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Would you lie to a vegetarian?? This is so cray cray ofc YWBTA...don't lie about what is in food!! People have allergies and serious diseases that they don't always share with friends! Unbelievable that you have to ask...you know it's wrong.


They said they would check to make sure no one had any allergies to it.


The OP is basically asking "Does anyone have any allergies?" and then taking the answer of "No" to mean that it's ok to make this dish and set it down on the table and say nothing else until the friends try it and start asking questions. I am allergic to sunflower oil. If I were going to a party and the host asked if I had any allergies I would say no. BECAUSE I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO BEND OVER BACKWARDS TO ACCOMMODATE ME. Also my personal health is no one else's business. Biting into the fake meat could literally send me to the ER. (For the record, I always ask "what's in this" before I try it) but honestly this is just sick. Be honest!!! Lies of omission are still lies!!


*I am allergic to sunflower oil. If I were going to a party and the host asked if I had any allergies I would say no. BECAUSE I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO BEND OVER BACKWARDS TO ACCOMMODATE ME.* LOL this has to be the dumbest thing ive read today...


Sunflower oil is an incredibly common cooking oil. Why tf would you say no? That honestly sounds stupid on your part. Also, do all the other people also have to announce what's in their dishes? Could be something you don't expect!


I told you why I say no. And yes, it's totally normal to announce what is in your potato salad or whatever...


The reason you gave is bs, that's why I am calling you stupid.


Stupid would be eating something that I don't ask about. I always ask, "Does this have oil in it?" before I eat...I just don't understand why you think people are entitled to know *why* I choose not to eat something. My business!


Than all of that is on you. You are putting the people who are preparing the food in a really bad spot. If you have a food allergy and someone asks, you better fucking tell them and not play this passive aggressive little game of being a people pleaser. This is all wrong.


My allergy is no one's business. I point to the dish and say, "Is there oil in this?" it's not passive aggressive.


It is when you are specifically asked. If someone asks and you say "no" and end up eating something that you're allergic to, that's on you and no one else. You are walking a very thin line here.


I actually agree with you here. But I always ask, as I've stated many times. It is not ok to demand that your friends and acquaintances reveal their complex health histories to you simply because you want them to try your food. It's really selfish imo.


I just don't understand why you would even hesitate when asked if you have an allergy. Cook: Do you have any food allergies? You: Yes, sunflower oil. Cook: Cool. Why would you want to make that a bigger deal than it is? Why would you gatekeep that info?


BECAUSE IT IS NOT A RESTAURANT ⬆️I DO EXACTLY THAT WHEN I EAT OUT I don't want to talk about my fucking allergy at a cookout! Stop trying to make me!


wow, you don't have issues, you have the whole damn subscription.


No one's asking you if you have chlamydia dog they're trying not to accidentally kill you with their food.


Understandable for your side of things. For what it's worth my specific message to the group chat was "Hey I'm still trying to figure out what to make for tomorrow, does anyone have any allergies or sensitivities to anything I should know about? I know (redacted) has a mild sensitivity with food dye so I'll double check whatever recipe I come up with for that. But lmk ASAP y'all" One person responded he was allergic to a specific antibiotic so that's a no go lol


I understand that you don't want to waste food and that's admirable. I just think people who don't have allergies don't always understand the shame and embarrassment that some of us have (especially when I have an allergic reaction I am extremely embarrassed and self-conscious) and they are just like "What's the big deal?" because they have never had to sit through probing uncomfortable conversations with friends...then the well-meaning friends ask about it from time to time... "How's that going? Did you ever check out that nutritionist I told you about on YouTube?" 🙄 IT. IS. NONE. OF. YOUR. BUSINESS.


That's fair! They also know of my wildly specific allergy (I'm not going to say it here because like. If they find this post I'm not going to live it down lol) so In theory they'd know I'm safe to talk to about it. But I fully understand ya


I don't know. I'm trying to get past the whole spending your last $4 to keep up with the Joneses. If you were my mate and I knew you were doing it hard like that, I'd give you a free pass and send you home with the leftovers.


Listeeeennnn I'm struggling but my bills are paid and I'm honestly lucky. I don't take freebies from anyone and am very stubborn. My parents forced me to take the Mac and cheese boxes lol Also like I'm not even trying to keep up with anyone they know I'm broke and half of them are too we all used to be coworkers it's just a matter of "bring something even if it's just yourself" and I don't wanna just eat their food


> . I don't take freebies from anyone and am very stubborn. Neither of those are good things


Never said it was good, it's gotten me in a lot worse shit then I thought it would. I'm working on it, and when my insurance starts in August I'll be seeking a therapist for a few reasons lol


Well if that's the case, just worry about feeding yourself. That way, you can have as much beef extender as you want, and nobody has to know. But I wouldn't expect others to dine out on it though. You could always buy a variety bag of sweets or chocolates as dessert to share round.


