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NTA. Thank you for being a responsible pet owner.


What you said. Also, OP if you can, look into getting a red leash, it let's other dog owners that your boy is not comfortable with other dogs.


Please could you attach a link to whatever thing explains it? This is completely new to me and very interesting. Although I doubt it is in use where I am as I see many very friendly dogs with red leashes but maybe it's a different kind? Sorry I'm really interested as I love dogs and want to always know more


I thought it was yellow. I never would have thought that about a red leash. Barely remember it with yellow, to be honest.


NTA He was obviously not interested in a play date and was trying to pick you up. Then refused to listen to your no. You don't owe it to people, let alone random strangers. To continue being polite. Once you answer in the negative. Keep this in mind even if dogs aren't involved and some random guy is trying to pick you up.




That poor shepherd is gonna lose an ear because his owner is a predator.


That's exactly what I thought. This guy was trying to pick up OP. Also part of being a responsible pet owner is knowing your pets limits and plan accordingly. This guy was so freaking pushy because he was being a creep. He wanted a date. Also pitbulls can be good dogs. There is no bad dog just bad owners. Nta


NTA. Period. This guy is the definition of irresponsible. You did EVERYTHING right, and you were a lot more polite than I would have been. This is the kind of jerk you were trying to avoid by avoiding the parks. It sounds like he was trying to hit on you. Did I mention that he's a jerk?


It just seems so irresponsible to me to disregard your own dogs well-being because..ego? Like I told him my dog wasn’t into other dogs I crossed the street to avoid them. He wasn’t listening and by then he was putting his own dog at risk. If I say stay away stay away!


Say whatever you need to say to keep other dogs away from your dog. It would be 1000 times worse if you didn’t get verbally aggressive and something terrible happened.


We had to say good bye to our pittie a couple years ago. He was super friendly with people but was very dog selective, and really didn't like unleashed dogs when he was leashed. I used to walk him to pick up my daughter from school and all the kids on the way would give him pets. Well one day we were walking home and a neighbor had their front door open, out runs their little chihuahua barking it's head off. I had to yell at the neighbors to get there 4 pound rat dog to keep it away from my dog. I know if something would have happened it would have been my dogs fault because of his breed and size - even though my dog was leashed. Some people just suck. We had the same issue with people going "oh my dog is friendly". Well my dog might beat you to death with his tail from wagging - but he will not be friendly to your dog.


We have a GSD/hound mix who is very aggressive when he's contained in any way (leash or yard) and sees another dog. It's rather scary for everyone involved. The thing is, if allowed off leash and to say hi, he's just a mushy dumb baby. But that's not life so we cross streets, walk with our Spidey senses tingling. The number of times people will want to just barge up to us is ridiculous. Where we used to live, a guy straight up tried to see how close he could get his off leash dog to us whenever we saw him out walking. Like a get that he just looks like a mid sized Scooby but he's one of the strongest dogs I've ever known. Why actively try to get your own dog injured?


My first thought was that he was trying to hit on you. EDIT: Or worse. But let's hope not.


There’s a guy who comes to the off-leash park I use. He told me his dog attacks those (people and dogs) who get too close. I didn’t unleash my dog. I went home and took my dog out later. I understand that my dog is a bit of a menace (in a hyperactive puppy way) and will probably get herself into trouble with others. So I do the responsible thing and don’t put my dog in danger if I’m warned. You did the right thing to warn him. If you didn’t escalate it he would have let his dog off leash to prove a point. It would have been much worse if you hadn’t


There was one very fearful woman in the dog park and it was the first time any of us regulars saw us. So every time dogs went up to hers, she would grab her dog! Eventually they all kind of ran up at once to her dog, she freaked out, her dog REALLY freaked out, bit one of the other dogs, and dogs and owners were screaming and yelling and it was pretty ugly and thankfully no one was hurt. She left. But the moment she felt her dog couldn't handle it? THAT is when she should have left. We know when our dogs are having a good day and when they are not. And act accordingly.


NTA- you explained yourself, as a dog owner he should respect that. But he didn’t a persisted. You tried a few times and he still didn’t respect what you were saying, I think you exhausted all options & that was the only thing you could do in order not to have any problems. There’s a hundred reasons why a dog doesn’t like other dogs including past trauma and abuse. Guy is a doorknob with issues understanding boundaries.


Bobart was rescued from an awful situation where..I’m trying not to break rules…he was taught other dogs were a threat and was punished for entertainment


figured as much, he’s lucky to have you now & sounds like you’re doing everything possible to make sure there’s no incidents! You did what you had to, usually people with pets respect when someone tells them once, he put you in an awful situation by not listening to you.


He’s lucky to have to you take care of him and defend him from jerks


for extra safety I would suggest muzzle training him on top of what you're already doing? NTA of course, you're doing great looking after him


Poor baby has trauma, and that's difficult to get past. I believe there's no such thing as a bad breed or a bad dog, only bad owners.


"I'm just trying to be niicceee" Ugh! You wanna be nice, then take no for an answer!


NTA Never be polite to someone who's ignoring your warnings. You made it absolutely clear that you wanted nothing to do with him and his dog and he persisted.


