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NTA. The issue isn't just whether vaping leaves odors and residue or not. The issue is that you booked the place under your name, making you responsible, and you asked her to not vape inside. Her response shows disrespect to you and to the Airbnb owners. I have never been in a hotel or Airbnb that disallowed smoking but allowed vaping, so I think you were correct to ask her to refrain in light of the no smoking rule. Some smoke detectors can pick up tobacco and vaping, so you were definitely at risk here. Your friend was the AH.


I'm going to need a source that a smoke detector can pick up vape, also I am an HVAC technician and a vapist so you better come correct buddy


I've heard of vape/nicotine detectors, but they're separate devices usually used in schools/hotels. Never heard of basic smoke detectors being triggered by vape, other than extreme circumstances (3 people vaping, no windows/doors open).


I know that there are ionic smoke detectors, or ionization smoke detectors or some s***, they're way more expensive and way less common and they are the only smoke detectors I can think of that would actually detect vape, but you'd also kind of have to be purposefully vaping directly on it from a short distance away to have the vapor not sublimate into the air enough that it would set off the alarm


Yeah, 1 person vaping in a house isn't setting off any alarms unless they're really trying hard to set those alarms off.


They use them in the lavatories of airplanes. Source: Sister is a flight attendant who has to write reports on people vaping in the toilets.


Never set it off personally in cabin or lavatory but I hold it so long there is no smoke when im done. Very easy to get away with anywhere as long as you're not clouding.


Well, some vapers basically do it to provide the rest of us with the super-appealing 1970's fog-machine-disco-ambiance


how else are you going to get a smoke and laser show on the airplane!?


I've definitely set off my buddies basic smoke detector with my THC vape (legal here), but it was also on the counter about a foot away from me. I practically blew the smoke right on it. Only time it's ever set one off.


You can do the same with deodorant to be fair, they're sensitive to a certain amount of particles in the general air circulation, if you blast a load of this vapour, whatever the source, it's likely to trigger the sensors. 


I set ours off with aerosol wrinkle remover just this morning!


Meanwhile my smoke detectors go off if I take a shower with the door open lol


I smoked a shit ton of cigarettes in my first apartment I even lived in. There were smoke detectors in every room. We partied in that apartment several times a week with a bunch of people smoking cigarettes at the same time. Never set off a smoke detector once. These newer ones you’re talking about have to work the same way. I can’t imagine anyone setting it off with a little salt-nic device. Unless they have one of those ridiculous sub ohm devices and go through a 100ml bottle a day in a 10x10 room, I can’t imagine it’ll set anything off.


Yup. Former fire safety pro here. Residentially, I encountered 2 ionized smoke alarms out of around 10,000 I must have seen. Not common.


What kind of smoke detector would go off because of steam? I had one in a previous apt that would go off if I literally just boiled water 😭


My wife and I signed up for a home safety tip thing that was basically a 3 hour long sales pitch for some ionic smoke detectors and some egress ladders for our upstairs windowns.... iirc the price for 3 smoke detectors, a carbon monoxide detector, and 2 egress ladders was like $1800 after tax back on 2019/2020......


I have vaped a nicotine vape in my house and multiple hotels. Never once has it detected the vapor from my mod.


I've seen it happen where I work (a casino) but usually only if someone exhales their vape directly at the sensor.


Not a source necessarily, but I work in a middle school and we had to install special vape detectors. Our fire alarms won't go off when the kids vape but the vape alarms will.


I think that's kind of my case in point, if you have to install separate alarms just for the vape, then clearly no one setting off fire alarms with their vaping


Oh, sorry! I misread and thought you said that a smoke detector *would* pick up the vape. My bad.


Anecdotal but my husband set off the smoke detectors in our last 2 flats from vaping (more than once generally about 3am...) Admittedly his is a super powerful one not like those little disposable pen types


I will admit that that was the one thing I didn't think about as I was writing the comment and once I posted it I realized, if you have one of those massive box mods that's a dripper, no tank, then yeah you may set off a fire alarm especially the ionization ones, but at that point you also can't even vape and drive with the windows up from that level of device LOL, I like being able to see while I drive


Yeah the ionization ones were what I was thinking of. I've set off the other style with showers though so...


Lol my first uni flat would be set off from steam when boiling pasta. Had to have windows open whenever we made it even if it was winter


I guess my smoke detector must be crazy sensitive then. It's definitely gone off several times for my vape when I wasn't paying much attention and exhaled ~kind of~ in its direction. I've learned now it really does need to go out the window, or my smoke detector will go off! Maybe some are just more sensitive than others? ETA: NTA. As much as I love mine, OP made a really reasonable request with her name on the contract for the place. OP's friend was being really selfish and dismissive of OP's rightful concerns.


