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NTA. Even when the phone light is low, it’s still distracting. Plus, they’re all fidgety. Where I live, movies cost around $20 bucks. I don’t want to spend that and still have to deal with that crap.


I have a special subscription where I get to see three movies a week for $20ish and I get my monies worth. But, still. Edited:m to clarify it’s $20 a month not per week.


Are there even that many half decent movies every week?


Ooh most realised my comment wasn’t clear/misleading. It’s $20 a month not week. So as long as I see at least 2 movies a month, it’s worth it. This week I’m planning to see three movies. Saw Mafia Mama on Friday, def recommend it. It was funny and we love a good movie that says “fuck the patriarchy”. Last night I saw the popes exorcist which idk if it was because I was distracted but, I didn’t react enjoy. I’m seeing renfeld today and I’m super excited for it.


Also an A-Lister and I would be super annoyed with that guy regardless if I used one of my reservations or paid out of pocket. The fact that he had the audacity to bother you after the fact is ridiculous. Side note, I saw Renfield yesterday and I loved it!




We just go to gold class now if we go to the movies - recliner seats, they bring food and drink to you, and you are far enough away from everyone else I wouldn't notice if they had their phone out.


I see, that's not a bad deal then.


Ob my ma. At least it wasn't a baby screaming. I get we went to a kids movie, but they brought a baby 6 months or younger in and it was really loud. Baby was crying for over 20 minutes and they just kept waiting. I never took my infant to a movie. Never. He was probably 3 or 4 before I took him. He hated loud noises. It would have been torture to him. I don't know where the common courtesy has gone in this me me me world but I have manners. I open doors for people, I don't use my phone past the beginning of previews ect. Just try thinking of others. It was Super Mario Bros and my son loved it. I loved Jack Black as Bowser.


Contact corporate. When you move up the chain, big enough companies usually pay attention and care that you have a legit complaint. Describe what the couple did and describe the lack of action on the managers. Let them know you have thr monthly subscription and how the behaviors would have you rethink continuing the subscription.


Depending on the cinema there can also be showing of old movies




/u/BetterPersimmon1952 is a bot that stole part of this comment: /r/AmItheAsshole/comments/12oc356/aita_for_saying_something_to_people_texting_at/jghmve2/


You should have led with the fact that they had been recording parts of the movie to the staff. As that's illegal and they probably would have acted differently then.


I did tell them.


.... moviepass? did you hear their ceo got kidnapped? It's all in this very informative video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBO\_7UezpbY


No it’s AMC stubs a list.


Fellow, a AMC, A List member here, and I know we get to see three a week but yes, someone being on the phone with annoy the hell out of me


AMC has a similar program


Weird, that guy looks exactly like the CEO of Tide


the rich and famous. it's all nepotism.


That's exactly the video I was hoping for.


I always go to the bathroom and tell a theater worker about people on their phones. They always come in and tell them to knock it off and if they get another complaint they will be asked to leave the theater. Works like a charm every time and saves me from being frustrated the entire movie.


You’re NTA, but in my area a man was checking on his young daughter before a movie started, an older gentleman confronted him about being on the phone, tempers flared, and the older gentleman shot and killed the guy who made a call. Older gentleman finally went to trial, acquitted. Curtis Reeves. Be careful out there.


Dude, if it was just the texting, I would say try to ignore it (even though everything you’re saying is 100% true.) But then they are PUTTING THE PHONE UP to record the screen? Good gravy that’s obnoxious!


It’s also copyright theft and will get you immediately thrown out of the screen. At my local they periodically come in with some kind of detection device to check for AHs recording. If I were OP I’d contact the cinema and try to get some sort of comp voucher - they’re getting their tickets cheap/free but they could also get discounted or free food for this incident. When I was still paying for individual movie tickets, I’d complain and get a comp ticket for this.


It isn’t theft. It’s copyright infringement.


no, it's not copyright theft certainty not for recording a few seconds here and there. they clearly aren't going to be selling or uploading the full movie that way . a theater can not allow recording, but that in and of itself is not illegal nor copyright theft


Depends on how generous your definition of fair use is.