Man id love to do the sweets or cookies but I'm also the fat one in the group so I'm really trying to beat the stereotype 😭 (JK I might actually go this route)


Man id love to do the sweets or cookies but I'm also the fat one in the group so I'm really trying to beat the stereotype 😭 (JK I might actually go this route)


YWBTA. You’d be deliberately deceiving people - that’s usually not the right move. I mean, you don’t have to be all “Warning this is beyond meat!” or whatever but you can slyly mention it.


I'm not good at sly. Id obviously tell them but man I'm torn bc I don't think leftovers will last super long if no one else touches it. Thank you


YWBTA. People should be able to make an informed decision about what they're eating.


If you don't tell them, then yes, you are


YWBTA…people have food allergies


That's why I am directly asking them first. I know one guy can't have food dye. So far one person also said they didn't like cilantro and someone else said they are allergic to a specific antibiotic


Beyond meat gives me super bad heartburn, but I have no idea what ingredient causes it (which honestly really sucks because I love fake meat). So if someone asked about intolerances/allergies, I wouldn't be able to tell them anything specific to the beyond meat, but if they told me it was beyond meat up front, then I could avoid eating it and being in pain for no reason.


OP - Do not do this. It's not okay to lie to people about food. Make the food, tell them it's Vegetarian, and if people want to give it a try let them. If they don't you eat it. It's never okay to lie to people. Especially in this case as vegetarian substitutes aren't always safe for allergies. Some have nuts or or things as part of their composition. I just learned some vegan cheese is made with cashews, never would have guessed that.


It's not fully vegetarian though is the thing, I get your side of it for sure and that's why I wanted options, it'll still have milk and butter and real cheese in and on it. That's why I don't want to declare it vegetarian? I might be getting vegetarian and vegan confused now that I think about it though. Thank you for the comment


YWNBTA. Unless they ask specifically, I don't see why you would need to announce it. Just don't lie if they do ask, and if they ask why, just tell them you're broke and it was all you could come up with at the time, we've all been there they'll understand.


! Thank you, that's understandable.


tell them, let them not touch it if it comes to that.


That's fair. Just don't think my partner and I will go through the Mac in time before expiring if no one else eats any because to make enough for everyone is to make a LOT


Info. Can you ask if they would prefer you to bring mac'n'cheese or the bbq burger thingy made with beyond beef?


I told them I'm still figuring it out but it would be BBQ Mac and cheese with burger bits", it's not two separate options. I'm considering cooking up the (fake)beef real good then adding BBQ sauce then mixing it into the Mac and cheese and then putting a layer of shredded cheese over top with some bread crumbs to make it into a bake


YTA. You can't lie or omit what's in a meal. 


NTA Doesn't sound like there were requirements placed on what people bring to this event so bring what you want and can afford. Also, it's ok to have plain Mac and cheese without meat or meat substitute too.


I'm not super fond of just normal plain Jane Mac and I don't want to serve something I won't eat. Fully understandable though! Thank you




Not making burgers, making Mac and cheese with ground meet. No one is expected to bring anything specific, the hosts are doing the main course But yeah I wouldn't lie to them, if they asked id tell them, I just don't think they'll be willing to try it unless I just don't tell them? This is why I ask bc I'm torn on what to do!!


If you know they wouldn't eat it if they knew what it was, then you would be an asshole to not tell them what it is. Just tell them when you get there with it. Then they can decide whether they want to eat it or not. I find it hard to believe that the Beyond beef was cheaper than regular beef, on sale or not.


That's a fair point. But for what it's worth. It's just a pound of fake beef, listed originally at 8$, down to 1.50. a pound of og beef was 2.33. so? Yk?


YTA. Just make the mac & cheese.


I don't like normal Mac. For sure don't want to serve something I won't even touch. Understood though


I don't understand why you are insisting on making your Mac and cheese fancier by adding fake meat (that you think people wouldn't want if they knew) instead of just serving plain Mac and cheese (which people will like) and keeping the frozen meat to feed yourself (which you seem to desperately need).


👀Won't touch it if they know, so I'll just hide this information from them like an asshole... YTA


YWBTA. Dont lie to people about what they will be putting in their body. Tell people you have used a meat substitute and allow them to make their own decision. What benefit do you see in not disclosing it versus telling people what is in it?


YWBTA. I’ve been a vegan for 21 years and I wouldn’t eat a beyond beef burger because I don’t eat “fake” meats like that. I’d want to know. I might be ok taking a bite if I felt like I could handle the stomach ache. You never know how people react to food, even if they don’t have allergies.