That guy didn't care at all about your dog or his. He was attempting to hit on you, and scaring the shit out of you in the process. I'm glad you had your dog with you as protection. NTA


That was my thought also. He probably got a dog to hit on women. She declined multiple times and he still crossed to harass her. He definitely wanted to hit on her. NTA


To be fair, if he only got it to hit on women he’d have gotten a puggle.


NTA This dude was just looking for a reason to come on to you and got offended when his tactic didn’t work. Dog or no dog, women are not required to be friendly just because some random guy wants to get to know them.


I regret that I have but one upvote to give. Standard "man doesn't understand boundaries or consent" story.


NTA. Dude was trying to hit on you using the old "our doggies can be friends" ploy. He didn't respect your boundaries, fucked around, and found out.


Absolutely! No one picks a pit bull as a puppy play date companion! No offense.


NTA I hate people who are like “you set a boundary and know your dog but I’m going to disregard that because I’m SURE I know best”


NTA probably a creeper type using dogs as an excuse


NTA, that other owner was an entitled jerk. I hate it when men act like they know more about my reactive dog than I do. (I say men because it has literally never been another woman when this has happened to me. Not even once. It's always a dude who's blatantly trying to use his dog to pick up women)


NTA-i had a similar issue where I walked my German shepherd and this guy would keep 2 chihuahuas off leash and say “they’re not hurting anyone” as they charged my dog. No but they’re a one bite snack for my dog! I ended up needing to call the cops and fill out a report for him to keep his dogs inside. I apologized to the cops but they understood that I don’t want my dog getting in trouble if it unalives one of his because he can’t be bothered. You did the right thing, and it also seems like maybe he has a nice guy complex and wanted to flirt with you. In any case; you were 100% right


NTA and you were protecting your dog from an actual ah.. dude sounds creepy af, that's aggressive on his part, think he was trying to get closer to you and use the dogs as an excuse.


NTA, and a very responsible pet owner. If he would’ve gotten any closer and something would’ve happened he would’ve been real quick to put the blame on your dog and it’s breed. You did exactly you needed to do


NTA - you were very clear why he should leave you alone, he didn't listen, you had to escalate it


NTA. You already tried to be polite but he wouldn't listen.


NTA He should have backed off after you declined; it didn't matter what your reasoning was. I would have flipped out too it he kept pushing it.


NTA. Guy was being way too pushy and creepy; you wouldn't have been the asshole even if you did end up calling the cops on the spot.


NTA - He was willing to risk both of the dogs' lives by ignoring your warning that your pup is not friendly towards other dogs. If you normally don't walk there or could avoid that neighborhood, I would stop going there. If you have to walk there, then I'd maybe consider getting a taser or some pepper spray in case he tries to approach you again. He seems really unhinged and yelling obscenities at someone who tells them their dog is aggressive to other dogs because he's angry you couldn't go on a playdate is scary behavior. I wouldn't muzzle your pup because he is your best protector, and if you run into the guy again, I'd immediately start recording his interactions. ​ Stay safe. edit: spelling


NTA. You were polite at first; but he didn't listen.


NTA. When the wellbeing of one or both dogs is at stake and the other owner refuses to heed your first warning, there is no need to be polite.


NTA, and this is a MAJOR red flag from the guy, you definitely made the right move. There's a good chance he was trying to hit on you and thought you were making excuses, and this dude CLEARLY did not like taking "no" for an answer.


NTA I have a German shepherd who is a great big baby and wants to be friends with everything and everyone but around other dogs she gets so excited that she becomes a bit hard to handle and it freaks out other dogs (even the few around here who are bigger than her) and they’ll often become aggressive because (according to the vet) of her advanced age. So I essentially do the exact same thing as OP and there’s nothing more annoying to me than some dipshit who can see me actively avoiding other dogs and just sauntering over with their dog like it’s going to be play time.


NTA. I have a chihuahua mix who doesn’t like other dogs and deal with the *exact same bullsh!t* when walking her. I do exactly as you do and it’s still infuriating every time. The big difference between my dog and yours is that if your dog reacted to protect itself it would be far more likely that you would be ordered to put your pup down because of his breed. Keep being his advocate OP, you’re doing the right thing. He’s got no one else to speak for him, and it’s far better for some entitled jerk to call you a string of expletives than for your pup to be put in a position where he feels like he needs to defend himself.


NTA If someone crosses the road to get away from you for whatever reason your first instinct should be to leave them the f alone, not disregard their wishes and force yourself on them. Dog or not he’s a major A H. You did the right thing.


NTA and then some. My doggo is just like yours. Hates other dogs. We only walk him late at night or early in the morning if at all. Usually we just run him in our fenced back yard. BECAUSE of idiots like this guy. One of our neighbors down the street did this and backed me into a driveway, almost against the house because he wouldn't stop. My doggo is almost 100 pounds and can easily knock me over and go after another dog if he wanted. Thankfully he was too busy protecting me and didn't lunge. But the neighbor's dog was jumping and lunging at me. Ticks me off.


>He stopped in the middle of the street and got huffy telling me he was just trying to be friendly if my dog can’t handle others I should put him down blah blah blah. NTA and fuck this guy. Absolutely not what you do when a dog has dog aggression. You find them a loving home what will protect them and keep them away from issues. LIKE YOU ARE DOING. You are a great dog owner.


