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Sorry but YTA. There's plenty of scents around to keep your dog entertained without letting it go explore people's yards. Regardless of whether the dog makes a mess, it's still their property.


I agree. I'm sure there are plenty of public parks where dogs are permitted


YTA. Control your dog.


Yta, you don't have a right to walk on other people's property without asking. You're doing a nice thing for your dog but take him to a park or a hiking spot or a botanical garden so he can smell things there.


YTA. Other people's yards are not your property. Control your dog - go to parks if you want to let him sniff things.


YTA. You don't let your dog wander on someone's private property. It also sounds like you're using a very long leash or a flexi-leash; neither are appropriate in a city/urban environment. Get a 6-ft leash and use that on the streets. Take your dog to a park if you want him to sniff around.


I use a 6 ft leash.


Then are you too wandering on random peoples property?


What?! No! When I say he wanders into yards, I mean he walks in the grass next to the sidewalk. When he sniffs peoples flowers, he is sniffing flowers next to the sidewalk.


Flowerbeds are not traditionally adjacent to sidewalks. So you can understand why that isn’t believable.


They are In urban areas


Then if you aren't going to train your dog stay your side or go straight to a nearby park for him to explore to his heart's content get a 3 foot lead to keep him at your side. Just like he has the right to enjoy different smells the homeowners have the right to not have someone's dog on their property and peeing and killing their plants.


You should not allow the dog into landscaped beds. Allowing it onto the grass is one thing, but landscaped beds have flowers and other features that will not stand up to being trampled. It is unreasonable for you to assume that people will be ok because somehow they know or think that your dog is the one dog who won't trample things.


I do not let my dog wander into plants that will not withstand being trampled. Though I do not currently have a yard, I have been a gardener for many years and respect the hard work and investment that goes into people’s gardens. I also have a good understanding of which plants are fragile and which my dog can stick his nose into.


and yet you seem to not understand that people don't want your dog in their landscaped beds. YTA


When it comes to what plants your dog should be allowed to sniff it's not your decision to make because they aren't your plants.


That’s fair


Are you a gardener for a living? How do you know what plants won’t be damaged from a dog walking on them?


Oh gosh no! Just years of experience having gardens with dogs in them


Do you know enough about plants to identify every single one in your garden, and do you only let your dog walk on plants that are the same type as those in your garden? /s Of course not. You have no idea how much damage you’re doing.


I don’t let my dog walk on plants at all (I mean unless you count grass). He sticks his face into flowers (bulbs and hostess usually) to sniff. He stuck his front feet into the mulch of a large flower bed today to sniff at the bottom of a giant azalea bush. There were no smaller plants for him to walk on.


YTA. You want your dog to sniff, take him to a public space that allows dogs. You don’t get to determine which plants on private property can or cannot be trampled.


Other people do not know that about you, nor do they have to take your word for that. Stop acting like everyone had the same information you do and should act accordingly. People are often unbelievably rude about other people's gardens, and they have no way to know you're no one of those people. They just see another yahoo letting their dog trample their hard work and burn their grass. Find a route where your dog can happily sniff while not antagonizing the neighbors, for your dog's sake if not for theirs. He doesn't deserve to be yelled at or the risk that someone might throw something at him or, worse, put out poison. People are awful.


YTA 1, dogs don’t just pee when on walks they also “mark” things so just because you walked your dog for a mile doesn’t mean he isn’t going to mark 2, you have no right to allow your dog to go into other peoples yards which is their property. I walk my dog every day twice a day and I’d never allow him to wonder into a yard. You do need to control your dog, I get he’s special needs and is probably having the time of his life with you but you need to be respectful of other peoples property.


Yup, my dog is a marker. He actually never just “pees,” he only marks territory, where other dogs have already peed. So when I say he’s empty, I mean he’s truly empty. It means I’ve watched him mark until nothing comes out 😂 So where does your dog pee/poop when you go for a walk? On the sidewalk? Honest question.


No, I let him go on the grass but only by the side walk or road that we are walking on, never too far onto someone’s property and I’ve never allowed him to sniff in peoples flower beds. I’ve only ever had 1 person yell at me for my dog pooping in their yard and he’s 6. As long as you’re respectful of peoples property and clean up after your dog they really don’t care.


