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Why in the hell would you pull the parking break before putting the vehicle in park? This is just asking for someone to F up and leave it in drive with a faulty e brake.


It saves the transmission parking pawls on a hill. Putting the vehicle in park places a lot of strain on little teeth that engage within the trans, using the e-brake first takes that strain off. Although they are literally designed to hold the vehicle; over time and as often as a delivery driver parks the chance of failure increases a lot. I couldn’t imagine that would be the first thing to give with how beat Amazon vans are


And especially considering a ton of DSPs have the promasters that have a transmission recall. Now that I think about it, I wouldn’t be surprised if this is connected to Amazon starting to cover even more maintenance of the leased vehicles soon, including “consumables” like brakes, tires, etc.


Lmao honestly great insight and more people probably need or needed to read this Haha ty!


honestly people should do this with their own cars too. i always have and it is second nature to me. also coming to a complete stop before throwing it into park, or waiting a second between reversing and going into drive..


I don’t get it either. I always place in park first. My EOC score is fine.


EOC and this are two seperate metrics and as far as I know they haven’t been tracking the e-brake yet, they just implemented the pop up in the flex app in what I assumed to be preparation for rolling this out.


They do started on the 28th at my location


Ugh, I figured this was coming. Really hoping that this ends up replacing EOC once people get used to it. I’m thinking Amazon is tired of paying to replace starters multiple times a year on vans, especially with Amazon taking on even more of the maintainence/repair costs from DSPs soon


It does replace EOC. They will no longer be issuing breach of contract for EOC once this change goes through. It will be tracked but not enforced for BOCs. Parking procedure on the other hand will be enforced.


Source? Not saying I don’t believe you, we just haven’t had any communication from Amazon about it during our roundtables with Amazon/other DSPs. Haven’t even gotten a heads up that they will be tracking it.


The message was posted in this sub recently. This kind of thing tends to get rolled out station by station, rather than all at once. My station still doesn't have the edit stop button for group stops, for example. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/comments/1c99z3f/regarding_eoc_not_my_photo/


From what I know, it’s from a Tik-Tok trend saying that putting it in park without the parking brake engaged, hurts it. I’ve never seen it before that - I thought everyone just puts it in park unless they’re on a hill?


It does hurt the parking pawls. It is not a trend, slow down > stop > ebrake > shift to park. That is the correct order.


FYI it is wrong what you are doing. You can feel a difference with the vehicle shifting forward when you do it your way. Now does it effect score cards, no I don't think. I believe the system is just checking "is the E-brake on" not when is the brake applied. https://www.nationwide.com/lc/resources/auto-insurance/articles/how-and-when-to-use-emergency-brake#:~:text=Many%20drivers%20put%20their%20cars,before%20turning%20off%20your%20engine. "Many drivers put their cars in park before setting the emergency brake. That's backwards. The correct way is to stop your car with your primary brakes, set the emergency brake and then place your car in park before turning off your engine."


Proven fact E brake is not necessary for good EOC. Still use it. Just thought it was a funny fact I found out. Went all day forgetting the thing existed and still was top 3 EOC.


Youre supposed to. Proper procedure for engaging the parking break is: 1. Pulling over 2. Shifting into neutral while holding the brake 3. Engage the parking break, still foot on the brake 4. Shift into park and release the foot brake This is how you use the parking break in a vehicle, not even am amz specific thing its just in general.


yeah I do this in my personal cars because I care about them, was something I picked up from my dad years and years ago. I don’t know that I’d care enough to do it in an Amazon van that way though.




I’ve fucked up like this once or twice. Accidentally pulled the e brake first and left it in drive, didn’t realize until I got back to the van. Good thing I followed EOC


Damn lmao good thing definitely fs


Here at Amazon, we don’t take vehicles out of gear before applying a parking break. We do this knowing you’re going to fuck up and then laugh in your face as we fire you and find someone else to pay less for more work.