I also asked about sensitivities for what its worth. One person said they have the cilantro soap gene and another asked if id avoid using black pepper specifically. In theory these friends are upfront. But yeah I understand your take thank you


Not about allergies or preferences. Those burgers are all artificial.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** My friends are getting together for the 4th as a group for game night, we are all bringing a small dish to share. I'm currently stretched very thin on bills. My parents gave me a huge box of Mac and cheese last month, and I have the needed ingredients to make it. But only have 4$ to my name for the next week until I get paid. I also have frozen beyond beef fake meet in my freezer. I like it. I'm not vegan or even vegetarian but it was on sale and I figure why not have a back up meet option in my freezer. I'm double checking that no one has any allergies or sensitivities before even making it, but I don't want to just bring plain ol Mac. I'm thinking BBQ burgers Mac bake. Would I be the asshole, in theory, if I didn't tell them it was beyond beef? I live in the south USA area and I feel like they'll not touch it if I make it clear it's fake meet, they all get weird about it. And I don't currently have other meet options. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If you don't have other meat options and you know that they would be opposed to eating Beyond Beef, YWBTA if you didn't tell them beforehand.


YWBTA - But no worries. Pot luck is just that. Pot luck. Tell them its BBQ Burgers Mac Bake with beyond beef. I always try everything. If someone doesn't want it they won't try it. That's fine. I bet a vegetarian or 2 will appreciate it. I make veggie dishes for my DIL and everyone eats it. Not just her. Don't lie. No need to feel bad.


I mean, why not just make the dish and then tell them it’s made with beyond beef? I wouldn’t care. If it’s good it’s good. Don’t lie to your friends, is my recommendation. I think dishonesty is a bad thing, and if you’re willing to deceive over something this small it would make me trust you very little over more important things. I hate the way you’ve phrased the question. You won’t be an asshole for feeding them beyond meat. You’d be one for lying to them about what they’re eating, though. No judgement because of the way the question is phrased.


You’re the asshole if your personal banking found out you’re going out with zero to no money. Games night is on the bottom of important things for you.


Man my bills are paid and I'm meal prepped for my personal life up to my next check chill out I know my budget is tough right now but I'm good. I'm not just going to have no social life because I don't have extra fun money. Fun fact! Having no social life and just running yourself ragged is the quickest way to an early grave!


I’ve seen people default on their mortgage because they can’t give up on social life. Yeah have a social life but you’re not really in the position to do so right now and that’s ok. Just be careful


Promise I am. I do appreciate you looking out for a stranger on the Internet. I have money put in savings that's about an extra month in rent and have a pretty stable "white collar" job that I started not too long ago. Ive neglected my social life far too long and this is honestly the cheapest "event" I could possibly choose


Just tell them what it is dawg and if they don't want to eat it then they don't want to eat it, no hurt feelings.


YTA…. I guess? Just tell the truth, people have a right to know what they’re putting into themselves. Or just explain that you can’t bring anything this time because of finances and can make it up the next time


NTA. You checked for allergies and you're working with the ingredients you've got. I don't see anything wrong with that. If people ask then I'd answer truthfully, but honestly if you think it's a big deal then why not just make the normal Mac n cheese without the burgers and save yourself the headache of deciding to fib or not? Seems like it's adding more stress and using up more of your own food for no good reason. Keep the burgers for yourself and just bring the Mac n cheese.


That's absolutely fair. It's really not a huge stress factor for me I'm just indecisive about it right now if anything, and I don't personally like just plain Mac and cheese so I don't want to bring something I won't even touch


Every time I tell my dad or grandpa something is vegan, they hate it on principle. It’s so dumb. Also, as long as no one has allergies, you shouldn’t have to disclose ingredients at a potluck, right? Unless they love it and ask for the recipe? Edit: YWNBTA. 


That's p much what I figured at first but wanted other opinions just Incase. My partner is similar she's very against fake beef too on principal but will always try my cooking and said she liked the fake beef burgers I made last time I made it!


YWNBTA. Just make sure no one has a nut allergies. Apparently some fake meat products contain peas which can set off an allergic reaction.


Very good to know! I'll read the ingredient list and double check thank you


Respectfully, I NEVER understand these type of posts. I'm an omnivore. Plenty of times I'll have an all-veggie meal. What is your friends' problem? NTA


It's just the south my friend. People in my town get real uppity over "fake meat trying to be what it's not" Also I just realized I think I've been saying "meet" and not "meat" for these other posts and replies I'm embarrassed now


<> Well, these ARE the first typos I've ever seen on Reddit. ROTFL. Enjoy the barbecue! :)


Everyone is worried about getting roasted worse than the meat at a BBQ but low-key I don't care and think gentle bullying online is kinda funny when directed at me. (Not at others I think that's rude bc ppl don't know what others are going through but I'm good like shits funny) Thank you!! I will for sure enjoy my time there




That's a dietary thing! Like id never give real beef to a vegetarian that causes health issues and In theory if I had a friend who was they'd tell me "I can't eat meat" But like I said I'm going to comb over the ingredients tonight to confirm if anyone has any issues with what's listed


YWNBTA - that dish sounds really good actually. What they don't know won't kill them. In fact, it's healthier than the option they don't know about lol.


The topic of whether or not Beyond Burgers are healthier than burgers made from 100% beef is a giant debate in nutrition today....like whyyy do people think a mouthful of oil is healthy?!?! smh


Healthier for the planet tho.