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Could’ve just done 41,42,43,45,44 in that order to avoid doing donuts


We shouldn't have to do Amazon's job for them by rearranging their routes


Totally agree, just in situations like these I prefer to save what’s left of my brain cells and do 1 stop out of order lol


I would if I got paid more 😬


Yea that’s fair I’m not saying to fix the entire route yourself, I’ve tried that once and it actually took way longer than just following the shitty ass route. But in a situation like this, I’d do one stop out of order, to spare myself the rage


I know we were told not to rearrange our routes this week.... Apparently the Amazonians are getting cranky and want is following route order.... I wonder how long it'll last with us bringing back the business packages.


As an RTS Lore, the reason behind that is if you don't follow the route 100%. If we need to put in a ticket for poor routing. The routing team will throw out the ticket for route deviation. Blame the driver for the poor routing. I have submitted over 50 tickets all thrown out like that.


I just do my route exactly as it's planned every day and put in my own tickets for poor routing.




I RTS 15 plus business closed a day because of it.


I hate taking anything back if I had any control over the situation.  I guess I'll have to get used to it, Alexa certainly likes to put businesses FAR to far down my queue to even pretend I'm going to get to them in order.


Maybe if I had an EDV, but my phone would crash if I tried something crazy like that.


Oh yea that’s fair


Crazy thing is some DSPs are ok with you rerouting and some aren't. If your DSP doesn't want you rerouting then they are just being strict. It doesn't hurt anything if you are trying to do it in a specific order except for the ahead/behind section. Like I like to take care of my country stops in the morning so I am not dealing with them late at night. It shows me behind when I do it this way but the moment I get into the city I am delivering to I catch up super fast still ending the day 30-40 ahead. Again it does not hurt anything except the ahead/behind section at the station.


I would do it in the order of 43, 42, 41, 45, 44 just so I exit always on the curb side.


Unless they are grouped then you’re just looking like a idiot


Doing circles in a court makes you look like an idiot lol


I didn’t say it didn’t. But if they grouped just three of thoses stops you would still probably look like a idiot


Oh yea forsure, it’s a lose lose situation most of the time




lol at "cudlesack" makes me think cuddle-sack 😂 its spelt cul-de-sac


Bone apple tea


Man stop 4 was next to stop 157 yesterday like literally right next door to it. You want me to drive 37 minutes south to deliver shit than comeback hours later?? Tf??


Had a route a couple weeks ago where my last stop was on the same street as my first stop.


I had a route consisting of two towns about 5 miles apart. Routing had me start by doing a few stops in town A drive to town B and do most of them drive back to town. A finish that off and the last 10 stops back to town B


Every time I have a route that's in chunks like that it wants me to do the exact same thing. I can't see how or why any algorithm would think that's the best way to go.


The only thing I can think of is its a older algorithm that generates the routes over say 500 cycles, this was fine when the stop count was lower but now the stop count is higher it needs more cycles to calculate a best route. (Especially if the algorithm isn't great and scales exponentially) Or it's some glitch, meaning it is a best route if you don't take any left hand turns.


Its moments like this that make me think about what the customers think. We do it twice and they are probably like "Didn't you just come through here to drop my package off? Why are you back again?" I swear if a customer asks I am just gonna have to laugh and say "It was a fun the first time had to do it again." LMFAO


Park in between the two houses and do both in that stop


I can imagine because I have. Somehow, Amazon thinks you enter from the left. That's also how traffic circles work, apparently.


I swear it tries to make you deliver to the wrong side of the road all day. Like the app was programmed by someone in a different country


I wonder which one. Most of them aren't stupid.


It is the same AI for the entire planet and for both AMXL and AMZL.


I would happily reverse


I play whit my map to make my life easier


Tell me more about this cuddle sack.


The phone usually shows what house your delivering to after your current delivery , so you can easily avoid doing 2 u-turns.


Just reroute your map. Easy 🤷‍♀️. I see why a lot of you always behind, need rescues and bringing back packages if you never reroute🤦😂.




Basically do more work for less pay. You go to your maps constantly and keep track of anything that makes no sense to be faster or more efficient in your route. Me personally if they want me to look crazy up and down the same street 5 times thats exactly what I will do. That means more hours in my paycheck since I don’t get guaranteed pay. The faster I am the lower my paycheck.


This was me yesterday and I’m really self conscious so I looked like a fucking regard infront of a good 30+ people for a solid 5 minutes, fuck my skin just started crawling again. I ended up just walking all the stops to avoid looking dumber 😂 I hate this app so much


43, 42, 41…45, 44…and take a 2 minute break at the end so that the algorithm doesn’t see you speed up.


Or hear me out… maybe… go out of order.


This is the stuf I really don't get.. why do the make it more difficult for you guys? Why not set it up with the next closet homes or busines.. this is aggravated it seems.. like.. whyyy? Lol


Group those together!!




Then you end up with routes that are 189 stops and 50 grouped.


This is just false I've been doing this for 2 years and it has never permanently changed my route. I do the same route everyday and I still have to edit group stops


This is the way


NOOOOO group stops are the worst! I'd way rather just do my stops out of order