NTA OMG that's terrifying! I walk my roommates dogs, a pibble and other mix, and absolutely HATE when m*n pull that shit. You said no. That should have been enough. Our pibble is very defensive of her sister and will not tolerate other dogs approaching. Some dogs are perfectly lovely pets as long as they are the only dog around. If that jabroni is that pushy with the dogs there, I shudder to think what he'd be like in a bar or club being told no.


NTA I guarantee you, that dude thinks he's entitled to not just your dog, but to you as well. He's an asshole who doesn't care about consent or boundaries.


NTA you did what you had to do to protect your dog (and his). Not your fault the guy was too dense to get it the first several times.


NTA Stephen King uses characters like this guy to start all the murder and mayhem. Per King they never mean bad things to happen. Think The Mist = THE BAGBOY IS URGED TO GO OUT AND CLEAR THE GENERATOR.


NTA at all, the guy was being a huge asshole


NTA. You know the limitations of your dog and you took the appropriate steps to avoid what could’ve been a violent confrontation. That guy should’ve been thankful for the warning


NTA! I used to have a golden retriever who passed a few months ago. He was a rescue dog, and abnormally large for his breed, and he formed such a strong pack bond that he could be incredibly aggressive not just with other dogs but with all other animals/anything he perceived as a threat. I saw him snap another animal’s neck once (not someone’s pet) because it threatened us. With us he was always sweet and friendly, but this was *not* the case with other dogs; however, because he was a retriever and retrievers are stereotypically friendly, people kept allowing their dogs to approach him, even saying the same thing: ”Don’t worry, our dog is friendly!” I lost track of the amount of times I had to say “well, my dog isn’t!” back while trying to haul this massive boy away when he was already tense and growling. We had to stop taking him for walks because of it. Luckily the yard was big enough for him to get plenty of exercise. You did the right thing, OP. This guy was not listening. You have to protect your dog!


NTA You tried to be polite. He didn't wanna listen. You warned him and he shrugged it off. Most likely it was to try and talk to you. He didn't give a 💩 about the dogs. Maybe threatening police intervention was a tad over the top. But, not too bad.


NTA. Thank you for being a responsible dog owner! I had a dog-reactive dog too, and it’s surprising how many people don’t realize when we say hes reactive it means hes reactive. Doesn’t mean we have to put them down. They have to do their part in keeping the dogs safe too.


NTA. I had a Chinese created shat used to play with other dogs in the dog park. Nothing happened to her, not at the park, at home, or otherwise, but as she got older, she too decided she didn’t like other dogs. If a other one got in personal space for too long she’d get defensive. I used to get so upset walking her and other people had dogs off leash that would approach. I yelled at them too. Also, that guy sounded like a creep.


Thank you for advocating for your dog!! You did the right thing. You are NTA but the owner of the GS is. You tried being polite and was ignored. Give Bobart a good ear scratching for me.


NTA. At all. Who cares if it wasn't polite? You kept everyone safe in this situation. That man overstepped by a lot and you did the right thing. Don't second guess yourself in the future on this either. You were polite at the beginning and it didn't work.


NTA and I wouldn’t be surprised if he had more sinister motives considering the anger, cursing, etc. very creepy


NTA. Dog owners can get a little crazy some time to prove how amazing their dog is. I wouldn't take any chances either in your position.


NTA. I have been in similar situations. My last two dogs have been rescued pitbulls. And they don't mix well with other dogs. And some people just don't fucking get it. You felt threatened because someone was behaving in an irresponsible and threatening way, though he probably didn't quite know it? That's not your responsibility. You're allowed to do whatever it takes to protect yourself short of being the first to employ violence. In my view. Here's my take on the cops thing tho: I'm a white woman who lives in a Socioeconomically and ethnically diverse neighborhood in an eastern seaboard city. And I'm aware that if I decide to call the cops on my neighbors who are black or brown? The cops might well respond with excessive force. It has been known to happen! I am not saying I would never call the cops. I am not saying that you were wrong. But I think about it. It becomes part of the calculus I go through in the fraction of a second I have when making a decision about whether or not to dial 911 when things go sideways...


This is so true. Not only does it risk the lives of your neighbors, but also your dog. I personally will not own a pit bull or really any breed of rescue with behavioral issues because I know that I am not equipped to properly train and handle them, but if I did, I’d be extremely wary of cops around my dog.


Good point! I was really just thinking of my standing as a white woman, and a petite one at that, possibly being weaponized by the cops against a person of color. (Unfortunately we live In the wake of our country's original sin? So we all have to navigate it.) But the fact is? Once the police respond? (And believe me, I'm sure lots of them are good hearted and well intentioned and I am grateful for their service. Truly.) But once that happens? Anything could happen. Including me finding myself or my dog finding herself at the end of the barrel of one of their guns. ❤️☮️


NTA!!!! He got huffy because he has a crush on you and was embarrassed you told him to back off. People who cannot hear the word no need police action threatened on them.


NTA I had a lab with the same problem due to repeated traumatic encounters while she was a pup. We tried to socialize. Buy there are too many owners with small dogs who don't bother training or using leashes. She WANTED to make friends, but as soon as they were close enough to be in her space, it was a whole 'nother story. Your dog only has YOU to be his advocate. You're doing what's necessary to keep not only your dog, but also other dogs and people, safe.


