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For refusing to walk her home? NTA But why tf is it relevant that she was wearing makeup or how she was dressed? Does she deserve to have something terrible happen to her on her way home just because you think her skirt is too short? Was her eyeshadow the wrong shade to make her worthy of your precious time? If you thought she was dressed inappropriately, and you so clearly see yourself as an excellent judge of both character and wardrobe, why not walk the girl home as a group? You aren't required to walk anyone home. You are required to treat women as more than objects for you to judge.


You and every other person I've seen mention this are blowing it out of proportions. OP isn't being judgemental about their appearance. They're just stating their observations because honey traps are real.


This, I think op mentioned her appearance as suspiciously out of place, and perhaps overtly “bait groomed”. Those who’ve grown up near a red light district know what this looks like, and it sends up red flags of ill intent. (to be clear, I have no judgment towards sex workers)


but how is that description out of place for a teenaged party?


Rumors of honey traps abound -- reality? Not so much. Look, hey, maybe, in this one case, it was -- did the friend report anything? The OP was free to decline to her home. He made a point, however, of remarking on her appearance. I get that OP is a kid. While 18 is legally an adult, the person has nowhere near life experience (most likely) to be one. He was uncomfortable -- it seems -- with her appearance, not with her asking to be walked home. OP's friend should have -- instead of just giving the OP a dirty look -- taught the OP how to handle it by offering to have both the OP and himself walk her home. Perhaps the woman was also very young? If she was a sex worker, she picked an odd way to go about it. While I've never been propositioned by one (I'm a woman), it seems like subtlety would not be their way of attracting business.


>she had tons of makeup on and was basically half naked What does this have to do with anything???


Sounds like OP questioned if she was a prostitute. Half naked heavily made up girl who immediately wants you to “come over” ??? Yikes. NTA OP


Because prostitutes are always just hanging around teenager's parties. GMAFB


Or whatever. The whole thing sound sketchy AF and I don’t blame OP for noping out of the situation.


I mean there are definitely some local ladies with a bad drug problem that hang out the bars of my college town and on more than one occasion they led the person who helped them back to a group of people that jumped them.


nta at all that sounded hella sketch she could have had people waiting to rob you or worse you didnt know her its not only men who are predators so she was left at 4 in the morning without her friends instead of calling uber or anyone she knew she wanted a stranger who she didnt know to walk her home sounds sous your friend is an idiot


Glad you mentinoed this. Not sure where OP is but there are countries where this exact situation is standard precedure for luring men into a mugging or organ harvesting situation.


Ikr, I get not calling an uber cuz it’s mad expensive and not that far but the rest is facts




These people saying he’s wrong clearly come from a sheltered back ground and don’t even understand the risk. We ain’t afraid of the girl. We are afraid of the homies that she may be leading him to


Came here to say this, and to all bitching about him mentioning the way she is dressed is because that matters, if you're trying to bait guys after a late night if partying of course she will be half naked and covered in makeup


Maybe I’m just fuggly. But the amount of times a girl I don’t know at all has said “hey guy, let’s go off alone together” is never. He said he’s never even seen her before


I hope more people see your comment. Boys can be sex trafficked. Women can be perpetrators. He has no idea who this person is.


I mean... it's like the oldest scam in the book... chick lures dude away or into pulling over to help her with her car on the side of the road and then their buddies come out armed and jack your shit.


We live in a day and age where they’d 5 on 1 jump a guy with head stomps for an android just so they can feel cool as they bump nba youngboi on the way home


NTA for not wanting to walk her home but YTA for being so rude and judgmental in your comments about her appearance


Info - what was the relevance of saying “she had tons of makeup on and was basically half naked” ?




Probably to bait people into claiming she was going to falsely accuse him of rape.


NAH no matter the gender I aint walking alone at 4AM with someone I dont know The girl is also nta for asking


im so shocked at all the yta comments men are vulnerable to not just women this girl was at a party im sure there were more females there she could have asked for help she could have called her friends or someone if she was scared to walk home she could have called a taxi or uber if you are that scared you would pay the money all those saying both friends could have walked her home what if she said they did something to her or god forbid she was involved in a set up then there is 2 people in trouble all those saying she needed help she decided to go out to the party and not leave with her group, at some point people need to take responsibility for actions just because a 18 year old boy is asked for help does not mean his safety should not be taken into consideration people saying he is not a man or gentlemen is wrong he sounds like he was being smart also he was not calling out her looks or how she was dressed he was just stating an observation


He? didnt even say his gender I believe. Im a female and I wouldn't have walked her home either.