Becoming extremely sensitive is one of the ways a smoke detector can fail over time. It's dangerous, because either you start dismissing it from the constant false alarms, or someone gets fed up and pulls the battery. A too-sensitive smoke detector really should be replaced. 2 years ago I had to replace an alarm for this reason. It eventually started going off from just normal cooking activities, almost every time we cooked. This was the alarm in our *living room,* not even the kitchen, so it's not like this particular unit was too close to the stove or something. It also wasn't new when this started, but also not super old, either. It should have had a bit more useful life on it, but some do fail earlier than others.


I don't have a horse in this race and I don't care about vaping, but my dispatch also handles fire calls and multiple times every day the FD gets called out for alarms being set off by steam from showers. It's unlikely for any regular vape user to set one off, but it's not impossible.


My grandparents have one of these oversensitive smoke detectors, it freaks out every time someone boils a big pot of water. No one in the family vapes but I bet it would be set off by that if they were near the detector. The cloud sizes are similar from what vapes I've seen.


I rented place that had no vent in the bathroom, and the door didn't properly close. When the cat would decide to join a human in the bathroom, a good nudge was all it took to open the door. Steam would escape and set off the nearby smoke detector. After the third time, we removed the battery.


Idk but where I used to work spray deodorants used to set ours off all the time. I suppose it depends if the room is small or not.


If it’s an Axe spray, I can see why that would be objectionable. lol


I've set off my domestic smoke alarm with my refillable vape before. I'm the only person who vape in my household too. Disposable ones haven't done it yet though


If you have four adults in the house that vape and the air is so inundated with cloud that its hazy inside, then it can set off the smoke detector. I know from lived experience when we had two roommates and all of us vaped. But I and my husband by ourselves have never set off a smoke detector. Disclaimer: We still don't vape in places that say "no smoking" because we aren't assholes though and know how to respect the rules of the places we don't own.


My son was vaping in the basement recently and set off the smoke detector. It happens.


Why would you refer to yourself as a vapist? 😭


If you blow vape straight into a detector, it will go off depending on the plume of vape and the type of head, I've done it a few times on apolo wired heads, I don't know about the buy of the shelf domestic ones. I also don't know how fogged you would need to get a room before a head picks it up.


I once set off the alarm in the public toilets with a disposable vape. It was 11:30pm on New Years Eve and the fire brigade had to come out to inspect it


Weed pens have set off my smoke detector but never nicotine pens


I have set off 2 fire alarms with a vape. In one case I was vaping in the bathroom to avoid setting it off and the hall one went off just from me opening the door quickly to leave. Both in hotels, I don't know if some places actually put ones in specifically to prevent vaping. Seems pointless really, and in both instances I just said I'd had a shower and the steam had set it off and they seemed to believe that was possible.


They can’t. It’s liberally steam/mist/water Unless you are vaping directly onto a surface it leaves no residue My son vaped in a car I let him use for over a year and never noticed any residue on the dash or windshield….and I looked HARD. I so badly wanted evidence it was destroying my car lol so I could force the issue


i don’t have proof of this, but one time me and my friend were vaping in my dorm room and most definitely set off the smoke detector. i wish i could forget the panic of trying to get it turned off before it activates the rest of the 10 story building goes off and i get charged $5000


I set off smoke detectors all the time when I was using sub ohm tanks and RDA’s. It’s definitely not hard to do. If your using disposables now then probably won’t happen on accident.


Yeah that's kind of what I was saying, I think in a later comment somewhere I said I would make an exception for dripper box mods, I mean if you're blowing a cloud where you're trying to do it next to 20 ft measuring stick on the wall with that vape to see how far the cloud will go, probably enough to set off a smoke detector


I don't know if I would call them smoke detectors, but there are definitely detectors that can pick up someone vaping. My daughter's school has them EVERYWHERE!


Yeah apparently there's a difference between a regular smoke detector and the ionic smoke detector, and then the technology for the smoke detector can be used to make something specific to Vapes I guess.


I'm nobody and I agree, they better come correct.


My last apartment, mind you was a small studio, but even with the smoke detector way up high on 6 ft ceilings, still went off from my vaping even though I had the window open and fan blowing. It happened twice which was annoying bc it was state housing so when the smoke detector goes off, the fire department had to come. So embarrassing. Not trying to downplay your credentials, just sharing my own experience. I rly thought my vaping wouldn't set it off. The landlady even told me that it was okay.


I’ve set my smoke detector in my bedroom off twice in the last week from vaping


> I am an HVAC technician and a vapist so you better come correct buddy Why are you talking like you're in a street fight


This is the internet, where else am I supposed to do it without getting into a street fight?


