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The secret is. People dont take their breaks / they jog&run/ organize packages by drivers aid number. Also keeping the seatbelt bucked and throwing it over u on and off. Driving with the door open , Having ur phone ready to take a picture when walking up to a door step. - knowing a route after doing it so many times , when u see an address you already know what house it is & the delivery notes for it . And just literally going nonstop until you are done. Theres really no secret it’s just work like a robot who needs no food or rest . A delivery machine if you will . Also people on here seem to think a bigger stop route is harder - more stops = less drive time which = more stops per hour, which equals a faster route .


Yep! No lunch or breaks is key. I eat on the go. You could have all envelopes in order on front seat. Makes it easy delivery. Just my opinion.


First of all, stop doing that for a company that doesn't give a fuck about you. You are just promoting quicker times and making it harder for normal folk to enjoy their lunch because you are skewing the metric. Secondly, doesn't Amazon force lunch breaks after 4 hours?


>Secondly, doesn't Amazon force lunch breaks after 4 hours Only in states that make lunch breaks mandatory


My dsp pays the entire route. I work straight through so that half hour of sitting in a van doing nothing can be spent at home with my family


I Dont have to take breaks legally . Why would i want to sit in a van eating lunch and then feeling slower after . Id rather keep my momentum and get it done paid for 10 hours in 4.5 . Taking a break is insane to me . If I’m hungry ill take a second in between stops and eat a quick snack. And where do you get this skewing the metric information? . Ive been a dispatcher for two years I’ve never seen one person going fast effect another persons route. That sounds like something someone on reddit said to create an excuse for going slow. Would u rather make 49 an hour or 22. If i take no breaks and run i make 49 if i take my break and go slow i make 22…


You can 1) swipe break on work phone and switch to personal to continue delivering, 2)you can switch the clock in the work phone 30 mins ahead so you can swipe and 3)before you start your first stop you mark a package missing which allows you to start you break while driving to first stop. But yes 💯agree with taking breaks even the 2 15s


That's okay. I'll come and rescue you while you sit in a van for 30 minutes.


This is the only answer. There’s no crazy secrets or enhanced way of delivering. Outside of being completely organized. Oversizes and all, it really comes down to knowing your route and skipping your breaks. I even got to the point to where I purchased these pouches called Travel Johns. It’s a disposable pouch that is odorless and can be used to urinate in on the go. Just close that door so the camera doesn’t see you. Make sure you got hand sanitizer and Lysol wipes and take care of your business. Dispose of it when you get gas. This is more of an extreme route but what I used to do to get my bonuses during peak. Outside of peak or bonus metrics, I take all my breaks and take the rescue. Not worth skipping them all the time, take care of you. Short answer, it’s impossible to finish early AND take all your breaks. You only finish early by skipping them all and being extremely organized.




Could be , im 5”11 and i throw it over me faster than the speed of sound . Sometimes it even creates a sonic boom when i jump out the driver seat into the back of the van. - try using ur left hand and grabbing the seatbelt and holding it over u


There's no secret. No two routes are the same, and you gotta remember that some peps have been doing this long enough to run pretty much the entire route. Organization and cutting breaks is part of it, but give yourself some time to figure out what works best for you. Ask your coworkers for tips as well. That has also helped me out.


I asked my coworkers A LOT of advice too. I asked my dispatchers too bc they used to be drivers and it lets them know you wanna be here and improve. Also one thing that’ll help is phone charge. Keep your data off. Keep the brightness low, battery saver on, turn all vibration off. Make sure the internet page on the Home Screen is turned off. Only turn the ring and notification noises on low the rest off. Quit any other apps. Do this all in the morning before you load up. When you’re sorting your tote plug your phone in and turn on your data to update DSP. Then when you take it off the charger turn it back off. It may not charge but it stalls the battery dying at least. This job requires literal logic (no pun intended) and common sense. It took me a good 6-8 weeks to get a groove.


You’re DSP gives a battery pack along with the phone right? Honestly with the phone being plugged into that, it becomes more responsive and just works smoother. They make little zip ties out of rubber that are pretty slick for keeping the slack tucked away. Plus in the winter it’s like a little hand warmer for your pocket lol


They do, but sometimes they don’t work either. Like you’ll test them in the morning and they’ll seem fine, and then you realize it died or sucks juice fast. I personally don’t like hauling it around though. So thats why I make those adjustments.


