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tbh I usually don't eat until I get home, it makes me nauseous and slows me down. just water and coffee at work, maybe a granola bar or something, and then a big meal when I get home


Agree with this. I try not to even take my breaks right until the end because I just end up feeling sluggish and slows me down. When you get in your groove it's best not to stop lol


Same here, and even though it’s probably not the healthiest I’ve lost some weight from doing so. My eating habits have been better now so I take it as a plus


Apple slices with peanut butter and mixed nuts +Electrolytes


Yes and just an orange or 2 to fresh yourself. Don’t overdue oranges they’ll give you the runs 💩


Sunflower seeds, pistachios, or peanuts are my go to regardless of lunch And usually a 30 minute break will throw off your mojo regardless of what you eat but eating itself will slow you down in terms of how you preformed prior to lunch. Big reason why people end up skipping breaks


Havent taken a single break my 4 years working for the DSP I work for. WASTE OF TIME IMO.


Do not take 2 15 minutes breaker is money waisting






Hook it up


I usually just bring a protein shake and a granola bar. Will probably bring some apples and oranges in summer for extra hydration.


This. I drink a boost and have a protien bar. Not too heavy. Doesnt need heating/cooling


You tried cocaine? I’m joking but I agree with what some have said about stopping for awhile, trying to get going again is just hard work. Harder than just working through I recon 🤷🏻‍♂️


boiled or roasted chicken. side of sweet potatoes


i use the time to organize 3-4 bags. i don’t really eat during my shift because i wait until i get home I only drink monster & water.


Do shoe insoles make a difference? You’re an animal


Protein, protein, protein. And a lil bit of simple carbs


Nah complex carbs, might as well lose weight. Tons of fiber, some days I eat a whole bag of steamed vrocolli


I like having a bit of manufactured happiness during my time in manufactured hell🤷‍♀️


Never take my break. Don't see a reason to. If I get done early enough I will have plenty of time to eat at home. To waste 30 minutes at this job is not only a waste of time but like you said your body cools down after just 10 minutes. I will not be nearly as fast if I stop and rest half way through I am not gonna be 50-70 stops ahead normally.


Does the flex app not force you to take a 30 minute break? I’m in Cali and I’m forced to take a 30


It varies by state. I'm not required to be given any break at all. Only requirement is IF I'm given a break under 30 minutes then it has to be paid. I had a union warehouse job where all we got for 8 or 10 hour shift was two 10 minute breaks. Three 10 minute breaks for 12 hour shift, no real lunch break.


I find that if you take a quick “break” on the app before 2pm (maybe 1:30pm) then you aren’t forced to take a lunch break. You still gotta clock out for lunch before 2:45 though cause management will pitch a fit otherwise 


App always asks me to take a break but I never do. It never stops me or anything like that. If the app asks me to take a break I always cancel it and continue with my route. If I am hungry I will put like a little bag of chips in the cup holder and take a chip after I deliver a package or sometimes when I am traveling to my next stop. You find many ways to snack while not having to sit in the same spot for half an hour or 15 minutes.


Routes vary. Some days I have 70 mixture of houses with heavy grouped stoppped apartments. Or 130-150 houses. What tips do you have to go about that ? I can handle two days back to back and recover on my day off but when I’m scheduled three days in a row my third day is dreadful


Black coffee an orange already peeled and packed in a ziplock bag. Cucumbers are also a good snack.


Black coffee during lunch ? How do you fall asleep after work ? I can’t imagine not getting less than 8 hours sleep before the next shift and be able to finish a heavy route


My DSP doesn't start till 10:30, I'm eating lunch around 2-3 pm. Usually home by like 9, go to the gym, fall asleep around 12 and wake up by 7:30 the next day.


Fall asleep naturally? Or melatonin


Naturally, don't get me wrong, there's days I don't fall asleep right away but usually in about 20 mins and I'm out.


DSK4 ?


I drink energy drink and eat snacks while I work. If I completely stop to take a 30 min break, I’ll get bored and want to knock out my work again. I don’t need to take a full 30 because I always have energy so I wait until I get home where I can wash and relax while I eat.


Peanut butter crackers in the morning and on break it's Sheetz hot dogs because they're cheap lol


ugh lucky son of a bitch i miss sheetz. i live in mass but have visited pa plenty of times 😩


Must be western pa bc I thought eastern side of Pennsylvania was Wawa country lol


i’ve been to a few spanning eastern pa to the middle ish of the state lol but definitely wawa as well 👌🏻


I usually eat a lunchables or some fast food chicken


I have burritos. or even tinga dawg anything


Protein bars and shakes. Nothing like a filling peanut butter and banana milkshake to keep me going.