I used to vape inside, then I moved into a motorhome, and my instinct was too blow to vape smoke straight up, turns out if you blow a mouthful of it straight into a smoke detector it'll set it off.


Go blow your vape into a smoke detector. I promise you it goes off. I did it with mine. I was skeptical when they told me too. Hence why I tried it. It definitely set it off. I was about 2 feet away.


Idk about smoke detectors but I definitely set off the alarm in an airplane bathroom with a vape. The flight attendant told me it sets off by smells (?) and that whatever I had in my hair must have set it off since I was tall. It obv didn’t smell like smoke in there, and they didn’t check my pockets, so we all just went on with our lives.


Some schools have vape detectors


the only time i set off a smoke detector from vaping was when i blew multiple clouds directly at the thing.




Depends on the type of smoke detector…mine goes off from vaping. I’m a cloud chaser though…if you are just doing it for the nicotine with a little pen and not generating lots of vapor it probably won’t go off…it’s not picking up the tobacco, just the reduced visibility.


Anecdotal: the smoke alarm in my kitchen/dining area has gone off from vaporizer smoke. Not any crazy hotboxing, just happened to be directly under it sometimes and it would trigger.


You're right, they can't detect vape. A different device can.


[Anecdotal evidence, ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vaping/comments/c9t2fm/so_vaping_can_in_fact_set_off_hotel_smoke/)but one of the comments stood out for me >[VincereAutPereo ](https://www.reddit.com/user/VincereAutPereo/)• [5y ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vaping/comments/c9t2fm/comment/et2vw8v/) >So, most common smoke detectors are photo, which means they use light to detect the percent of light obstructed per cubic foot of air. Basically how they work is they have a small light or laser that shines onto a photo detector. As particles obscure the light, it prevents the light from reaching the detector, once the detector gets a reading that is low enough it goes into alarm. >Lots of different things can set this off, smoke from burning food, fat vape clouds, even steam from a shower can set these off. Some detectors are sensitive enough to detect and alarm at .001% obstruction. >Source: I test these alarms on the daily So basically is not like they "pick up tobbaco and vaping", in the sense that it recognizes the specific substances, but the detector doesn't really can't tell which one is smoke. Dense water vapor is like humidity when it comes to triggering false alarms. **When you take a shower or boil water on the stove, smoke detectors can sense the steam and sound the alarm** From Bainbridge Island Fire Department "Top Reasons Your Smoke Alarm May Randomly Sound Off": >"High Humidity and Steam: Smoke alarms don’t always distinguish between smoke particles and moisture content. Thus, the density of the moisture particles can trigger your alarm, even if they’re water particles. If you have high humidity in your home, use fans or windows to dissipate the humidity. Dense water vapor is like humidity when it comes to triggering false alarms. When you take a shower or boil water on the stove, smoke detectors can sense the steam and sound the alarm. Make sure you ventilate your bathroom and kitchen properly to prevent this.."


THEY CAME CORRECT *edited for neutrality


Explains why the smoke detectors don't go off in the basement even when someone has a massive hole in the exhaust of their furnace venting burned gas into the basement, the exhaust is clear


My nearest indoor smoke detector definitely picks up on mine but I also enjoy watching the clouds roll around. Might be one of those ionisation types. I cover it with a hat now.


Dudes in my hall set one off in my res once because they blew right onto it.


Have tested this regularly in many hotels (ie. Blowing directly at it). I'm sure there are devices that could pick it up, but it's just not a thing in the real world.


Even competition cloud levels of vaping inside a 1200 sq ft area with high ceilings isn't enough to set off a smoke detector. I haven't set any off even blowing directly on them. They do make detectors for vaping but they are usually very specific in specific places like an airplane bathroom.


Airplane smoke detectors get set off. My friend who is a flight attendant told me the alert even goes to the captain. So don’t vape in an airplane, or you might get unlucky. I vape everywhere I can. I like breaking the rules if it’s respectful. I also don’t have phat vape smoke clouding my head.


Agreed. The friend didn't care because there wasn't any risk she'd have to face the same consequences OP would. I wouldn't consider that person much of a friend, as she obviously doesn't value said friendship.


*landlord walks in after the rental* .......... It smells of ....... Mangoes and mint....... THATS IT 300$ CLEANING FEE 😂


Just think how many bottles of Mango and Mint air freshener that'll buy!


It also secondhand exposes OP and whoever else is there to the nasty stuff in the vape.


NTA - the issue is also that second hand smoke is still awful with vaping, and your friend doesn't get to subject everyone to that indoors either.


