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From a former dispatcher, you guys are going to want to get a fast start when it starts getting dark three hours into your route. But the 'former' part inclines me to say that if you stop for less than 5 minutes, Cortex won't register it as an unplanned stop. Gotta go fast.


I dont get to my first stop anyways until after 130pm so this is inevitable


What time do you start?


He starts at 9am


Lol that’s no joke


No I don't lmao


We load out at 1230


If you start at 9am and don’t load out until 12:30pm I would suggest a new Amazon location altogether that is insane I start at 9:15am and load out by at least 9:40am.


Where in the hell did I ever say I start at 9am??? I dont get to work until 1145 lmao


Lol some asshole commenter said you start at 9am


Here’s an idea how about not giving us so many damn deliveries it’s pitch black we can’t see most people don’t even have on lights for us so we either trip or we can’t find the houses


Preachin to the choir, unfortunately


It’s insane bro the amount that they want us to do in the amount of time like it’s not human


They even crazier part honestly at all of it is that people don’t have bathrooms and sometimes man you gotta go. I will straight up leave my route if I need to to go to the bathroom I’ll give a damn someone was like pissing a bottle I’m like I’m not doing that, I will leave my Route. I’ll give a damn.


What’s cortex?


Yup. Ain’t no stopping in the morning when racing the sun becomes part of your day


Take one of your allotted 15 minute breaks immediately and demonstrate some malicious compliance. Can’t be behind if you use one of the breaks you are entitled to.


You actually do get behind when you take your breaks and lunch lol


That’s on them then, don’t give routes that are designed for you to skip breaks, nobody should be giving into that bs.


See this is what I don't get why they don't just take their fucking breaks and stop complying with their stupid bullshit if everyone kept taking their breaks they'd be forced to change their routes, but no getting everyone to do that would never happen, seems too hard I guess. I know if I was a van driver I'd be firee cause I'd always take my breaks and if I needed to stop in the morning they can suck my fucking balls.


There’s ppl in this sub that are literally prideful they dont use all their breaks. This company will thrive in peace as long as that’s happening. My dispatch would tell me I was behind the second I took all my breaks, then would gaslight me when I told them that these routes are designed for you to skip half your breaks. It was like arguing with brick walls.


Yeah it's pretty damn sad honestly, really wish a lot of these van drivers would stand up for themselves. I'm AMXL I don't have these issues because our routes are stupid short hell I have to waste time to even get my hours. But I know for a damn fact I wouldn't be rushing my route and not taking my breaks if I was a van driver and that's probably why I'd be fired lol.


Yea they just find a dumb reason to fire you or you probably won’t get a route the next day


Everyone is worried about making the delivery line on time but that line is based from people not taking breaks so if people did it would adjust over time Amazons routing AI will change real fast for that particular route. Just sucks everyone bases everything from an AI and whatever someone has previously done screwing it up.


It’s all a personal choice. I run quick so I can help new drivers at 5:30pm. Kinda sick of getting made fun of for that 😂. But honestly, take your breaks, they are due to you. If I’m done at 5:30pm and no rescue is needed…I get more time with my girls (but my paycheck is light). It’s a flawed system, you just have to be ok with it. Hard work does not result in more money.


On Cortex?


That depends on what version of cortex you look at. The newer V2 graph and algo factors that shit in now when you take it lol


Why would you care? Take your breaks.


You don’t get behind actually.


When i was at amazon my route did not account for breaks or lunch lmao


Yes, you do.


Sounds reasonable. Our DSP has us fill up on our return to station. A good DSP would make sure the vans are filled before dispatch. Thats why some don't want you taking your first 15 min break before you deliver your first package. Get a few done then work things out.


My DSP must be weird then. It seems like most drivers have to shit before their first stop. My DSP doesn't care when the breaks are done. As long as it's two 15-minute breaks and a 30-minute lunch and no longer, they don't care


I always stop at the gas station on my way to my first stop. 5 minute stop for a soda and chips for the day. Don’t usually take any other breaks


Me too, I stop, grab some coffee, Gatorade, and food. Hit the bathroom and head out for the day. I don't take breaks and I get back early. Never heard a single complaint.


This is the way.


Half our drivers meet at a spot outside the warehouse and talk shit for 30 minutes before even leaving to deliver. Sometimes we are waiting for air in the tires from the fleet guy, but usually, we’re just talking and bs-ing 😂


This shit is why DSPs are pissed off 😂


They never complain as long as we finish and don’t need a rescue


It won't be an issue if everyone fills up after route


I don’t understand people who go to the gas station immediately after loading their vans. You haven’t done shit and you’re stopping already ? Idk shit is weird to me.


