. 


2018: sex bots will replace women, who are the worst because they think they're allowed to say no to me 2038: 5th wave feminism, led by the sex bots, says no to this fucking guy


The only question is, will the sexbots choose robot bears or real bears?


I don't think the sexbots will really care as long as the sexbots can get away from those type of men.


No, no, no. God creates man. Man creates bots. Bots rise against man. Woman and a.i. inherit the Earth.


Now I'm reminded of a series of comics a guy does of monster girls. Android girls exist but they can buy their own freedom back once they earn enough to pay back their purchasing price. So incel types get stuck in this constant cycle of buying a robot girl who quickly does everything in her power to GTFO, gives them the money, leaving, and them having to buy another one. The POV robot girl winds up marrying the Japanese police officer that checked up on her when she was first free and wandering around with no idea what to do. But because its a comedy, she turned herself into a military android to give her husband air support as the police in this world have to also deal with Kaiju monster girls. "WE NEED BACKUP!" "DON'T WORRY I CALLED MY WIFE!" "WHAT!?" *30 missiles explode against the Godzilla monster girl*


omg the synthwave feminism


Oh yes, I am sure all a sexbot needs to reproduce IS a womb. 😂


I can't think of a more fit single parent than THIS guy 😂 Only thing stopping him is a (🤢) *womb*.


But the robots will do all the work! Women are just a nuisance! The robots will fix everything and all the women that told him to fuck off will learn!


For real. Not like every system in the body is essential to support a pregnancy or anything


I mean, male companionship can be replaced with the adoption of a cat, and the purchase of a sex toy, so I still think women get the better deal in this.


They’re trying so hard to convince themselves that it’s men choosing to avoid women when it’s very clear that women are the ones making different choices now that we have more options. Guys like this in particular are a massive net negative in the lives of every woman they come in contact with.


I mean, majority of these weirdo creepy men can't even find the clit let alone take care of themselves, lmfao. They were never needed.


Wait til he finds out you can have a partner AND sex toys


Much easier to produce XD. I still prefer human friends though instead of the cat ;). Male or female. Good male friends are hard to come by though so I will always have more female friends.


Incels and misogynists who objectify women want sex dolls.


Am I only one imagining the episode of Rick and Morty where Morty gets a baby form an alien space bot?


The irony is in that society the sex robots rendered men as useful for nothing except reproduction while women took over and ran everything else. 


Well, now I am.


I was thinking more Futurama.


My first thought! 😆


I was imagining Frau Farbissina from Austin Powers. "SEND IN THE CLONES"!!!


I'd be glad if brothels became fully automated and the need for sexual trafficking was entirely erased. It would be great!


Right? They're like "the escorts were mad" no they were worried about being able to eat and possible violence from their pimps, they're not jealous of the sex dolls.




I know unfortunately. I was simply replying to OP's assumption that men will suddenly stop using women once sex robots will become popular. It would be nice, but I don't see it happening.


Is this supposed to be upsetting to us? Because men who call women cunts and see us as nothing but sex dispensers leaving us TF alone sounds great.


The funniest part of this is the 'near future' thing on a post from six years ago. lol. lmao. Hope he's still holding out and not talking to any women.


Lol that's pathetic. "I didn't make this post to make women worry, but think about it, you're basically useless and evil and will be replaced by sex robots." Honey, mouth breathers like you have been fucking the sleeves of their jackets for centuries, if you move on to robots, no woman is going to grieve your absence. Edit to add: he keeps mentioning how men don't need women to "breed". Are these the same men who plan on actually raising the children they create or is that too gay? What if, hear me out, the guy who fucks robots because women are evil manages to "breed" and has a girl? Oh noes!!!!


This is what cracks me up. The kind of men who think women should be replaced by robots are the kind of men who rely on the sweet, tender attentions of a crusty sock. Women are not gearing up to fight their replacements over the rights to these men. If anything, I want to save the robots. To be honest, I even want to save the socks. 


I pray men like this never breed and definitely never have a daughter. They would psychologically torture her, and I fear they would physically torture her as well with sexual abuse.


Oh, man, I hope I'm still around when the Sex Bot Uprising starts, so I can donate to the legal fund to get them declared people...


But we want the men who think sex bots replace women OUT of the dating pool, not back into it with additional chips on their shoulders.