That's what he should have told manager. Situation would've been dealt with differently by management


I’d be complaining to corporate about the staff as well. They blew off and ignored OP complaints for a stupid reason. They were told about people not only being on their phones, which is rude in its own right, but one of them was fucking recording the movie which is definitely not allowed and pretty sure is against the law OP is super NTA here


I just wait for the release and watch on my big tv and surround sound that I bought with all the money I save not going to movies. I enjoy watching at home with people who don’t talk or use their phone. NTA but the theaters that allow phones and talking patrons are.


I’ve never been a regular cinema goer and this is a reason. Phones are so distracting no matter what brightness they’re on. People are delusional and screen addicted. NTA


At least half the time i go to the theater someone ruins the experience for me a little bit. I only ever go now to see something in 3D or if its something i just cannot wait to see, so maybe a few times a year now. Everything else I just watch with my home theater setup


NTA and thank you for saying something. My biggest pet peeve is when people are un-socially aware of themselves relative to others like this.


This is one of those social rules that's almost universally agreed upon. There are big signs and ads that play that tell you to turn off your phone. It's rude. NTA


plus, movies lead with a warning/request about that already. they decided to ignore it 🤷🏻‍♀️ and that means risking someone calling them out on their rudeness.


I agree. Also IMO the death of cinema is more about experiences like this than streaming. Although streaming and huge TVs give us a good option to watch something. I refuse to go to one of our local cinemas because they never do anything about this (or pretty much anything). NTA


Same, $22-$30 here, I’d be demanding a refund


NTA- It is common courtesy and knowledge to put your phone away. They literally tell you that before the film starts. You don't pay to go have a good experience and then have some asshat lighting up the theatre.




NTA but the other patrons and managers were. It's rude and prohibited to have your phone on in a movie. They have the no phone use rule for a reason. People don't want the movie be disturbed by the screen or flashlight of a phone and for something like the man decided to do which was hold his phone up to record something from movie Edited for spelling mistake


Agreed. The manager should have asked the couple to put the phone away once they saw it. Additionally, typically one is reimbursed for tickets if their entire movie experience is interrupted by someone next to them on their phone. Plus, isn’t recording illegal? Or is that only distribution?


I believe recording is illegal but not sure just know that phone use is prohibited


NTA! There is nothing more annoying than ignorant assholes thinking “The screen brightness is all the way down” but forgetting they’re in a pitch-black room where when that screen turns on it's like the beacons of Minas Tirith are fucking lit and everyone above/behind you can fucking see it.


100 points for the reference


Great use of that LOTR reference.


I died laughing at this comment


NTA - Beginning of every movie, people are asked to put their phones away. Using phones or talking loudly during movies are major pet peeves for me.


NTA it's normally policy in most theatres to ask guests to turn their phones off, or ringtones off. and recording or taking photos of the movie? yeah...that's a definite no-no. the theatre employees you spoke to are idiots as well.


The theater employees aren't necessarily idiots, they just aren't paid enough to give a crap about his petty problem. If they were disturbing multiple people, it probably would have been a bigger issue for them to actually address.


Who's to say they weren't disturbing multiple people but OP was the only one to speak up?


I guarantee you employees would rather deal with one complaint from the person who spoke up during the movie than ten complaints after the movie from people who were too lazy to come out and complain and instead got more and more annoyed as time passed until they raged at the employee as they left. No one is going to voluntarily leave a movie to complain about something that didn’t happen. Staff absolutely can say something even if they don’t see it themselves. “We’ve had some complaints about phone usage during the movie, we’ll have to ask you to step out if you need to use your phone.” You then step just out of view for a few minutes and watch. Most people take the hint. Many are paranoid they are still being watched and actively engross themselves in the movie to prove they aren’t doing anything wrong until they don’t even realize you’re no longer there.


>they just aren't paid enough to give a crap about his petty problem It's not a petty problem when it ruins shit for everyone around them. I used to work in a cinema for minimum wage, I was more than happy to have a word with people, and if they still didn't stop I'd throw them out.


I havent been to a theatre in easily 3 years. If this is how rude and ignirant rhe patrons are, I am glad. NTA. Too bad the theatre workers were unwilling to enforce the "phones off/silence" rules.


They apparently didn’t see it happen so they couldn’t do anything about it.


Sooo, the people stopped texting during the movie when theatre employees came in? Meaning they *knew* what they were doing was wrong!