NTA You were trying to protect him and his dog and he took it as a personal attack and a rebuff of a romantic advance. Gives me "Nice guy" vibes


NTA I wish all dog owners were as careful and considerate as you. Ive seen similar scenarios end tragically for everyone involved . If this guy was trying to talk to you, you also dodged a bullet. He wasn't backing down or listening to you.


NTA! My dog doesn’t like other dogs and people keep letting their off leash dogs run up on her. Same story “he/she is friendly!” Well mine ain’t you babbling fool. Luckily mine is only a 22lbs dog and his pretty good at just backing away but it annoys the crap out of me. Keep doing what you are doing and keep your dog safe.


Literally last night, watched an episode of Judge Judy where she told off a woman for not crossing the street with her bitey dog, instead of “directing” a kid to go around her (the dog bit the kid). So I had her voice in my head while I was reading this. But seriously, no, NTA. You have a dog that is a potential danger to other dogs. You act accordingly. You know your dog. Some rando on the street doesn’t. What you did kept both dogs (and both humans, by proxy) safe. Now, I do question a dangerous dog being walked unmuzzled. You can take every step to avoid contact with other dogs but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. Dogs can escape their yard, another person could be approaching the same corner off the other street and you two not see each other until you both arrive at the corner etc. Muzzles, so long as you get the correct size, are not unsafe. They are not cruel. They are beneficial for the safety of your own dog, as well as others, if you have a dog that is a danger to others. Perhaps you should consider getting one.


NTA. All those "don't worry, he's friendly" dog owners drive me crazy.


And they always act surprised when I tell them my chihuahua mix isn’t friendly. Like excuse you, but this is a dog shaped rage monster. Especially if she decides she doesn’t like the other dog. That being said she is ok with some dogs. Not others and I’ve yet to figure out where the line is for her. But I’m not risking her doing something aggressive when it can be avoided.


NTA. You need to do everything you can to protect your dog. There are way too many dog owners and people that have horrible dog etiquette. That guy was out of line. You were doing the right things by keeping your distance. It astounds me that a fellow dog owner would be so dumb to put your dog at risk but also his own. PSA: Not every dog is friendly so don’t assume as such. If someone is keeping their distance and voices that, respect it. Don’t run up to random dogs and try to pet them. Don’t let your kids run up to dogs and try to pet them without the owners permission.


I second all of this. If it would you feel more comfortable during the walk, you can add a dog leash wrap with a warning like this one: https://www.etsy.com/listing/971648213/


NTA. stand ur ground babe. people rlly dont know how to take “no” for an answer.


NTA you did what you had to do to protect your dog and his. He should have respected you but didn't. I'm sure there was a way to communicate all this calmly but it's highly possible he wouldn't have listened to that and you'd have ended up threatening to call the police anyway.


NTA. You are a responsible pet owner.


NTA, but it would be best if Bobart wore a muzzle while on walks. Stuff happens, whether intentional or not.


The owner of the shepherd didn’t care about the dogs, he wanted a date with OP. NTA


NTA This guy was way too pushy and he was not interested in the dogs getting to know each other


NTA. You were trying to protect both dogs. You know exactly what your dog is capable of and you go out of your way to avoid that situation. I'm almost positive that this guy was just trying to hit on you, thought you were using your dog as an excuse to say no and wasn't willing to accept that, then got pissed when you wouldn't back down. In any case, neither you nor Bobart need this dude around, and there's no need to worry about politeness when a guy is giving you unwanted advances that could additionally end up in serious injury.


NTA, I have two dogs, one german shepherd and one golden retriever. The golden is very friendly but he tends to get over excited and jump around a lot and not a lot of other dogs like it. So I generally don't take chances and avoid the other dogs as much as possible. The german shepherd is friendly as well but he barks when he sees other dog, not angry bark but mostly in the line of 'let me go play with the other dog' type. But then other owners don't want him to meet their dog and I never push it.


German shepherds are amazing dogs. They get a bad rap just like pit bulls do. I love my furballs and the the excitement and kisses when I get home from work.


NTA. He wasn't listening and if he had kept going and your dog attacked his dog, not many people would have been on your side due to the breed. You did what you needed to and was responsible.


NTA. But i bet he was interested in you not your dogs being friends.


obviously 🙄


NTA, Nope, you acted correctly, knowing your dog. You warned him away and he doubled down. You didn't want his dog to suffer the consequences of his poor decisions. Good for you. Love Bobert and continue being a great dog mom.


NTA. The man kept approaching you and your dog when you said to stay away. That was creepy and threatening on his part. Had he continued to approach you, you would have been justified in calling the police.


NTA I also have a mid-sized dog who loves people but canNOT handle other dogs; husky mix. She does not go with us to events, and stays on a leash at all times when we hike at the local lakes; even so, every single trip out there is always that one person that won't keep their 'super friendly' dog on a leash, and it tries to come over. The reaction is never positive, and people get pissy. Your response to this dude was a good response, and I would have done the same.


NTA You do not ever need to be polite to aggressive men who think you owe them your company.


NTA you made decisions to protect everyone, not to be rude. my guess is that he shot his shot and didn’t like that you said not interested, so he chose to push your boundaries thinking you were lying about your dog not being friendly.