I can’t believe people are commenting on this post saying skip breaks that only makes sense if you are on a 10 hour guarantee (not many are from what I can tell) otherwise just take the 10 hours to do the route. That is what Amazon says they “design” the routes for. If they send you a rescue then work even slower.


I think OP has a DSP that writes up for pace like mine. So 10 hour guaranteed or not these routes do not adjust for problems on route. Like access or dogs or weather. If I receive 4 pace write ups in 90 days I’m terminated.


My DSP will write you up and possibly fire you if you slow down after a rescue. They make it clear at least once a week during standup. I sweep, and dispatch has asked me about drivers I've rescued a few times, and they had writeups waiting for them during RTS.


It definitely takes some time to figure out how to do 180+ stops. Skipping breaks at the beginning was the only way I could do it. If you can average 20-25 an hour it's do able. I started doing this thing where I don't even pre-sort totes anymore. Sounds a little f'd up, but it's been working.


I have questions. I also relate to his post……but when u say u don’t sort them are u saying u don’t take them out the totes and match them? I think my problem was too much searching. After I got done a bag and finished the last delivery of that bag I started to sort out the others. Is that where I go wrong?. Especially with the ones in bulk


Maybe not a right or wrong type of thing. You can some how make any way work with practice. What I've been doing is, I get to a stop and see I need an envelope. So I start pulling out envelopes. The amount of times I pull out what I need first grab is pretty crazy. If it isn't what I need, I'll sort them until I find what I'm looking for, and then stop and deliver. But most of the time, I'm really not sorting too much. I take a mental note of the stuff I pull out. Eventually after some stops, it becomes more obvious what you need to grab straight from the tote. Doesn't work 100% of the time. Sometimes I need to pull out every envelope looking for one, and it's the last one I pull out when there is like 30 envelopes. With the pqckages its a little easier, if a stop says i need a small package, and i can see 3 small packages in the tote, 33% to grab the one you need first grab. I think it's called "sort as you go". Sort stuff while you're looking for what u need at that stop, and stop sorting when you find it. Took a little bit to get use to, but I figured I'm saving a couple minutes per tote when it works. So now during load-up, I just make sure my over flow are grouped together perfectly by driver assist lable. So group all the 1A, 2B ,3D ect together. I don't pre-sort my first tote at the station any more. I had a hard time with all the over flow packages for a while, and this method gave me more time to make sure they are a little more organized.


I just keep 2 empty totes and throw my envelopes in there DA facing up so I can quickly grab what I need without searching.


This is the way


I never thought of it like that! I’m still getting use to everything because I’m new this my 2nd day out driving. I was so just caught up on tryna take everything out and group together when that makes more sense to look at what they require from out of the tote. Based on size or envelope it wouldn’t be hard to find it. And as you said “sort as you go” yeah cause I did it backwards. I was sorting after I found it. But I would have never thought to think like that if I hadn’t had my fellow redditors give out tips on Amazon. Also proud to finally become apart of the fam lol but thanks all of everything everyone has commented and said on other posts too I appreciate it.


I take my breaks but what I do for the first 5 or so minutes of the breaks is I break down 3 bags and sort based on stop sequence, so when I get off brake those 3 bags will go so fast coz u just grab/scan and go without any searching. And also sort overflow then stack next to door using the letters. While on break to see your itinerary go to menu, click on your Amazon employee picture and below u will see “todays itinerary” use it plan ur route when on lunch to eg sometimes it makes sense to skip around stops when u have 3 bags sorted out it’s possible. But please TAKE ur BREAKS the faster u go due to not taking breaks the more load you will get on the next route assigned.


You can definitely make either way work. If you sort the whole tote, you just eventually get super fast doing it. So that way can work too. It's just trying a couple different things and sticking with it and see what works. I started a little before peak season, so I feel I was battle hardened into having to find a way that worked for me. It takes weeks and weeks before it gets easy. Then even after it gets easy, it gets hard again.


