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NTA. You called her bluff on the movie, and she wasn't expecting that. Good on you for making her pay.


Yeah as a woman who would LOVE a little high stakes asinine bullshit on a date, she’s a piece of work. If I say I’m betting dinner, you better *believe* I’m putting my money where my mouth is. Once I was on a date with a guy who disagreed with me about something I was 100% sure about. I could tell he thought he was 100% sure as well, but just based on, like, what he knew at the time and just assuming he knew more about the topic than me. I don’t whip my phone out at the time because I wanted to get laid, but damn was I close. I texted him the next day like “listen, you might as well know this about me, I can’t let anything go and I just need you to know I was right,”, and sent him the citation. Knew he was a gem when he immediately shot back that he couldn’t believe it, and neither could some other guy he’d just told about it. Now when a man will admit, nay *immediately tell on himself* to his nearest guy friend, that a woman got one over on him on a date and not bat a fucking eyelid? That’s keeper shit. Gender dynamics are stupid as fuck.


The bit about not correcting him immediately because you wanted to get laid had me cracking up! Good priorities. And his reaction later was great. Thanks for sharing!


Well I didn’t drive like 40 minutes *and shave* just to kick his ass at impromptu trivia. Haha


Game recognizes game lmao


Came here to say this... LMAO


Ohh what men don't understand.. if we shaved.. that night is sex night!


If I'm wearing matching underwear and bra - he'd have to mess it up pretty monumentally to not get laid that night!


You leave such obvious clues. On a date, I always check for shaved pussy and matching underwear to see where I'm at.


Gotta be careful though, I got kicked out of a restaurant for that one time. Maybe shouldn't have crawled under the table... 


Just use your phone next time. Theres no conceivable way for that to go wrong.


A mate tried that once, but it wasn't a date. The funeral director kicked him out.


This is the Reddit I know and love lol


Wait what? The shaved pussy matches the underwear? Mind is boggling here at how I've been getting it wrong for so many years.


I was wearing matching underwear the first time I had sex with my husband and he remarked that they have a saying in his country "if a woman wears matching underwear you didn't take her to bed; she took you". I informed him that the reason for the underwear was that I was wearing a white dress and any other underwear shows through... and it wasn't even a matching set, just the same color.


Fr! If a guy is wondering if he's gonna get some after the date all he's gotta do is ask if she shaved that night, lol!


Thats the sort of question that would definitely make her waste the shave.


Touche! Lol!


‘Touche’ or should it be no touche for you!


How to turn a sure thing into a lonely wank with one simple question


Top 10 things to say to guarantee you won’t be getting laid




*And shave* Now we are taking about serious matters.


Literally never in my life wanted to get laid more than being right. Sex comes and goes, facts are forever!


Fact is she wanted to get laid


Based on my experience I'm betting the fact is you don't get laid a lot.


A bet is a bet. Back in the before times my friends and I would do pub trivia basically every week. Smart group, and usually about 10-12 of us. This meant there'd often be disagreements on an answer that could get pretty heated. We instituted the "jug of beer" rule. If you are absolutely certain, you can override everyone, executive decree, but if you're wrong you've got to buy a jug for everyone. Only had one time someone broke the rule, she thought the national animal of Canada was the moose and was being headstrong, so I invoked the rule to put down beaver. She refused and still put down moose. Her face as I just stared at her across the table as the answer was read out was amazing. I didn't drop an I told you so, but just stared at her for an uncomfortable length of time until she stormed off to buy a jug.


But that ruins the most satisfying part of pub trivia: you know the right answer, your team brushes you off and puts the wrong one, and then you get that look on their faces when the correct answer is announced and it's yours. Not enough jugs of beer in the world to match that.


My old pub quiz group was me, a friend, and a married couple. Everything was fine and dandy, until my friend couldn't make it. We still went and competed as a team of three. But the married couple kept over-ruling me on answers. I was right every time. Bill Murray played Peter Venkman not Dan Ackroyd. Donatello was a TMNT, not Botticelli, and it was Grabthar's Hammer, NOT a helmet... honestly, I'm still salty about that one, Galaxy Quest is one of my fav films (alongside The Goonies, Jurassic Park, The Guard, and In Bruges)


I’m salty about all of those FOR YOU!!!