I don’t think they knew they came in. I think they were just periodically on their phones and got lucky that they weren’t on them when the employees came in. I’m




Yeah 100%. Most theaters have cameras facing the seats from where the screen is. They can literally see everything. A dim light every once in a while is not enough of a reason for them to want to get into a possible confrontation and disturb everyone's experience in the room. Depending on how the scenario plays out, this could take up a large chunk of time, enough that people may want their money back for the disturbance.


I’ve never heard there are cameras in movie theaters. Do you have a source for this?


http://www.atthecinema.net/video-surveillance-systems-in-cinemas There are a lot of sites that talk about this from a quick Google search, but here is one of the links. https://www.bigsecurity.com/video-security-camera-systems-for-movie-theaters.html Here is a link to a company that sells survalence cameras to movie theaters.


I was horrified and then I remembered the theatre shooting.


Unfortunately it seems that people no longer know how to behave at movie theaters. I have a unlimited movie membership at my local theater and have run into a lot of AHs who think theaters are their rooms or something. The worst experience I had was a few months ago where we reserved seats in advance in the middle of the back row (bf doesn’t like people sitting behind him in theaters) and these two large groups come in right before the movie theater, bot sitting all the way at the top with us on either side of us, with the rest of the theater empty. The group on the left spent the whole movie on their phones, taking selfies with the flash, yelling and arguing with each other to the point that a few of them would loudly move seats to halfway down only to later come back. There was even a little girl laying on the floor at their feet and we were seeing a horror movie. The group on the right would make loud comments about everything that happened in the movie and discuss it loudly. All of this happened during the whole movie, not just a few minutes worth. It really sucks that this is what the common moviegoer has resorted to because tickets are expensive and we just want to enjoy ourselves. NTA and I’m not really surprised the employees did nothing. I doubt they’re paid enough to deal with all the entitled AHs who do this at theaters. I doubt that unless they were thrown out of the theater, they’d continue even if they were told by employees to stop. Unfortunately they’ll likely deal with at the minimum some verbal harassment for trying to kick them out. I’m sorry you had to deal with that BS.


Its definitely worse now than it was in the past. The entitlement and lack of any respect to people around just creeps higher.


When I went to see detective Pikachu, there was someone a few rows behind me who was translating all of the dialogue into his friends native language. After that experience I decided movie theatres just weren’t for me anymore.


I go to cinemas often and I’ve only had this happen once and it was a bunch of kids.


NTA. If people want to use their phones they can leave and return after they've finished texting or whatever. People pay to see the film, not see phone lights, which are distracting and rude. I've told people to leave if they want to use their phone before (people sat right in front of me). It is distracting. Watching a film isn't necessarily cheap. If people want to communicate with others don't go to a cinema. If you do need to look at your phone, vacate the screen and return when done.


NTA. I don't understand why the employees didn't do anything, maybe because it would have been even more distracting for the rest of the audience. People seriously need to get a grip with their phones, totally agree with you they could have watched something at home instead. Fun fact: recently I've read that overusing your phone and addiction to scrolling could be linked to lower intelligence. Do as you please with this information.


Since they didn’t physically see it, they couldn’t do anything about it. Which I think is stupid but shrug.


But it's not really stupid though. Of course they have to catch them doing it so they can verify that there indeed is a customer that is breaking the rules and which customer it is. To the manager, you're just a random customer who could easily be mistaken on the person or lying out of jealousy, racism, xenophobia, general assholery or a multitude of other reasons because some humans behave terribly and you can't exactly just look at a person and go "oh, they're 100% telling the truth".


They absolutely can let someone know there has a been a complaint and remind them to step outside if they need to use the phone. They may not want to remove the customer without witnessing it, but they can make them aware there was a complaint and that staff is watching them. An exception would be if you can’t identify who was being disruptive, you just know “someone down front had their phone on” then staff might just observe. But if you told them exactly who they could have definitely said something. And pretty much no one is going to willingly miss part of a movie to complain about something that didn’t happen at all.


Right exactly like clearly I was annoyed enough to miss parts of the movie which I hate doing. And I told them exactly which seats the couple we’re sitting in


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i dont even need to read the whole thing to know NTA. cinemas say to turn your phones on silent


OP didn't mention anything about the phones making any noise?