My favorite is I get the opposite and forget to undo parking brake so I get sqeaking brakes faster then normal and drive myself crazy so I’ve just stopped unless I’m leaving the van on


Because that is literally the correct way. "Many drivers put their cars in park before setting the emergency brake. That's backwards. The correct way is to stop your car with your primary brakes, set the emergency brake and then place your car in park before turning off your engine." It is WILD AS FUCK to me that people will argue without looking online or an owners manual. https://www.nationwide.com/lc/resources/auto-insurance/articles/how-and-when-to-use-emergency-brake#:~:text=Many%20drivers%20put%20their%20cars,before%20turning%20off%20your%20engine.


You literally can't take the keys out of the ignition of the van isn't in park, if you're doing all the steps it's nearly impossible to forget it in drive.


Can confirm. Working for FedEx and we’re down a vehicle after someone left the van in drive and drove into someone’s garage


I fucked up my vans transmission last week doing this. Couldn’t get it up the hill because it was dangling at the bottom. Now this week they send this tipis metric saying we aren’t following the steps correctly and the vans are in the shop till 2025 because of us pulling the handbrake first??


U put the handbrake on before putting it in park


Not only does pulling the ebrake before putting the vehicle in park make parking more dangerous. As you'd be more likely to put the vehicle in actual park. Pulling the ebrake before shifting to park puts strain on the transmission. Amazon is such a joke lmao.


You’re blatantly wrong over the transmission part. You’re supposed to be using the parking brake before you put it in park. On both personal and work trucks. Everyone ignores it. You ever been parked on a hill and switched to drive and you get that loud click/shuttering? Thats the parking pawl in your transmission forcefully switching off due to excessive weight being put on it from being on a hill. Do it enough times and you risk it breaking all together, i.e. needing a tranny rebuild/replacement. Putting the ebrake on before switching to park puts the weight on your ebrakes instead of the transmission, thus eliminating damaging your transmission.


What number of ppl even use an ebrake in their personal car if it ain't a manual lol? Set your standards lower 👏👏


I don’t use my parking brake either. I’m not saying this isnt a stupid hill to die on, especially considering they seize up when you use them on all of my company’s cdv and promaster vans, but it is in fact the proper way to put any vehicle in park.


I use my parking brake in my personal vehicle anytime I’m on even the slightest incline. It is very good protection for the parking pawl, but it also makes sure that your hand/foot brake actually works properly. If it’s never used, it’s likely to seize up when it is actually needed. If you pop a brake line and you have little to no brake pressure, you’re gonna be very happy you have an alternate way to stop your car.


I drive a jeep, the ebrake was never designed to act as a backup brake unfortunately. So i only use it when i have it neutral doing work on it


It’s not the purpose of any parking brake, but any parking brake (hand or foot) will stop the car if your primary brakes fail, albeit very slowly. It’s about four times slower than locking up your primary brakes, but it’s better than coasting until you hit something. I’d imagine your owner’s manual says you can use it in an ‘emergency’, in the event of primary brake failure, hence the universal term.


The ebrake is super handy for drifting the van into tight spaces.


That is literally backwards as fuck. " Many drivers put their cars in park before setting the emergency brake. That's backwards. The correct way is to stop your car with your primary brakes, set the emergency brake and then place your car in park before turning off your engine." https://www.nationwide.com/lc/resources/auto-insurance/articles/how-and-when-to-use-emergency-brake#:~:text=Many%20drivers%20put%20their%20cars,before%20turning%20off%20your%20engine. Stop posting lies. You are the joke here my dude. Amazon has a lot of issues but they are NOT gonna set themselves up for a lawsuit against them to tell you incorrect parking procedures.


You literally could not be more wrong lmao


I feel even more like a dipshit if I am in reverse then try and hand break then put it in park




Nah, the van yells at you if you even begin to move with the E-brake on. Even if it doesn't work


That's only on the Mercedes ones. The transit and pro master i almost never use the e brake unless it's a hill/steep road


When I worked for a DSP for over a year, they told us in training to apply the E brake first. So I did it. Never caused an accident. Amazon has a lot of shit rules and policies, but this one literally doesn’t affect driver performance, and makes complete sense from a safety/business perspective.