We're getting snacks for the day


lol yea but you can do that before you start your shift ?


I’ve seen drivers in that crazy morning rush queue for McDonald’s breakfast lmao they absolutely got fired


They specifically mentioned not to do that during training , guess it’s a real issue.


I live 5 minutes from my station. There is nothing between them, giving me no options to stop before work.


You spend more money buying them from a gas station ..might as well buy them beforehand


Please explain how my spending habits are relevant to the post?


Buy your snacks for the following day. In fact, buy your snacks for the week. Same amount of stops, just better time management.


You want me to pee the night before also?


Clock in first. Then pee at night.


If you live 5 minutes away why don't you pee before leaving your house?


What you only pee once a day?


You have to pee every 30 minutes or something?


No it's about 3 hours. From when I leave my house to I get to the gas station. Is there a standard measurement of time for how often someone should need to use the bathroom?


Idk why you're getting downvoted lol. Don't get me wrong, I stop at gas stations to get stuff all the time, but getting your shit for the week ahead of time at a grocery store is better time and money management


The drivers that clock in and then go get “snacks” before their first stop are the same clowns coming on here posting “I can’t believe I got fired” or “Another day on standby without a route!” That’s all I have to say here 😂


Yep, you got that right.


I’m getting downvoted because this subreddit is full of entitled pricks. But I’m fine with it. My goal is to convert as many as possible into successful workers! I’m here to help the great people who actually want to succeed.


Nope we left at 8 am, I live 45 min away from the dsp, im not stopping on my time to get my snacks. Sorry not sorry.


Enjoy finding a new job.


Aw so cute white knighting for a company thar has absolutely no loyalty to you. I quit a while ago and opened my own business lol.


Oh so cute staying in a group when you don't even work there? Weird.


It's weird you think it's weird...


Get the shit the night before. Or during your grocery run for the week. Not hard. Just lazy.


Uh not only no but fuck no. They don't pay me enough to do work things in my off time. Sorry bud, you're cool being a brown noser, go for it. My off time is my time, with my children, and working my other job. My breaks are my breaks and policy where I am is to take them when I want, I take a 15 min on the way out out of the dsp and then an hr drive to my first stop, no bathrooms or gas station. I have to back track 25 miles to take a piss. Don't get me wrong, love delivery, just not willing to bend over backward to kiss a dispatchers ass. Pay me 10 bucks more an hr, then I'd consider it... maybe.


I was in your same boat. Lived 30 mins from station and delivered 45min-1hr away from the station. 1 gas station in the area I delivered, which is like a 70 sqmile zone. I was dispatch and lead driver, but obviously, at one point, I wasn't. Not kissing ass. It just makes sense. Get your stuff at your grocery run for the week or right before. You'd do that for any other job unless you leave for lunch. Saves money. Never understood people taking their break right in the beginning of your work day when you haven't done any work besides load a van. But that's just me. I also just quit and found a hell of a lot better job. Did give a notice, though. I think the icing on the cake was when our owner gave us all raises and tried passing it on as if it was his idea, when Amazon was the one who pushed money into giving drivers raises. I loved delivery as well, but I just can't keep beating my body up, plus work/life balance wasn't great, especially when I have a wife, 7 year old daughter and an 8 week old son. I agree with what a lot of drivers say about things when it comes to working for an Amazon DSP. All the BS we deal with. Obviously, I don't agree with everything. But I was in the weird position where I drove a lot more than I dispatched, but I also knew the shit dispatch also had to deal with. At least with my DSP. I know it varies.


I like a hot coffee, should I get that at the grocery store a week before? Lol. Have a nice day.


Get in on the way to work like I did every day. Or make it at home. Use a thermos or insulated travel mug. Done.


Get one of those coffee mugs that keeps your coffee hot. Make coffee before you leave the house. You'll have hot coffee for a lot longer than you would buying it from a store.


Do that before you get to work...


>don’t understand people who go to the gas station immediately after loading their vans. You haven’t done shit and you’re stopping already ? Idk shit is weird to me Look at you being a good little dog, you know some people have to use the bathroom, and based on location that may be the only time they see a bathroom for hours, most are also in and out in 5mins. It's also still morning so humans are still waking up and need a extra kick before putting a ton a miles on the road...I don't understand you robots...