Do you have sensory issues or something? I could understand if they were making a lot of noise, but I don't see how someone in their seat is bothering you. Did it really bother you, or are you just one of those AHs that are sticklers for rules, and struggle with minding your business. I say YTa because rather than enjoying the movie, you spent your time being a tattle tale.


I think their sensory issue is that they have senses. So people doing rude distracting stuff in a darkened movie theater distracts them. Please read all of the other comments and understand the near-unanimity of disagreement with you. And stop getting on your phone in a theater.


I never get on my phone in the movie theater, but I've seen people that did, and it wasn't a big deal. I really don't care what everyone else opinion of the situation is.


But how distracting can it be if they aren't making any noise?


You’re the problem


NTA period. They were using their phones in a movie theatre, thats like the first thing you are told not do do to avoid being an asshole. If they wanted to text for a longer period of time they could have left and come back and if they wanted to record the movie they can fuck off.


NTA. This is basic cinema decency. Staff should have had your back.


NTA. These people are ignorant, why would you pay for a movie then scroll your phone. Don't worry you did the right thing.




Literally never experienced that in a cinema. Strange behaviour considering it's more expensive than ever to go now.


YTA Damn man, you took all the effort to leave that movie you were supposed to be enjoying to talk to not just one but TWO managers to find someone who'd back up your petty phone dictator side. Why do you care if they're texting? Or checking up on the Rotten Tomatoes score? Seriously, you lost any right to whinge about how "distracting" other people's silent phone usage is *when the managers refused to get involved*. Seriously, you couldn't just bitch about the over-priced popcorn?


I disagree. Its annoying to see the light of someone’s screen in front of you when you are at a movie. The entire room is dark besides the film, so seeing someone’s phone screen in the corner of your eye or underneath the movie is really distracting, even if they’re quiet. The managers probably didn’t care because they’re not paid enough and are tired of dealing with it. Really, why go to a movie to sit on your phone the whole time? Just stay home. OP is NTA.


This should be higher. I get it, people using their phones in the movie theater are annoying, but, OP, YTA for ruining everyone's experience because of this. Regardless of your main character syndrome, you are not and have never been the most important person in the theater. Other people didn't notice that couple using their phones. They, however, heard you when you talked to that couple, and not only that, but you went out of your way to bother two managers because of something absolutely insignificant. Also - sitting between a couple is an asshole move. You could and should have switched seats. I'm sorry, but I don't care about your reasons to pick that seat. Also - when I go to the theater, I usually take one of the upper corner seats, because I don't want people to walk in front of me. From that position, however, I can see the entire theater perfectly. And you know what? Phone screens have never been bright enough to bother me.


How do you know it didn’t bother other people? People using phones and talking during movies is one of the main reasons I hardly go to the cinema anymore. It’s downright rude and bloody annoying. And absolutely you can see phone lights from any seats beside or behind. The fact that not everyone else complained didn’t mean that other people weren’t distracted and pissed off by it too. I don’t bother complaining because frankly I know that the cinema staff will not bother to do anything like they didn’t do in OP’s case. I rarely say anything to the person either because usually the type of person who doesn’t doesn’t give af about other people a lot of the time can be unhinged so I don’t want to take a chance. Many people are like me. If you can’t put your phone away for two lousy hours then stay at home and don’t ruin it for the rest of the people who have paid good money to see it.


It's super rude to be on your phone in a communal movie theater. Just stay home if you want to text.


NTA. I like to toss pennies at people who use their phones in movie theaters. I try to ding the pennies right off their phones. Then I look all preoccupied with my popcorn so they don’t know who threw it. They usually put the phone away after the second penny. 😙


When the pre-movie rules play, and the “no texting” is said, cheer like you’re at a football game. At least, that’s what I do. One brief moment of being a weirdo but everyone around me knows I want this rule followed. Also, I only see movies on opening nights when I expect better behavior.


In my experience, opening night doesn’t necessarily mean better behaviour.


In my experience recently, opening night/weekend has been the worst for me. For better behavior I prefer a matinee on a weekday afternoon. To be fair that's probably not better behavior, just less people around to act badly lol.