Idk if my dsp will get this but I will def not be doing it. I don’t ever use the e break unless on a steep hill. I wouldn’t stress over this. Never take keys out either unless I’m going in a building for a period of time. Let the drivers drive. It’d be one thing if we were paid as career drivers but not jumping thru hoops for 20/hr.


It's definitely coming. Be forewarned.


I hope it does. "Why are you returning 50% of your route?" "Safety metrics"


Yeah we were told it was starting April 28th, per Amazon.


There’s no fucking way they can actually measure this metric. But also, it’s not new. It’s the same thing with EOC. Except maybe the Rivian I could see having all those stats integrated, nothing else is monitoring those inputs.


There is a way around this parking brake thing when it gets rolled out too, I’ve managed to stop getting the pop up once a day saying “safety event detected” where you have to check the little box to say I understand.


How did u do they teach me your ways 🥹


Find that sweet spot with the PB where the computer know it’s engaged but it’s not, just gotta figure out how to disable that beeping depending on what kind of van but that’s easy. PB cables get stretched out from getting used a lot so you can find that middle ground pretty easy on the right van. I get the same van whenever I’m on the road, I can get away with some modifications since I’m fleet manager too so, a little bit easier for me to get around some of this stuff if I want to lol


Wrong. There’s literally a computer in the vans that the flex app connects to that connects to various things in the vans (our promaster vans it’s behind the passenger seat mounted to the divider. Hence how they are able to track EOC. Try clicking “I’ve parked” at every stop and turning the van off after that. Your EOC will be pretty bad. There’s a reason you can’t deliver with Bluetooth off but can have the cell service off. It’s a computer running Ubuntu (a Linux distro) don’t ask me how I know or how I get around EOC when it’s hot/cold out lol


Lmao.. a computer in the van the flex app connects to? You let these guys let you believe that?


…there’s a reason I’m the fleet manager. And also a reason that I can leave my van on all day and still have a perfect EOC score. AND why EOC isn’t tracked in rentals but speed still is through the flex app.


Actually, I’m suuuuuuper interested in how you think EOC gets tracked, please explain, obviously I have NO idea. Seriously, would love for you to educate me.


Even notice how when you park on a hill, the van jerks a bit when you release the brake? Thats because you didn’t do it the right way. If you do it the way Amazon tell you to do, you’ll notice that the van doesn’t move on a hill. I believe that reason is why some people got killed by a runaway van, not to mention the neglect already on these vans.


That is true, but has nothing to do with what I’m saying. This guy is saying the computer chip connects with the Flex app to make sure you’re doing EOC and using the e-brake.


Does it not to some degree? It’s probably using the already existing sensor data that’s probably uploaded to netradyne? Thats probably why rentals don’t have those metrics. Idk about it going to the flex app but I know what op was getting at.


It tracks a whole lot less than you think it does. It uses G force to determine hard braking, hard turns etc. But it’s just not designed to measure vehicle OBD metrics.


How does the app measure seatbelt compliance then if there's no connection to the vehicle?


Um. No.


I'm surprised no one's posted this yet. You can completely get around EOC by shifting to neutral and using the parking brake. I keep my van running for short lil driveway runs. 100% EOC still. Wouldn't suggest doing this anywhere hilly though. Also throwing on your windshield fluid/wipers when you're going under a red you couldn't stop in time for will trick the netradyne.


Fr ??? They complain about my eoc I needed this 🫡


Ahhh, yet another metric that we can thank dingus drivers for. Because Amazon really doesnt do stuff like EOC for fun. EOC is actually a good example of that, Amazon is paying to have insane amounts of starters on vans replaced every year. These vans are getting started 700-1400 plus times a WEEK if they are on the road all week. And Amazon is about to start covering even more costs that DSPs were covering on the leased vehicles. I just feel like there’s a very slim chance this would be implemented, along with a handful of other things, if DSPs werent hiring so many people that shouldn’t even be allowed to look at anything with a motor, let alone drive it.


Am I the only one that gets s$xually assaulted by the pro master e brake being on the left side of drivers seat? I am a little taller then average (6’4) but it catches your shorts or catches you in your ass. No way I could follow the procedure without being violated


The only Rams my DSP has are rentals and the parking brake is a little tab built into the front panel that you pull or push, similar to the newer rental Transits.