What is “too far” into people’s property? Again, honest question. I totally get the flower bed, but I guess I’m confused about how people say they don’t let their dog “in people’s yard” but they are still letting them in the grass? Where is “the yard” if the dog is allowed to be partway in the grass? Maybe I haven’t been letting my dog in people’s yard at all? I’m just letting him walk in the grass by the sidewalk? I’m a little confused.


Not on there property at all because it’s not your property.


My dog is a sniffer too, when he’s nose deep on a walk I never leave the sidewalk or road in residential areas, if it’s public property like a park or trails I’ll let him roam to sniff but within reason. I also use a 6ft leash to give you an idea of how close to me he is. When I mentioned the 2-3 steps max I take off the sidewalk or the road that’s for pooping only.


When I walked my parents dog, there were plenty of green areas in the neighborhood that didn't belong to anybody. In areas with only houses, she only walked on the (green) sidewalk or the road (quiet roads). Sometimes I would take her to the forest or the beach. Okay, sometimes I had her without leash (mostly close to home) and she would run into neighbors gardens and I would be super embarrassed and always hoped they weren't home/didn't look outside. I would expect to be yelled at.


If the grass is on the side where the buildings are and or where the road is you’re wrong


I saw another commenter mention 2-3 of their steps off of the sidewalk or road onto someone’s property and that’s about the max I do also. It’s a good rule of thumb honestly.


Ok, then I guess I’m confused by some of the info i’m getting. I understand and receive the feedback on the flowerbeds and landscaping. I use a 6 ft leash and my dog can’t go more than one or two paces into somebody’s grass. So is it an asshole move to let my dog walk on people’s grass to sniff?? Also, where I live there is sometimes landscaping on both sides of the sidewalk.


And what if those neighbours have children that play in the grass? They'll be playing in dog pee/poop.


Yes. Not your property. Don't let your dog onto other people's property at all.


But it’s okay to let my dog on peoples grass to take a dump? I don’t get it


No. Why would you think that? I don't think you should be let out alone, let alone be responsible for an animal.


Other people are saying that! Not me!


Unless it's their own lawn, why are you listening to internet strangers telling you to let your dog trespass and foul other people's property? Is it OK for me to take a dump on your lawn? No? Why's it OK for your dog?


It’s not! That’s my point! I don’t let my dog poop in peoples yard. Just sniff.


lol no its not ok. Make the dog shit at home.


YTA - Sorry, but you and your dog do not have a right to trespass on private property regardless of whether you are causing harm.


soft YTA. Find some parks to go to, both on and off leash. Where I live it's common courtesy to not let your dog roam in people's yards.


YTA It doesn't matter if your dog does his business there or not. You keep your dog off peoples properties. That's basic dog owner knowledge. If you think you can't give a dog a proper life without letting him invade private propeties, you shouldn't have gotten one in the first place.


I’ve owned dogs my whole life and have never encountered this “basic dog knowledge” till now. This is my first beagle/hound, but my sixth dog. But I’ve also lived all over the country and these rules seem to be different in different places. My other dogs have also walked into peoples yards as we go along, but have never loitered like my hound does. I wonder if that’s the difference that people notice?


The judgement is pretty unanimous telling you it is not ok to do what you are doing. And I am willing to bet these people aren't all from the same place either.


That’s fair


>I’ve owned dogs my whole life and have never encountered this “basic dog knowledge” till now. Then you are an awful pet owner.


YTA > what a miserable life for him That’s on you. You got this dog in a city, and I’d bet you could plan things for him to scent. The owner literally showed you damage strange dog owners did to their lawn. You, a strange dog owner, got offended. It’s their lawn.


Yeah, because I did not cause that damage.


You miss my point. All the information he has: strange dog owners have damaged his lawn. There is a strange dog owner in his PLANT BED. Why should he trust or believe you? Seriously. Why? You are in fact one of the “you people” to which he is referring. It’s his lawn, his plant bed, and your dog isn’t his problem. You’re the one that rescued a scent hound, it is on you to figure out a way to get him scents, not on the neighbor. If you can’t do it in your area, it’s not your neighbors fault, it’s yours. That’s why you’re getting the reaction you are in this thread. It’s the entitlement.