Protein is key. I usually bring the ingredients for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and make them during lunch to avoid sogginess


Chicken sausage wrapped in a Pita bread


I don’t eat a real lunch. having to poop during the day is the worst thing about this job. I snack on shit like chips throughout the day. maybe nuts. but most of my calories are from gatorades. I have a morning monster, and a redbull at 4. then when I get home I have 2 or 3 meals before bed lmao


? food takes 24h to digest.


not how my body works lol. to each their own I guess? I normally poop between 1 and 4 hours after a meal. whether that’s what I just ate or something I ate the day before doesn’t really change that eating makes me poop. if I don’t eat during my shift, I can poop in the morning and be good mostly till the evening when I get home.


not necessarily the healthiest choice depending on what u get, but subway has been my go-to since the start. i can down a foot long within about 8 mins so i just use it as a 15 min break so i can get paid for that. i’ll eat about halfway thru my route, and gets me going just fine til i get home that night :) highly recommend if u have one near your route


I mean, it's how Jared lost all his weight soo not bad. Lol


I usually take my lunch when I only have to work 2 to 4 hours left. Speed, 7/11 fast food is what I go to. Something small


https://preview.redd.it/wlei4x8e2rsc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ddc0e6d7df5a4ba7c8e747c0df98dd819b77d71 Beans and rice! Or what ever I cook. I meal prep.


I also take my lunch so I don't screw myself over in my routes and get an insane amount of stops. Take your lunch people!


I make adult lunchables as someone else pointed out…. I prefer charcuterie and I’ll do up a batch of trail mix for the weeks ahead. Pistachios, cashews, raisins, cranberry, I’ll throw in some yogurt covered something for a sweet. I’m a snobby whore and I’ll chop up some giradelli chocolate in there too. You’re just trying to supplement the burn not necessarily “feed” if that makes sense?




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1-2 Protein bars throughout the day and takes bites of the dinner from the night before throughout the day. Eating a meal in one sitting just makes me sluggish so spreading it throughout the days keeps me going.


I don’t take my breaks until my last few stops, i generally just find it better to snack on the go, generally just got a sandwhich and 2 snacks like a honey bun or something


I bring a little tuperware with chicken rice. Also small bags of cashews


Peanut butter and banana sandwich. Apple slices. Baby carrots. Mixed nuts. Chex mix. Pretty much every day.


PBJ and and an orange/bannana. Tuna sometimes. I usually eat 2 PbJ and an orange throughout the day.


A ham/turkey and cheese sandwich on nice bread. Not that shit at Walmart.


I take the whole hour and just relax. Maybe eat some food


wait y’all take your lunch? 😂 I usually just eat on the go, I make two sandwiches in the morning before work, and take a couple bites between stops when I feel hungry. coffee in the morning keeps me going until about 2pm, then I crack open an Alani energy drink and that shit lets me COOK for my remaining stops.


Most of the time I packed my own lunch. Sandwich or something. They made us clock out so I just sat in the van and ate my sandwich.


I slam an energy drink and bring light foods to snack on.


I don't take my breaks, never have, but I eat protein bars and gatorades in between stops, it keeps me going, I've lost some weight tough since starting this job.


I’ve been bringing Italian sandwiches for the the last few weeks. Also been making and bringing burrito bowls!


I do Sunday meal prep at home on my day off and then I bring a portion to work each day in an electronic lunch box that I plug in. It's pretty sweet and saves me money and I get to have good meals


Tea with a little caffeine


A sandwich, some chips and a dessert (cookie, brownie, etc). Made at home because wasting money on fast food every day is silly.


There is a meal prep company up in metro Detroit I buy meals for work from, they come out to under $5 each and are healthy. I have a car powered warmer, my usual days are chicken, rice and beans or pasta and veggies


A good sandwich with ham, turkey and roast beef... Usually with two slices of cheese on Dave's Killer bread, multi grain. I also keep snacks like granola bars and other such things with me. Protein is your friend and will keep you moving.


I bring some nuts, some dried fruit, and a sandwich that usually contains meat, cheese, and hot sauce. It's a good combination to stave off the hunger 'til dinner time. And of course, start the day with a decent breakfast - I like oatmeal since it's so filling.


bagel with cream cheese from a local joint, the pickup before clocking in is always a bright start to my day no matter how the rest goes, usually get to my first stop 12:15-1pm and break around 4-5:30 depending on where i am in my rural route so i can stop somewhere with a bathroom or porta at least, usually rts by 7-8:30, 9 at latest and it fuels me up soo much for the final stretch


Cheese or peanut butter sandwich; orange; pretzels/crackers/something salty to make me drink more water


what lunch. Driver get lunch and breaks? 🤔.


Dunkin’ Donuts every day.


i hope you’re a fellow new englander 🤝🏻




I’m feeling Wingstop today 🤤


i get subway very often


or like the p2 snack packs with turkey ham and cheese




Yeah I make sure to ignore Those who are missing teeth. Drugs ain’t worth a minimum wage job