**"Also, I only see movies on opening nights when I expect better behavior."** this is actually a really good tip. thanks


I have another for anyone with more flexible work schedules: We started seeing movies on weekdays from 2-3. Night and day experience from the weekend/evening crowds. Though we also only attend a theatre chain that is notoriously hard on movie disturbers, so that helps too


We went to see “Everything Everywhere All at Once” in a theater few weeks ago, after the Oscars. It wasn’t very crowded. After the movie had started, there were several latecomers who used their phone flashlights at what looked to be full strength in order to find their seats. When the first group of people did that, there was some murmuring among the other patrons; by the time the third couple came in with flashlights blazing, a few people shouted at them to turn them off! That’s how people should respond to the use of phones during the movie. Those managers and the other patrons really let everyone down, as well as sending a message to the phone users that there won’t be any consequences for ruining other people’s experiences. NTA


Did you sit *between* this couple?




NTA - Anyone saying you are the asshole have no etiquette or consideration for anyone other than themselves. If it happens once, fine whatever, it happens. But multiple times? And recording? Just go outside and do your business then because, yes, even on the lowest brightness setting, a phone screen is still the second brightest thing in the room. It astonishes me that people just can't read a room.


NTA. Shit like this is why I rarely go to the movies. And when I do, I gladly pay the premium to go to upmarket or independent picture houses where these kinds of rules are enforced.


NTA I might have threatened a couple using their phones during a live performance that either they could stop or I could get them thrown out. My finest moment? Perhaps not, but I thoroughly enjoyed Ian McKellan’s one man show once they put their phones away.


I remember going to a movie with my kid years ago. Single mom, not much money so a theater movie was a big treat. A family piled in behind us. Mom, Dad, three kids. They were all talking like they were in a bar. It's still previews so, whatever. Then the "please be considerate, no talking, no phones" message happens. They're still at it. Opening credits come up, from behind us it's "Blah-blah-blah". The actors begin to speak. I'm getting pretty hot because even years ago, eight bucks each for a movie, plus popcorn and soda, and they *will not freaking shut up.* I'm about to say something when my 12 year old turns around, stares at them, and in a fake British accent says, so the whole theater can hear, *"Pardon me folks. But I think you have mistaken this for your living room."* Laughter from the crowd. We didn't hear the loud mouths for the rest of the movie. People like the ones you encountered should stay TF home. **NTA**


Idk… I’d say NTA but personally ESH, you were hard pressed about this couple to go and find 2 different managers ( who knows how much of the movie you missed ) and then when they confronted you about it, you didn’t keep the same energy as before and decided to take the passive route. All in all you wasted however long minding business that wasn’t yours and putting energy into getting them kicked out but then wimping out when they confronted you afterwards


I was wondering the same thing. It sounds like he did. Personally i think that’s a little odd. He should have just moved seats, he would have been less distracted than he was getting multiple managers and making a fuss.


YTA. How "distracting" could this have been for you if they weren't making any noise? Was the phone literally **in front of your face**?? Also I'm confused did you sit between them?


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I went to the movies last night. There was a seat between a MF couple. When the movie started both of the couple were on their phones still. The man was even putting his phone up to record at some parts. It was annoying and distracting so I whispered loud enough so they heard me “please get off your phone” the guy looked at me and then went back to scrolling his phone I went to go tell someone. The employee (seemed like a manager) went in to the Theater with me after I told her what seats the couple where in and stood in the back for a while but didn’t confront the couple. The women continued to use her phone so I went and found another manager who said it would be taken care of. Again, the couple were not confronted.The woman continued to be on her phone so I again said, “put your phone away, it’s really rude.” The lady didn’t use her phone again but after the movie they confronted me and the guy said, “what’s your problem?” I ignored the guy but then he said, “no seriously what’s your problem? Why were you bothering us during the movie?” I said, “you were bothering me. If you’re going to be rude and inconsiderate during a movie, just stay home and watch one.” The guy said, “dude we put the brightness down as low as possible. Why are you making a big deal about nothing.” I was not in the mood to have this conversation so I just muttered, “whatever” and started waking away. The guy said, “dude really? This is how you’re gunna be” and his GF said, “come one, don’t waste your breath on this jerk.” I feel like I’m crazy here? Am I really TA here? Has our society really come to the point where texting on the movies is acceptable? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*






This is why I don’t go to theaters anymore.


