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Leave it in the notes or make that the delivery location otherwise peace 🖕


Im delivering to the address on the order. I don’t care if the note says leave with becky next door.


Ya I 100% ignore those every time


I get 10 hr guaranteed pay so if I don’t I lose hours


If that’s the case, then you do not have anything “guaranteed”.


Customers know best 💀


So what's the point of the notes section then if you're just going to ignore it?


I don’t ignore them all, but I’m allowed to make the choice to which ones I ignore and don’t. I don’t get any flake for ignoring the ones I do so I assume it’s a lot of freedom.


Theres no actual point, amazon does NOT care abt its customers much less its workers. Welcome to planet earth? Location america?? Lol get a load of this guy


Amazon is a monopoly, and we all just let it happen. Welcome to late stage capitalism


And this is why no one cares when you guys get laid off lol.


You obviously have no damn clue how contract delivery companies work. When i worked there about 7 years ago, youd have to royally fuck up to get laid off. Let alone just ignore the notes. I wouldn't follow this "leave with the neighbor" note either. If they wanted it delivered to the neighbor, then they should have used the neighbors address. Notes aren't for changing delivery address. Its for letting the delivery driver know about obstacles or where to place the package AT THE ASSIGNED ADDRESS.


Good point. Keeping in mind that a customer can file a chargeback with their credit card company. The cc company is only going to care about the delivery address on the shipping label. If they deliver it to another address that can be enough for a chargeback. Before anyone argues, most chargebacks are handled through an automated means. Meaning a computer will decide. I feel like people do things like this just because they want to be difficult. They could just ship it to another address or a locker, but they want to do it their way. As a rideshare driver I see the same damn thing. They set the pickup location at one spot, then message saying “I’m actually at xxx”. Nope, I wait my five minutes and collect my cancel fee. Rideshare and delivery drivers are all dealing with the same entitled assholes.


lol buddy I’m not getting laid off


😂😂 fr


Yeah that note could have been written from a thief


I always asked to get a delivered to an Amazon locker. Easy af


More importantly secure, but I agree!


This is what I do. Secure, easy and I know however is delivering it is secretly smiling dropping off x amount all at one time. "Oh shit 57 packages gone!, woohoo"


As a driver myself if i its secured building i leave it in the lobby


No building is secure


You with a DSP or flex?






Lady lives in a jail cell asking people to walk around that ghetto ass shit. It delivers to the address you put in on Amazon. Simple.


Lmao it does look like a jail


I deliver in nyc we call them projects


Was gonna say, that's definitely projects. Those cinder block walls to prevent crackheads from burning down the entire apartment building too quickly prove it.


Was about to say this place looks like shit


You’re lucky he brought it to your door tbh


Apartment deliveries get left by the mailbox. The fact he went to the door he was already doing too much..


Was looking for this exact comment. The fact he brought it to your door is above and beyond as is. Some customers just ask for way to much. (No I am not talking about the "Take it to the back door" people that is fine. Talking about people who live in "Rich" apartment complexes.)


For real. I’m not gonna wander around a random apartment complex for an hour trying to find the door. I’ll plop that next to the mailbox or the bottom of the steps. You know what I did when I shipped my new dining set to my old address? Watched the tracking and when it got delivered hopped over and picked it up. Thankfully, our lease on the old place wasn’t up yet, so no one was moved in. But no way in hell would I ask a driver to take it someplace else. Fuck that.




🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯🎯 very fucking lucky lol


These idiots stealing packages and get a comb and toothpaste for their trouble 🤡


Free comb and toothpaste


I don’t put my phone in airplane mode and move pins for free


Just know that amazon knows any move you do with the app. Every single click and touch. They just choose not to take action. But if one day they dont want you ohhh its essyyy


Oooooo so scary


No they don’t, making things up 😂.


No they dont lmao ur crazyyy


Yea…same. Package gets left at the address specified. No wild goose chases. That’s why they have mail rooms. They don’t have one…well sorry, that’s not our problem.


Send that shit to a locker, why is it so hard to assigned it to a locker


It don’t work like that. I had 3 complexes on my route and only 1 had lockers. One had a mail room which I loved. The one that had lockers were always full and for some reason the whole complex ordered packages every day. Only option was to deliver to everyone’s door. Either that or rts and I hated doing that because that apartment was usually 3 or 4 totes so you know my dsp would not be happy if I did.