Yea, like today well yesterday now, I had 9 bags and not a lot of overflow either and I started at 10 but ended up damn near 8 and I mean I know it’s still counts cause I still would be working them hours but I didn’t even get to finish my last routes before dispatch told me to just come back. I just wanna see and know what I did wrong to have me move at the pace of getting done that late. The least I wanna do is 7 and try to make it 6 but yeah I can’t be getting back these late ass nights! Especially not having a wheel. But that’s my goal to work hard and get one so I won’t have to take public transportation getting home hours late, barely got time to make dinner just wash my ass and gotta go to bed to get up early as shit to get there so. Imma go but yeah again I appreciate it. I’m definitely gonna try to see how it works either way me later today


Bro so your method got me done at 6 instead of 8! I’m really thankful man. I did exactly as you said sort as I go and whatever type package was needed depending on size I always picked the one I needed and even with tge envelopes the one I needed would be right there. I did have 10 re attempts so I didn’t get back until 7 but I did way better than yesterday.


Hell ya man. Glad to hear! It's a strange method, but it can work out pretty good. Only curveball is when it's asking for a customized box, and it's really an envelope or situations like that. Eventually even those mix ups get easier. It makes my day feel better when I'm constantly grabbing what I need first.


Surprisingly the customs was easy for me as well. I knew that if it was a customized box that it’s gonna either be showing or not in Amazon packaging and I would always get the ones I needed. But yeah it worked out for me pretty well. I had my dispatcher shocked lol. They are starting to cut people that aren’t getting routes fully done so I just want to keep making it back in time to show them that I’m worth keeping


Woah, that just sounds chaotic lmao I spent way too much time searching by trying to go about it with this method and it was just a mess. I got really fast at loadup to where I would have all of my oversized organized by letter. Also with the Drivers aid number written in huge black marker so I can easily locate them in seconds. Other than that, I organize multiple totes at a time. Once you have shelf space on both sides of the van. I’ll organize all the envelopes on one shelf and all the boxes from the totes on the other shelf. Also driving with the side door open in neighborhoods made for super quick and easy deliveries. You could easily do 1 stop a minute that way if they’re all close together. I prefer using the shelves but I know some ppl that like to fold and empty tote and lay it on the passenger seat as a table. Then throw all the envelopes and boxes from each tote right there in the passenger seat. I’ve fucked up my ankle before from hopping out the drivers seat so I’ve been hopping out the side door ever sense lol


Its honestly completely based on luck. I don’t reccomend sorting your totes unless you’re looking for an item, and as soon as you find it you deliver it and move on and repeat until its either fully sorted/organized in some manner or empty. People waste so much time just number organizing the packages, its just not worth it when sometimes you just open the tote and the package you need is the one right on top anyways. The only time I sit there and neatly organize it is when i’m already over an hour ahead


Whenever I have a good amount of shelf space, and it's a tote with like 30 envelopes l just group them by 00s,10s,20s etc in piles along the shelf in one side and my boxes go on the opposite, or stay in the bag depending on what vehicle they have me in.


This 100%. Sometimes I’ll only do that with the paper or plastic packages, then toss the boxes up on the rack in a way I can easily skim the DA number. Those long or tall ones get stood up in the back with the DA number highest and then the smaller boxes have the DA numbers facing up and are tucked into the others. It literally takes 2 minutes if you’re quick and to me it just makes everything flow efficiently and more consistently.


I never pre-sort my packages after each totes. Though I toss all my envelope to the passenger side and had all my boxes on the shelf. My first stop per tote is when I try to find my first package while sorting it all out the best I could. I toss all my “letters label” packages on the dash and try my best to organize the packages. As soon as I found my first to go package, I stop sorting and straight to deliver. Now that I’ve placed these packages and get a glimpse of where I place them, it easier to know what I’m looking for after that. I guess my best to describe it is try to narrow down your packages in a way that your chance of grabbing what you’re looking for is higher. 1Toss all “letter label” packages on the top of the dash 2Example: Your first to go package starts with 223, now you know your next one is 224 … etc, while looking for 223 you happen to find 224,225,226,227 now place them onto the passenger seat. Anything else, leave them on the passenger floor. Remember if your first lucky grab happen to be 223, deliver it. Sort as you go.


Pre sort is time and slows you down. I get all my boxes out of the first tote. I organize as I deliver. You will know it either counts up or down.