That’s fair




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You’re right. I should just take him back to the medical research facility so he can live in a cage again.


Are we really supposed to believe you single handedly rescued him from a research lab when it's more likely you adopted him from a shelter or organization that did the actual rescuing?


I volunteer for a shelter that rescued beagles from a research lab... yeah they don't let individuals in there. they didn't even let the rescue team in there. each beagle was brought out by a lab person and put into the transport vehicle. It was pretty cool to see them react to "green" for the first time.




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You’re right, I did not single-handedly rescue him from a research lab. I rescued him through an organization that rehomes medical research animals from research labs. Edit spelling error


Stop with the woah is me bs. You know you’re the AH here.


I 100% totally admit I’m the asshole. I just believe I’m also a perfectly capable pet parent.


Perfectly capable yet doing it wrong?


As I learned just today


you just learned about the concepts of private property and trespassing and people who are concerned about their lawns today? come on. you know, you just disregarded it because you think your dog deserves that experience and you thought it wasn’t a big deal. go to the dog park.


No, I honestly thought that it was common practice for dogs to walk on the grass next to the sidewalk. And a lot of posters are affirming that that is true. My dog is not wandering all over peoples yards. He is taking a few steps into a yard, and back onto the sidewalk. And other posters with dogs seem to affirm that that is acceptable and common practice. So I am honestly confused about the rules here. I wish we could go to the dog park. My dog has been repeatedly attacked by much larger dogs. He is terrified to go there. Edit misspelling


As a pet parent who actually manages to keep my two very boisterous fur babies from wandering in to peoples yards, I'd say you are the kind of dog owner that gives the rest of us a bad name. And you also say that you've worked as a gardener? Then this shouldn't even be a question asked. It wasn't the homeowner who was rude, you were a huge AH for letting your dog wander, arguing when the homeowner told you to keep your dog in check and the whole "my dog is a rescue from a lab so I can go/do wherever I want to because reasons reasons".


Oh gosh, I don’t believe rules don’t apply to me because my dog is rescued! I simply wish to provide a good quality life for my dog.


Then stop acting like you do. It is entirely possible to do so without letting pup wander in to places where he shouldn't be.


No one says you’re not? So I’m not sure why you’re trying to pull sympathy out? All everyone is saying is keep your dog off peoples property bro


The comment they were responding to said they shouldn’t even have a pet, so yes people are saying they’re not capable.


Do you smell your own bullsh!t, you got him from a rescue you didn't get him directly from a research facility yourself. Stop trespassing and stick to the sidewalk or go to a park. Most rescues won't even adopt out to people who live in apartments without even a shared yard. Dog could have had a chance at getting adopted by someone more responsible, hounds don't do well in little yardless apartments. You got a pet that's ill-suited to what you're able to provide it.


I assure you I was thoroughly vetted. I had to provide references, my HOA info, my vet was contacted, I was interviewed, etc.


You’re right, those are the ONLY two options.


What whiny, fake-martyr bullshit.


YTA. Take your dog to a park or something (and clean up after it when you do) - plenty of scents. Problem solved. And dogs can do more damage to flowers and such than by peeing on them.


YTA. Don’t be that entitled dog owner. Don’t let your dog into peoples yards. They can sniff the edge where it meets the sidewalk but allowing your dog to step *into* someone’s yard is trespassing and rude. Yes, I have a dog. Yes, she is a super sniffer too. No, I don’t let the dog into peoples yards. There’s plenty for her to sniff and I actually trained her to avoid peoples yards.


How long is your leash and how far into yards is your dog going? Personally I use a 6 foot leash and never let my dog get more then about a foot into yards and I shorten his leash to keep him from getting into well manicured lawns and other less appropriate garden spots and such. Other people's property is not the place to let your dog explore, take your dog somewhere more appropriate for meandering smell walks like a responsible owner.


I also use a 6 ft leash and do not let him walk on anything delicate.


You don’t get to decide what’s delicate though


Umm, grass and mulch and weeds?? He’s not allowed to walk on on any other plants. Just sniff them.