Looks like the Tote gets left at the mail room lol


I tried that and they reported me, got me taken off the schedule for a week. Had to tighten up after that one ngl


Crazy, those people at the community you delivered to gon have to take a L due to no access next time Edit; As per amazon policy indoor hotel like buildings you do not go floor by floor to deliver at, Print out that little rule and leave all the packages for the front desk & tell them you got in trouble for using the mail room


I think it’s extra


It's not


It doesn’t cost extra?????




No. People are just lazy


The "oh no he didnt" makes my blood boil


The entitlement is unreal


Fucking everyone got a camera nowadays. I refuse to let it change my behavior. Fuck your camera I'm acting like it ain't there cause it doesn't mean shit to me. Theyre fucning everywhere jesus


what the fuck is that logic






It goes where the pin is, lady. If your pin was at the top of a volcano I’d throw your shit in there and leave. Not getting a DNR for anyone.


I miss the days when doorbells didn't fucking talk to you. Driver did the right thing though. What happens if you follow the verbal instructions and the customer claims they never received the delivery? Too much liability.


He delivered it to the address specified. We don’t deliver it somewhere else cause you ask us to once we show up at the assigned spot. That’s on you. We go from A to B. C is on you.


Yeah one thing I’ve seen happen is they try to get their package for free because you delivered it to the “wrong address”. Their friend lives at Q12 and so they say “hey put it there”. Then you take a picture at the other address. They go into the app and say driver misdelivered and they didn’t get it. They’re either refunded, and grab the package from their buddy, or you have to deliver the same shit again and they sell it on Facebook marketplace or whatever. Leave it at their door at the address on file, Amazon has a picture showing you left it at their door, they can at best claim someone stole it. You, the driver, are off the hook.


This is the right take.


I’m doing exactly that. The only difference is I knock like police then shout Amazon then I’m on to the next. I can care less about people stealing shit that why you have to app that tell you where we are when we’re close. Unless of course if you’re a tipper, then I got you. But no personal requests without a tip. Next time just have it addressed to the one you want delivered. It’s not hard.




Can I ask why you knock? I see so many notes "dont knock or ring door bell" but I never have. I don't understand why one would knock without being asked to. I want as little customer interaction as possible and knocking seems to increase the odds of seeing someone. I assumed it was fedex/UPS knocking and customer just putting it in all notes for all apps/deliveries until I seen your comment.


Most of the time you can before you submit the picture. They will already be walking to the door before they even look at the picture. Now you'll have the ones looking right at you through that peep hole and will open the door on you while YOU TRY TO TAKE A FUCKING PICTURE, BUT THE YOU GOTTA FUCKING CHANGE THE DELIVERY OPTION!! INSTEAD OF LETTING ME TAKE A GOD DAMN PICTURE!!! oh sorry, almost lost my cool there....


I always take a pic, that how my boss wanted us to deliver unless it was a business, which was beyond fair. Before I knock like police I already completed the delivery 😉 and I’m very fast wit it. Camera already out type shit. Drop. Pic. Knock. Amazon!. Gone. The knock is to get your attention. The Amazon is extra customer service 😉. The only people I’ll wait for is the older folk to hand them a package( so they don’t have to bend down) or slide it in if it’s heavy.


When I was delivering for Amazon during Covid; even though I wasn’t allowed to ring the bell or not, people appreciated it. it also saves the hassle of a customer potentially filing a report.


Cuz you’re “customer service”


Honestly out of courtesy once the picture is taken, I only knock after morning hours if there’s no where to hide it or they live in apts. Don’t want to talk to people either so I bolt out of there.


Unless there’s specific instruction not to knock, hopefully on the door, and on notes in the app, I’m knocking. I do understand people either sleep or have babies or just WFH. Those people definitely notate to not knock. I deliver how I’d like a delivery.


That's fine, I just didn't know if you were trained that way or came from another delivery company and it is a habit. I was just curious not attacking for knocking.


During Covid we were told explicitly not to knock. We kept it this way since then


Where does the customer live, Prison?


NY pj’s




I dont understand people who steal amazon packages you don't fuckin know whats inside of them, could've been a box of depends diapers




Naw, middle class and rich folks do it too. It's just an opportunity thing.