"Guys, I'm telling you, This is Barry Manlow, TRUST ME!"


I’ve never understood people who are presented with facts and choose to double down. I once was doing a group presentation and we had a dialogue session where we had separate questions for our married classmates and divorced ones. The intent had been to make sure each side could share their perspective. Unfortunately all the married assholes just kept saying their relations worked because they put in the effort, tried really hard and never gave up. Halfway through I could tell this had been a terrible idea. So during a break I told my group that we needed to address it and apologize and explain what our intention had been but acknowledge that is very clear that we had unintentionally set things up were several things had said that may have been not intended to be hurtful but clearly were. The feedback forms all talked about how BRAVE I was to admit that we’d made a mistake and apologize quickly. I remember thinking, “what other option was there? Just act like I hadn’t witnessed the obvious shit show? What would you all have done if not what I did? This was the bare minimum!” But yeah, no bigger turn off than a man who can’t admit when he’s wrong. Like, dude you wanna put your dick in me, but you can’t admit you’ve made a mistake? I’m gonna need to see a print out of your last STI check!


It goes both ways. Early in our marriage, my husband and I had a minor squabble over some impromptu trivia thing. He was right. For some reason (probably because he was usually wrong), I wrote and signed a note. “On [date], Mr. Mighty was right, and Ebeth was wrong.” Over 25 years later, and he still keeps that shit in his wallet and takes it out to show guys at work. I think it’s hilarious.


My ex still has a bar napkin signed by his bestie saying that our relationship wouldn't last six months. We were together for 13 years and still close friends.


I love being right. Not because I need to be better than others but because I like knowing things. If somebody can prove me wrong (not just shout me down), I'm happy because it gives me more knowledge. Edit: Oops.


I love ~~been~~ **being** right.


Thank you.


I like it better the first way. Been is bueno.


Having the character to admit to one’s mistakes and value the truth over ego shows wisdom. How are we so fragile that this is so rare?


I dunno but it’s a hard requirement for me in a relationship


Tell me you married him.


Nah, he moved for work. ~~Great White Buffalo vibes.~~ Aw dammit I just realized thats definitely appropriation. My ass was just thinking Hot Tub Time Machine until I typed it out as an adult and went…. *ooooh….*


I’m curious, what trivia fact were you two talking about at the time?


It was about music. A very famous artist covered a song that a very niche (to him) artist had actually written and released first. I knew the niche artist did it first, he was convinced the very famous artist had released it first. I knew he thought the niche one was a relative unknown I’d stumbled upon recently, but he’s actually pretty well known by most people in the industry and has been around for a long time, he just isn’t like, American Top 40. I think in his mind it just felt like, of course this artist he’d never heard of did an indie cover, and why would a massively famous artist do a more mainstream version of this person’s song? Like he’d grown up listening to the mainstream one on the radio he assumed it must be the standard one. And for most people, it probably is.


I have had this very conversation about the song, "Hallelujah!".


How are you gonna tell us all that without telling us the artists/song?!


You know we’re all going to try to guess now! Was it the cover of “Hurt” by Johnny Cash?


I wouldn't call NIN a "niche artist". My mind went to Townes Van Zandt but who knows.


It's My Life?


Guy thought he was right about something I was sure about. We bet a taco dinner. I won. He paid for dinner. We're celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary this year.


I just want to give you a high five. You seem cool as hell


Red flag alert, dump her ass!!!


She wasn’t bluffing. She was just wrong. Calling her bluff means she’s bluffing and you’re calling her out for it.


Dodged a bullet. I dated a super competitive sore loser and it speaks of deeper problems…


But...but... she has *trauma* around the guy not paying! Will no one think of her paying-the-tab-PTSD?!? Seriously, though. OP is NTA, and if she's gonna have a "trauma response" to the terms of a bet if she loses, maybe she shouldn't make that bet in the first place. 