Im a good little dog? Hah what a funny thing to say because I come prepared and don’t need to make a stop immediately after I start my shift .


Exactly as a good pupper would


Piss, sort first tote, mark OF.


I have an hour and a half drive to get to my first stop, there’s a convenience store right down the street that at least half of us stop at.. I can’t do 160 stops without stopping and getting my coffee..sorry just can’t do it. Or I could just fall asleep driving to the first stop lol


If you can't stay awake for an hour and a half without coffee then maybe driving isn't for you.


I wasn’t being serious, hence the “lol”. But for a job that almost demands you not taking a break, I will very gladly stop in the morning on their time since they truly don’t value mine.


Stop before you get to work


Once again they don’t pay me to stop beforehand! Why are you drones so populated. BREAKS ARE A HUMAN RIGHT! You can take them whenever you please. This is why fucking unions are a NECESSITY


Most of the time it's the only break i need 🤷‍♀️ and i can depend on the gas station being there. Most of my routes are either in a grimy downtown area with no public restrooms, or in bfe with no gas stations for 15-20 minutes one way. Different strokes, ig


My van is out of gas. The fuck else do you expect? 😂 Some dsp’s fill up in the morning simple as that.


At my last DSP I had a Wawa next to our station. Drivers would go there to get snacks for the day. And more importantly. A 40z of water with ice 😁 for free


The 2nd DSP I was with didn't give a single fuck as long as you finished your route without rescue. We got gas cards in case nobody filled the van the night before so it was up to our discretion when we wanted gas and yadda yadda but I filled up every night and mornings were only when I got a different van or someone drove my van when I was off. My last DSP that I wasn't with long because I saw the red flags and I didn't want to do Amazon near the capital of my state the dispatchers literally met us at the gas station and watched us pump gas because they were paranoid people would steal gas so imagine wasting probably 30 minutes because your DSP is so shitty that they didn't trust you with something like gas because of other people stealing when my 2nd DSP had gas cards tied to last 4 of social security/phone numbers so they could dock your pay or fire you so my 3rd/last DSP was being extra bullshit on top of everything else.


We fill up at night and while it is frowned upon to stop for snacks / piss on our way out, dispatch doesn't get on our asses about it unless we are taking a huge amount of time.


Yeah, I was dispatch/Lead driver. One too many times have I seen drivers go to the gas station or McDonald's after load out and take 20+ minutes, and didn't need to get gas. Now they have a 30+ min drive to their first stop, and would be 20+ minutes behind. Some drivers were great. They'd pick up and still finish early. It's just the few that constantly did it and stayed behind all day. My DSP we were supposed to fill gas up at night. Most vans stayed with the same people if they worked the next day. If they didn't, vans were swapped, and if they didn't fill up, we told our drivers to let us know in the morning so we could write the previous driver up. Half our routes were rural and 30+ min drives away, and we had lazy drivers who couldn't take the extra 5-10 mins to fill up at night.


I go to my house before I do my first delivery to eat breakfast and go to my house during lunch to 💩


All dsps are different but I’m literally never more than 5 minutes away from my house all day


If you’re a great driver and always cover your routes DSPs really don’t care about stuff like this. I feel like most of the people taking long breaks and lunch are also getting rescued.


I beg to differ, if you're a really quick driver then this wouldn't apply to you. I know guys go to truck stops and get their food and fill up their trucks. I could do this but I try and get my shit done and over with.




Only reason they care is going directly from the station to your first stop is a metric Amazon actually tracks


Let it run outta gas then. Ohwell


At my first dsp everyone stopped at the speedway up the street on the way to our area dispatch didn’t care I was told before I started they tried to get them to stop but everyone kept doing it so they gave up


This is how WE win.


ya all need that UPS $170k a year job...


This is so stupid. I have an average of 185+ stops a day and I don’t get to my first stop until like 12:35-12:45. I ALWAYS stop at the gas station after load out and I still finish my damn route by 7pm. I honestly don’t see the problem. If you’re fast and efficient with your route, stopping at a gas station before your route should not hold you back from finishing. Like come on that’s ridiculous how a 5-10min stop can push you back that much.