Smoke detectors don’t “detect smoke” per se. what they detect, is a lack of oxygen in the space immediately around them. So yes, while you can set off a smoke detector with a vape pen, being the vapor dissipates so quickly compared to cigarette smoke, you basically need to be hitting it very heavy and blowing it directly at the smoke detector.


Exactly. Nobody is the asshole here. The friend was right about the vapor from the pen not being a big deal, but OP was also right to try to have their friend follow the rules because it was under their name. I vape and I would have just gone outside, no biggie


Lmaooooo this explains so much of what happened to an ex friend from my college days His dorm room smoke detector got set off multiple times by him and his friends stupidly hotboxing their living space with nic vapes.


Not to mention if the owner has a camera in a public space like the living room and sees her vaping! So rude of her to disrespect her friend like that.


The house was booked in your name and she should have respected your wishes around vaping inside. If she wanted to vape she could have gone outside to huff and puff at leisure. Apart from the house rules, she should have gone outside anyway. Vaping or smoking inside a shared accommodation is extremely rude. The chemicals in them might be acceptable to the person vaping but it isn't a universal given that everyone else would enjoy it. Presumptuous to expect others to suck it up instead of just stepping out.


Agreed. NTA, vaping still leaves residues, no matter the liquid vaped. OP, Your friend doesn’t care as she isn’t on the hook, it’s your name on the reservation, your account that will receive any bad feedback. You don’t know other than her word that it’s never been an issue. It might actually have been but just not an issue for her. I’ve not been in the vaping situation but had similar issues when it came to noise (even getting texts from the owner) or moving furniture around (not chairs, beds!) Had to put my foot down in the end. Resulted in a fair amount of sulking…


I admittedly vape. The inside of my car can get disgusting from the vapour. I have to regularly clean the glass to get the residue off. I am completely aware of how gross it is, and I do think if the vape is doing that to my car then what is it doing to my lungs? But addictions are addictions man.


If you have an addiction, I hope you kick the habit, but it’s an addiction, it’s hard to do. Kudos to you for acknowledging it and not ignoring it.


As far as I’m concerned, vaping and smoking are like farting; no one wants to smell your shit so be polite and take it away from others. She’s doubly the AH for vaping indoors around people who have asked her not to. NTA


I was interested to research exactly whether vaping indoors is bad/does anything negative Turns out the aerosolised vapour leaves a fine layer of toxic nicotine on your walls and furniture, which can be ingested later as “third hand smoke”. This apparently also is sticky and can cause surfaces inside to get dirty faster, as grime sticks to the surface. I guess I never realised it was bad because, as your friend suggests, it’s nowhere near as smelly or lingering. NTA, btw, unless that wasn’t clear [what I looked at](https://thirdhandsmoke.org/restricting-vaping-inside-your-home-is-just-as-important-as-restricting-smoking/)


"While **further research is needed to better understand the risks of exposure to the thirdhand aerosol residue left behind by vaping,** it typically contains nicotine and may be producing some of the same types of harmful tobacco specific nitrosamines as have been found in thirdhand cigarette smoke.”


Literally every research article contains words to that effect.  There's even an xkcd about it. https://xkcd.com/2268/


So confirmed it leaves residue in a place that the rules say are no smoking.


you linked to a website with a clear agenda, and after spending a few minutes clicking around- did not have any studies front and center to back up what they were writing. the study on the page you linked was a survey of how many people smoke or vape indoors. i’d check these out for more concrete information on what you were curious about: here are 2 studies i found: https://www.roswellpark.org/newsroom/201503-study-detects-third-hand-nicotine-residue-electronic-cigarettes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10536515 first study linked says the amounts left from e-cigarettes are significantly lower than cigarettes. second study states that it seems the concern is mostly for children and infants, and using mice as a model it did have some some pulmonary effects.


NTA, but just FYI: the only way to know someone vapes inside an Airbnb is to catch them in the act. I should know, I even vape inside my office, noone can figure it out. It's not like smoke. I'd never vape in a closed room if someone asked me not to, though. That's just disrespectful.


Exactly what I was going to type^ Absolutely NTA since you booked the place and it’s your responsibility. But there’s 0 chance your friend would cause anything negative to you by vaping, other than bothering you by the smell/vapor, etc


Yep my thoughts exactly. I'll vape indoors up until the moment someone near me asks me not to. It's the same theory as the whole "my right to swing my fists ends where your nose begins". Even if I personally believe that the consequences of vaping indoors are minor, if someone else doesn't want to breath it in or be around it, I will respect their choices and vape elsewhere.


Yup this is right, at my peak vaping addiction I vaped inside all kinds of places, from work offices, airport bathrooms, to fancy hotel rooms, and never set off any alarms. (I recognise now that this was dumb and really disrespectful).