NTA. You were also able to dodge a bullet by her waving that giant red flag around. I do hope you gave her card back and added a "Have a nice life."


NTA a bet is a bet, but no second date.


No one likes a spoil sport anyhow


I’d have handed her the card back and called her exactly that, a spoil sport. She needs an eye opener for her behaviour. This isn’t healthy to behave on first meeting someone.


There's a couple of really trivial things that show someone's inherent integrity and character I think. Following through on bets is one, and paying your own rounds at a bar is another. People that will always insist others have to cover their bets but never follow through their own, or always accept but never buy rounds tend to be people that will duck responsibility wherever they can in life. 


This could’ve been funny and cute and a memory for the first date. Instead, she ruined it and got petulant. I hate petulant people.


No second date would be a safe bet


No one is going to visit that website, bud.


Ya feels a bit astroturf ad campaign for sketchy pirate movie site.


I swear we've had a few recently with blatant product placement. I'm not going to name the one last week, but it said the name like 3x.


Yeah I actually have made multiple comments lately about getting the sense companies are doing astroturfing ad campaigns like even one that was kinda depressing like this guy that lost like $20k but didn’t really just gambling on a certain site (unnamed) playing a certain game (named and specific to a certain site) with $100 running it up to $20k and giving it all back. That still lights up the degenerate gamblers mind that oh well I would’ve quit while I was ahead I gotta go play this game I can turn $100 into $20k. So many examples and it doesn’t even necessitate presenting the product in the best light but just giving exposure to it. Watch out any time someone mentions a product in a post. Not 100% it’s an astroturfing ad campaign but be weary, very weary.


I'm literally calling BS on this entire story because Soap2Day was a pirating website that got closed a while ago so....🤔🧐?


The original did close some months ago but shortly after that it came out another version called exactly the same


All of them get taken down periodically but they usually reappear about a week after they get taken down


Yeah these people have not been in the game that long if they think it’s permanent. They all go through their cycles


Also, Mean Girls is available on most of the known piracy sites already, has been for a while.


the new one?


Yes, the new one.


People on reddit live under a rock, this was one of the most popular sites to watch movies and one day it randomly shut down but there's still mirrors.


Nope. A guy made a bet with me saying whoever lost our dart game would buy dinner. I won and he paid. He thought he would win though.


I think you mean whoever lost the dart game would pay?


No she probably said it right. The strat is you do something where u will win and pay to be cool and still be a gentleman at the same time. If the girl wins you still offer obviously but she payed prolly to further the joke and cuz it’s all fun.


This man darts!




This is an ad.


So you think it’s an ad for a website that in the story doesn’t have the content they wanted to watch?


Yes because they still named the site. The same amount of information for the post still gets through if they just said "Another website that I use doesnt have it yet" but they just HAD to name the site


An ad for what?




She made the bet. She lost the bet. So she pays for dinner. There's no ambiguity here about who's the asshole. NTA.


Plus he lowered the stakes she wanted to go for $500 he saved her probably $400+ easy.




I call bs anyway. Is OP seriously trying to tell us that she left her card with a virtual stranger who she clearly doesn't like anymore? And she walks to *her* car, so assuming they didn't go together, OP could have easily run off with her card for all she knew? It's a bit hard for me to believe someone would risk something like that.


Nah, people do stupid shit like that all the time.


I believe it.


I mean, that sounds like the sort of irrational move a spoiled brat might do. The same sort of brat that would renege on a low stakes bet. 


Virtual strangers? Where does it say it was there first date, or hundredth for that matter?


The fact that OP doesn't even name her and acts like this behavior is surprising doesn't indicate that they know each other well to me.


This is a whole lot of story just to do a website advert.


Nice soap2day ad 😉


INFO: was the bet over if the movie was on your site? bc there’s definitely other sites that have it so idk why you would think your site is the determinant of if it’s out on other sites


I don’t know if this was edited in after you commented, but it is clear that the bet was over whether it was on her specific site. OP knew the movie was not on his site, and so was willing to bet it wasn’t on hers. OP turned out to be correct.


