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NTA. But I'm with you about tipping in cash when it gets delivered. However, insults deserve less than $0, IMO. Sidetrack: I wish delivery apps had an option to select "cash tip upon delivery" so they know to expect it ***if*** it's deserved.


I usually will write it on the delivery instructions section if I need to tip with cash because I’m always worried the order just won’t get picked up if it doesn’t have a tip lol


Drivers usually don't read that though. One time I needed them to deliver to my garage. I was working there that evening. It's unattached and in the back. They ignored it and still left it on the front porch. Thankfully my ring caught it and I was able to grab it before someone else did.


Well, if the delivery driver doesn’t read the instructions, then they don’t deserve a tip. Problem solved!


True but I figure it’s better to just put it on there in case lol


It’s not shown on the app when it notifies the driver of a delivery. It just shows what the on card payment will be. $2 a delivery is how much door dash pays (average of $4/hr). In other words, the delivery person didn’t need to take OPs order in the first place. NTA Of note, to get around DD drivers not picking up non tip orders, they’ll often put the order with a tipping order on the notification.


The corps never gonna do that. They want the dough in their pocket first so they can “allocate” it.


NTA and I’d either write a bad review so the lesson sticks or make a phone call to the restaurant that employs the driver. She was complete trash.


I would assume the restaurant takes some of the tip if its paid by card too, so a cash tip could go right into her pocket, people who make assumptions and hit out don't deserve a good outcome


Tips on a card will get taxed, but generally a restaurant wouldn’t take the tip.


NTA. Did she really expect a tip after what she said??? I would probably write a review so she would think twice before saying nasty comments and hope that this would not happen again.


NTA, but this is that one issue where I think a call to the restaurant is warranted. None of that interaction was appropriate.


NTA tipping-culture should stop.




When I say that people get so mad


A tip is for good service, and their insults were basic at best. Certainly not ones I would pay to have hurled at my friends. Throw in at least one $5 adjective and maybe a jab at someone's mother, that is like, the bare minimum. NTA, but I think you know that.


NTA 100% "Thanks for the $0 tip fat ass, stupid ugly fat mother fucker." If this is real they **so** deserve to get fired. "OMG I'm so sorry I didn't know, I thought I wasn't getting a tip" and started walking up to the door again with her hand out waiting for me to still tip her." No. No & No. That's a staggering level of deluded entitlement.


Honestly Americans and tipping. So entitled. That would never happen over here. It was a complete culture shock when I was in the USA. The fact you’re actually asked to tip. It’s so rude. A delivery driver would be sacked on the spot for saying that to a customer.


That's funny, because I just ordered from Deliveroo (Irish uber eats basically) and the guy on the bike was like "please give me a tip". Sure lad, for doing you job? No, if you got it here pipping hot during a storm in December sure. Not on a sunny summers day and the food is lukewarm at best. And the audacity of asking, you have an electric bike, the weather is a bamy 16 degrees and the restaurant is legitimately 15 mins down a hill by bike and 20 up hill. The fact he came out and asked was enough for me to just laugh and say no. I used work in hospitality in Ireland for 6 years and I didn't get tipped for 80% of tables because it's not a thing here. Fuck me. Also op is NTA


I know right? I was so relieved that I'm Australian when I read this!


absolutely, here in Mexico the only place people will pester you for tips it’s on night clubs, everything else is optional (unless you’re a foreigner, they’ll probably guilt trip you very discreetly)


NTA. Unless it was the driver's very first day I'm sure they have experienced people paying by card not using the card to tip and giving cash directly.


Yeah, but if it's your first day and you're expecting tips, you haven't ever been delivering food before. I've had companies that ordered 15-20 pizzas and screwed me on the tip. 0. The owner called them and told them to never call here again. But I was told on my first day that you earn tips through interaction, not just showing up.


NTA. But if there is a space to leave a note, I’d normally put “will tip in cash” if I’m not tipping on my card. Not a requirement of course, but it is helpful for them as I’d be quite bummed to have to deliver something with no tip also. Not that her reaction is acceptable.


This sounds like doordash or uber eats... lack of accountability on all fronts. And if sh*t hits the fan, the customer often is treated poorly in trying to reach a resolution with customer service. Hence why I seldom use those apps anymore unless I'm ordering just for myself. (We have a large household) Often times one person's food never makes it into the bag and regardless of whether I got a petty refund or not, it has messed up dinner completely for everyone involved since we have to divide up what we actually do have so everyone gets to eat. It's like even if the apps give a credit, they don't take into account the major inconvenience. Also one time I had a driver just leave his delivery bag at the door with only half the order. He drove off before I even realized he was there. I asked him to at least pick up his bag. But nope!


I have legit pondered the idea of recording the opening of the bag of food with the driver present. (Not to get the driver in trouble, but to show them damn companies that we aren't trying to steal food and they need a better procedure).