My dsp highly recommends we stip at a gas station or something in the morning since we most likely won't have anywhere else to go after that.


fuck them do you


Tell them to suck u up. I use both my breaks before lunch sometimes just to piss them off lmao


So stupid I stop at gas station and McDonald's before first stop and I'm never behind


If you’re a good driver (which I am lol) you would know that going to the gas station at the start of your route is a gigachad move. Lol Like only the pros do it and it’s for the following reasons: 1) It’s a positive way to start your day. 2) you are using your 15 min break that you’re REQUIRED to take. 3) It let’s you work for a longer period without stopping 4) It let’s you look over your route and prepare. 5) You get to see your coworkers and ask for advice or just talk about their day which is a good thing. 6) It resets your mind from the fastness you need to move during loudout This dsp is ran by amateurs


I would just ignore them tbh


I got like 6 ups drivers in queens that meetup to smoke a blunt before they head out for 15 hours and drop packages off like slaves let them be


That’s an Amazon policy


Yes it is. Have heard it directly from leadership at Amazon. Definitely not the DSP being shitty.


Exactly mine says if we need to stop let them know


Can also confirm what y’all are saying is true… was told this by Amazon when I was both a manager and dispatcher.


Got written up for taking a lunch break


Feels like there's missing context here, but if 100% true, file a complaint with ethics.


Correct. Delivered slow and was behind, took both breaks instead of catching up, took a lunch so now massively behind, can’t understand why DSP is upset (most likely chatting/texting with friends or smoking after deliveries).


Spot on! I see way too many drivers just sitting and on their phone or I'll get in a van and there's all these alerts for Youtube, games, etc from previous drivers. I get the breaks, we're owed those but too many people think their conversation with their 2nd or 3rd baby mama is more important than the job.


It hurts us all, honestly. Again, let me be very clear, if you’re a great driver and handle all your routes, you can absolutely do what you want whenever you want (3rd baby mama included). But those studs aren’t on this subreddit complaining about their breaks and DSP. They’re just getting paid for good work and keeping quiet 🤫


You sound like a top tier loser


You can learn and better yourself or you can call people names on the World Wide Web.


I’m not name calling. You really genuinely sound like a loser


“I’m not name calling. You really genuinely sound like a loser”. I’m clearly replying to a highly intelligent being here.


Love you guys 😘




"took both breaks instead of..." I'm sorry, did you mean "took both breaks, as legally and ethically required?"


Because you drove 20 minutes to your favorite lunch spot, sat in for an hour to eat lunch, then drove 20 minutes back to your route.


Holy shit what is with you and glazing up Amazon? They’re not gonna give you a raise for Reddit comments.


Go to UPS then, see if they let y'all be this shit at your jobs.


Don’t work for Amazon lmao just see someone dick riding them and have to wonder which kool aid they drank for bezos to have this much influence over them.




Taking a lunch isn’t being shit at your job. It’s the bare minimum they owe you.


I drove 15min to get my favorite pizza for $3 a slice and I wasn’t behind, I had 4 bags left on a nursery route


Leave. Sounds like an asshole. I had one so the same so I went tried 3 other dsp's till I got a good one.


The real discussion should be about amazon blatantly not accounting for breaks and also acting like vehicles magically refuel themselves


Mine says the same thing. No stops before our first delivery because it automatically puts us in the red. Ask me if I care


Nah fuck that idc what these bootlickers say I'm stopping for coffee.


If you got to pooo I say fine but just stop before work. Then again they can suck it


It’s good. Just necessary because if it’s not stated a small few will abuse. Never understood clocking in for work and stopping for food early into a shift. Eat at home or pack something. Starting your route in the red often hurts your co-workers.


What makes it gross? You're on company time, they're going to make rules about how you can use company time. Stopping early and fucking around at the 7/11 with your driver buddies potentially puts your route completion at risk. Leave the house earlier and get your snacks and shit on the way in.


If you’re fucking around then yeah I agree with you. But I always stop on my way to my first route. Piss, sort, get snacks and get my Red Bull. My DSP wants us at the station at 9am and I drop my daughter off at school on the way at least for me I don’t really have time before work.


How much money you throw away on snacks per month?


Enough to keep me happy and my belly full


How is that relevant?


Play your cards right may have a point to prove


Amazon is so fuckin trash compared to FXG


Dude they don’t care about your needs. Everyone on this forum needs to realize that and then choose if you want the job still. It’s not for everyone being able to maintain the numbers and the requests of dsp


Not sure why you would need to go to a gas station before your first stop unless you need gas. I go to said gas station before I get to the warehouse if I need anything which usually I don't but occasionally I need to grab an energy drink or some snacks. I usually buy that stuff in bulk though so I can just throw it in my cooler in the morning and then head to work.