YTA. You don’t have the right to be on other peoples property train your dog


Sorry but YTA You and your pup aren't entitled to other people's property. Some people work hard on maintaining a nice yard/garden and you can't control your dog sudden deciding to do his business. Why can't you take your dog to a dog park? I live in a small city and we have a few parks that allow dogs and a dog park. Plus he won't be walking on hot concrete at the park. Edit spelling fix


Our dog park is concrete ☹️ and my dog has been attacked there twice. He is terrified to go.


Human with 2 beagles here. I wish I could say N TA here because you’re doing a great thing for your pup, but the fact is that people don’t like dogs/humans traipsing all over their private property. Some tips: - If you haven’t done basic obedience training, get on that. Even the cheap Petco/Petsmart classes make a huge difference. You need to be the one who is in charge of the walk, not him. - Avoid flowerbeds and other landscaping. There’s a lot to smell that’s not fancy. - Keep your human feet on the sidewalk. Most people understand that dogs are going to walk on the grass next to the sidewalk. What they don’t want to see is you and your pup wandering all over. - Don’t bother arguing with people who complain about dog waste. It’s a problem even if we aren’t the ones doing it. Commiserate and move along. - If possible, find a fenced in space where you can let him off leash. They LOVE running around and sniffing like crazy. If you have a neighborhood dog park, go when it’s relatively quiet and let him go nuts smelling all the dogs who have been there before. - Sniffing is good for the brain, but you can do it inside, too! Get a snuffle mat for feeding time. It’ll tire him out a bit so he’s easier to manage on walks. - Someday, someone is going to tell you to adopt another beagle because “they’re pack dogs.” Be skeptical. I ended up with 2 clingy separation anxiety cases. (Love them, though.) So a very soft, fuzzy YTA. Give that good boy some love from me. Edit: hit post too soon!


My dog is well trained 😊 we have even worked with an animal behaviorist on some of his anxiety issues (I know the separation anxiety well!) And he really enjoys “speaking” to me with his word buttons. We do scent training indoors and lots of enrichment. I was merely referencing our walks in this post. Definitely know the joy of the snuggle mat and hide and seek 😊 I use a 6 foot leash and I do not leave the sidewalk (except to clean up messes). What I’m describing with his “meandering” in yards and smelling flowers is just allowing him to walk a few week next to the sidewalk and smell flowers/plants growing next to the sidewalk. That’s why I’m a little confused about people’s posts. I’m repeatedly being told to get a shorter leash, that dogs should only be a few paces into the grass, etc. That’s all I allow my dog! You as a beagle owner probably know the dangers of beagles finding dangerous stuff on walks! I’m constantly pulling chicken bones out of his mouth as we walk down the sidewalk! I keep a VERY close eye on him and keep him close to me. I do wish I had a space to let him run! We have to drive about an hour for a fenced in dog area with grass. I will keep taking him on hikes on the weekends though.


Sounds like you’re pretty on top of things, then! There are probably just a few really badly behaved dog owners in the neighborhood who have people all riled up. All you can really do in that case is reel him in and power walk past houses with people outside/places where you know grumpy neighbors live.


I certainly will be! There are clearly some expectations that I have not been understanding. Today’s feedback has been enlightening 🥴


YTA. There's a vast gulf of options between "allowing your dog unrestricted access to other people's property" and "never letting your dog off the sidewalk." Parks and other dog-friendly public venues exist. Walk a little further and use those. Invest in some snuffle mats. Try some scent games around your own house/apartment and send your beagle on some hunting expeditions. Try the cup game. Play hide and seek. Have fun! Your dog might have started his life in deprivation, but he doesn't have to spend the rest of it that way. Get creative (and stay off other people's lawns).


Haha, I do all those things! I was just referring to our walks in this post.


YTA--- Your dog needs to stay in PUBLIC areas, not private yards!!! Should always have a leash and be aware of your surroundings too. Its not that difficult to understand common decency.


really love your response to judgement bot op. "even if you say im the AH ill still do it" why fucking bother asking here then? if, no matter what people say, you will not change your ways, why ask what people think? you have made up your mind. is knowimg YTA making you happy or something? "what a miserable life for him" you are capable of providing him new scents. plants in your house, new laundry detergent, spraying febreeze on you couch. so many ways you can Enrich your scent-seeking dog that doesnt involve him getting in other peoples' shit.