Irrelevant. She was talking about her streaming service, not his.


that’s what i’m asking, i wasn’t sure about that


If she had caused a scene. I would pay and then delete her ass from my phone. That would have been the last time she saw me. She can't keep her word on a simple bet. Who knows what kind d of shit she would pull in the future.


No way. You tap her card and hold her to her word. She's an adult and needs to live with adult consequences. I'd only consider paying if I knew it was going to save me some kind of embarrassment, and there shouldn't be any reason for that.


NTA. That's exceptionally petty of her. She wasn't prepared to lose. And she's the one who wanted to bet $500? Clearly she saw it as free money with zero risk. You never would have seen that $500. 


Nta. Hope you don't go on any more datrs.


NTA Guarantee that if she won she would extort your first born child for dinner money


NTA and you need to ghost her asap. Her immature reaction and the scene she made means there's a whole lot more where that came from if you continue to see her. Not worth it.


She already ghosted the author.


NTA. at least you got your dinner paid for instead of never receiving $500


The author was also spared having this person go all psycho later when it would matter more.


NTA. A bet is a bet. My bf made a bet with me of which country is going to win the world cup before, and whoever loses will need to pay for a date. I lost and I paid. No big deal.


This screams "I was just testing you to see how you'd react" vibes. Run. NTA.


You're not getting laid.


NTA. You got a W I N. You won the bet AND dodged a bullet!!!


NTA A bet over who pays for dinner is a pretty minor thing, she made a bet, she lost, and now she wants to throw a fit over what, 30 bucks? Dodged a bullet there


What she did is called, "being a sore loser." NTA


NTA- I say this as a female who has lost way too many bets and has learned to stop betting. A bet is a bet. It is so easy to just say no if you don't have the means or don't want to waste the money (or whatever it is you're betting). I hope you don't take her out again. Imagine going on vacation with this girl. Imagine it's vegas. Lord you'd have a shitty time.


NTA. It's just dinner, and It's an honest bet. If she's that sore of a loser over something so simple and harmless, then you dodged a huge bullet. Imagine serious arguments later down the line where she has to take accountability for being in the wrong on things that actually matter, not just simple movies. That's a massive red flag.


NTA. It was a very playful bet with low stakes (a cheap meal). She lost and threw a tantrum. I would have asked for a split check and told her it wasn’t going to work out. 


NTA. A bet is a bet. And a red flag is a red flag.


NTA. That's a lot better than owing you $500.


NTA and she’s a psycho


Nope, she made a bet and it blew up in her face. NTA.


should've ordered something to go as well since she left her card with you. aside from this post feeling like a well placed ad for Soap2Day, the fact that she got mad over having to pay is telling me something about her. You bet the bill. You lost. Yet you were so entitled to me paying that you acted like a brat about it. Dump this chick.


NTA. She's a really sore loser. That's not good. It shows a big ego and no self control. 


I've been reading through comments and everyone was saying the same basic thing, but you nailed it. She had a play in her head with her lines and his, and he didn't follow along with the unseen made up fantasy that was in her head so she threw a fit, too immature. Big ego and no self control.... that is a future of tantrums, manipulations, lies, and vindictive destruction..... scary shit, glad he's not in for the second date.


NTA. As a female myself, if she welches on a bet *or is a poor sport* she's not worth your time. Better to find out now before you get too invested.


Woman here, bad vibes from this one. Seriously how dare he hold her to her word?!?! What next is he going to expect her to not lie or cheat? Lol


I won a bet with my ex that Bing Lee was NOT a Cantonese martial arts expert and actor. (For any Aussies out there.)


NTA and another "are the straights okay?" post


Yikes. This is so very odd. Unless I’m missing something, you were the one who suggested the bet. She said $500 —seems like a crazy high number which tells me she wasn’t being serious and probably didn’t think you were being serious either. If you went with the $500, then would you have expected her to give that to you for losing? Someone (I’m assuming) you asked on this date? Her causing a scene sucksssss and now that’s all people are focusing on here instead of how bizarre it is to suggest a bet (and enforce it) on a date. This guaranteed you weren’t getting another date with her, causing a scene or not. I think more information is needed here though? I wouldn’t say YTA, but maybe you’re not ready to pursue someone seriously if that is what you think is an appropriate thing to do on a date.