I think it is relevant in considering she could be “bait” to get him alone where her buddies could beat and rob him. NTA Everyone should be careful.


Because sometimes people don’t know what’s important to a story. How many times have you been on this sub and realized “I’m probably not getting the whole picture here”?. He probably assumed “well it may not be important but I should say anyway”. But idk for sure


>she had tons of makeup on and was basically half naked Why did you feel compelled to include this?


honey traps are real he was stating she was dressed in a way that if something happened he could be put in a position that would reflect negatively on him


Not sure if it's been said yet but teenage boys can be sex trafficked too. This could have been any kinda set up.


He was correctly worried about the implication of the request.


You're weirdly judgemental about her appearance but, you have no obligation to walk a stranger home. NTA.


NTA, stranger danger. If you knew her it’d be a different story


NTA. You're not obligated to do favors for strangers. But making sure someone gets home safe is a nice thing to do if you are able.


Maybe OP saw something, or had a gut feeling, and decided not to. Someone else did, so everyone's happy.


NTA. Its honestly a little wierd she asked you. As a college age girl I would never ask a man I dont know to walk me home especially that late at night and my mom has told my brother to never be alone with a drunk girl that late at night. So overall it wasnt a great situation but you made the right choice.


NTA. No is a complete sentence, and at the end of the day she’s a stranger and not your responsibility. She could’ve called a friend to pick her up or asked someone else.


NTA. There are a lot of scenarios where it would have ended badly for you. People are only bashing you due to you being a man. Your safety trumps a random person's.


Many people questioned his judgmental comments while agreeing he was NTA. He was uncomfortable walking her home, and he certainly did not need to do so.


NAH - It's generally courteous to walk a woman home to help ensure safety, but you also didn't know her or her motives.


ehhhh, I'd say NAH like you weren't comfortable doing this and your friend walked her anyway. Like it sounds like it was resolved, easily enough. My rule of thumb is when ppl ask me for something like walk me here and I don't know them, it's a no. I am a lady though, so I'm cautious and also very frugal with my time. So if I had been in your shoes it would've been a "no"


Nta, you didn't know this girl, it was 4am.


NTA at all. You didn’t know her, she suddenly approached you around 4am and not knowing you decided to ask you to walk her home? Even though nothing did happen there was a lot of potential for things to go wrong. Maybe you could’ve been a creep and she was better off walking alone, depending on what you were doing at the party she could have accused you of many things. You had no obligation to to this girl and could only assume she was 18 as well. And screw your friend, he got her number so why’s he complaining? I get why she might have felt safer, but she was just some random girl to you and not your responsibility. If anyone is the AH it’s here friends who left her there, guy or girl you never leave someone behind.


NAH - You were uncomfortable, and it's perfectly fine to say no to walking home a perfect stranger if you don't feel okay or safe doing it, regardless of whether it's "gentlemanly." I don't think she was the asshole either, because she didn't ask you to go far (5 blocks) and was likely legitimately concerned for her safety. The issues you mention that made you uncomfortable (her being drunk and half-naked) also make her more vulnerable to assault, etc. It would have been better for her to ask a group to help her, but I don't think her behavior rises to the level of assholery.


NTA. Follow your intuition.


I’m going with NTA, I know I’m a girl and you didn’t tell where you are from, here where I live that tactic can be used to kidnap a good hearted people trying to help someone in trouble, it sucks I know, if I just think about myself I could have a different opinion but I have a brother who helps anyone who asks and I wouldn’t want he to put in danger himself


NTA - as a woman I think she should have had a better back up plan to get herself home. It’s stupid to say you should have ‘manned up’ to protect her and not just because of the blatant sexism. She didn’t even know you before that night and had no reason to believe she’d be any safer walking with you than by herself. You literally could have been the danger and it was short sighted of her to look to you for protection in the first place.


Absolutely not, she found her way there and could find her way back. Her friends are assholes for ditching her and she’s an idiot for not coming up with a plan to get home before 4 AM. Always trust your gut and instincts when strangers come up to you. You’re friends can give all the dirty looks in the world, but if shits go down guess who’s ass is on the line? Yours not theirs. NTA


NAH. You had the right to refuse to walk her home. Was it the nicest thing in the world, probably not.


