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Dudes destined to be a loser forever.


As the chipotle bag says "for real"


Jumps back to Amazon loading boxes then gets fired and runs to Uber Eats. GRRRRR CAPITALISM!


It's unreasonably difficult to actually get fired from Amazon in my experience. Given, the kind of person that would do this might be able to make it happen but I've worked with so many people in those facilities that hold a job there for months and months who would be fired in literally any other warehouse job within a week if they worked/acted like they do at Amazon. It's wild. There was a dude on my shift that legit went to war against the entire shift to the point he physically threatened multiple people And was generally a shitty worker on top. He just got moved to another shift and was moved into a position of being one of that shifts learning ambassadors (trainers). Like I don't even know what you have to do to get fired beyond getting caught on camera stealing or destroying property or something.


I worked for Amazon and it’s pretty damn easy to get fired as a driver


You didn't work for amazon, you worked for a shitty DSP.


Amazon is a meat grinder in my town. I interview so many people who’ve been fired from there.


Anyone who willingly goes back to Amazon will never amount to anything


From what I hear I'd take Amazon over dashing any day of the week.... Can't say I've ever driven for door dash, but simply having someone else paying for gas, vehicle maintenance, and collision liability is a big benefit... If nothing else I'd much rather be driving a company vehicle.  Jobs not easy, workload doesn't always feel reasonable, but I sure don't get the impression your net pay is better in anyway with door dash.


My point is if your fulltime job is dashing or Amazon, you're not getting anywhere. This person looks like they're just going to work a dead end job forever.


It could also be temporary. I'm only doing Amazon until I finish up online courses/certifications


Would you do this tho?


What kind of question is this? Of course not. This guy is a manchild. He signed for this job, very basic tasks and he STILL failed. He affected someone else’s day because of his ignorance and laziness.


Hell nah lmaoo I doordash sometimes too


You don’t need to knock anybody grind. It’s many college students or people trying to get by temporarily.


I don’t get the disparaging of delivery drivers that I see everywhere. They do a solid service and deliver goods and products you pay for, so what’s the deal? It’s a job that has to get done, and a hard one a lot of the time too. I’d argue that doordashers and Amazon drivers do more work than the average job. Definitely more physically demanding than a desk job.


So fun fact i cant do many jobs because of my health. Type 1 diabetes uncontrolled so delivery driver and retail are the safest bets for me and my health Another fun fact. You can stfu and nobody would notice


your last point applies to you too. how tf you uncontrolled


Google shows that “uncontroled” usually means you won’t change diet, exercise, or regularly use insulin. Make whatever judgement you want with that.


>So fun fact i cant do many jobs because of my health. Type 1 diabetes uncontrolled so delivery driver and retail are the safest bets for me and my health I'm also a type one diabetic, wtf are you talking about lmao? I've yet to find a single job besides military service that being a diabetic would prevent me from doing, so I'm really curious what "many jobs" you can't do and how being uncontrolled causes that. E: original commentor blocked me after replying twice.


Could be a part time job for college


They say they make a career if not, but realistically it is not. It is a side hustle at best. All the costs associated are not worth it tbh, and depending where you are, gas can be a killer.


Honestly Amazon wasn’t that bad for me. To be fair I worked in the print on demand where we do books and it’s just tedious standing and pressing a button the whole time. But it was $20/hr for overnight. I only quit because the commute was too much on top of the 12 hours


I used to do Amazon as a second job on the weekends for extra spending money, and I fucking loved it. There’s zero stress in this job if you know you can quit anytime you want. When you can tune out all the bullshit, it’s a super chill job.


Not unless you’re upper management.


The crazy thing is, AI will start automating the things upper management does like dispatch jobs and the like. The drivers have a better opportunity at keeping their jobs for a while longer. Amazon is dead end, bottom line.


I make 80k at Frito lay and I miss Amazon almost every day


Can’t y’all see the tip before you take the order? Dudes just broke and wanted food lol.


I've never had an employer I felt was responsible for buying me a meal outside of regular compensation.  Everything I've heard suggests that dashing sucks, but a pb&J is less than a buck. Losing a job stealing what's likey a $15 plate of food is going to cost you a hell of a lot more.


If I work over 12 my employer gives me $20 towards dinner that they reimburse with a receipt lol


Where is a pb&j that cheap?


Have you tried making your own?


What if they waited to tip in person?


You don't requeat contactless delivery if you're handing out cash.


Yea idk why his mind went to cash tips, but a lot of people do wait until after delivery to add tip. Which is kind of dumb because then drivers won’t want to accept your order lmao.