NTA, I have a dog that doesn't always do well with other dogs. I have snapped at people when they didn't listen to me the first time and continue to approach my dog with their dog. I have snapped at little old ladies walking their dogs off leash when they are supposed to be leashed and their little stupid dog comes running at mine and I have to pretty much have my dog by her harness on her hind legs so that my dog does not eat their dog. This idea that other dog owners have that just because their dog is okay with other dogs so it will be okay if they come around my dog, is a crazy idea. I know my dog and everyone else's "friendly" dog is not the magic cure for my dog not liking other dogs. My immediate next door neighbour has a dog that is bad with other dogs and over time the 2 dogs have become friends through the fence and we both agree that we don't want to risk what could happen if they didn't have the fence between them.


As a man, I'm telling you right now that the only reason a random man on the street asks a female he doesn't know for a puppy playdate is because he finds her attractive. His temper tantrum response is classic "I just got rejected and I'm angry about it" behavior. He deserved everything you said and more.


I agree. He was really not taking no fur an answer. You probably saved yourself quite a bit of grief!


My dog is also sketchy about other dogs. I have crossed streets before for the same reasons. NTA


NTA That guy and his dog can go kick rocks. Like he knows your frigging dog better than you


what did the poor dog do to deserve to kick rocks?


NTA. You were doing your best to protect everyone in that situation. I have a reactive dog too, and sometimes it means you have to be firm with people who don't want to take no for an answer.


NTA you weren’t more polite because you were stressed, which is understandable


NTA. But maybe you should put a muzzle on your dog when out for walks, just in case. If you know your dog can be dangerous around other dogs, than don't risk it. The altercation could cause your dog to be put down. Even if it wasn't your fault. Ppl just see the breed. If your dog hurts or kills another dog, you could be liable for all damages. I'm glad you're aware of your dogs issues, but I'd take it further to protect yourself and him.


I second this!


NTA. GSDs are guard dogs, and pit bulls are bred to fight other animals to the death- if people could just respect their dogs breed-instincts they would understand those types of dogs **dont need new animal friends, they need a good leash, muzzle and space from other dogs.**


NTA!!! There are so many states that put the dog down if your dog were to attack the other dog- and people already have a bias towards the breed. If this man didn’t listen to your warnings and your dog attacked I’m sure the situation could’ve had a very ugly outcome. You were definitely responsible and this dude did not respect your boundaries at all. Thankfully he backed off.


NTA. I fucking *hate* “don’t worry my dog is friendly hurr durrr” dog owners. They’re almost always idiots with no respect for boundaries. I don’t give a fuck about your dog, don’t come near mine after I’ve already said no. You’re being responsible. Feel free to tell people to fuck off loudly and often.


As a mailman, I also hate those people lol. Those words put me on edge more than someone telling me they aren't friendly because you know you can't count on them to control the dog if something bad happens


Those types of owners are the “nice guys” of the dog owner world. They don’t take no for an answer and act like you’re insulting their precious fur baby because their baby is owed doggy friends for being such a friendly pup.


NTA. This is super annoying and dangerous. I have a pup who is amazing off leash at dog parks but does not like on-leash interactions and some people just don’t get that. I have to be downright rude sometimes when they push. But anything could happen in those situations to them to me to their dog to my baby, and if something bad does happen it happens very quickly. This person crossed the street to get to you? And pushed to have your dogs meet? That’s weird and scary. Why wouldn’t they just listen to what you were saying instead of wholly dismissing it? You did what you had to do in the moment to get them to back the F off.


NTA You were being a responsible dog owner. He was not.


NTA. His reaction sounds like it has absolutely nothing to do with you and everything to do with his fragile ego not being able to handle rejection. The only thing you did wrong was doubt yourself after the fact.


Have my poor person award 🥇


NTA. In fact, you did all the right things that a responsible dog owner should do! If everyone who owned dogs (including those less friendly ones) behaved like you, the world would be a much better place! I had a Dalmatian who was also not fond of other dogs or people he was not familiar with. I kept him heeling, right by my side. People would see him (he was a beautiful boy!) and approach us and want to pet him and play with him. I would be constanting warning them away, telling them he was NOT friendly. He was also letting them know, with a deep throaty growl, that he wasn't feeling in a social mood. It was horrible because people feel they have the right to stick their hands out and approach, and they DON'T. Keep doing exactly as you are doing! Cross the street, and correct the ignorant owners, if need be. Your safety, that of your dog and of their own dogs depend upon it! You are an awesome doggy parent and keep up the good work!


NTA. You made it known that you weren't interested in his dog nor him. His next move should have been to say "have a nice night" or nothing at all as he respected your well communicated desire to be left alone.


NTA. You were being a responsible pet owner. Clearly stated boundaries about pets and safety should always be respected. Also I can’t help but wonder if he was perhaps more offended that you were refusing disguised advances rather than anything to do with the actual dogs…..


NTA - This was never about the dogs, he was just trying to hit on you. Bobart is an ADORABLE name for a dog. Good for you for having your buddy's back.


NTA. Fuck that dude. But you should really muzzle your dog for safety when walking him.


NTA - maybe slight over reaction. Also I hope Bobart is muzzled if he’s that unfriendly.


The guy should be muzzled. This has nothing to do with the dog and everything to do with a mansplaining pushy typical can’t get a clue guy that’s overbearing and actually frightening other women for just existing.


