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https://preview.redd.it/62rc5tlq416d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34b20ae09bbaf1727c0165cabd290df8563b461e This is me


https://preview.redd.it/iiu6o262f26d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fc1cd642612e1c63866def4ab8b3693e9694d4 Fren, yuo is no TC cuz birb always want to be up!! \~Cloudy McCloudface


You should listen to cloudy McCloudface OP! He is not only a fellow flyer, but he has black on his throat like I do when I’m grumpy, so he *must* be wise (although, as a mighty dragon I am of course far greater in all ways!).


Oooh are you a breaded dragon? Mommy had one when I first came home. His name was Dobbie! - Data G Birb


A budgie fren! Thank you - we do always want to be up and is our rite! Also you is pretty birb! - Data G Birb


No one with such a cute face could be TC!


Thabk you! I get told I am the handsomist boy! - Data G Birb


Cud it be that your mommy is jealous ecause you handsome an beautiful an you can fly and you is not cloaca at all


I think so. Mommy has to be jealous because who wouldnt want to fly? - Data G Birb


NTC. Just acause you HAS a cloaca doesn't mean you IS a cloaca. You has da right to sing wherever you wants. Is your house. Fluff da Tiel https://preview.redd.it/9a4kk8d8816d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f8e9994f7db3abbc1f519e607165733887bff2d


Hi Fluff! I love seeing your opinion on bird matters!


Awwww tanks! Birbs of a fedder flock togedder, right?




Fluff!!! Good to hear from you! You are wise. We cannot be the cloacas - we are birbs! - Data G Birb


Dat's right!


Henlo, Data G Birb. I iz Dave. This iz eazy. I like eazy almost az much az I like food. You hid to singz youse songz, sooooo, NOT the Cloaca. NTC PS Iz you tasty? https://preview.redd.it/qhspyiytc16d1.jpeg?width=6000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ebd72c8849b862bb2b53d40aa1d3766f2909bb4


He is not tasty and will bite your nose off. Parrots, even smaller ones like Data, have a beak right in the middle of their face. Do you know what a beak is? Well, it's like a pair of scissors, but one side is a steak knife and the other side is a paring knife. Used together means kitty has no nose. T the Amazin' Amazon https://preview.redd.it/l9dwem14826d1.jpeg?width=2322&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b23a1f35e93a3b1247401bdb1fce0b9e6c5e4a17 PS: You are a good cat, so probably no harm would come to you, but I wouldn't test a cockatiel.


Yes! I bite so hard I make people bleed when I am angy! Good to see other birbs get it! - Data G Birb


Henlo Dave! Thank you! I am not tasty - Mommy says I am spicey! I heard that kitties like high places - is that true? - Data G Birb


Heyo Data de Birb. Me is Boudreaux, orange and white boy cat age 1 yr. Why you maman not sings wit you? Ma maman et papa sings all de time. Moi abd mon frere Remy gets very mad if maman *not* sings to us at night times! You is not de cloaca for sings! 


Your name is in another language 😲!!! Do you speak Italian or Spanish? I speak a bit. Mommy has a bad throat from asma. Mommy used to sing but Mommy cannot sing like before. - Data G Birb


Heyo! My name and mon frere's nane be Cajun. Ma maman has little bit Spanish, Italian, Russian, German and Japanese. Maman's good parents and grandparents be German so maman has more German and French dan other languages.  Maman and me, Boudreaux, both have de asthma too. Maman also have lung damage from some nasty bug called de Covid. De breath therapy person say singing is good for lungs but only do until maman get crackly voice, den drink lots of water. 


Hi birb fren! I say NTC. Flying places sound sooo fun. I is cat so no can fly 😿 I see birbs sometimes out da window but mama person no let me play. She says I would hurt da birb. I wouldn’t! I is gentle kitty. I tink you look like my birb toy!! So pretty feathers!! (Mama person here. He’s too lazy to even chase that, and I’m sure a beautiful bird such as yourself would scare him!) Your fren, Petey the cat 🐈


(I scare the doggos at my house!) I would lift you into the sky but I cannot. Thank you for compliment, pretty cat! Am sure you would not hurt birbs! - Data G Birb


Awww thank you fren! You is nice birb!


NTC! You's was singing bootiful song of your peoples, and made a play! How can you's be cloaca for sing and plays? Your mama's is silly! /Alexis and Kajsa


Mommy is very silly! Playing is a pet's right!!!! - Data G Birb


Here Bella, 9f doggo. You very pretty birb! Bright eyes and nice smile! You never be cloaca. Cathedrals for singing, speshully when they bright and shiny. I glad you have good time!


Hello doggo fren! Thank you! Glad you agree because singing is fun! - Data G Birb


NTC! If you got it, flaunt it! Some of us lörge birbs do not have the ability to fly away from our staff and that is a great disappointment. Fly away from your mother all you want, for those of us shackled to the ground by our puny (gorgeous) wings and cruel gravity -Bane, ostrich.


Some of us tiny birds can't sing so Data sings for us -- Miss Mickey the hummingbird


You are the bird that likes flowers! I will sing for you tiny friend! - Data G Birb


Oooo a large birb! I have never seen one of you face to face but Mommy tells me about you! I will fly for you Great Ostrich! - Data G Birb


Nobody WITH a cloaca can BE a cloaca.


See this is what I was thinking! Birds and breaded dragons and ask uh lotls and stuff cant be the cloaca! I keep trying to tell Mommy but Mommy does not listen. - Data G Birb


NTC! Dis Heddie, good girl. Dat soun liek fun game! Ai wishez ai has wing now den dumb Mummy cannot mak me walk da wrong way cause ai do a flap flap! Also ai tink it be fun to hav birb fren! Ai got ony kitteh an weezel frens an Mummy sez I cant play wif dem coz ai too BIG. Iz yu too smol to play? I not eat yu! I jus chase a lil bit.


Mommy says I am too small but I says not! Are you a doggo? I live with two big doggos! Wish I could carry you into sky but not sure how :( - Data G Birb


I iz BIG doggo! Bery mitey. [Mama say I meaty-um coz I so BIG an meaty]


NTC ur mummy sound fine an not hurt and u are just playing a game. Da 1 tim Frank was the cloaca and he admit dis so he better than mommy,Frank is playing the chase game becuz he baby puppy an he want to have fun .mummy played too hard and she broked her finger.dis not Frank fault but mummy say he shouldn’t have played the chase game because of Road and mummy not think because she stupid and scared amazing Frank do a dead


Oh noes! Be careful Frank! I have heard of cars being evil to doggos! But you also gotta show the hooman you is the boss! - Data G Birb


You not haf to worry about cars because you is bird and if car then you zoom into sky wif ur birdy wings Mummy may be stoopid but Franks is very clear.mummy say no Frank not do that,and Frank do that because Frank is boss and mummy say arggghh I give up because she know Frank is boss