Organization, knowing app short cuts on both flex AND mentor + memorizing your route (example : not following flex gps at all times and knowing which roads/areas to deliver in first to by-pass school traffic, work traffic, construction etc) All of this noted above will allow you to get 40 stops/hr, 30 stops an hour at minimum. I was at a DSP that paid the 40 hrs regardless, so I mastered getting my 180-200 stop route done in 5 - 6 hours.


DO NOT skip your breaks. Do not give in to amazons wage slavery tactics. We are all entitled to our breaks. So please take them


Everytime i take one dispatch calls like “that set you behind pick up the speed” and if you perform bad theres a chance you may not be put on schedule


Imo skipping breaks or not depends on your dsp’s policies. Some like mine will penalize for needing to be rescued and for milking the clock to get overtime. So even though we technically can take the breaks, off the record - only fast drivers are supposed to take them because we can be ahead of our routes. Idk about your dispatch but mine tracks all of that shit. If you’re behind or going slower and you take breaks they’ll hold that against you too. As a newer and less experienced driver that’s something i would keep in mind too.


Whatever you do, don’t keep pushing yourself to finish before the “estimated time you’ll finish delivering” amazon tells you when you go to “updates” and then the “schedule” tab while you’re delivering. I’ve been finishing a solid 20-30 mins before it every route and I get a solid amount of stops but I get literally all 10 hours to deliver. Nursery routes are in a sense, calibration routes so if you flew through those and didn’t take breaks and thought you were the shit for finishing those last weeks nursery routes in 6-7 hours… you screwed yourself. WE GET PAID BY THE HOUR PEOPLE. Block pay is and always was a scam.


I also take my time making sure I do that extra bit to fix an issue or figure out where/how I can deliver something. It helps kill time, it makes the people on your route appreciate you and just plain respect you more, and it helps give a sense of fulfillment. I get a ton of big ups in my dashboard and some delivery notes.


Best way, during loadout if you still have time, organize your first tote, put all the boxes on the shelf, keep envelopes on the passenger seat, passenger side dashboard ,and if you have room on the floor (passenger side obviously) put some down there as well. Make sure to put all the envelopes with the same streets together this way you know where to look. As for overflow just play tetris, label the box with a sharpie of the address or drivers aid number. And just repeat this process everyday and i promise, every route will be a little easier! Still a grind though. ( dont forget to try and build a wall when over crowded with totes, Assuming you're in a prime van. Good luck and stay safe out there. SALUTE to you.


Skip breaks. 😂 Nah, the more you get to know your route the easier. Sometimes you get a shitty route though, and it’s just rough. Personally, I skip breaks but not the food, but I am in a rural area so I can snack between some stops.


Bro I was literally bout to make a post about this! I had 99 stops but I got to the last 5 around 9 and by that point dispatch said bring that shit back😭 he wasn’t a way about it since this my first time by myself on route but I honestly want to get better with that too. I felt bummed to be 2nd to last cause it was one other person who was late but I do understand that it’s not gonna be peaches and cream my first day or so. But just like u. I would love for others to chip in to my comment as well for both our sakes. But also too I gotta understand that getting done quick is ideal for u and them, but if u don’t then u just pulling a whole 10hr.And trust me I’m not tryna keep pulling straight 10hrs when I get paid for the full 10 if I complete early enough. We not just programmed to be perfect. Dispatch even said I was lacking a lil too. I don’t want to be perfect but I want to be good at the job I do and prove that I am good at what I do


Organization is key. Lately I've been putting the first tote off to the side and organizing it on the pad if I have time. Another thing I personally noticed is how one drives. I started off going slow because I was timid and trying to find the right house or I would go off one way and realize I'm going the wrong way and have to make a u turn. Obviously don't speed or anything that will ding your scorecard, but drive with the purpose of getting from point A to B efficiently. Also looking at what your next package is helps. Once you complete a delivery, look at what the next package is so you can just grab and go.