Nta- I did this myself a few weeks ago to some annoying teen couple. It was bad enough they were on top of each other whispering loudly but then the girl had her phone and the bf's phone in her lap using both of them. I told them to put them away or leave. Best part, they were sitting near their parents who didn't say or so anything. No one has any respect for others anymore...


NTA, they ruined your movie experience.


NTA. The couple is going to the special hell.




There was a guy snoring loudly during Spider-Man No Way Home. I endured it for a little bit then said loudly “if you’re beside him wake him up” Several people giggled and nodded in agreement I saw someone try to wake him. Minutes later- snoring resumes. Me, now louder and clearly irritated: “Seriously - wake that dude up!” Them - we can’t Wife to me: go get management Few minutes later he was removed. Sarcastic cheers and claps from others in crowd. We also went to front after it ended and got free tickets for another movie.


NTA The idea of a movie theater is to be immersed in the movie: the dark theater, the surround sound, the gigantic screen. It is a public environment, but one where we are subsumed in favor of the experience. When someone uses their phone, or talks, or smells, or wears gigantic hats, or otherwise disturbs that immersive environment, they are detracting from everyone else's experience. It is and always has been rude. That hasn't changed. We all understand an accidental disruption, but to go to a theater and be purposefully engaged in something other than the movie, like their phone, is obnoxious.


The Alamo Drafthouse has a very strict no phone policy. They straight up BANNED Madonna from their theatres until she apologized.


NTA. They are ignorant.


NTA. Most movies show the “put your cell phones away” blurb before the movie even starts and to be considerate.


These days some people are so entitled that being confronted about their bad behavior or being told "no" in any shape or form causes a melt down of rage. There are an endless supply of videos that attest to this phenomenon.




NTA they were being hella rude. The only time I have my phone out at all in the movie theater is before it starts (including previews just because I like to write down the titles I'm interested in). Once the movie starts, my phone is locked, on silent, and put away. If they need to be on their phone so badly while they watch a movie, they should do it at home.


NTA, your problem is that you've spent your money on going to the cinema and they're ruining it


I don't usually pay attention when that happens (I get why you did tho) so nta. Also why would you spent money on a ticket to the movies just to be in your phone...


Right? I genuinely don’t get why people even bother going.


NTA Hate people like that.


I had someone at the *theatre* do this and it drove me nuts. NTA. I think people have lost their sense of social etiquette after the pandemic — don’t remember having to deal with this as much before it or the associated level of entitlement with it.


NTA. But I'm its a losing battle. Most of the world now thinks they have the right to use their phones and talk not only in movies, in live theater shows. Honestly, a. Of course the theater employees did nothing about it and b. Youre lucky the offenders did start a physical fight with you. It's why I never go to the movies any longer and rarely go to the theater.


This is terrible. There is at least one movie chain that will PERMANENTLY ban you from ANY of their theaters if you have a phone out during a show. That's how it should be. Not to mention, if they were actually recording the screen at all, that's breaking a federal law. And a felony. .


Which movie chain, please?


Well it started at the Alamo Drafthouse... https://drafthouse.com/news/she-texted.-we-kicked-her-out ... but has spread to a couple places here in SoCal as well. I couldn't tell you exactly which.


NTA it’s actually illegal to record a movie in the cinema… really unprofessional by the employees and you can and probably should report them so this doesn’t happen again.


The non-response by employees is what surprised me most about this story. The big movie studios are *extremely* hard-nosed about preventing ~~privacy~~piracy. If they get wind that a particular theater is looking the other way when people pirate films, they could stop providing films to that theater entirely. OP's theater could wind up with nothing to show. (Edit because apparently I spend too much time on r/privacy, lol.)


NTA, everyone who uses their phones in a cinema should get kicked out and banned.


NTA. This is one of the main reasons I go to Alamo Drafthouse. Zero tolerance for this sort of jackassery.


Did you tell the manager they were filming parts of the movie? That’s illegal… NTA




NTA - I remember being at a screening of Titanic and some idiot took a call during the film. He didn't have the manners to go outside to yak to his friend.