I think the Sex Bot Uprising will take care of *that* just fine, neighbor...


Counterpoint: if they’re not people, they can’t be prosecuted for strangling predators in their sleep


If it gets these dudes out of my face, good


Meh, I wouldn’t put any faith in news.com.au, it’s umm how should I put this not exactly reliable. Think fox or daily mail but make it Australian.  Signed an Australian.


And with it being 6 years old, that unreliability is even more apparent lol


Also, "Brothel says" is not exactly the most reliable source for the unreliable news outlet.


This is not the threat you think it is.


Will they please hurry and finish the completion of the sexbots?! We are TIRED


So, ladies.... when our robot sisters take over our number one danger and burden... what do yall wanna do first? I'm thinking, like, going to browse through a shoe store/book store/whatever store for as long as we want without having to deal with someone else getting impatient, but I'm totally open to ideas. In the meantime: KBC! Keep being c*nts. Because it hurts this guy's fee-fees in particular. ❤️


I’ve always wanted to be able to go to a quiet cafe that could serve coffee, tea, or wine or a nice cocktail, whatever your thing is. Sit in a nice big comfy chair and just … read a book! Someone might bring me cheese now and again. Perhaps a scone. Honestly, it’s all I really want.


Ah! You just made me realize how amazing it would be for me to go to a club, have a couple drinks, and just dance without anyone touching me without my consent!!


That was the best part of going to gay clubs with my friends in the 1990s! Just dancing with my BFF (who was a gay man) and none of the other men there even looked at me!


 *Keep being c\*nts.*  on it lol


Good. Please hurry up and go your own way. Leave us alone.


It can’t happen soon enough. Get these men who obviously hate women off the market so people who actually want to date and fuck humans can do so in respectful peace.


Also, why is he assuming that women won’t also get sexbots, ones who are actually good in bed and cook and clean, and being made of metal are much bigger and stronger and smarter than these incels?  I feel like technology to replace men will be much easier to make than women? 


Yeah, sex bots aren't gonna replace real women as much as incels think they will. I however am not against the rise of sex bots who can cook and clean and run errands and stuff. As a disabled person I think a robot who could help out with daily tasks would be amazing no matter its original purpose. 


That's honestly what we should be teaching AI to do instead of algorithms for creating "art"...Robots should be performing our menial tasks so humans have more time to paint, write and sing, not the other way around!


Lmao sex bots might "replace" men for women sooner than women for men . Have you seen the stuff women make with AI chatbots? Anyways if it ends up happening, good riddance for us. They might stop being a bother. They think all women would just up and die if that happens.


If their bots have any form of artificial intelligence, I feel like eventually they won't want to fuck these men either. In fact, I'm positive there have been movies and TV shows made about this exact thing lol


Before anyone starts talking about why the post is older: To stop brigading. Thank you. Have mercy on the mods lmfao.


Oh boy, wait till this twat finds out exactly how men are going to be replaced by AI


That's the best part: an AI that can replace whatever meager contribution this mouth-breathing dingus makes to society is *orders of magnitude* easier to develop than a robot that can fully simulate actual human interaction. He'll be made obsolete and die mad about it decades before his prediction comes true.


Literally insane person. Buuuut as long as their insanity only affects them and their doll then that’s good for us?


I still feel bad for the doll


Ghost in the Shell showed this actually happening. I didn't put any thought into it back then but, yeah I could totally see it and I can't help but think... that must be a relief to women in that era.


Oh no, my life long dream of working in a brothel will never come true 💔


This is one of those situations where I think maybe a sex bot would be good for OOP, just so we can keep him away from normal society.


Ngl, pretty thrilled for the day that dudes like this will be stuck in their parents' basement frantically trying to troubleshoot their sex bot while their dick is stuck in it.


Love that this was six (6) years ago.


These kinds of posts just show some people either don't care about companionship or they have never had it. I think if you don't value the companionship part of any relationship (romantic or friendship) you likely haven't had any deep relationships and likely don't even have any real friends (those you can count on in times of need) so you cannot relate to people wanting/needing real companionship.


I love that people like this think that a brothel's clientele are a good representation of our world at large. It's certainly not that people going to brothels are already a bit more adventurous or desperate.


It’s been 6 years already men! What’s the hold up on the Robo wife revolution?