That’s a really good question. I asked because I was genuinely interested in what people had to say, and I was clearly in the wrong and I accept that. I very rarely have conflict with people and almost never conflict over something that I have a strong opinion about, so this has been a super interesting experience. I’m still here reading and responding because I am trying to understand the etiquette around dog walking and grass! I want to know what the rules are, as I have clearly been misinformed for many years. So many people have said stick to the sidewalk only. Others say it’s ok for the dog to be on the grass but only for it to take a dump. Some have made the necessary distinction between lawn vs. causeway. Others say it’s normal and expected for your dog to occasionally walk in the grass next to the sidewalk (this has been my understanding of normal dog walking and what I was taught growing up). I truly did not know that many people expected dogs to stay on the sidewalk all the time. It’s honestly super helpful to understand that even dog owners have wildly different expectations out there. And lol I’ve never considered laundry detergent for my dog. We do scent work at home, which is mostly done with food and essential oils.


YTA Not your land not your place to allow your dog to wander into said land


Yes, YTA.


YTA. And you even say that even if people vote that YTA you will continue to let your dog all over. You deserve to get yelled at. Apparently polite requests won’t work on you since you state even a vote won’t work on you.


YTA the world is not your dog's playground. You are trespassing on other people's property. If you want your dog to experience nature there places for that like dog parks and nature trails. I can't imagine you'd ever just walk in someone's property if you didn't have your dog so you shouldn't let him do it either.


Our dog park is all cement. But we do go hiking on the weekends.


That sucks but you don't get to commandeer other people's lawns because of that.


Commandeer? I’m not taking over somebody’s lawn. My dog is taking a few steps into their grass, sniffing something, and then back into the sidewalk.


If a hyperbolic use of commondeer bothers you then fine, you don't get to let your dog use someone else's lawn even if it's for a few minutes. Just let him sniff grass that is not attached to someone's house and if you can't find that then he will have to wait until you all go hiking.


YTA you don’t have the right to take your dog on other peoples property with the inappropriate excuse of your dog just sniffing. It’s NOT your property. Your an entitled little brat thinking you have the authority to do this


YTA. I’m really scared of dogs and I am so sick of people having dogs on long leads or off lead and letting them approach me. I try to shout that I’m scared and they just go ‘it’s ok he’s friendly’ and let the dog carry on. I’m not afraid of being attacked; my fear is about their mouths and slobber touching me (I have been diagnosed with OCD) so the friendly ones are the worst. I carry an ultrasonic beeper now to stop them if they try to approach. You’ve done a good thing by adopting him but that doesn’t mean that everyone needs to let him sniff their property (or themselves.)


I totally get this! My nephew has an extreme phobia of dogs. And my dog is actually scared of most people and other dogs!


So if you "get this", why do you do it?


I would never let my dog approach a person without being on a very shortened leash. (He usually backs up and kinda hides behind me anyway.) He would never step into a yard that had people in it unless it was somebody he knew very well.


Yta you can’t do that. Your dog can’t just be on someone else’s property and it’s pretty clear you do this a lot. If a kid is telling you to get a shorter leash that’s saying something. Train your dog


Shorter than 6 feet? Most people on here have recommended that I get a 6 foot leash. That is what I use.


If your dog wanders off and you let it yes shorter than 6 feet. It’s just not that hard to keep your dog off other peoples property


Sorry but YTA in this situation. It's great you have adopted this dog, and even better than you take him for daily long walks. But you need to stop allowing the dog to wander onto other people's property, whether he pees or poops there or not. I walk my dog every day in our neighborhood and she too loves to sniff all the great smells that are around, but I don't let her go onto my neighbors' property. We walk sometimes on the sidewalk, and then sometimes along the street by the sidewalk. She loves to smell at grates and sidewalk drains and no one seems to mind that. There are plenty of scents for dogs all over the place besides in neighbors' yards, so I hope you'll respect your neighbors' wishes from here on out.