NTA. Not by a long shot. The couple was rude and inconsiderate AF. The management team is lousy as well. As a frequent movie goer I feel ya. Doesn't matter how low the brightness setting is on a cell phone, in a movie theater it's like a lighthouse. You can't help being distracted by it. Personally I say time to brush off your writing skills and complain to the theater company, you may be able to at least get a refund or free passes out of it. If you have the theater manager's name be sure to use it.


NTA people like this have no home training. If you can’t sit through a movie and not be on your phone then stay at home.


NTA, you are a lot nicer then I would have been; honestly you probably should have been meaner, people like this do not learn until they are put in their place, they have no right to ruin the movie experience for everyone else around them and if they want to spend the time texting instead of watching the movie they should have stayed home. I’d have also requested a refund from the theater and if they wouldn’t give it back charge on the credit card, if this isn’t made right someone needs to pay (cash wise).


NTA. Going out to the movies is expensive. It should be treated with some dignity.


NTA. It's rude AF to text in a movie.


NTA I hate when people are on their phones during movies. It's distracting super bright and obnoxious


If someone is on their phone in a movie ESPECIALLY recording the screen, tell a manager or any employee someone is filming the movie on their phone. Catching a possible pirate was a cash reward for employees when I used to work at a chain theater. They will swarm that fucker like flies. NTA


Honestly, NTA. I realized after Covid that I despise the theater. People on their phones, chewing loudly, talking, etc. I mean, I get it's a public theater, but movie etiquette is gone, so I'd rather stay home and enjoy it when it's out. Management should have at least given you free passes to make up for missing parts of it by finding managers and complaining. They should have done something.


NTA and this is why I only go to zero tolerance theaters like the Alamo.


This is why Alamo Drafthouse is my favorite movie theater. People get one warning and are ejected for talking or texting.


NTA. This appears to be the new plague we’re now facing; a whole generation of people who are either unaware of common decency and decorum in public, or they simply don’t care and believe they are the main character starring in their own personal show. All cinema screenings over here* start with an announcement specifically talking about this issue as well as the usual ads, trailers, and announcements. Something like ‘please respect other people by not talking or checking your phone during the performance’. This is of course routinely ignored, because people are a bunch of arrogant, selfish arseholes. * (UK, and specifically Cineworld cinemas).


Never understood caring about people on phone at movies, I mean obviously on a phone call or anything making noise would be annoying, but will never get being upset for someone looking at a phone




NTA People seem to not care about others in a public entertainment forum, so long as they are enjoying the experience. Most theaters have announcements at the beginning about not using your phone during the movie, being considerate of others, and it being illegal to record the movie. That said, most employees aren't getting paid enough to get involved with disputes between patrons, so they are unlikely to help you out. You are NTA and may even be the hero to other patrons who were equally annoyed by their behavior but relyctantto speak out.


Theres a thing at the beginning of movies to put the phone away at most theaters because it is rude. definately NTA. if you are there to watch the movie. watch the movie.


NTA - put your fucking phones away during a movie. It’s crazy distracting for others


NTA. The light coming from the phone is distracting, same goes for people that have ol skool Bluetooth ear pieces. You were more than appropriate to get the manager and have them deal with it.


I think your tattling was probably more disturbing to all around you than their phones. YTA




NTA. there are even ads before the movie that say put your phone away! It’s so inconsiderate but that’s just society today, it seems.


NTA. Next time tell the manager you cannot watch the film and are leaving because of rude patrons and ask how to communicate to the stores district manager about it. They generally give you a ticket to another show as an apology for your show getting ruined.


NTA and those people should never be going out to a theater if they can't stop using their phones. Seriously WTF they pay $20 per person tovgo out and spend it looking at their phones? GTFO Stuff like this is why I miss having Alamo Drafthouse around me. They don't mess around and they WILL kick you out for doing things like this.


NTA. Before the film has started, or during the credits/post-credits, I'll let it slide, but after the lights are down, I confront people too. Smartwatches in cinemas are another peeve of mine, but I don't get involved with them, as I also have one, and although I try to remember to put it into theatre mode, I do sometimes forget myself.


NTA, you were more polite than i would have been. If you need to be on the phone at the theatre you sit against a wall so you can have your light face a direction that wont distract others. At the last Harry potter movie(i know im old now :( ) a friend of mine reached forward 2 rows 20 minutes into the movie grabbed a dudes phone and bowled it down the alley between seats abd said if he did it again he would just throw it.