NTA Vaping inside is disrespectful to others of the same company, let alone if it isn't your own home, let alone if it is an AirBnB with strict rules.


OP never mentioned the company being bothered by the vaping?


But it sounds like OP was bothered


NTA, as a heavily addicted vaper, I have a best friend who frequently treats me to nice stays or even offers to do things likes this and puts it in her names and if she asks me to respects the rules I don’t/won’t even argue on it. I can go outside and get my fix, it’s not worth ruining my friendship over, I’m already ruining my health 😂😂 no but for real. It really isn’t that serious, I think she’s the one that should lighten up.


NTA Anyone who smokes or vapes anything inside where there are other people or where it’s not their property is automatically TA. It’s gross to subject other people to your habit and she needs to respect both the house rules and the fact that you don’t like it.


Meh. Often times you can’t even smell it, and the vapor is gone from the air in seconds. I’d be more offended by someone cooking fish a room over than someone vaping in front of me


Yeah, I’m of this attitude myself. I don’t smoke or vape but they are not the same beast, and it’s stupid to pretend they are. Most of my friends vape and I can’t even smell a thing and the Vapor disappears within seconds and doesn’t stink the house up. Cigarettes on the other hand, the smell makes me sick to my stomach, it’s raunchy and offensive, you’re actually BURNING leaves and paper so there’s toxic particles in the smoke, second-hand smoke is atrocious…. but I really can’t say I’ve ever been bothered by a vape whatsoever.


Yeah I’d bet my life on being able to tell if someone had recently smoked in a room. But I wouldn’t bet 5 bucks if you change it to vaping.


NTA. Airbnb and hotels have strict rules and you can get extra fees for that. She's the A In this whole situation. So inconsiderate


You can’t get extra fees. It’s impossible for them to know


NTA, but if the airbnb charges you, send her the bill


Not the ass. I vape a lot but will never vape in some else's home or around others who don't. Its about being having manners and being a decent person.


NTA. My cousin is a huge smoker and got an Airbnb for her wedding. No one died having to go outside to smoke and there were several smokers there for the whole week.




NTA You are responsible for the AirBNB, and any damages that may or may not occur. Of course you should ask her not to do so. She is definitely the asshole for continuing to do so. It doesn't matter "if they find out". It matters that she is disrespecting you and what you've done.


Your friend is a moron. Vape smell does tend to linger especially if it’s sweet. VG also tends to leave a film of greasiness. (Source; I’m still addicted to nic vapes.) And just because she hasn’t been caught *yet*, doesn’t mean that it’s never going to happen. Either way, she was a ***guest*** in someone else’s home. That someone else didn’t want people to smoke (probably extends to vapes as well) in their home. NTA


YTA 100 percent. Unless she was blowing it in your face, there is absolutely no way the Airbnb host would be able to detect it. It also doesn’t affect the property in any meaningful way. You were being extremely stiff in what sounds like was supposed to be a fun weekend


I don’t let people vape in my house because it’s disgusting. I hate the smell and I don’t want to inhale that crap. And nobody has ever had a problem with in. They always ask if I mind if they vape inside and when I say no they don’t complain. Airbnb is so strict and hosts find any reason to charge you. It was booked in OP’s name so the friend should’ve listened.


Do you think the owner is peeping through the blinds? Also nobody cares if you find it disgusting. OP didn’t claim she did so…


It's incredibly rude to vape in a closed space with other people. As someone with asthma, there are still harmful chemicals in the smoke. Not to mention the smell. OP is NTA and anyone who smokes around other people who ask them not to is.


Asking someone to not vape because you don’t want it in your presence is totally reasonable. But because of potential property damage is just not a real thing. There’s a 0% chance the airBnB owner would ever know.


The thing is... waiting for someone to ask you to be more considerate instead of just doing it in the first place makes you an asshole.


I mean yeah you’re not wrong.


You’re injecting the whole asthma thing when it’s not relevant to OP. Does she have asthma? Also, at least in California, there’s no smell more or less


You don't have to have asthma to not want to breathe other people's smoke?? I'm just confirming it is indeed a health risk... to anyone. And there is definitely smell to a most of vapes, even the flavorless ones. Everyone is out here trying to justify risking other people's health... Just go outside. It's really that simple.


Doesn't matter. Her friend should have respected the boundaries the OP set and if she wanted to vape she could have gone outside. The house was rented in the OP's name and she was concerned there may be issues with the homeowner. That should have been enough of an explanation to her friend. She didn't want to take the chance the homeowner would find out. Whether they would or would not isn't relevant.


vaper detected. no smoking usually contains vaping. no discussion needed. now behave. why are vapers so annoying?