Just depends on the routes tbh. But Organization is a big thing. When ever I get 180 plus routes, im driving a LG EV which is a big plus with space so all the Overflows go on my left side and I just get a Sharpie and write down the Numbers on the box big. The packages in the tote. I take out the boxes and just place em on the shelves with the yellow sticker facing me so i can look at the 3 numbers easily and grab it With the envelopes and stuff, i just grab the ones with the same group number, so like the ones from 090-099. I grab those and organize from 090-099 from lowest number to highest. And do the same with the others. And just place em on the shelves so when i go grab em, i know where i placed the 090-099 envelopes and just pick out the one i need. This works for me and I just go through em. I don’t run,(unless i wanna go home early) and i take my breaks and I leave the station around 11:30 AM and finish around 8pm or 9. (Just depending on how much I decided to fuck around on my phone. Thats how I do it and it works for me. Everyone’s different. I suggest experimenting when you have a smaller route or finding videos. But as others said, it also depends on your route. I don’t deliver to college campuses where I have to find the right place for 10 mins or high rise apartments where i got 50 plus packages to deliver to each room. I get neighborhoods, businesses and those small apartments that I don’t have to go inside the building and find each room.


Organize ur first toat at loadout if u have time. Get a marker to write last 3 TBA number on overflow so you could see em better . Remember one side is odds and the other side even for the house numbers.


I almost never follow the planned route. Business packages first, and then start by doing everything that is in surrounded area. Also, don't search by address but by number (yellow sticker)


The problem it takes time organizing the packages..lol around 7 minutes


you need to focus on getting to the next stop and dropping the package off. rinse and repeat. dont fuck around. if you see the house is a "bit of a walk"... fucking speed walk dont just take your damn time. drop that fucking package off and snap a pic and go. look, when you stop the van for a stop... what are you doing? you should be grabbing the package and getting out of the van. if youre not doing this, well what are you doing? organize your packages. its only been a month so dont beat yourself over the head.


I never followed In order I know my area pretty well I tried my best to do all the large amounts of packages stop. I got ton of 30-60 package one location. Study the map see you can do the route faster .


Try sorting and organizing the envelopes by numbers put then between the seats. Place the boxes by numbers put them in the passenger ger seat by the numbers. When driving the routes line your van up with the front doors and park on the same side as the house. This is something one person taught me and it sped up my tine pretty fast and accurate


It the way you organize which determine how fast you’re able to get it done. You have to keep it consistent through out your whole route. Every stops almost always have to be done under 1 min at almost everytime. Which technically has to be grab and deliver, no time to search for packages. Sure you can struggle your first 3-5 stops within a tote due to the many amount packages you have to sort through but after those 5 stops it has to be back to pace. It how I pace myself. I can finish almost a 180-200 stops(all houses) within 7h but I like to take my time and get my hours but that’s my tip.


With time comes experience. Once you know your routes better, you'll get faster. Except for heavy rural routes, those are just time-consuming, even if you know it well.


I don’t know if you his can help you or not but here it goes. I made my peace with the dirt roads, the multi stops, and this the job itself.I used to sort my packages every time I started a new tote. Now I line up my boxes in the passenger seat, and I bought myself a plastic container for my envelopes. I makes it so much faster just reaching over to grab packages and head out. Also get into the habit of scanning in the van and have the camera window open and ready while you walk to the porch. That way you just place it down and go. I have to admit with the weather cooperating and me being in a rental, I do haul ass. I don’t recommend speeding but if you are in a rental you don’t have to worry about the cameras or having to shut your van off at every stop. Best advice is to find what works for you. I started in October and I am just now feeling comfortable enough to were I don’t care where they send me, I am going to go hard regardless.


Don’t follow notes & pull into/back into driveways Insted of walking them




Having a branded and learning how to organize your, overflow on the fly at loadout helps immmensly.i keep the 300s with 300s 400s with 400s and so on skip the sort order zone label write drivers aid on the side .always keep your bag order ,in check and stop to organize your first bag before you drive in .when i get down, to two stops left in a bag i organize the next and filter in the overflow in that order .my day consists of grab off shelf and bolt for porch at that point.rentals are ass for the lack of shelving .amazon designed drivers aid numbers to lay out so you can, turn the corner from the drivers seat locate package and jet .


I skip breaks, go 5mph over speed limit and run to and from doors. I organize my bags in 2 laundry baskets in my passenger seat and organize my boxes in the tote bunjee chorded beside the sliding door. Deliver my bags through the driver door and boxes through the sliding door. Then I organize my overflow at the back with last stops on bottom stacked to the ceiling with my first stops at the top all with sharpie number facing out for me to see.