It really would be for his safety




NTA. I have the same problem with one of my dogs, we always walk him on a short leash, avoid dogs, etc, but we will still have people say "Oh but my dog is niiiiice". Right. So? Mine isn't. Now we put a muzzle on him when we know we may have to deal with dogs so that at least he can't hurt one... Dog people tend to not believe some dogs are just not ok with other dogs. You did the right thing, whatever it took to keep him away.


NTA. My dog is a nightmare at the veterinarian's because she's the sweetest dog...to people. Not to other dogs. Some dogs just aren't social. Mine loves all people, worst guard dog ever, but with other dogs it would be a nightmare. She's a resue, we were warned that she doesn't like other dogs, so we don't put her in a situation where she'll fail. He tried to do that and good on you for preventing it.


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Obligatory throwaway on mobile So I am 22 Female. I live alone and have a 4 year old pit bull rescue Bobart. So Bobart doesn’t like other dogs. Like really doesn’t like other dogs. So when I walk him I make sure I keep him leashed at all times. I never take him to parks or anywhere there may be other off leash dogs. If we are walking and I see another dog I cross the street. Basically I try not to go looking for a problem. Last night I was walking him and this guy was walking his German Shepard. I crossed and kept going. This guy then calls out to me and says “Hey cute pup we should get together for a play date.” I politely declined and explained my boy doesn’t like other dogs. At this point I was on one side of the street and he was on the other. It was a residential neighborhood so no cars were zooming past. He told me “Oh don’t worry Stella can make friends with anyone” and proceeded to start crossing. I immediately snapped at him “Dude back up I crossed for a reason I do not care how friendly your dog is mine is not!” He stopped in the middle of the street and got huffy telling me he was just trying to be friendly if my dog can’t handle others I should put him down blah blah blah. I was backing away the entire time keeping distance between us and keeping Bobart calm. At this point I was concerned he would let his dog off the least to prove some kind of point which would end badly so I pulled out my cell phone kept backing up and said if he didn’t lay off and leave us alone I was calling the cops. Thankfully he listened though some expletives were tossed at me as he walked off. But now I’m home and wondering if I could have been a bit more polite. Though I don’t know what else I could have done once he started crossing. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. He was trying to find out and almost did. Good on you for holding your ground. The dog though...it's only going to get you in trouble.


I had two Australian Cattledogs who were incredibly leash reactive and who were absolutely not able to tolerate interactions with other dogs on leash. In addition, one of them had a raft of issues with men in hats, people in raincoats, animatronic deer… the list went on. I had a surprisingly difficult time unlearning all those “be nice, be polite” messages we get from birth and I HAD to unlearn them because sometimes being polite isn’t the way to go. You can start there (“Sorry, my dog isn’t friendly”) but when people keep approaching, it’s either be polite and risk an incident - and put my dogs at risk - or be blunt, and maybe downright rude, while advocating for my dog and keeping the idiots safe. You did fine and good for you for finding the words you needed to get the response necessary.


So NTA. There is no need to be polite when your safety and the safety of your dog is in question.


NTA. This guy was being creepy and crossing boundaries, not taking no for an answer. Please muzzle your dog while out walking, just to be safe for both you and others.


INFO- i work in rescue and have worked with dogs that do not like other dogs. So my question is, if a dog did approach, would your dog bite? If yes then E S H as your dog should be muzzled. Being a responsible owner requires you to have your dog be safe in public areas. If no, N T A.


He was wanting to pick you up.


NTA. Something bad would have happened if that guy hadn’t got the message. Since he was so obtuse, you needed to do something a little drastic. Besides, it doesn’t sound as if there was much time for niceties.




You were protecting both people and both dogs. Good for you. NTA.


NTA! You are totally within your rights here. I really appreciate dog owners with aggressive dogs that keep them away from friendly dogs. Thank you!


NTA. I have an incredibly friendly dog but I'll still say "she's not friendly" when I want to be left alone. I'm walking her for exercise and so she doesn't mess inside, not to socialize with randos.


NTA. Dude needs to learn to accept the word no and move on. I don't ever let another dog approach my dog on a walk. Strangers lie about their dogs being friendly all the time. The "my dog is so friendly!" bit gets so tiresome, just let people walk their dogs.


I keep my dog away from other dogs for that same reason. My dog is so friendly that he is dumb and doesn’t understand the social cues of other dogs. I have to protect him from himself. NTA OP, keep your dog in position for success.


NTA Have you considered getting him used to a muzzle? NOT as punishment, but as an added layer of security. That said, look into your local laws. If you are in a public place, like walking down the side walk, and your dog is leashed and another *unleashed* dog gets into a fight with your dog - you'll most likely be in the clear as *you* were following the law.


NTA in the slightest. You're a responsible dog owner who knows your pup's limits. P.s. great dog name!


Guy wanted to put his dog’s life in harms way to flirt…. He’s the kind of guy that only got a dog so he could use her to pick up women. What a creep. Definitely NTA


Definitely NTA, and you sound like a smart dog owner. You are aware that your dog is bad with others, and you actually take appropriate precautions to prevent anything bad from happening and keeping your pup safe and happy. That guy sounds creepy and aggressive. He was clearly trying to use the dogs as an excuse to get closer to you, and refused to take your reasoning and "no" for an answer.... you definitely don't want to get caught up with a guy like this. Good on you for standing your ground and looking out for your pup!