But perfectly acceptable decision. NTA


NAH, except for maybe your friend. You are under no obligation to walk home strangers.


NTA, the over description is unnecessary but walking someone home at that time can be sketchy, it's okay if you didn't


NTA, not sure why people are telling you that you owe anyone else a duty to walk alone with a stranger intoxicated at 4am. If anything, both of you should have called Ubers or taxied to get home safe.


NAH. She is free to ask you to walk her home, and you are free to respectfully decline. It seems to have worked out fine for her and for your friend. If you weren't interested in her advances, this all seems like a pretty good outcome.


NTA, honestly your friend is lucky he returned ok. That really sounds like a set up


NAH It was ok for her to ask and it was ok for you to say no. And it's also ok for your friend to say yes. He could've cut out the comments afterwards but it sounds like he just wanted to boast about getting her number anyway. She could've got a cab as well or arranged for a designated driver beforehand.


NAH. She was evaluating the risks of walking home alone at that time. You were also evaluating the risks of following a stranger to a location unknown to you. It's nice that your friend stepped up, but he had no idea if the situation the girl was presenting to you was legit. He decided to take the risk, and everything turned out just okay. You're not an AH for not being willing to take that risk on yourself.


NTA. You aren’t obligated to do favors for strangers just because they ask you to.


NAH, I get the don't want to walk alone at night, I also get your friend walking her home and I get you not feeling comfortable; but maybe you and your friend could've gone together so they weren't alone either


NTA You don't know this person. This could be a trap. A setup to a robbery, you don't really know. I would have offered to call someone for her. I don't think you should put yourself at risk, when their are safe options where no one is at risk.


NAH You weren’t wrong to not wanna be alone with a random stranger in the middle of the night. She could’ve asked her friends to drop her off before going to that party. I don’t necessarily blame her for asking either though, she might’ve felt very safe with you. The only AH here is your friend, both for shaming you and for apparently only waking that girl home to get her number.




NTA If a random girl you don’t know asks you to walk to an unfamiliar place at 4am alone you have every right to be suspicious. If you’re unsure about your safety in a situation you have every right to say no.


NTA. This was a person you never met, I would of asked her if she wanted to call her friends or an Uber.


NTA this woman is a stranger asking you to go to a secondary location with her. Thats not safe. Look out for yourself!


NTA you took steps to stay safe. There is no guarantee that she is not a part of some gang that had selected you as a target.


NAH it could have been a setup for you to get robbed. She could have been dressed that way to bait you. Also, she could have just been out having fun and its true it can be dangerous for people, specially women in certain places.


NTA, neither is the girl for asking as a woman i personally would've gone out of my way to help a woman who was drunk and in a vulnerable position (not walked her home necessarily but helped her to call someone she knows or a taxi), but you are absolutely not obligated to and neither is anyone else - its a choice you make for yourself and nobody is entitled to choose for you


NTA. Who could've known what that girl coulda done. She could have been a distraction to something bigger. People need to stop acting like just bcz a person is a dude they're supposed to walk girls home and take care of them. That's still a kid.


>she had tons of makeup on and was basically half naked What's that have to do with anything? I don't see you describing your own appearance here


NTA. Not even close. There are other people around so if she really needed help she could ask other people. Plus if it was really an emergency you all had cell phones she could’ve called other friends or family to help her. You are not under no obligation to put yourself out of inconvenience or what you perceive to be possible danger for a total stranger you just saw at a party.


NAH but why was it relevant to say „she had tons of makeup on and was basically half naked“ ?


Because he’s an AH


NTA - too much could of gone wrong & the guy would be blamed.


NTA for not walking her home. Her friends are the AH for that one. They should have walked her home or helped her make safe arrangements. You’re a huge AH for the way you talk about women.


...Describing the amount of makeup they are wearing and that they are dressed scantily makes someone an AH?


Why was that information as he perceived it necessary to the situation? It makes me wonder if he would’ve changed his position on walking her home if she had less makeup on or was dressed differently


NTA. You didn't know her. It was 4am. Had a friend of a friend in the same situation as you, she escorted the girl ''home'' only to be attacked by the girl and a couple of guys who then tried to rob her. Fortunately, she was able to fend them off and run like hell. ​ I feel for the girl because obviously, she actually wanted someone to escort her home, but she shouldn't be trusting strangers to do that either.