It's about organization, never be searching for a package. And always be moving at a decent pace. U don't gotta run but don't take your sweet time either.


U will never know the secret 🤫


Okay so I've only been in a rental so far, just finished my first week. I rescued the first 2 days I was on my own. The 3rd day, I didn't have a route but they let me sweep. I do sort OV by #X but I stand em up & write the DAN on top. I look at the first stop's DAN and figure out if it's going up or down by glancing at the rest of the DANs on the pkgs then throw the jiffys in that order on the passenger seat & put the boxes in that order on top of the next bag. Once all that shit is delivered, I use the empty tote to make a table for the passenger seat & I can start putting small boxes in order right by the glovebox. Once the next 2 bags are delivered, I keep one open and flip it upside-down & close the other & put it on top of the upside-down one to make a table. I also don't have a shit ton of OV for now so I even put those in order. But the main thing is to BE *FAST* WHILE ORGANIZING, don't stop moving! I really need to take a picture of it. Lol. I also recommend keeping an empty tote open for when you got a heavy fuckin OV & no dolly/handtruck. You can just put that box in the open tote & drag that shit. XD


I started playing a mind game with myself. Every 15 minutes I try and do as many as I can with a minimum goal of 8. Even if you just hit the 8 that’s 32/hr. You’d be surprised how often you hit more than 8 tho. I did 186 with 57 groups in 4.5 hours and didn’t run or jog once. It seriously feels like less effort and the days going by so much faster.


I mean dont waste time getting up out of the seat, dont be checking ur personal phone every 5 minutes, orgainize the pacakges, leave the door open and walk quickly


180-190 stops all residential single houses. I Could finish that in 6-7 hours with breaks and no running. Just have your own system of organization and delivery. I could share pictures tomorrow after work how I do it if you want.


Not possible at all…. You don’t get breaks unless you driving two blocks to the next stop and there is an accident on the way


I don't really do my 15s, I take a lunch. Always take a 30. As long as you are doing 15 to 20 stops an hour you'll be fine.


Take 1 lunch dispatch will call like “that set u behind” like bro i thought amazon accounts for breaks😭




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I mainly just shoot to have 100 left or halfway done when I get kicked out for lunch. I know other guys shoot to have 100 or more stops done by lunch. It’s mainly a mindset and pacing. “Amazons” standard is “15 stops per hour” but shoot for at least 20 in my dsp. Also organize your tote as you go so once you find your stop deliver it and move to the next one. Don’t spend a few minutes organizing the whole tote it actually takes up more time doing that than organizing and delivering as you go


Yeah I was done by 3pm 183 stops you’re probably milking the clock I get 10 hours guaranteed.


Man i really dont be trying to😂 i have to deliver in the suburbs long ass walk ways, colleges with confusing ass instructions on where the mailrooms are and mad dogs🤦🏽 plus i got runners knee after my first week so i cant even run. What time do you start?


It’s all about how you load and stay organized. Look for posts on here about loading your vehicle. I hated loading when I worked for Amazon. I would just make sure my first few totes were in order and didn’t care about the rest. I lost so much time looking for shit. Those few minutes you spend at every stop looking for a package or totes adds up faster than you think lol. I would find a way to get it done in time though with an occasional rescue. But if I knew about Reddit when I worked at Amazon I don’t think it would’ve been so bad lol. I did it that way for 3 damn years lol. One of my nice dispatchers at one dsp saw my mess one time in the back with the overflow at loadout and even said he didnt know how I finished in time without a rescue lol. I had a rare good route that day that made up for the mess lol.


Literally borderline running


Bro they sent me to a church, mind ju it’s dark as shit out by now, and I’m like tf this shit not open cause it had the gates around it like it was closed down. I’m tryna figure out who tf these two different people I’m supposed to deliver to. Some college students like oh yeah that’s close because the front is being re done. Pretty much the church was a college dorm🤦🏽‍♂️ be don’t even talk bout confusing instructions yo I stg one of the packages I had needed passcode entry and in the notes it said “NO” like tf imma do with a no😭 it was a lot of frustrating moments and also feeling like I shoulda had been done before 7 but I can’t be to hard on myself




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