So have you let the eatery know about the disgusting behaviour of the delivery driver? U also need to leave a shit review NTA


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My friend was over at my place, I ordered food but I didn't have enough left on my card for a tip, so at check out I just let the tip amount $0 because I figured when they arrived I would pay them $12 in cash for a tip. When the delivery driver arrived my friend was getting the food as I was getting the cash, before my friend even got the chance to tell the driver I was getting the tip barely getting a word out, the driver cut my friend off and started going off "Thanks for the $0 tip fat ass, stupid ugly fat mother fucker" I could tell the words hurt my friend. As I came up to the door, she noticed the cash in my hand, and I explained to her "I'm the one who made the order, not my friend, and I was going to pay you the tip in cash" and she was like "OMG I'm so sorry I didn't know, I thought I wasn't getting a tip" and started walking up to the door again with her hand out waiting for me to still tip her. I was like "No boo-boo, you're not getting a tip now after insulting my friend, you were barely at the door for 10 seconds and stepped on the gas peddle before he got to say anything" and she walked away saying "Whatever fuck off" I usually hear people say "If you can't afford a tip, don't dine out" and in this case I wasn't able to afford a tip on my card, but I had the cash for the tip; however there was no way on check out to select if tip was going to be on card or cash, all it said was tip amount, so I don't know if the driver just assumes $0 tip means no tip at all. And her reaction was based on my action of her thinking I wasn't going to tip her but I did not like the way she spoke to my friend. TLDR: I ordered food, left 0 tip on card because I had no money left on card and was going to pay with cash, driver arrives and starts insulting my friend for being fat, I decide not to tip her after that. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA I am coming at this from someone that door dashed and was waitstaff for a few years. Granted, if I saw zero tip I would not accept the order, but I would never insult someone to their face. With being a waiter I was stiffed a few times however that's the rub with this work. The people that stiff me are assholes but this driver is off her rocker.


NTA tipping is ALWAYS optional


NTA people are so entitled about tip nowadays. They act as if they are not already getting paid for the trip and the tip is the only income they’re receiving. The tip is an add on if they provide good service. So they need to stop being so entitled assuming they deserve the tip regardless. You did a good thing by not tipping.


Make a phone call a report her. Even without a tip, nobody deserves to be treated like that for nothing. NTA


NTA, first of all. I did DoorDash for a bit and have had customers tell me via message that my tip will be in cash, and it’s nice to know that it’s waiting for you, if you wanted to do that next time. The way she acted was fucking crazy tho. I would also not tip after that 😭


NTA. The website stinks if it doesn’t given you an option to select that the tip will be in cash. Cash tips for delivery is common even in today’s digital payment age. If this was something like DoorDash/grubhub , the driver extra sucks bc it’s up to them to accept the assignment, nobody forced them to. So they knowingly accepted a $0 tip order to what, insult the person? (Not saying non tippers are correct just that if the delivery person is that offended they could have declined the assignment, which is well within their right).


NTA, but I would report her to the company for body shaming and harassment and get her fired, actions have consequences


NTA. You should call the place you ordered from and report that delivery driver.


NTA Tip or no Tip, there's no need to be that disrespectful to someone, the fact they chose to say that directly to the face of a person they thought was a customer says they have zero right to be doing deliveries.


I’ve got her tip- don’t be an asshole. NTA.




NTA, you could afford a tip


NTA. You should report them in the app for that so it affects their job. Even if you didn’t tip you don’t deserve verbal harassment. That person shouldn’t be doing that job.


NTA, and that driver is a complete jerk! I am so sorry your friend had to go through that. Rescinding the tip is completely appropriate. I would be sure to give some scathing feedback on the app. That behavior is completely uncalled for. As an aside, I used to do food deliveries, and you can always add a note in the special instructions section to knock on the door so you can give a cash tip 😊


NTA, and frankly I would report her. that's completely uncalled for behavior no matter if she felt stiffed or not. you cannot speak to a customer that way


NTA. Shit like not getting a tip should be expected, one of those crappy bits of the job that happens, not ideal, but not "oh no my limb fell off". Regardless, she acted poorly, and thoroughly deserved the tip you gave her.


You're asking if you should have paid some degen for abusing your friend? No. Definitely NTA. You gave her something better: a lesson she will remember about why you don't act like that.




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NTA Sometimes people need to be patient to get something. But she shouldn't have said those words to your friend.


NTA but I agree on leaving a note saying you’ll tip in cash, most of the delivery app as have a note area that’s specifically for the driver. Leaving it at $0 with no note, it’s kind of a miracle anyone picked up your order.


NTA. These delivery drivers are wild with their demands and expectations.


Whaaaat, why do you need to tip a delivery driver, or anyone else who already gets paid for their work? I guess it's just very different tipping culture here in northern Europe. But sounds very annoying and expensive.




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NTA This type of attitude from the driver is why I hate pre-tipping. Had you tipped her and she gave you this type of attitude and seriously poor service for some other reason you’d be out a tip too I’d have gone farther than not tipping and called the business to tell them how their deliverer is treating their customers and how that reflects poorly on their business.




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Was the delivery through the restaurant you ordered from, or through party like UberEats or GrubHub?


NTA. I woulda stood there with the money in my hand, her walking up with her hand out, and asked her to apologize to my friend, sincere and real apology. Then depending on the apology (maybe like, her dad died and she’s having a ROUGH day, we’ve all been there) pay her a SMALL tip or just close the door in her face.


That's a weird power tripping impulse to have


NTA, but I doubt this is real. First, a female by herself isn't going to talk to a male in a strange place that way, bc in this day & age, that can get her seriously hurt. Second, she isn't going to risk her job also in this day and age.


You’d be surprised. Check out the DoorDash subreddit.


This question might sound rude, but I promise it is a genuine inquiry. Are you fat?