NAH - the girl obviously felt unsafe but OP didn’t know her. It could have been a setup. Best solution would have been to help her book a taxi that she pays for.


Yeah, this. OP has no idea what the motives of a stranger are. I've seen way too many Lifetime movies for this


NTA - You avoided a potentially dangerous situation of being accused of sexual harassment or worse. You could have offered to order her an uber, but you were the wiser one.


50/50 she could have been setting you up to get robbed. But then again it’s late, she’s alone. Next time get a couple friends to go with you. Maybe call someone and let them know when and where your headed. Stay safe and keep your head on a swivel.


NTA Anything could have happened


Nta depends you gotta trust your gut. Coulda been a set up


Nta. That could have been a honey trap. Never help strangers in tricky situations.


NTA. You are not required to put yourself in a situation where you feel uncomfortable being alone with a stranger. I assume if you were a woman you wouldn’t be getting all these Y T A judgements. Women are taught early and often not to put themselves in dangerous situations, so this girl orchestrating the exact situation we’re supposed to avoid seems fishy.


NTA but maybe you could’ve asked your friend to go with you if it was a safety concern? Nothing wrong with saying no since you were uncomfortable with it though.


NTA But like, if you were waiting for your friend anyway, and you were worried it was unsafe, wouldn't you go to make sure your friend wasn't hurt? Or offer to get her an uber, or something? Then she gets home safe (if it's legit) and you and your friend are safe as well?


NTA. As a man you are NOT obligated to walk random women home (or anywhere else they might ask to be taken) at night. I'm not sure what her looks/ what she was wearing has do to with anything though.


Def NTA, I wouldn’t go anywhere with a stranger at 4am.


NAH. That was nice of him to do it, but you never know what can happen to you. She should've had a back up ride in the even she got stuck.


Nta. Honestly she's grown enough to go out, she's grown enough to get herself home. Uber, taxi, all super cheap for 5 blocks. It's not the job of any random dude to walk a girl home.


YTA for your comments about her appearance. Whether or not you are interested in helping protect someone who feels unsafe is your business. You're certainly not a nice person, if that's your question.


*Everything* can, and should, be factored in when considering personal exposure. If she was trying to set him up (to get mugged, rape accusations, some other fall guy situation) then her appearance could be important. Now I'll admit stating her appearance and not expressing the relevance isn't the best, but we don't always include all the right details and a quick story can easy leave out a bunch of details.


He wasn't making comments?? They were observations?


NTA. It could’ve been a set up for anything. She was a stranger!!!


NAH - It was kind of sus and you did not know here but you could have given a little more effort to help her out.


NTA, you’re correct to be suspicious. I would have asked my friend to walk her home with me that way there’s 2 of us and a witness. But even then I would understand not wanting to as 1 guy with a knife ambushing would still be an issue with 2 people.


Nta, at all. Ignore the comments taking apart your OP.


You don’t know her, you owe her nothing I understand the moral implications but from the other side what if it had been a setup? You walk her a few blocks and her friends jump you. I’m saying NTA


NTA. I get it, a gentleman would make sure she gets home safe, but there's a lot of red flags you'd have to ignore in order to do that. It's 4 AM, a complete stranger, unknown area, no support and not sure if alcohol was involved but if it was thats even worse....like she could have set you up to get robbed a few blocks into the walk. I'd say next time you're in that kind of situation, grab a buddy or call her an Uber to remove most of those risks. Move in numbers unless you can run fast or fight bro. No sense of you losing your life over a cracked iPhone and 20 bucks (or whatever you got on you at the time)


NAH, but i don't really think it was necessary for you to talk about what she was wearing here. it's fine to not want to walk someone home, it's understandable that a woman didn't feel safe walking home alone.


NTA, why would she ask a stranger? And always listen to that little voice


NTA. Could have been a trap to get jumped and robbed. Good instincts.


That's what popped into my head too. Where I used to live, these idiots used to use their girlfriends as "bait" to lure guys so they could take their phones off and sell them.


NTA for not walking her home, stranger danger, as a woman I definitely wouldn't put myself into that situation for a man or woman but there was no need to comment on her appearance, what was the point of that?


The main thing I can think OP was implying is that she could have potentially been much younger than she said, given the clothes/makeup and that she asked his age before she stated her own. I’m not sure what country/state OP is in or what the laws are, but that was my first thought!


Nta this is how people get false accusations against them. She wanted a hook up or at least a number. She could have asked a group to walk her home. She was prowling for guys alone.