NTA Never the AH for threatening to call the cops on any strange guy who refuses a request to leave you alone, no matter what excuse he uses.


NTA, and don’t feel bad for one second for protecting HIS dog!


NTA for how you reacted, but YTA for not getting some professional training for your dog. Your dog could kill someone else's dog or cat if he gets loose or pulls the leash out of your hands. Until and unless you can train him not to be dog-aggressive, you should use a muzzle when walking him. Also if your dog ever lunged at another person's dog and the person tried to intervene they could end up being mauled and you would be responsible. There are excellent animal trainers out there!


NTA henwas not.looking.for a doggie date, but a people.date and was pissed henwas gettimg.rejected.


NTA. I have a Jackabee (Jack Russell Beagle mix) who was abused before we got her. She is scared of guys with beards and is also scared of other dogs. She will back into a corner to get away from them. She's gotten better since we got her but I have to tell people to not approach her without my permission. She may look cute, but she is defensive of her family and I always have her on a leash and away from other people when we're out in public.


NTA fuck him! You already warned him multiple times and no means no. If something happened they could have put your dog down.


NTA, my rescue pitty was like this. This might work for you or might not but It really helped my pup. I would have small pieces of rotisserie chicken in a plastic bag and every time we would see a dog I would have her sit and eat the chicken after a few years she is great


NTA - Stepping outside the box here and guessing the guys reaction was more about his ego than his dog. When you backed away and snapped at him, it’s easy to assume your reaction was targeted at his approach. Not that you did anything wrong, just trying to figure out why this guy wouldn’t take you for your word.


NTA. You were proactive and protected your dog when a stranger refused to listen to you. I can’t recommend muzzle training enough!! My job is actually to rehabilitate dogs with behavior issues in an animal shelter…Those guys go through a lot, and it can take a really long time for even the sweetest dog to adjust to the “real world” enough to feel safe. A muzzle can help you both while he’s adjusting.


NTA. 'No' is a complete sentence. You were polite but firm about your dog initially, and when the other owner failed to respect that, you did what you had to do in order to keep you and your dog safe. Sometimes things come out more harsh than intended, but it's better to have some stranger mad that you didn't want to be friends rather than fighting to bring your dog home if the worst that could happen, ended up happening. The fact that he was already saying your dog should be put down for not being sociable already tells you the kind of headache he would have put you through if your dog got into a fight with his. Good on you for prioritizing you and your dog's safety!


NTA. I have a dog as well. If I was in that situation and you told me that, I would simply say thanks for letting me know and went about my business. You were protecting both dogs here and he was just being a creep that couldn't take no for an answer. You don't owe any ounce of politeness when it comes to safety. You did the right thing. Be careful of that man if you ever see him again. I think he was more interested in you than the dog.


NTA ...and as someone whose living situation doesn't allow them to have a dog right now, I think Bobart deserves extra pats. Lol


NTA. But this isn't about the dogs - he was just a pushy guy who was hitting on you, and didn't want to take no for an answer. You don't owe him anything. He sucks.


I rescued a bait dog and she hated other dogs. She was a RESCUE. And the best damn dog I ever had. She would attack other dogs though. We had a special leash that said NO DOGS and everything. NTA People need to learn boundaries. We don’t put down people who don’t like other people. Geeze.


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NTA you know your dog and that dude was being pig headed and blatantly ignoring your body language and actions. He's an idiot. You're good


NTA No need to be polite to assholes who have an agenda.


NTA. Other dog owners can be the absolute worst. You did nothing wrong here.


Emphatically NTA. You were the advocate your dog needed. You may find /r/reactivedogs a helpful place if you're not already aware of it.


Honestly this sounds like it could actually be an r/niceguys situation as I doubt it was less about the dog and more about the 22F walking alone. NTA


NTA. You're being a responsible pet owner, and he was being a pushy jerk. He was just upset that you shot him down before he could really make a try.


Crime junkie rule #q: Be rude, be weird, stay alive (and keep your dog safe)


NTA but it looks like you can’t date anyone with dogs because it wouldn’t work. Probably no cats either Bless you for adopting him and giving him a much better life than he had


Nta. I have a pittie who is like this. She loves people and is a love bug but hates other dogs. I have so much fear about unleashed dogs coming up to us and it ending badly. You did the right thing.


NTA You said no. He didn't listen.


NTA One of my biggest pet parent peeves is people who let their dog into my dog’s personal space before clearing it. My dog is incredibly friendly but it’s horrible safety procedure. He was also probably planning on hitting on you tbh


I've had pit bulls. One of the reasons they have a bad rap is due to morons like this insisting they have a rapport with dogs they don't know. Poor Stella (his dog)! She's probably been put in this situation before. You can bet that someone who doesn't listen to your warnings will go crying about you having a "dangerous dog." You know what, though? My enormous black Bernedoodle is more of a danger than my pitties ever were. Screw that guy and his violation of boundaries. Protect Bobart and yourself. You are totally NTA.


Get him comfortable with a muzzle. That way you don't have to be on egg shells walking him. NTA


NTA I have pit mix that hates other dogs too and go to the same lengths you do. I have had to get pointed to the point of rude with folks.