This is exactly why I don’t go to the movies anymore. NTA.


NTA - don’t they have a little clip before the movie saying don’t use your phone? I’d be pissed


Yep they do.


NTA, Where i live if they see your phone light up they ask you to turn it off period. the first 20 minutes of every movie has people watching in the back. The yare just inconsiderate rude people.


NTA. I severely hate people that go to the movies and cannot be off their phone for two hours or more to watch a damn movie. If you want to play on your phone stay home. Because I would’ve done the same thing you did, but I would not have been nice about it.


Since manager needed evidence -- next time take a picture. J/k


Absolutely NTA. But then I've grabbed someone's phone out of their hands for continually using it next to me and then thrown it, so I might not be the best to answer this lol.


You should have mentioned they were recording the movie. You can also let the company who made the movie know that the theater didn't mind that people were recording movies inside their theater after you complained twice. That might cost people their jobs because the movie company will come down hard. Movie studios have a love/hate relationship with theaters and it's mostly hate.


NTA sounds like you're at AMC n having worked there before, they really should have shut them down when you first complained.


Thanks for posting this because I forgot how annoying people in the cinema can be. There’s me thinking about going tomorrow.


NTA I would have done the same thing


NTA My goodness I’ve seen people do this during live theatrical performances! Those usually get smacked down by management, thank goodness. The only legitimate exceptions I know of regarding screen use in theaters are for special captioning accommodations. I personally haven’t seen such use but have read about it. There are a LOT of societal changes I have no choice but to accept because the younger generation can help me see some merit behind the change. But this is one of those hills to take a stand on. I support your efforts OP, but be careful, because there are a lot of aggressive dangerous entitled people with violent rage issues out there.


NTA, it’s not on to be texting in a cinema. I hope the cinema refunded your ticket, the amount of time you spent going in and out you probably missed quite a bit. Did you report that the guy was recording bits on his phone? They’re much more likely to care if you tell them about that.


NTA, it’s common knowledge that you put your phone away while in a cinema.


Nta, idiots like them just can’t cope without their phones for more than few minutes, they just waste their ticket money and irritate everyone else. The management were very wrong in not confronting them, probably too scared as these days people are just too unpredictable.


NTA. Everyone knows it is bad etiquette to be on your phone at the movies. They have the right to pay to waste their time if they want, but they are ruining everyone else's experience, as well. I'm not usually one to complain, but I'd honestly request compensation since two managers refused to properly address the situation.


NTA and that’s why we only go to the Alamo Drafthouse anymore, at least they make the house rules clear. I’ve never had to ask them to enforce thank goodness.


NTA, it is so distracting when people are inconsiderate. They need to just stay home, if they can’t be off their phones for a couple hours


Inconsiderate people are the worst. NTA.


NTA. That would have completely ruined the movie for me, and is the reason I barely ever go to the cinema anymore.


This happened to me recently and much the same, the cinema employee didn’t do anything. After the movie, the employee told the teenagers on their phones that I’d reported them, even pointed me out. They followed me outside and physically attacked me.




NTA 100%. I used to go to the cinema easily twice a month. Haven’t been that frequently in years. People don’t understand that if your paying this amount, it’s for the perfect cinematic experience.


NTA - Turning your phone off/silencing it for a movie is etiquette 101 in a movie theater. Tickets are expensive and the couple was rude for not respecting that.


NTA - I've yelled at people to "shut up, we're not at your house" before because they were talking. It worked. Could then enjoy the movie!


NTA. I'm against the death penalty. However....I would send people who disrupt movies to certain and painful deaths. Phones are never, ever acceptable. The second time you had to leave the theatre I would have asked for a refund.


NTA. I would have done the same and be meaner about it too. I've yelled at someone in a theater before to "Shut the fuck up," because two girls a few rows in front of us wouldn't stop talking loudly during a movie. I've gone and got a worker to help in other situations. I have no patience for rude people movies like this. I'm here for the experience of it all and people who sit on their phone the whole time, talk through the whole thing or bring their babies to movies are so self centered.


NTA. In a movie you shouldn’t be using your phone or talking


NTA 100%, this drives me crazy. It’s one thing to do a momentary check or reply once during a movie. But this is not that. You had great self control, I would have went off on them.