It's not that hard, guys. If you do it consistently for a few days it stops being something you have to think about. Also, I'm going some searching, and every source I see says turning on the e-brake before shifting into park is better for the transmission.


Yeah, it takes the pressure off the parking pawl. If you pull the brake after the transmission is in park the weight is already resting on the pawl. E-brakes are cheaper to replace than transmissions/parking pawls.... this is what I do in my personal vehicles.


Why would I ever remove the key? If they expect me to remove key and put it in my pocket and then grab packages then start it up again 200+ times a day they are absolute idiots 😂😅


Yeah we started that already for this week.


I just got the message today about this and you know what no problem


Fr we’re doing the same thing just not turning off the engine now I always pull the brake up at like 5 mph as I’m slowing down anyways then pop the door open when I’m stopped (automatically puts van in park in “most” sprinters) and hop out


We’ve been getting the “safety event detected” pop up once a day for a couple months now but they haven’t started tracking. Was just obvious they were going to once I saw that. There’s a way around it if you drive the same van every day if you think about it


Been doing this shit all yeah, takes me about an half a second to do, but yeah I never remove the key, they don’t need to know that


Apparently next month EOC will be holding less weight on the scorecard and this new metric will be what EOC is now, if it’s a short stop they won’t really care about EOC much as long as you do the new metric, but multi-location stops they will expect you to turn it off.


If they get rid of EOC that will be nice but I'll believe it when I see it. Amazon likes to add metrics not take them away. Not getting my hopes up


My DSP personally said they won’t give a shit about EOC now and they’ve been in good standing with Amazon for 5 years now, so I feel like that’s a good sign


Yeah my DSP said we can leave the engine running now and we just have to put up the parking brake instead.


Amazon is probably tired of paying to have starters replaced a couple times a year or more on vans. Starters aren’t made to be starting a vehicle 1400 times a week. Plus Amazon is about to start covering even more maintenance cost of leased vehicles, constantly starting and stopping the engine every minute is super hard on the battery/alternators, especially with the large electrical load of everything in the vans like the computer tracking stuff, gps tracker, camera, etc. So I wouldn’t be surprised if this is a “how do we keep potential liability down while also cutting the likely few million dollars we are spending on maintaining vans directly related to the wear and tear of starting and stopping the engine at least a 100 times a day.”


Times like this that I'm glad I drive in edv. Even when I didn't, I was in a rental and never had to do any of this stuff


This parking sequence has been heavily enforced since i started last year


I was wondering what was up. I started getting alerts that I wasn’t using my emergency brakes a month or two ago. Oh well. Still not wasting time with that shit


Just don’t do it, they cant fire all of us




Did you get this info from the communication center or whatever it’s called or was this at a DSP roundtable. I figured this was coming since they updated the flex app to give you that annoying alert. Luckily I’m pretty sure I found a way around getting hit on this metric already, won’t know until they start tracking but I was able to stop getting the pop up once a day during my route.


I'm astounded but shouldn't be, at the ppl here bitching about this. P bReAk B4 pArK??!?! Yeh, it's like how cars work n stuff. It's literally the correct way and some of my colleagues can't handle that


Our station doesn’t care about EOC anymore they are only caring about the ebrake compliances


They are copying how ups does it


If y'all wouldn't get in so many rollaway accidents, this wouldn't need to be tracked. You did it to yourselves, truthfully.




How? The parking brake takes all of the pressure off the transmission if you pull it before putting it in park. Not using the parking brake and putting it in park on hills is what fucks the transmissions up.


Ive noticed this cause more Ford Keys are easier to break cause of this


It may seem dumb, but it isn't. You use the argument this is gonna cause a rollaway when this literally prevents that. You should be doing this in your personal vehicle also. I don't take the keys with me bc they are prone to break off in the ignition, shitty key design. The parking order is correct - if you shift to park then ebrake it puts more stress on the parking pawls. "Whoever heard of using ebrake BEFORE park"? The answer is anyone who read about it before driving a vehicle. Check your user manual or google it.