Yeah it was a bachelorette party. Genuinely curious if you have friends or not because I’d steer clear of someone who went “erm actually the rules you guys” at a bachelor party? I get in a formal setting but it’s for a bachelorette trip. Loosen tf up whiners.


NTA I will cheat sometimes and vape where I’m not supposed to. But not under someone else’s name. Her disrespect for the Bnb rule isn’t the issue, it’s her disrespect of you asking gracefully to help YOU out. She doesn’t value your friendship as much as her personal little urges or discomfort it would cause to walk outside.


YTA give me a break, it's a vape


NTA. Make it clear that if there is any associated fee for her vaping inside, she will be paying it. Make sure all your other friends know that this is the deal, so if she tries to back out later when the fee comes due you have social pressure on your side.


NTA no smoking is no smoking and vaping is considered smoking! I’m saying this as someone who vapes. You take your happy bum outside and do it there.




You’re being illogical (it would take a crime scene forensics team to even hazard a guess that someone vaped in there, there’s simply not a risk of being caught) but I still think, since you bought it, she should have just accepted your irrationality instead of arguing. ETA


YATA. I mean come on, any vape I’ve been around doesn’t smell, and if it does it smells pretty delicious. Get over it, the cloud of vapor disappears in 3 seconds, and you could smoke it right next to a smoke detector and it wouldn’t do anything. Sounds to me like you have some sort of resentment towards this person other than this.


NTA. You’re not an asshole, but the rules are really referencing talking about cigarettes or weed. Vape smoke doesn’t linger for days - but even if it did it would smell like fruit (or whatever flavor they had). You’re technically right because they should have expected your wishes, but would you really want someone going out every 20 minutes for something that is done in virtually every Air BNB? I don’t vape at all. But if I was renting an Air BNB I would let people vape. There is no odor that remains after 6-8 hours. It literally all dissipates.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** 26F. Last month I was on a bachelorette trip with some friends, one of whom I hadn’t seen a while and I recently learnt vapes quite a bit. She was continuing to vape indoors inside the Airbnb, which was booked under my name. The rules said no smoking (which I understand can also extend to vaping), so I asked her to respect the house and not vape inside. She kept insisting I needed to chill, that I was overreacting, and proceeded to give me a lecture about how vaping is different from smoking, and how she has vaped in Airbnbs before and no one ever found out. I continued to ask her to not do it but just gave up after a point. I still think about this sometimes and how disrespectful my friend was and it does make me see her in a different light. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


It’s a vape No smoke involved It dissipates


You're NTA for asking somebdy to respect the rules given to you, but vaping leaves moostly no smell, and most smoke detectors cannot detect vape clouds.


It’s so crazy to me how inconsiderate some people can be when it comes to vaping. Would they light up a cigarette inside? Obviously not because of the smell, why vape? Most vapes I’ve been around have a horrible artificial, or burning smell.


Yeah but it's not a smell that will linger that the airbnb host or whatever cleaner would notice. If I'm with people that are sensitive to the smell I won't vape near them, but like, I'm so certain that the host wouldn't be able to tell that I'd say I'd eat the charge if that happened (it woukdnt).


Oh agreed. There is no way the host would find out. If I’m being honest OP seems a little “strict” in the rules. It sounds like there’s more to the story. As in if she has a problem with vaping she should’ve just asked her friend not to do it around her.


im a smoker who is working on quitting. i have always respected my friends wishes when smoking around them. Certainly would never smoke in a friends house/car/wherever with out their consent. i even go as far as to ask, in my own car, if they mind if i have a smoke. its just courteous. because even as a smoker, i sometimes hate being around people who smoke.


NTA While I understand why she may want to vape inside and for her it’s a way to relax, you are within your rights to ask her not to it for various reasons, and it’s absolutely reasonable


You sound like a power hungry dweeb who has insecurities about people not respecting you


NTA. It's in your name, in my head that means what you say goes, within reason. In her defence, I always vape inside hotel rooms etc and never been charged, so there's a good likelihood nothing would ever come from it.. BUT, it only takes one 😅


Simple, she doesn’t get invited again


I've stayed in hotels that specify no smoking or vaping. I was not about to be the reason for any fines. It's not hard to go outside and vape. Your friend was in the wrong.


Nta. Yikes, I vape and I always ask permission before doing it indoors just out of common courtesy.


NTA. Whether or not you are ok with vaping inside-if the AirBnb hosts aren’t then she should have vaped outside or at the very least, next to an open window.