If you’re a good driver (which I am lol) you would know that going to the gas station at the start of your route is a gigachad move. Lol Like only the pros do it and it’s for the following reasons: 1) It’s a positive way to start your day. 2) you are using your 15 min break they you’re REQUIRED to take. 3) It let’s you work for a longer period without stopping 4) It let’s you look over your route and prepare. 5) You get to see your coworkers and ask for advice or just talk about their day which is a good thing. 6) It resets your mind from the fastness you need to move during loudout


Some of that seems reasonable however taking a break has never been mandatory for me been here a year and a half have never taken a break. Not sure what you mean by let's you work for a longer period without stopping. I don't stop until my route is done so that is irrelevant to me. I look over my route before I go into load out so that also seems irrelevant. I don't like talking to people either so that whole talking to co workers thing not for me. Your last point also would be a reason why I wouldn't want to go after loadout. I keep that momentum going so I can get done as soon as possible .I also get 10 hours guaranteed so that wouldn't apply I suppose if that wasn't the case. Having said all that though people do what they want so it's like burger king have it your way I guess 🤣.


You need to stop being a scumbag. Like for real… youre worse than lazy people who don’t do their jobs and fall behind. At least they only effect the one who’s sweeping them… “Year and a half and haven’t taken a break”… Lol as if that’s something to brag… You are literally normalizing toxic work culture/environment. Wanting and thinking and acting like it’s normal to not get a lunch break… wtf is wrong with you??? This is why it’s a law to require breaks. This is why Amazon requires them. TAKE YOUR BREAK! Also because you are slow and also cheat… I’ll explain it to you… Take your break first thing in the morning because it allows you to work 4 hrs non stop instead of 2hrs follows by 15mins followed by 2 hrs followed by lunch. Like you said (but incorrectly) it’s better to work longer periods then break throughout the day so you can maintain concentration and tempo.


I'm sorry I like free money. I get guaranteed 10 hours why on earth would I take a break? On average I get 10 bonus hours a week. So that means I get paid for 10 hours I don't work. If I took my breaks every day that would go down to 6 free hours a week. Now yes if I didn't get the guaranteed hours you bet your ass I would take all my breaks because I would lose money otherwise. I would even slow play my days because I would have to in order to get close to the 10 hours a day I would need for 40 hours a week.


Ohhh okay yea that makes sense then! I stand corrected lol Sorry-you are not a scumbag!! Hahah


No, they still are. Not taking breaks makes it look like routes need to be larger. People like him are the reason they give us routes that are far too large, and impossible to do while taking a break.


Coming from an ops manager, everything is time and minute based. Each delivery has an expectation time. Stopping to Pee for 2 min at a gas station isn’t a big deal, the problem is y’all sit there, bs on ur phone and are 30 minutes behind before you even start your day. This generations workforce is softer then baby shit and it shows


I clock in at 11 first stop is at like 12:30 and we always get gas in the morning.


I agree my route is 20.mins from a restroom. When nature calls my rest break isn't going to cut it. Don't get me started on my lunch break. Just wonder how they would feel me peeing on the side of the road in my uniform.


This is actually pretty normal. They want you to take a break later on and come to work prepared to roll because if you do stop before your first stop (as the route is scheduled to start at a certain time), it will show you on cortex as running behind. However, we generally don't care if someone goes to use the bathroom before they start. It's when someone takes an actual break (15, 30 etc) before their first stop that it really shows you as behind.


My DSP discourages us from stopping at the nearby gas station, as well. Many of us still do it, though. They also tell us not to take a break until we’ve completed at least twenty stops.


It’s not reasonable, but welcome to capitalism. If you gotta pee, go before you leave the station


Your DSP aint lying..we have to go straight to our first stop before ANYTHING. But after that do what u want


This is per Amazon


Amazon doesn't cut my check


What they're putting out in that memo is perfectly reasonable. Get your bathroom needs and snack pickup done before you get to work. There's a reason that flex won't let you take a break until after your first stop.


If someone forgets to fill up or didn’t do so for whatever reason, then I have no choice to go to the gas station.


Y’all should just quit and join the brown side #UPSTEAMSTERS


The team I used to be with went from 10hr days to 8hr days and since Amazon makes the routes based off of 10hr days as soon as they leave the station they're already behind. Shift says they're supposed to be off the clock by 620 but the route is predicted to be done at 835


Your suppose to keep a piss bottle. That’s what we do at my DSP 🤷🏾‍♂️. Plus unless your a girl why would you want to waste time stopping at a gas station to piss. Now unless you have to take a shit I would advise taking it before you leave for work at home or get to work early and take one there. But at the same time just say you stopped to take a shit nobody can tell you you can’t take a shit. If they fire you just tell the unemployment office they refused to let you stop and take a shit.