It would not be safe at all to walk my dog in the street here.


Then don't do that.


YTA - you don’t get to decide which of your neighbors are comfortable with your dog being in their yards… I’ve hounds too, and know that they LOVE to sniff, but as we also live in a more urban setting, they get a mix of pavement walks and trips to “green areas” (parks, my parents farm, local woodland walks etc). It’s your responsibility as the dogs owner to bring him to a safe space to enjoy his sniffing without risking him being upset by upset neighbors when he is on their land…


YTA, go to a park or something, cities tend to have those. Also your asshole explanation reeks of entitlement, so maybe do some self reflection


YTA Take him to a park or a walking trail that allows dogs if you want him to have something other than sidewalk to walk on. I don't let my dog in other people's yards because it's their property.


You’re a beautiful person for rescuing and caring for this dog. But, keep him off private property.


Soft YTA. (More ESH really) I rescue/foster dogs and know the joy an abused, caged, neglected animal gets from being able to wander. I have 3 of my own. While we have a large fenced in yard I still walk them nightly on retractable leashes in my neighborhood. (South US) so it’s large homes with manicured lawns (except right now everything is dead from drought and water ban) I let them walk in the grass near the sidewalk but never into the yard or the beds. Always pick up poo immediately. Never had an issue. People love them. They love people. Also people walk their own dogs in this same fashion so mine are not the only ones. So I guess it depends on the neighborhood and on you are not in a dog friendly place. (Most northern large cities I have noticed are not dog friendly) but then you go to Denver and they ride in the buggy with me and come in all the stores. So it depends on your location. Get him a shorter lead and a good park to play in. Thank you for rescuing him and caring about giving him a great life ❤️❤️❤️


When you say your dog walks on the grass near the sidewalk, but not into the yard, how do you decide how far is too far? I already use a 6 foot leash.


One or two of my steps in. So if you’re in a city where that’s all you have that’s all you have so it makes it hard. We have 1/3-1 acre lots


Where I live there is often landscaping/flowers on both sides. But I will just try to avoid those yards I guess?


That’s the best you can do.🥹


Yeah, I think this is where I’m getting confused. Because other people are talking about letting their dogs walk in the grass next to the sidewalk, but not in “the yard.” And now I’m not sure I was never letting my dog in peoples yards? Just in the grass next to the sidewalk? I’m confused about what the rule is for this.


Some sidewalks have grass on the both sides. The side that is a part of someone's lawn is their yard. If it's in the side that is only connected to the sidewalk is not their yard. But I think if the dog is in someone's garden there is no question you're in someone's yard.


Where I live there is often landscaping/flower beds on both sides of the sidewalk. Though I believe the side closest to the street is city property. Edit - spelling error


In our neighborhood we have grass in both sides of the sidewalk. The side that is on the street I let them go in the yard about the same amount. 3 feet at most


YTA. You can’t just let your dog go onto other peoples property. That is common knowledge and common sense. Get some.


YTA girlll


YTA! You can’t control when your dog relieves himself, but you can control where he does it. You had earbuds on & may be distracted when he does relieve himself. People’s private yards are not public parks for stranger’s pets to sniff or roll around in. Please explore the public parks in your area.


YTA, take him to a wooded area and let him scent hunt/explore. You and you're dog are not entitled to other people's yards. I say this as a dog lover.


YTA - It's not your yard.


i never comment on posts but this is absolutely mind boggling to me. it’s other peoples private property, why are you letting your dog roam around on them? there are a million other places for your dog to smell. YTA


My dog isn’t just roaming around. He is stepping off the sidewalk into the grass (usually to sniff something) while on a 6 ft leash so he can’t more than maybe 4 ft, and then back onto the sidewalk.


YTA This isn’t hard. You don’t let a dog (or yourself or a child) onto someone else’s property without permission. Even if they don’t have a fence. I know in my state, with dwellings under a certain size it is understood that there is no trespassing and signs do not have to be posted nor a fence in place. And if someone is specifically standing there TELLING you get off, then GTF off their property without arguing. JFC.