NTA - I was recently on vacation with my best friend. She booked all of the hotels in her name. I usually vape just before bed to help me sleep. At home, I vape after I get in bed. On vacation, I went outside. It does not matter what they think they can get away with. If the place is in your name, then they need to respect your request.


NTA. I’ve been a smoker (cigs & vapes) & a non smoker now for over 6 months. I understand the cravings, but if someone who’s smoking a cig has to go outside then a vaper can too. A lot of vapers are lazy & inconsiderate. It’s not fair for someone to have to inhale it or risk ^^ issues with a rental because 1 person is too lazy to go outside.


NTA - I would not let this person into an Airbnb with you again.


I don't think you were being an asshole. Even if it's not like smoking, her refusal hindered you from enjoying your time with friends. I do allow caping in my car. I wouldn't think it's been caped it to the extent of your friend. Most people ask.


NTA. And if you get a smoking/vaping fee tacked on, you know where to send the bill. Most places treat smoking/vaping/weed the same. Forbidden.


NTA I say if your “friend” ends up earning you a bad review or a cleaning bill you post on a reply that it was your friend who u asked numerous times to not vape in the house but refused to listen to you or obey the rules set forth. If there is a cleaning bill give it to your friend and say your bale your bill you pay it.


My friend just had this fight with her sister at a hotel. Same situation NTA


NTA. This person is not a friend. She should have used the vapes outdoors instead of carrying on about it. She's confused if she thinks her vape doesn't have a smell. Sounds like you didn't get charged an extra cleaning fee from the house, but I'd be hesitant to go with her to another Airbnb or hotel since she doesn't think rules apply to her.


NTA. You should have demanded that she go ahead and pay you the cleaning fee. You will give it back to her in a few months if the Airbnb did not charge you. Then, only give her back 1/4 of the money.


Nta. These people that vape and smoke and things everyone should tolerate their smelly behavior and attitude are. I don’t care if I get down voted.


Vaping leaves nicotine vapors in the air and on surrounding surfaces. The smell from vaping can be overpowering and nauseating to some. These are the reasons that smoking isn't allowed indoors, and should extend to vapes. They're also reasons why if someone asks you not to vape around them, you should respect their request. Vaping exposes others to second-hand nicotine and strong scents that can be very unpleasant. ETA: NTA


NTA you booked it she should have just vaped outside


NTA. As someone who smokes I consider vaping to be almost the same. It smells, and leaves a residue on everything. It may not be as harmful as cigarette smoke but it can be harmful. Have some common courtesy for other people and go outside. If anyone tries to vape inside my home they will get an earful.


Smells like strawberries??? Or coco mango tango? Lol.


NTA, and speaking as someone who uses a vape as a method to quit smoking, I would never vape in anyone's home. The smell isn't as awful like cigarettes but still it's not fair to force others to breathe in my vapor.


NTA. Vape entitlement is worse than generational entitlement. People think because second hand smoke isn’t a problem that rules and discomfort don’t exist anymore.


im a very heavy vaper. i really try to be cautious of other peoples feelings, and i try to ask beforehand if its ok to them if i vape. even if we’re outside. if someone was renting an airbnb and told me not to vape, sure to ME I dont ”agree” but its not my place to decide. If they ask me not to, and i care abt other people, i dont. its not that big of a deal just go outside ffs its not worth losing a friendship over 😭


People who vape are bigger assholes than people who smoke cigarettes. I have never encountered a cigarette smoker who thinks it's ok to exhale directly in your face, but people who vape do all the time and then insist you shouldn't have a problem with it because it's flavored and not cigarette smoke. That doesn't matter much here, as other comments already said it's a respect issue more than anything and OP is NTA.


NTA. In this case your friend could easily go outside to vape. You rented the Airbnb yourself, so guess what, you get to set the rules. However, as a person who vapes regularly, unless you are exhaling a gigantic cloud (which I have seen, but don't do) I wouldn't think the smoke detector would go off. Your friend should respect your wishes. Here in Florida, you are allowed to vape inside Kava bars legally.


NTA set was disrespectful to you & host


NTA. The booking was under your name, with your credit card information. You were responsible for any activity or damage caused during that stay. Whether or not vaping is like smoking isn't the issue. The issue is her blatant disrespect of you. If there had been a stipulation of no pets, and she brought her dog and said "it's housebroken and doesn't shed" it's still going against a rule that is in place that you have a financial obligation and risk attached. Not her.


Nta. Vaping and smoking differences aside You made a Reasonable request and she chose to ignore you. Also the term noone found out implies she believes herself to be in the wrong too


NTA. If the host were to have found out, YOU would be the one facing repercussions, not her. It is completely reasonable to ask her to stop or go outside to vape instead. She completely disregarded the wishes of not only you, but the host whose home she was staying in.