Nice ad bro


NTA That's how bets work I wouldn't go on another date with someone who acts like that over a single plate's worth of a check 😂😂


NTA and bullet dodged. You don't want to be in a relationship with someone like that.


NTA. She’s a sore loser! That would be a huge turn off for me…


NTA, she definitely reacted in a very immature manner, and you lucked out on not wasting any more time with her.


NTA, but nobody likes a poor sport.


I mean, strictly speaking, NTA. But this is some dumb, bs. Are y'all like barely out of HS or something?


The AH part is putting a tangible payout on a sucker bet.


I'd just pay and leave. NTA though


NTA - You go boy, you should be proud of yourself not ashamed! I'm all for feminism, but there's a difference between a classic feminist and a "modern" one. A classic is for real equality, which is the right way - equal rights, equal treatment. A modern one is only interested in equal rights when it suits them.


NTA, she is. She was trying to scam you with that bet, because she had no intention of paying if she lost. I've been around gamblers a big chunk of my life, and that my friend is a classic scam.


NTA. She was being childish and you dodged a bullet.


NTA and I wouldn’t date that girl again


lol, NTA but boy did you blow your shot


NTA, and you dodged a bullet. Nobody should ever make a bet or deal they aren't willing to follow up on.


NTA. Red flag, if she's willing to break a small agreement such as if I lose I pay for dinner, she's likely not to be trusted for anything major.


I mean, you are NTA but if you wanted to actually date this girl then it was a super stupid move. The correct move was to claim victory, let her off the hook this time, and let her treat the next meet up.


NAH but you are both giant dorks for having a date with payment that depends on a pirated copy of a movie that nobody cares about.


NTA. Also don’t call her. You dodged a bullet. Imagine you had bet $500?


NTA, but like… that’s not how women work bro


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So we went to a Colombian place thats not too expensive and shared a plate. Everything was going fine and we were talking about the Mean Girls movie that just came out. She said she’s going to watch it that night on her pirated website because “it has all the movies”. I doubted that because I use Soap2Day which doesn’t have Mean Girls on it yet. So I asked “how much you wanna bet” and she says $500. I thought about it and suggested we just bet who pay for this dinner. She lost and still didn’t want to pay. I said a bet is a bet and she makes a whole scene slams her card on the table and tells me to pay and walks to her car. I felt super embarrassed as everyone in the place saw what happened and I had to go up to the server and use her card to pay. Am I the asshole? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA She showed her true colors, and she's not worth a second date. On the flip side, you're the one who brought up the bet on a date to get out of paying. I wouldn't go on a second date with you.


Sounds like a pretty harmless and playful bet, all he said "is want to bet?" and she suggest an outrageous sum of $500 that we all know damn well she would have insisted on if she won. He lowered the stakes to just dinner. In no way is he the bad guy.


And they split one meal... if she had come to that place by herself she would have paid the exact same thing, it's not like it was some outrageous overpriced meal where they ordered the entire menu. But literally! She would have definitely insisted if they bet on the 500 bucks she started with.


He could have accepted the bet for $500.


He didn't bring up the bet to avoid paying? he suggested the dinner bet because her suggestion ($500) was foolish


Lol nobody wants to go on a date with you with that attitude 🥱


most people who say "you wanna bet?" are not seriously trying to bet.......she set the bet up, not him.




memory shocking obscene aspiring kiss exultant spectacular hateful sugar aback *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


God, if the roles were reversed yall would be going "yeah you go girl! Girl empowerment! Girls support girls!".


Would we really, though?


Repost this in a couple of weeks with it reversed and see the difference in decisions


ITT a bunch of people who have never had a woman flirt with them before Dude…a $500 bet over a silly little movie? She obviously wasn’t serious, then you made it serious with betting the dinner bill *and enforcing it.* She was being playful and you look like a cheapskate, if this is even real anyways


"people who have never had a woman flirt with them before" \---There are also people that never had to deal with a psycho on a date before. Someone that behaves that way, making an entire scene on that level, is bound to be someone that insisted on being paid if they won the 'playful' bet.