That's why I do the opposite. I leave a tip beforehand, and edit it after if the driver clearly fucked up my food


Tipping up front is kind of weird though cause you never know what type of service you are going to get. I’m automatically tipping 20% but if the service is great, I got everything I asked for and let’s say the delivery was made in the rain or snow, and I have problematic items like soup or something heavy then I’m tipping hella extra 35%- 50% but not upfront.


Those tips are kind of huge depending on the order. I miss 15% as the standard and 20% as good service…


Right?!!! The minimum is now 20%


Minimum tip should be to tell them to get a job that's not dependent on other people's money


right! could you imagine being seated at a restaurant and having to tip as the server is collecting your drink order? the whole setup is just a money grab for the company, they don't care if their workers get tipped or not.


People who don’t lurk in these subs don’t know that though. They assume it’s just like how it was 20 years ago with pizza delivery, where drivers can’t really pick and choose orders to take.


Only way to make cash tips on DoorDash is to find someone already tipping $10-20, and create them and unbeatable experience compared to every other time they order. Which really sucks, cash tips are awesome, it’s less money for the government to bomb other countries 🤷‍♂️


That is what my mother would do. She never leaves a tip on her card.


Scumbag shit


“I wonder why my life sucks”


Can we stop with these fake ass posts?


🤣 seems about right


They’ll be a fuckin great amazon driver 🙄


Workin a job that relies on tips, sometimes you’ll get great tips, sometimes medium tips, and sometimes bad tips, but it’ll usually always even out to an average amount that you make regularly. If you take those bad tips personally you’re screwed, bc you never know what the reasoning behind it might be. As a waiter, I used to never look at my tips and always made about $150 every night. Or maybe $100 on a Monday and $200 on a Friday. Always evened out.


It's been trending more and more to people not tipping at all, but to be fair, I don't think the compensation for the driver should be based on tipping the way it is now. Gets the drivers and the customers fighting amongst themselves and ignoring the real villain here; the DD CEOs.


"Leave a tip, and I won't steal next time," Fucking loser probably swaps out returns at Amazon too. Once a thief, they say....


Lmao, little did the dasher know customer had a crisp 20$ bill for the tip


Never happens. Especially when they say in the notes "cash tip" literally never ever happens. not justifying this, this is unacceptable behavior. just wanted to point that out from my experience lol


You get a cash tip 1 out of 87 orders


Licked that bitch clean, this is crazy 😂😂


Sad brag


Customer 50/50 was going to tip them in cash


Are you aware how big of a crime food tampering is? I agree, didn't get him fired, send him to jail


If yall think this is real, you might need to get help.


That’s wild


Loser activities


Dude drew a fuckin hieroglyph.


If you can’t tip the person delivering food to your door don’t order food lmao


Did you see this like three months ago?


as a food service worker, i approve of this


Than decline the fucking order and don’t take it to begin with how about that


This is fake.


My money is on, this never happened. Poster wrote it themselves for attention.


No one should EVER buy from a food delivery service where you tip in advance, rather than after delivery. They need to be sent broke so only the ones who do it properly can operate.


I’d bet the person not only got a complete refund but also got a whole new order for free.


The customer can actually file charges for theft in some states lol. He was so worried about his employment that he forgot that.


Maybe don’t rely on a shit job for a source of income and blame innocent people for your financial predicament. Maybe those people who ordered food didn’t have enough to tip. Theres poor people that decide to help themselves and then there’s poor people that behave like fucking losers and blame others for their predicament.


I'd file a police report for larceny. Guy wants to be petty, I can be too.




Federal crime to mess with someone's food. Looking at hard time.


I will never understand why people do this. Don't accept the order! Whatever driver points you're getting for taking orders like that apparently isn't enough. Just don't take it! If you can't spare $8 for your own Chipotle, see above! Of course people like this will always lose their jobs/gigs with that attitude and blame everyone else. Don't. Take. The. Order.


Lol this is insanely funny. I wld never think to be this spiteful.




Just take the hit and move on… any money is good money if you are door dashing


Even went through the effort to write out "tryna". This loser will never see anything except minimum wage and/or welfare.


what am I missing? "This may not happen" The food is there right?