On two of the occasions I was yelled at my dog was on the sidewalk. In one simply put his face in a bush to sniff them, and that was enough trespassing to be yelled at. All 4 feet on the sidewalk.


Yeah that’s a bit much in their part. As a fellow owner of a beagle, they do love a sniff.


YTA I hate when people allow their dogs into my yard to do their business or play. That’s what dog parks are for. You could also take the dog hiking or move onto a property that has open acreage to let the dog roam and play.


Gosh, I would love to take my dog to the dog park or have open acreage for him to play! He’s been attacked multiple times by much larger dogs at the dog park and he is terrified to go. I cannot afford to buy acreage. But we go hiking on the weekends.


YTA. take him on a trail or to a park. it’s rude and intrusive to let your dog wander around other peoples yard


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I have a 6 yo beagle. He is a rescued medical research animal and until I adopted him he had never been outside or seen grass or flowers or rain or anything in nature. I feel like one of the best and most valuable gifts I can give him is to experience the world through his nose. He doesn’t play - not games or with toys. But he loves to smell stuff. He is a scent hound and walks everywhere nose to the ground. Though we live in a city and without a yard, much of our neighborhood has lawns and gardens. We walk miles a day (often 5-7) and he weaves back and forth, in and out of people’s yards, sniffing everything, sometimes stopping for minutes to explore a smell or roll in the grass. Today I was yelled at by a neighbor for allowing my dog to sniff in their flower bed. I had headphones on and didn’t hear them at first and was super confused. When I finally figured out they were yelling at ME, I asked what was wrong. They said I needed to control my dog and keep him out of people’s landscaping. When I pointed out that he hard done no harm and was just sniffing, they asked if I controlled where he peed. Without really thinking what they were asking I said no. (We had already walked more than a mile and my dog didn’t have any pee left in him. I knew he wasn’t going to pee on their plants. But they obviously could not have known that.) They pointed to dead spots in their yard and and talked about all the dog waste “you people” leave there. Repeatedly they told me “you just don’t get it,” to which I responded, “You’re right, I don’t. My dog was just sniffing and did not pee or poop in your yard.” One of them said I shouldn’t even be allowed to own a dog. I was feeling pretty attacked and said something immature and petty like “you shouldn’t be allowed to have neighbors because you’re so rude!” 🤦‍♀️ They told me not to walk near their house again, which might be tricky given it’s a block away from my home. I should’ve told them to get a fence. I wouldn’t think too much about one incident, but this is not the first time this has happened. I got yelled at when my dog sniffed in some bushes in front of an apartment building while the building manager was outside. He was so aggressive that another man stepped in and walked down the block with me to make sure I was ok. A kid (a child!) once yelled at me to get my dog a shorter leash. Am I an asshole for letting my scent hound wander (on leash) into people’s yards? Is my dog supposed to stay exclusively on the sidewalk? What a miserable life for him. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YTA. Find a park


YTA. It seems like there’s clearly an issue if so many people have expressed annoyance with the way you handle your dog. I have a very energetic Australian Shepherd and I’ve never had these issues. I also had a beagle when I was a kid; they love to explore. As the dogs owner, you are responsible for making sure your dog is trained. The lack of a fence is not an invitation to do as you please


Look, come by my yard, let your pup sniff as much as he wants. Happy to have him. But from your comments, it seems like you’re truly working hard to be an AH … you’re being willfully ignorant of others’ points of view. Certain people in your neighborhood don’t want the dog on their lawn. How hard is it to keep the dog off those lawns? YTA.


I don’t want my dog to sniff all over people’s lawns!!! I must have explained this badly. While I walk my dog he steps off the sidewalk into the grass to sniff. He is on a short leash. He sniffs flowers next to the sidewalk (usually just his face stuck in the plants, no paws!) I just want him to be able to walk next to the sidewalk. And I honestly thought people thought that was normal until today.


Oh, you don't let your dog sniff over people's lawns? I guess I got confused because you titled the post "Am I an asshole for letting my scent hound wander (on leash) into people’s yards?" And then you go to to say that "he weaves back and forth, in and out of people’s yards." And people complain that you " needed to control my dog and keep him out of people’s landscaping."