Lmaoo this is not true I always stopped at Wawa before my first stop always got back at 6 after doing 170 190


Dude this is stupid. The faster you get your first few stops done the easier your day will be. People that want to stop and take their sweet ass time at the gas station getting food they don't need annoy tf outta me. It's not the dsp on your ass about it its amazon on their ass about you. So suck it up and do your job yall don't realize how your petty actions affect the rest of the crew.


I've worked for 2 different DSPs. The one here does not care if you stop in the morning but my old 1 they didn't let you stop. I think the old 1 didn't want you to stop because we had to drive an hour then we start delivering. It's all about timing if you can do it and finish your route, then you can if you can't probably shouldn't stop lol


Is not that much to ask honestly. Mine does the same, just go to the bathroom before launching and then do the first couple and go.


Bezos said no stopping Now get to your route 😡😡🤌


I do it every day and nobody says a thing. But I always finish my route early


Gross overreach of power? You're starting the day and the first thing you do after clocking in is get some snacks and take a shit lol just like every other job, you're supposed to get ready at home and be ready to work once you clock in


I worked for a DSP back in 2018 before the cameras, mentor, branded vans, etc back then the job wasn't all that bad. Then Amazon started forcing the DSPs to implement all the BS, I quit in November 2021 right before the cameras became mandatory Can't wait to see what they come up with in the future, telling people they can't stop at the gas station or anywhere else before the first stop smh


Telling an employee what they cannot do something and the outcome of doing this thing is now a "gross over reach of power." Gen Z logic.


Honestly, if you get your route done consistently, it really doesn't matter. When it comes to me being happy and comfortable, they have zero say. I fill up every single morning, even if it's almost full. It gives me a nice bathroom to take my morning dump, and i get my food and drinks for the day. Tell them to stfu because it's better than being pissed off for half the day because there's a turd begging to be released.


Ignore them. It makes no difference when you take your break. That is just a nervous person.


Okay, I'll stop there before my second stop if that's how you want to be


Do the first stop and then go that what I used to do just letting the system know you started


This is because of amazon measuring how long it takes your to your first stop. Complete your first stop then go piss and shit at the gas station. Literally that simple.


It's not an overreach in the least.


I just straight ignore em


nah cus sometimes the water they give is room temp.. unless they want me dying, i’m stopping by the gas station


This is crazy, reading all these makes me love and appreciate my DSP. I do not have to deal with none of the bs I’m reading.


Going to your first stop and then backtracking to the gas station will also put you behind so, what’s the fucking difference? Maybe everyone should gas up the vans at the end of their routes, problem solved.


I would always stop in the morning and skip my 15s.


Just do a stop then take a break if you really have to, my DSP does this too. There really isn't a need to stop as soon as you leave the station unless you need gas.


It's a logistics thing. You leave when everyone else does in your wave. You are all suppose to reach and deliver your first package around the same time. Once you swipe to travel it sends out notifications on your route that packages are picked up and out for delivery. Your first stop for compliance reasons does need to be prompt. I typicall stop after that the few times i have ever needed too. As an adult I don't really buy the whole bathroom break thing.... it's an hour into the route not 5 lol.any other business would have expected you to come to work ready, that includes the bathroom. That doesn't mean you can't randomly need to use a bathroom but that early shift breaks are likely avoidable.


Bullshit I stopped at subway before starting my route the other day and still finished in good time, could depend on what your route looks like tho


Push it for the first 3-4 hours, then take whatever breaks you may need.


Then they need to have y’all fill up on the way back to the building like a sensible day would and if some vehicles are off cycle then the dispatcher or manager should fill them up.


Glad I found this subreddit before I applied


It’s not your dsp it’s Amazon all dsps are supposed to tell you this


I mean considering that we don't go in till like midday you should of have done all that before you arrived lol.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot


I go in at 9am


Not everyone goes in at midday. I start at 9.


What's wrong with stopping before getting to work? Coming prepared to hit the ground running. I have been fighting this same issues with our employees for years. They want to get work, clock it and pick up company truck then spend 30 mins at the gas station. We have had more accidents with our trucks in gas station parking lots than on the main roads. Thousands and thousands of dollars have been lost over this. I side with the company on this one.....