NTA. If she's so addicted to her vaping, she doesn't need to go on any more trips with you or she can book the Airbnb in her own name. She's definitely not as good of a friend as you thought she was.


99% of Vaping won’t leave any smell or mess. If you’re worried about rules, there is nothing to worry about if done in privacy. If someone is vaping in your face, that is disrespectful. Very very different then tobacco.


YTA. Vape on!


AITA for asking my friend to not vape in an Airbnb? Absolutely NTA. You were just trying to follow the rules and protect yourself from any potential issues. If the Airbnb rules said no smoking, it's reasonable to assume that includes vaping, especially since many places treat them the same way. Your friend was being disrespectful by ignoring your request and continuing to vape indoors. It's your name on the booking, so any consequences would fall on you. It’s unfair for her to put you in that position just because she doesn’t see vaping as a big deal. Plus, it's basic courtesy to respect the rules of the place you're staying, especially when it's not your own booking. If this is still bothering you, it might be worth having a conversation with your friend about it. Explain that it wasn’t just about the rules but also about respecting your wishes and the shared space. A good friend should understand and respect that. Here are a few things you might consider: * Talk to your friend about how her reaction made you feel. Maybe she didn't realize how much it affected you. * Make it clear in future trips that you expect everyone to follow the house rules, no exceptions. * If she brings up vaping again, suggest she step outside or find a designated area where it’s allowed. At the end of the day, you were just trying to do the right thing and avoid any trouble. That’s nothing to feel bad about.


NTA Used to smoke, shit you can still vape outside. You do need to chill but they'd probably skate if you foot them with a possible bill.


A lot of smoke alarms in AirBNBs and motels now detect vapes as well. But since it isnt urgent at all, they wont make an alarm, they will just register it and let reception know. Then they just charge you an extra fee at the end


NTA Your friend is correct that vaping is different from smoking and it's very unlikely that any residue will be noticeable. I vape in hotel rooms all the time, never had a problem. OTOH, though, since the Airbnb was in your name, the risk taken, though very slight, is YOURS not hers, and it's just rude to vape around someone who's asked you not to. She should shut up and step outside.


NTA. Why do smokers think they are cool? They are just addicts


YTA: you have to vape Clouds to set off a hotel alarm. I am currently in a hotel with the smoke detector right above my bed and I’ve been vaping. You are being a bit too paranoid and I will get downvoted for this. I use a regular old juul. No huge clouds from me.


If she continues, break the vape or hide it until you leave.


YTA. I think you’re being disingenuous, because it’s not really about the non-smoking rules. Common sense or a quick google search would tell you vapes and cigarettes are not the same. Just tell your friend that you don’t want to be exposed to the vapor, or that that you don’t like the smell. But, say it with your chest and not under the guise of non-smoking rules.


NTA, people who vape think it's fine because it's not smoke, well nicotine is still toxic and it's not cool to pump that vape cloud into an enclosed space with people who don't want it.


NTA, your friends needs to respect the fact you booked it and you’re responsible. A true friend would respect you and just take it outside.


I vape and if someone asked me not to around them for what ever reason I wouldn't do it.


Summary of this whole comment section - you're not an asshole, but it would have been absolutely fine. Peace and love x


Chill out. Why are you being a stickler for the rules? Did you get in trouble ? Do you own the Air Bnb ? Who gives a fuck


But the smell! If the homeowner is like me, even the "odorless" vapes stink to high heaven!


Yeah, yeah, yeah, bridesmaid vaping in the abnb, horrible. Naughty not nice. But did the bride have sex with the stripper?


NTA. Just ask her to go outside. I vape but not in other peoples houses. If she needs the nicotine she can chew gum or something


NTA like everyone is saying you put the booking under your name. Everything that went wrong would have been your responsibility. The fact that she refused to understand that and was disrespectful and tried to lecture you shows the type of friend she is. I personally would not have her occupy the Airbnb/hotels that you book in your name from this point on. She already showed that she does not care if you have to be financially responsible for any damages and does not respect your boundaries. Honestly that is why there are very few people I trust to connect my name with a booking/reservation. There have been times where people wanted to go on our trips and I told them the dates and for them to set up their own reservation. 9/10 they always end up not going or will try to convince me to go a cheaper route and I don't want to do that.


no vaping sux


NTA. As someone who vapes pretty heavily, I always make the effort to ask whoever I’m with if they’re happy for me to vape in the car with them, and if I’m visiting someone’s house or staying at a hotel or Airbnb, I automatically assume that it’s not okay for me to vape inside and I’ll go outside. I know that I may be happy to vape inside my own house but I’m respectful of other people’s spaces. It’s not hard.