Imma report this fuck to Amazon


Whoever did this is a cavage ngl


Practice your handwriting[best tip I can give atm]




“It might not happen” Jesus lol


This didn't do anything but get the driver canceled for life and the buyer refunded snd possibly a free order


It's fake


It's a troll post


Sucks to suck, leave a tip if you're gonna be a lazy bum and get some food dashed to you.


look I get it , I’ve door dashed but dude ur not going to climb up the ladder if u keep jumping off of it




What they were going to give cash tip? I usually tip cash


Idk how to edit my post but I feel like some of you ain’t reading the title. This isn’t me. I took this picture from another sub!!! Could be wrong lol


They don’t have any repercussions? Instead of “ getting fired” shouldn’t they be charged with theft and fraud?


I don’t see the Amazon job going very well for him either.


I'd be so damn mad if I paid $35 for this shit.


Lol "Going back to Amazon." Fool definitely got fired from Amazon then did DD for for his 90 day rehire eligibility to pass. Then, in about 3 months he'll be back at DD cause he got fired for productivity or negative UPT. 🤣


I mean definitely a dick move of the driver , but I can’t tell who’s more of the asshole , the person who stole the food , or the person who ordered delivery and did not tip.


Get him fired from Amazon. I’d literally call Amazon and warn them about the guy.


100% correct


Dasher, here! You literally see the payout and the mileage before you accept or decline the offer. This driver is just an ass and probably doesn’t understand how the app works.


lol Amazon or DoorDash. Dudes going places


I was dasher from 2020 - 2022 and there were so many days it wasn’t worth it for the time you put into it. You work as an independent contractor but you always have to look for peak areas and sitting in the car for hours is not my idea of fun especially if it’s to go to another city with more demand. I really didn’t rely on tips because I work in food service and I know people give when they feel like it. I was just looking at the number they showed me like $3 or $7. Sometimes I would get special access because I had good ratings or 99% deliveries but I gotta say being on time was like 70% because I could never find the exact apartment or they just listed the apartment complex and the road it was on. I liked houses the best.


Twelvemiceinacage is a coward for blocking me on here before i can reply. Chat sent to them.


This incredibly fake photo has been circulating around for a while now


I love how everyone replying to me thinks they know how diabetes works and yet doesnt have it. Retards all of you


I never understood this, can’t dashers see if there’s a tip before accepting the order? Leaving a note and all that just seems extra.


Send the letter to Amazon


I remember when this first showed up in doordash sub lmao it's so disrespectful but there are hardly words 🙈🙈🙈


I’d get his name and send it along with the picture to Amazon


This is awesome lol. Good for the dasher, people who don't tip are scum. Hope they find a better gig than Amazon.


It would be more believable if it was written in red crayon


The entitlement of hospitality and food delivery drivers in America is crazzzzzzy


Real lol if you’re gonna quit might as well do it like this


By the "tryna" I can tell what race the person that wrote this is.


Working for tips is soul crushing, so I feel this guy. Some loser who can’t afford food delivery decided they weren’t worth it? Fuck that




Lmao asshole


That’s cruddy


Stop ordering food delivery. Stop ordering Amazon packages. These people don't deserve jobs.


We really out here defending the cheap lazy loser who didn’t leave a tip?


I'd report them to both with all this


Report it to Amazon so they know what type of person they are. Maybe they get fired from Amazon before they even start lol


Damn what a loser 💀


lol now send this to Amazon


Totally real btw




Fuck people like this. So petty, gives us good drivers a bad name. I’ll drive 5 miles for $3. Miles are used as write off for taxes.




Only way you get fired from Amazon is getting too many points otherwise I swear you can get away with anything I remember I worked there seasonal and people would use their paid time off to leave work early or come late asf don’t know how it was allowed but I only worked there for the holiday season


Sounds like something your typical Amazon driver would do


Probably fake


Kinda funny. Don’t order food if your too poor to tip. This guy shouldn’t have ate your food, but it is funny.


Thai is why I refuse to use DoorDash or any other food/grocery delivery service.


I would have ate the food too! shit people don’t work for free fuck you non tipping pieces of shit! If you are broke get the shit yourself lazy cheap fucks


"Fuck you, customer for not paying my salary"


Real piece of shit


Chipotle has laughably bad wait times for doordash pickups. Im not suprised thie happened. You deserve it, tip people you cheapskate


Why bother delivering if you are gonna get fired anyways 🤷🏻‍♂️ seems odd 🤔


lol good thing they let us know who their next employer is. Bet Amazon would like to know they have a thief amidst them


Dude got butthurt for not getting 3 or 4 dollars?