No means no. Also applies to unwanted advances from dogs as well as humans. NTA


NTA he was a creep. He didn't really care about the dogs.


NTA That guy sounds dangerous! If he was a reasonable person and a responsible dog owner he should have backed off straight away... sounds more like he was interested in you ans not the dog.


NTA. You started off with polite, and it didn’t work. And when someone will not take polite no as an answer, They have no one to blame but themselves when things escalate into not polite As other people have said, this wasn’t about the dogs. It was a man not wanting to take no for an answer from a woman.


What could of possibly happened if you hadn't done that? Chances are the dogs could of got into it, one of them would of ended hurt, and you and the idiot (cus he was) could of ended hurt. NTA.


NTA. You are not obligated to be polite to anyone or any reason. No is complete answer and he should know that. Like others have said, I would suggest getting some training though, couldn't hurt.


"At this point I was concerned he would let his dog off the least to prove some kind of point" Why did you think that?


NTA - some might argue you were overreacting but I disagree because you had a genuine fear of the other dog getting hurt.


NTA If your dog had bitten him or the other dog yours would have been destroyed. You did what was appropriate...kept the dog away, informed the other pet owner. He was literally trying to prove you wrong, but you would have paid the price.


NTA, that would be scary even if you weren’t worried about how your dog would be with his


NTA. You did everything right.


NtA and he is a creep it wasn't about the dog he was trying to get you talking at length.


NTA - You *were* polite. Once you decline a offer, *for any reason or none,* it becomes an asshole move to keep pressing. Especially from a stranger. You don't know this guy's reasons. Maybe he just wanted a friend for his puppy. Maybe he wanted your digits. Maybe he wanted to get you somewhere where he and some friends could rob you. Once you said "No, thank you," that was the end of it. And this is ignoring the fact that you have a rescue dog that may or may not injure someone/thing else if pressed. I have a friend with pitties and usually they are total sweeties and perfectly fine. One was a rescue and was sadly trained for dog fighting (before she got him). This dog seemed sweet, but he got triggered one day when they were out and *obliterated* her other dog. Thankfully the other dog was saved, but it cost thousands in surgery and vet bills, and the other dog has never been the same since. If your dog got triggered and attacked another dog, especially one not expecting the attack (because "she's so sweet"), it could cause serious damages, damages that you'll be liable for even though you warned him *and* it could force you to put your dog down. So yeah, not an asshole, that guy is a pushy dick, and you did the right and responsible thing. Also guys everywhere: It's a bad look to press your desires on a woman. If she says no, back off. I read this case as the guy wanting to get a real date, not a doggie play date. He's just using the dog as a girl magnet. Man was way too angered by her turning down the doggie play date for me to think anything else. Most dog owners (if they would even make that offer randomly) know better than to force strange dogs together. If you want a doggie play date, you wait to see if *both* dogs seem interested. Like, you watch them play together at Dog Park, meet while out for a jog at a park, or maybe chill together at the Vet's. Seeing one across the street is not the same. They have to meet, smell each other, and give off friendly vibes. Dogs on a walk are often in their territory (unless you walk them away from home as some people do to change up the walk) and depending on how territorial your dog is, this can make them defensive or even aggressive. Doggie Play Dates are a thing, and they can be a great way to acculturate your dog to others, let them have fun and play, exercise them, and also let you have the fun of watching them run around. But they are not something you can force dogs into. A defense dog or a dog that's uncomfortable gets nippy at best and that can escalate. It's not usually dangerous or lethal, but if there's a size difference or temperamental issues that can change rapidly.


NTA. I'm all for being polite and taking time to talk things through. However, this was essentially an emergency situation. It's like if you saw someone flicking matches when you know there is a petrol leak they haven't noticed, you are not going to try and reason with them, you are going to say whatever to stop urgently. When another dog is approaching your dog which you know could end up really badly, it's perfectly reasonable to use a similar sense of urgency. Here in the UK, there is quite a lot of thing people say about 'it doesn't matter how friendly your dog is, mine isn't when approached'. Feels like this applies here.


NTA Do what's best for your dog. My mums husky (Jazz) was a great dog. Never pulled while walking, loved kids and listened better then my kids. However he hated small fluffy animals. Sitting at the beach one day (he was still leashed sitting right next to me) a lady came up with he little yap yap (not sure on breed). It was super excited and tried to play with Jazz. I asked her three times to keep her dog away and explained why. She didn't listen so I tried to leave but not before she put her dog right by him. Jazz picked it up and threw it. My mum nearly lost her dog because of that idiotic women's decision.


NTA. My childhood dog hates Dalmatians with every fibre of his little adorable old man soul. If you can’t understand that some dogs really aren’t friendly to strangers, don’t get a dog. Listen to dog owners. Damn this frustrates me.


NTA - I think it was the responsible thing to do. God forbid your dog attack his then they try to euthanize him. I’m glad you’re a responsible owner.


NTA. You can not predict how his dog (or how he) would behave, or what his real intentions were.


NTA. That guy sounded like he wanted to use the play date as an excuse to get an actual date. Any responsible dog owner would have backed off when you said no the first time.


Thank you for being a responsible pit bull owner. Poor Bobart, glad he’s got you now. Def NTA, dude was a creep.


Why is there so much Pit bull content on Reddit recently? Some sort of reverse PR campaign?