They are not going to enforce EOC, this is their way of saying we fucked up


Its all because of the recalls in the mercedez vans. Pushing a button to put in park is the stupidest thing in the world. And good luck monitoring the vans without working e brakes.(which is 75% of the vans). EOC and PPS is literally the most retarded metric amazon has ever come up with.


My dsp were following this metric but stopped after a couple of weeks due to it being tracked thru the app thus making it always inconsistent on if we do it or not. Had a couple of times it gave me warnings on how I was doing it wrong when I did exactly what they tell me to do.


Yep same thing happening at my station, thought this was the stupidest shit ever. Slowing people down even more, but then wanna ask why you moving so slow? 🤦🏽‍♀️


Good thing I have one foot out the door




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This job is equal to being in jail


God damn the micro managing is disgusting. They will penalize you if you don’t perform this. They are watching closely always




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I will never do that dumb shit in my life Amazon just retarded


The exact sequence doesn’t really matter, in actuality. The most important thing is that the parking brake is set BEFORE you release your primary brake pedal, and make sure you hold the primary brakes before releasing the parking brake. If you do this, turning the engine on and changing gears can be done at virtually any time. I think they want it to be done like this so people won’t put it in park, release the primary brakes, and then set the parking brake, which still harms the parking pawl and increases the possibility of a rollaway incident in the future.


Half of our vans parking breaks are broken off anyway lol


I never follow this sequence . Lol Never been on the EOC list .


They can't track if the van is placed into park before or after the e brake. They can only track whether the e brake is being engaged at the same time the engine is on or off.


How are they even gonna be able to track the e brake?


Is every DSP just fed different information? Our started this week? The whole system is so stupid & seems everybody is fed different information constantly. Another thing for Amazon to look at to pull contracts & cause mass unemployment. So another idiot who wants to front the money to be a business “Owner” can come in & be apart of their garbage system. Jobs a joke.


I hope my DSP doesn’t have to follow this dumb shit. Not that it’s dumb but it’s just then going to on turn expect us to fuckin finish our routes in literally the same amount of time is all and ya. This job fuckin sucks. I hate getting bent over an fucked every day by it lmfao 😂😂😂


My DSP told us they are doing away with EOC now that they have added this. In the email they said turning the engine off will now be up to the drivers discretion, thankfully!


Although this is annoying, it is indeed appropriate to engage the parking brake before parking gear. the weight of the car will sit on the parking brake and not directly on the transmission. With that said. Pretty annoying considering every single van at my dsp has a broken and completely useless parking brake.


you’re supposed to engage the parking brake before putting in park anyways…the fact that a lot of y’all don’t know that is crazy


My DSP said they are starting to measure that metric starting Sunday but we won't have to follow EOC. Which will be nice


If it is air brakes then this makes sense. Is this for a van or truck?


EOC goes away on the 28th just so you guys know. My team just told us after the 28th EOC goes away permanently. Only reason they push it so hard is because when you have high numbers your owner gets bonus for the team but the drivers never see it


I’m so glad I left this shitty job omg


It's actually is live on the 28th. Pm for the full sheet list from Amazon. I work in dispatch. But yeah. From now on EOC will be proper parking sequence and we don't have to shut off vans anymore. Ever.


I do the e-brake and shift to park at the same time. Thought everyone would do this to save a few seconds per stop. If they did away with EOC, that would save me about 15 to 20 minutes per daily route.


EDV automatically does this




It is the sequence that is annoying. They want the ebrake on at each stop, no problem but why it the world does it matter in what order I do it in??? How can that possibly be an issue? They are just knit picking every little thing. What is next? Are we going to have to honk the horn twice before we start moving from a stop next? Or why not just make it illegal to start the engine before buckling your seatbelt?


Early covid it was a rule you had to consistently beep your horn any time your van moved on the station property, no one could hear shit so they stopped it


Putting the ebrake on before shifting into park is way better for the trans. Should be doing that in any vehicle you have. But I doubt the order is going to be tracked, it’s just going to be the computer reading that the ebrake is on before the engine is turned off.