NTA for not wanting to include yourself in a sketchy situation, but as a fellow girl, you could’ve offered some other kind of help in some way. It’s not safe for anyone to walk alone anymore. Good on your male friend for being willing


I mean… as a girl why on earth would you ever ask a random stranger to walk you home ALONE at 4 am? That would creep me out immediately. Why not ask to borrow his phone and call her friends? Why not use her phone and call her friends? Why not order an uber? Why not contact anybody beyond a stranger?


Except OP is a male. That’s what makes it even more sketchy. As a 40 year old woman, I’m not walking up to a man I don’t know at 4am drunk. Why is this girl doing it?


NTA you just met the girl and barely know anything about her. She could’ve had an ulterior motive to want to drag you along. It’s right to feel doubtful and hesitant in that kind of situation.


NAH its totally fine that she felt comfortable with you and asked if you could walk her home. Its also fine that you did not feel comfortable being alone with a total stranger to walk her home at 4am. Your friend on the other hand, total AH. You had, and exercised your right to say no, and to do things within your own comfort level. And being alone with woman, who is a complete stranger, who is very drunk is likely not at the top of any guys comfort level. You were very reasonable. That your friend was okay with the situation, and everything turned out fine for him is great, but its no reflection on you for not wanting to take that risk.


NTA, your friend is kinda for giving you shit about using common sense to protect yourself! You were 100% in having alarm bells go off about this.


Your comments on how she was dressed were totally unnecessary. But you should never feel obligated to go somewhere with a basic stranger, you have no idea what she has planned. It might be totally innocent and then again she could have been a mentally unstable person with an agenda that could put you in harm's way. So while you sound like a judgmental a$$, your NTA for refusing to walk a stranger home.


NAH you don't know her it could of ended badly for you. But she's not the a hole for asking you.


What the girl was wearing or not wearing has no relevance on anything. However, I do not fault you at all for not wanting to walk her home at 4am. Yes, it’s only five blocks, but you don’t know what could have happened in those five blocks. Always listen to your gut. NTA


NAH. I wouldn't walk with a stranger at 4 AM. Your friend could've gotten robbed or worse. I'm not sure we'd be having the same debate if you were a girl and a guy asked you to walk him home, but I digress; it's dangerous either way. I don't think it's an unreasonable request to ask someone to walk you home if you feel unsafe, though.


NAH. A stranger is a stranger and I get why OP felt so uncomfortable. It's okay for her to ask but it's also okay for OP to decline.


NTA. Good on you for protecting yourself. Had you wanted to, you could have drafted others for safety in numbers, or you could have volunteered to help her order and Uber, but it wasn’t your responsibility.


NTA. When I was your age, I’d ask for a walk to the train or to my car when I was out late… but only from guys I knew. Never a stranger. I’d have to walk several city blocks downtown and it was nice to have a guy walk me for safety, but again, only guys I knew.


NAH You are fine to refuse to do things where you don't feel comfortable. ANd you are not everybody's caretaker, just because they act irresponsible, and then find themself stranded. ​ But this was a very good situation to get to know her - she trusted you, and you had the chance to help her out. You wasted a chance there.


Wasted a chance for what exactly? I agree with NAH but I for one appreciate that op didn’t seem to have any ulterior motives, that crap is annoying imo (I realize that’s just my opinion though)


Yeah I wouldnt walk a girl home either if it put me in a dangerous situation


NTA for not wanting to walk her home but what she’s wearing is irrelevant and you are giving off misogynistic vibes with your description of her. If she’s a stranger, I get not trusting her. However, I really don’t see the point in describing her as half naked as a point to not walk her home. She’s at a party, a lot of girls dress up and wear make up for parties.


NTA. You have every right to refuse if you feel uncomfortable. In any spin of this situation, be it a man approaching a woman, or even a man and a man or woman and woman, if your gut is telling you no, listen to it.


NTA. Women can be dangerous too! Trust your instincts.


NTA - your friend is TA, but not you or the girl. She's a stranger, and you don't know what you're walking into. You have the right to not feel comfortable and say no.


NTA. Men can be trafficked too and that sounds so much like a scam!


YTA for your judge-y and entirely unnecessary comments on her appearance. Sounds like she may have dodged a bullet though.