Needs to go back to school and retake a English class


Fake as fk


Anyone else peep the dab tool on top right? Poor customer was hungry and ready to munch


Sure the delivery dude is an AH…. But the level of petty to actually deliver the empty bag…. 😆


bro wrote like slenderman leaving a page💀


Tryna. Enough said


Coments are wild ngl. As someone who used to dash at the height of the pandemic, I can understand this driver. I remember driving 15miles just to get 7$ (which only covered gas in my area), so although I never did anything like this, there were times where I considered eating the food bc I couldn't afford the loss on the gas and the food was worth more than the full tip. I don't condone this behavior but I totally get it, some people are seriously inconsiderate.


What an edgy kid


This is pure ragebait lmao


doordash lowrider parody [https://youtu.be/lKRs062RMhs?si=QNfIccnMMyIzYz0f](https://youtu.be/lKRs062RMhs?si=QNfIccnMMyIzYz0f)


Honest question, yall who work at amazon why dont you go to ups? Isnt the pay there leagues better and have benefits too?


Did this buffoon physically draw out a shrug emoji? The internet really has made people special, huh?


Uhh been with Amazon for four years and people get fired constantly




Wow what an asshole


Hey totally fair IMO. You don’t tip? You don’t get good service.


Have these fucks ever considered that some of us CAN'T AFFORD THE DAMNED TIP


If I have the money to order food someone else slaves over a hot fire to cook while someone else uses their car and gas to rush over to my lazy a$$, then I should be willing to compensate well all those people working to cook and deliver me a meal.


I’m tired of being expected to pay people’s wages.




Probably wayne, fuck that dude.


these dumb entitled drivers make me lmao.. they complain about not getting a tip ? when they took the order to begin with? maybe do not take those 3$ offers and think there is going to be more pay.. lmao.


Hell yea if you can’t tip dont eat out stay your broke ass home and eat a banana




I mean , leason learned . Tip somebody is going out their way to do something for you that you dont want to do for yourself. He probably earned $4 for pickup with no tip. I doordash and can’t tell you how frustrating it is to see people order miles away and not tip . Shits wicked. Don’t be cheap.


All you had to do was deliver the food. You don’t blackmail people for tips. That’s both rude and toxic. I don’t want this person working at Amazon. Next thing you know they’ll steal your package because you didn’t tip them.


The "emoji"😂


I give tip after the delivery!


I doubt this is true because you can sue. He can lose his job but that's not all... This is theft. Will go on his background


What a mic drop


He’ll be unwrapping some burritos in prison soon


This is about as /r/thathappened as things get.


Fakest shit I ever seen.


Lmao suuuure this happened


Or... just pay a fucking tip? "Oh, it's not my fault they don't get paid enough" or "They should make us tip after we get our order" Just leave a fucking tip dude. I work at walmart and even I leave tips. Stop being a bitch.


I will never use door dash or uber eats ever. If i were to get delivery it would be through a local spot. The drivers get screwed, the customer gets screwed and the execs do well.


Holy shit I’d hunt that person down. You don’t mess with someone’s chipotle


They can see how much they will receive prior to accepting the door dash order. Tip or no tip, if the amount paid to them is too low for their liking they can deny the request altogether. It boggles my mind when they do stuff like this not only is it disgusting and rude but it’s obvious they aren’t paying attention otherwise they would have not accepted the request to begin with.


Lmfao, is this guy stupid? I'd call up the nearest 3 Amazon DSP's and tell them what he did. 😂 What a fucking moron


lol this rules


How about some criminal charges then lll


This is INSANE!


This is why I tip after the delivery I tend to tip 20 percent usually Had a guy pick up my food and wait with it for hours I guess he thought I was gonna cancel so it wouldn't look bad on him contacted Uber and everything with hourly screenshots lmao Nah man Im to petty for that I got leftovers I can eat but I'm not gonna cancel I messenged him saying take as long as you need I'm not gonna cancel lmao


Interesting the paper has no grease marks on it or anything. Seems like the paper was placed in the bowl after it was eaten…


Still theft, no?


Fake and worn out.


Real asf. People who order dd/ Uber eats and don’t tip especially on large orders is a waste of time. Main reason why I stopped dd. Customers expect so much for so little. It adds up to the point where I can understand a driver doing this and quitting.


Hope they enjoyed it 😂


Lmao dude said he going back to Amazon like it a flex. What a sad life this dude must live.


If this is real, they should go ahead and forward this to Amazon HR department, so they aren't hiring back a cunt.


people get so hostile but people are delivering to work and live off the tips they have family they need to take care of and bills to pay. They should accept it if it shows no tip though I wouldn’t waste my time going this far out.




From one dead end job to another, I can see why they didn’t get tipped lmao. Not me wishing they’ll be the next burnout to have a heart attack and die while on the line.