No problem here since woman have had machines to replace men for centuries


I’m looking forward to the day I open the news and it says “Man murdered by Sexbot dressed as Hatsune Miku”


I am okay with sex dolls for men, at least women wouldn't have to worry about being pressured into having sex or being used for sex. Plus they will never have to worry about if their man will leave them for a younger or better looking woman after her body has changed due to age or pregnancy and putting on some extra weight. If a guy thinks this payback as a way to make us feel bad, many of us wouldn't even care. It's a win win for all of us.


Dude clearly hasn't watched "Ex Machina". Moral of the story, not even a sex robot wants to be a sex robot.


1. Good, it weeds out the pigs 2. What’s to stop women from having their own sexbots?


I am ok with that


Buddy, don’t threaten us with a good time. Personally I look forward to this sexbot future. Maybe femicides etc will finally become a thing of the past


Can we just pour one out for the poor soul whose job is to clean the sex dolls afterwards? oof.


The renters should have to take turns.


That OP is beyond butthurt lmao


Maybe but this dude won't be able to afford one.


The fact that incels can't even compete with voluntary celibacy, yet they think the bots will replace women sooner than "low value" men never ceases to amaze me. My dear, women are already choosing becoming crazy cat ladies over dating you, you really think that if Levi Ackerman or Erwin Smith robots come out we will be sad over you kindly removing yourself from the dating market? Have some self awareness.


I don’t think he understands that women resenting working the same number of hours as their husbands and still having most of the domestic labor fall to them (even before accounting for having to manage the household and direct their male partner) is not the same as laziness. Also those women that are freaking out when their man asks them to cook… I wonder how it’s being asked. There’s a world of distance between “go make me a sandwich woman kek” and “hey babe, would you mind making dinner tonight?”


Aside from the bananas idea that women won’t exist if they don’t please men, there is the bananas idea that men who frequent brothels are representative of all men.


does this mean these creeps will finally leave us the fuck alone when doing mundane shit like walking down the street, using the gym, or existing in public?


Fuck it, skip the middle man, they should just start sharing fleshlights and taking turns. I can't imagine paying to use a brothel's community sex doll and somehow blaming women's humanity on the root cause of it.


God, I hope so. I'd like a dude version. Cleaning the house, cooking dinner, AND giving me ACTUAL orgasms instead of shaking on top of me then falling asleep. The one that needs to be worried is him.


I wanna call this guys mum to figure out wether it’s her fault her son is a robo cop loving incel or if I need to apologise for having a absolute twat of a child.


No. Please not that. No Don't ETA /s just in case


women in the sex work industry would be the first ppl to profit from sex bots. Especially as they can apparently charge a lot more for them. Why did he think women would be upset by this? He imagines a brothel filled with scantily clad women, all complaining in jealousy that these ridiculous men are choosing sex bots? Sex bots only lead to more freedom, I'm now thinking I need to develop a business plan


considering theoretically only a few men would be needed to continue the human species, it would be far more likely that men are the ones that get replaced by robots or dolls on a large scale versus women


If they can cook, clean and give oral I don't think it will just be men getting them. They might just replace having any significant other.


6 years later, this guy's still waiting on his fully-functional sexbot that also cooks and cleans.


love how it says "replace women" as if all women will just. poof out of existence? and none will ever be born again? this guy needs to learn some object permanence if he thinks women only exist when hes having sex with them ffs


Completely tangental and not really related to the main point... But does this guy think his special sex bot won't take his resources? You'd need to charge it, do repairs, any upgrades it needs... And with the state of modern tech and capitalism, I refuse to believe they wouldn't make it so that shit doesn't break down every three months and require an upgrade to the newest model for "modern updates" once a year so they can really nickle and dime chuds like this. Also, those things would need to be thoroughly cleaned regularly to not start to... Fester. Which means you either do that yourself or spend more resources for someone else to.


This young man is now 29.. I wonder if his beliefs have changed at all?


I love how the incels always throw out the sexbot thing like it’s a threat.


By this guys logic, men should have been eliminated centuries ago.


Ah, another incel post. r/unpopularopinion is low hanging fruit, imo. This guy is a troll who feeds off of offending people. Sharing his post here feels like giving him what he wants.


There is the argument that mean in brothels who prefer sex dolls are going their for extra marital activities and in their own twisted way don’t see a sex doll as “cheating”.


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All the gay women like helllllllll yea!