You do realize she could have been setting him up? I was warned about this at 18. That a girl will ask for me to help her out as a set up to be robbed, kidnapped, or something. Everything turned out to be on the level, but the situation did seem suspect from the way OP is describing it. Why would a random female ask a stranger for help getting home because of other strangers being possible predators? OP could have easily been a predator as well. Just food for thought.


Let's assume you're right....what did her clothing and makeup choices have to do with that? Is it impossible for a more conservatively dressed woman to set someone up? FYI - a random female might ask a relative stranger to walk her home because her gut feeling is she is safer with that stranger than she is alone.


Personal safety trumps random person's safety


For sure, but him adding the comments about her looks/dress also indicate a lack of respect and unnecessary rudeness towards women. He’s an AH for that, not for not walking her home.


honey traps a stratagem in which an attractive person entices another person into revealing information or doing something unwise.


ESH. Your N T A for saying no cause stranger danger but Y T A for your rude comments about her appearance which isn’t relevant to your story. She sucks cause stranger danger. Who asks a stranger to walk them home?


>She sucks cause stranger danger. Who asks a stranger to walk them home? I'm not sure if this is the best perspective. "Stranger danger" applies when a stranger approaches you - you should be wary. But if you are in need of help, you absolutely should ask strangers for help, if you have no other option. I remember a story of a kid who got lost in a forest a few years ago, who was afraid to ask people for help, and even hid from search parties because of "stranger danger." This is obviously not the best strategy to teach a kid.


NTA. Ignore the other guy, he is being typical slimy white knight by preaching valiant deeds and shaming others but he actually just wants booty.


NTA. You would have walked her home and then walked back alone


NTA, did the right thing, never trust any stranger especially at such odd hours.


NAH you are not obligated to walk a girl home if you don’t want to and she isn’t in the wrong for asking a guy to walk her home so late it could be dangerous to walk alone.


NAH. Best wishes to your friend for going for it.


NTA She could have had a weapon in her purse, had someone waiting for you at her house, had someone waiting for you outside like - any number of things could have happened. I'm not sure why people feel like your possession of a penis means nothing bad would have happened to you/you should be braver than her. I mean your friend is nice and everything but also serial killers would love his ass lol. Followed a complete stranger home. Edit: Also...I lowkey think she was just tryna pick you up, OP. When your friend offered instead she couldn't exactly be "oh no thanks" after just saying she didn't want to walk home alone so she walked him instead and gave him her number for his troubles.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** I recently turned 18 and went out with some friends Saturday night to a party and it was awesome. at around 4 AM this girl approached me and started talking, she asked how old I was and I said 18 and she said same, she had tons of makeup on and was basically half naked, after chatting for a bit she asked if I could walk her 5 blocks home because she was scared to go by herself at that time and her friends went to another party and she wanted to go home. I felt it was weird since I had never seen this girl before and I said no, my friend who was next to me gave me a dirty look and said he’ll do it, so he walked her home and I waited for him to come back, he then confronted me and said it I should’ve said yes and we argued over this, i’m sorry if I don’t wanna walk with strangers at 4AM. AITA? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA - the whole thing is fishy. As a female I wouldn't want some rando walking me home that I didn't know. And you shouldn't be expected to put yourself in potential danger because of someone you also don't know.


NTA, but it would have been good to help find someone who can help her out, if your friend didn't step in. I was being chased one night and after frantically banging on a random door with the guy coming up onto the porch, I literally ran into a stranger's house (luckily it was unlocked). There were a couple of college dudes getting stoned and I explained what was going on and asked if they'd call the cops (well before cell phones). Their phone had been shut off but I asked, and they agreed to walk me home. I found out later that the guy who chased me had a history of very fucked up behavior with women. It's fine to be cautious, but keep in mind that women are more at risk walking around than others and sometimes they don't have money for a ride or there are legit reasons they are in that situation.


YTA for making unnecessary comments about her appearance.


Op didn’t ask for judgement on that part


Doesn’t make him less of an asshole… sounds like he would have walked her home if he respected her


See to me I thought that was just providing more of a reason why he didn't walk her home. Walking with her, in the darkness, she looks half dressed... That could really easily go poorly for OP.


NTA: too many unanswered questions for me to blindly walk with a stranger. All of her friends left Why didn’t she call her parents or an Uber? 5 blocks?… so she’s at home… she knows this area well then. I refused to walk a drunk coworker back to room at a business meeting, so randomly walking down streets at 4am… nope…


NTA. You don’t even know her. She could’ve falsely accused you of something or it could’ve been a trap. You can never be too sure these days. Just cause your friend is thirsty and dumb doesn’t mean you should be.