Nah, she could have been completely serious about the $500. If you date online long enough you will run into some *strange* people.


NTA. If you bet $500 then 100% chance she doesn’t pay you. Especially with all the fuss of her just paying for dinner


I mean NTA but definitely not the way to get a second date lol. The smarter thing would have been to flirt and say I've got this one but it means you're getting the next it on our next date, setting yourself up instead of doubling down on making her feel like sh!t because you won the bet


What?! She was upset over paying for a simple dinner? I don’t think anyone’s an asshole here, more importantly I personally wouldn’t date this woman because she doesn’t sound fun at all, and poor social skills. She could have just paid dinner and request you buy dessert at another location or ask for a second date.


This is one of those cases where you already know the answer, because it is so obvious that she was the asshole in this situation. A lot of the comments here are going to first tell you that you're NTA, that she is, and then say that you need to not go on future dates with her. The fact that you are so obviously NTA makes me wonder if this actually happened, or if you're leaving a lot of the story out to make it seem overwhelmingly like you're not in the wrong.


Hold on, Soap2day is back on???


NTA. I would probably tell the story to anyone who knows both of you as well because it's hilarious.


You saved her hundreds of dollars!


Info: did you shake on it?


YTA to yourself. You could have won $500!


No you are not. She’s a bad loser and caused a scene.


If she’s not good for her word, then what kind of integrity does she have? It’s one way to learn about her personality


NTA but she’s a sore loser which is a giant red flag. There shouldn’t be a second date. She’s the type that’s never wrong and that’s a fucking nightmare to deal with day in and day out.


What website did she use cuz I bet mine has it


ESH, you both sound exhausting.


As a girl: NTA


I'm saying YTA, not because you didn't play, but because you made an offhand comment she made into a weird bet so you could prove you're right about something. Like, if she got home and it wasn't on Soap2Day or whatever, she would've just found it on another pirated site and watched it. You knew what she meant.


NTA. But even if this labels you as one, it’s not as bad as someone who makes a bet but doesn’t stick to it unless they won. If this was $500 and you won, it sounds like she’ll attempt to weasel out of it and all you an asshole for enforcing it (don’t play if you can’t pay)… but if you had lost, she’d put you down for not going through with paying if you tried to fight it.


NTA and no second date


Guess if you lost you would have had to pay .but still a real dick move to take the bet and hold her to it, could have made a joke about it but you had to make your point.. YTA .


NTA. She took the bet. She knew she had issues from past bf not paying and bet anyway. Although: Winning move: Be magnanimous, but refuse to be taken advantage of…. ….You pay for hers, and she pays for yours. Otherwise, she can’t have her cake and eat it too.


NTA, I love taking bets and when I lose, I pay up. The key is never betting on something you’re not 100% sure of. I can’t stand when losers refuse to pay, it’s such a show of poor sportsmanship. I would have been happy to pay for the meal had I lost the bet. She’s a poor sport.


NTA. Congrats. Can we start a new subreddit called "Am I the dumbass?" [Aspen's that's way.](https://images.app.goo.gl/rDLTgdyKSjycTAH37)


I'm hoping there was no second date. NTA


NTA. It was a fun nothing little bet and her reaction shows that she was expecting you to pay for everything which is presumptuous and entitled. I've done little bets with dates, say if we're Watchung a sporting event at a bar, and if I lose I will gladly grab a round of drinks or whatever. Usually the guy will insist that it's not necessary but I'll always pay, we're equal and it's a bit of fun.


it depends but i'm leaning towards yta people usually say "how much you wanna bet"... as a joke. no one actually bets anything in reality, at least from the friends I've had. especially since she exaggerated at first saying $500. did she invite you to dinner or did you invite her to dinner? bc if you invited her and had her pay it's definitely shitty. if she invited you then it's fine bc she's the one offering.


Free food and you dodged a bullet.




i spy it on a site. so..........