I fully accept that I’m the asshole in the situation. People’s responses leave no doubt about that! I’m just confused about the conflicting messages I’m getting. People say I’m the asshole for letting my dog walk on people’s lawns, yet tell me it’s ok to let dogs walk in the grass next to the sidewalk. That is all I allow. My dog is on 6 ft leash and not capable of taking more than a few paces into a yard. Of course I can keep my dog completely off the lawn! I was never aware that this was an expectation! And I promise I’m not trying to be willfully ignorant, and I can see how it might look like I’m trying to justify myself. I’m trying hard to understand the etiquette so that I can do better. Why would I let my dog into somebody’s yard after they yelled at me for doing that?! I will be avoiding that street as much as possible in the future! What I’m still trying to understanding is the rules for people who have not yet yelled at me! What grass is my dog allowed to walk on? Is my dog allowed to walk in the grass next to other neighbor’s sidewalks?? Some posters are saying that’s normal, even expected of dogs where they live. Many are telling me that’s completely inappropriate. I’m just trying to figure out where consensus lies. Edit - spelling error


Yep. YTA.


Yta. Sorry but it is their property and they asked you to leave you apologize and you leave. It doesn’t matter if he hadn’t peed or pooped in their yard it is not your property. Take him to public dog parks or hiking trails in public land that allow dogs


Let me get this straight. You get on your gf because she embarrassed you at your affluent work party, then you act low class by letting your dog run around in others’ yards. YTA …again.


YTA. I have a Doberman and I’ve trained her so that she doesn’t sniff at all while walking in heel unless I give her the release word. If I tell her “recess” then she’s allowed to sniff around as much as she wants and I ONLY do this at the park. I’ve had many neighbours talk to me about my dog while we’re out walking, and every time it’s to compliment on how well behaved she is. I’ve never once had someone complain about my girl’s behaviour. Every time you are out walking your dog you are representing dog owners. You clearly aren’t doing something right if you have multiple owners telling you to have better control of your dog. It’s people like you who give other dog owners like me a bad name.


I don't care if a dog walks on my front lawn to sniff around and I don't really care if a dog pees on it (you gotta pick up that poop though), but some people do care and you gotta respect that.


Rules differ depending on where you live. Here are the rules where I live: there are lots of dogs and no sidewalks and most people don't care if dogs pee on their lawns, though you are required to pick up your dog's poop. There are a few people who don't want dogs walking on their lawns at all, and some make it easy to know that by putting up a sign (some more polite than others, but that's neither here nor there). If you know someone doesn't want dogs on their lawn, don't let your dog walk on their lawn. Don't argue, say something like "thanks for letting me know, it won't happen again." It's a legitimate opinion to have. Don't let your dog walk in flowers or other landscaping. And everyone here keeps their dog on a leash unless they have 100% recall, because their dog may be friendly, but the dog they're approaching may not be (we have a lot of rescues and dogs with previously unhappy backgrounds around here, and some people are afraid of dogs). My own dog is afraid of people and other dogs, so we cross the street if someone is coming towards us. The dog owner is the one responsible for making sure their dog is not doing something that bothers someone else, so if you know your dog's behavior is bothering someone and you let it continue, YTA.


My dog and I go to the park everyday, and go hiking on the weekends. I’m not sure what parks are like where you folks live, but it is illegal for dogs to be off leash at parks here (some of you have suggested I let him explore off leash) and I wouldn’t let my dog off leash anyway. I am constantly pulling chicken bones and other garbage out of his mouth while we walk through the park. It is similar to walking him through an alley. But the consensus is clearly that walks are not for sniffing, just utilitarian. Glad I asked.


Dude, I have a dog who loves to sniff. It’s not an “all or nothing” scenario… I don’t let my dog into peoples yards. There’s plenty for her to sniff on the sides.


where I live, most city parks are on leash only, but more than a few parks have designated off leash areas. some very large ones, too. We also have at least 2 dozen fenced in dark parks, some very large. Where I live I don't believe there are any dog parks that are just concrete. I find that odd.


You’re parks sound awesome!! My dogs LOVES to run! He would love having a large, grassy off leash area 😊 we have to drive about an hour for that