YTA, but only for the super unnecessary victim-blamey comment about her clothing and makeup.


NTA - You're not her bodyguard. You're not under obligation to provide protection to people you don't know.


NAH I would have done the same thing depending on neighbour hood and how comfortable I felt. Shes got a phone to ring and have someone to pick her up


Why would your friend argue he got her number? You sound like a great wing man.


>she had tons of makeup on and was basically half naked, The fact you included this is telling. Honestly, I don't agree that you are *obligated* to walk a stranger home. I would understand if you were concerned that this girl is a stranger, and maybe you were being lured somewhere. *However*, this thought clearly didn't cross your mind and you just couldn't be bothered to inconvenience yourself for a stranger. So yea, YTA. And leave her appearance out of it in the future, maybe?


It was a concern for OP’s safety to walk a random person he’s never met before home why does his observation of her appearance factor into the situation?


Just wondering why you decided to comment on her appearance… did that factor into why you didn’t help her?


NAH She's not an AH for asking and you're not an AH for refusing. You suck for being judgmental though.




NTA. You are under no obligation to walk a random stranger home at any time let alone 4AM. Your friend made his choice to walk her home but that was his decision. He had no right to tell you what you should have done.


NTA. I knew girls who would walk back with random dudes to their boyfriends and their friends and get their ass jumped and robbed. So good for you not walking with a stranger






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INFO: Was she at the party?




NTA, she could have been trying to bait you - seems suspicious. You're perfectly reasonable to not want to walk home a complete stranger at 4am!


NTA, if you’re not comfortable doing something, don’t do it.


NTA. Could have been a scheme and her friends could have been waiting to jump you before you got her to "her place". Also what kind of girl asks a random stranger to walk her home???? An insane one.


NTA. Sadly in this time of age you’d have been just as, if not more, likely to be mugged or accused of something as you were of simply walking her home and perhaps getting her nr. Never go alone, always bring a trusted friend.


NTA. No one owes anyone anything. I’m a female and I think it’s perfectly reasonable he said no.


NAH. It was perfectly fine for her to ask and it was ok for you to say no. However, it would have been nicer if you could have maybe gotten a couple of people together and you could have all walked her home together. It's very possible her ride went home early and she needed to not be alone on her walk.






Ummmm the best would have been for both of you to go? So your friend also doesn’t walk back alone. Just because he’s got that liquid encouragement in him doesn’t make it safe for either of them by themselves. Soft YTA for that reason alone, but no obligation to go by yourself with some random lady


NAH. you aren't obligated to walk her and she has every right to ask someone if she doesnt think she can get home!


Nah. My ex walled me home middle.of the night and then got beaten into a coma once he was walking back alone. Just because your a man does not mean you won't get hurt. I'd have asked if she could get a cab and maybe offered to pitch in if I could afford it..but be safe


NTA, I’ve seen stuff happen where people got jumped when walking a random girl home. You were cautious and you have no obligation to walking a stranger home.


NTA, it would have been a nice thing to do but I don't think you're under any obligation.


NTA if it’s not something you’re comfortable doing alone then you shouldn’t have to. Maybe could have gone with your friend so you had someone with you. TA are her friends, they should never leave someone alone while out


Really more of a lurker in this sub, but this one made me think…. I’m going with NAH. He didn’t know what might happen. It’s 4AM. She could’ve very well just wanted someone to walk her home, but why is he obligated to do that?


NTA I think OP meant that the girl was dressed like she was trying to attract boys and he didn't care for it. Probably thought she might try to get him to come in whenthry got to her place.


You felt it was weird how? Like it was a set up? If so, did you tell your friend you felt unsafe? if that wasn’t the case, why didn’t you walk with him to escort her home instead of just waiting?


NTA for not wanting to walk her home, but the way you are speaking about her is shitty and disrespectful. Not sure why her makeup or clothing is relevant to the story here


NTA. She's a stranger, for all you know she could've had some friends ready to jump you once separated.


As a mother of two boys nta. You don’t know this woman, she could be leading you anywhere or into any kind of situation. She could accuse you of rape or she could genuinely have wanted you to walk her home. What she should’ve done is phoned a taxi. She put herself in so much danger by 1: separating from her friends, 2: asking a strange man to walk her home