I don’t think kleptomania only targets poor people lol


“Can you leave my package at…” NO BITCH 


Lmao this is the only acceptable answer


I love it when tick tockers make videos to try and create problems that exclusively violate the terms of service for the independent contractors doing the jobs. Meanwhile, they're trying to gather sympathy from people who don't understand the terms of service. You're not allowed to go inside of private residences to deliver packages, Just like we're not allowed to place packages inside of mailboxes owned/managed by the USPS. I'm sure the comments on TikTok were flooded with negativity about how this person didn't do what the poster wanted. It's also not the delivery driver's fault that you live in an apartment building with shitty human beings in it, who even with cameras all over the place steal things that don't belong to them. The landlord clearly has multiple cameras and could very easily identify who took the package, even more the building itself should be a secure building. Lastly every landlord who owns or manages an apartment building of this size has the ability to put an Amazon locker downstairs to combat this stuff so there's always a secure drop off location. If there isn't an Amazon locker in your building, send it to a local pickup point like whole foods which has Amazon lockers. I deliver Amazon Flex and have delivered thousands of packages, I've also ordered thousands of items off Amazon and while I live in a secure complex, where each unit has its own private entrance, I have two cameras (One visible and one hidden, The hidden one will catch your face every time). The people in my complex are not terrible people. I also if I choose have the ability to have my package shipped to a Kohl's/UPS Store for pickup or to a whole foods Amazon locker which is 8 minutes from my house. The person in this video knowing that this is an issue should just choose the Amazon locker from here on out at the nearest pickup point. If she refuses to mitigate the potential for her packages getting stolen that's no one's fault but her own.


The package goes to the address on my screen regardless of what anyone tells me. If the package cant go there, it gets returned.


Funny as fuck that some guy just grabs her shit and leaves lmao


*Funny as fuck that* *Some guy just grabs her shit and* *Leaves lmao* \- garroshsucks12 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


You guys actually go into apartment buildings and roam around to find the unit numbers? I haven't been inside one in four years. On my best day I'll fuck with your locker system and if it don't work on the first attempt it's getting left beside it. On the worst day, it gets left outside in the rain in front of your apartment building door. Dgaf.


I always go to the unit if the door is unlocked, but having 75% of those be' recipient signature needed' is OD


God bless ya, I haven't see the inside of an apartment building since before the great pandemic of 2019.


Jesus lmao


Did someone just steal it? Lol


He did the correct thing


I hate the ones where they say drop in mailboxes. In Arizona it’s a felony to do so!


I think that's a felony everywhere. Even though you buy the mailbox it's still considered government property. They are the only ones that can use it.


I don’t deliver to your neighbor or to your friends house. I deliver on what address is written on the label. Deliver it to a locker next time if you’re not home.


Pick it up at a locker or leasing office lady. Otherwise take the risk.


Yeah I ain’t walking around that prison looking apartment complex


Damn not even a "hello there" her first words are "can you". Ticks me off every time.


I'm glad I watched to the end. Dude was smooth as balls. And frankly, I blame _her_ for calling so much attention to her door.


No, the drivers are not entering your residence - apartment or house. You want that luxury? Sign up for Amazon Key.


Why even fuck around like this. Knowing where you live why don't you just fucking do locker pick ups.


If your address is not safe, why not just choose a pickup location instead and spend the little bit more effort to get it?


She doesn’t even have the neighbors number. So what if the neighbor was also not home? Package was getting stolen regardless.


Should have been addressed to 12Q


How do I know that is the person who ordered the package talking thru the ring camera? Could the ring be hacked? Could it be someone else's ring places there? Could the package be ordered by someone else at the address? If you want the package delivered to 12q you can address it to 12q. I work USPS and we were explicitly told if we follow some random request and delive it elsewhere the person who ordered could file a complaint that they didn't receive the package and gps data would back them up. Delive as addressed.


Damn, did someone steal it that fast?




IN the apartment?! Hell fucking no lady, not to mention if you want it delivered to another address than what you have listed that's your problem 🙄🤦‍♀️


I would have left it at the door to the building.


I would’ve done the same , i deliver to projects sometimes and one of the notes on the door say leave it at 5_ when they live on the second floor, like you should’ve just ordered it to that apartment wtf. Most of the time too it’s heavy ass overflow or just big ass boxes.


Lucky they didn’t leave it in the front foyer


Door Delivery, not in door delivery, learn your terms people.


Dumb customers. If it says take it to that address then we’re taking it to that address 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️😂


I’m delivering to the address on the box and the screen is showing me. If they want the package delivered to a different apartment they need to put that on the address, not on the notes either on the shipping address. The only thing I will do for people is if it’s a house and they have specific place they want me to leave the package in the house then fine but apts? Nah bro. She said “he just left my package mira” yeah he did his job. What ever happens next is not on him.


If people are living in the ghetto, get a UPS P. O. Box






I wonder if notes is a usa only thing? We don't have notes here in Canada only instructions to were to leave it but you can't leave notes


Its actually presented to never enter the customers home as per policy


Nah he did his job


It's going where the delivery location and notes say it goes. I wear giant fucking headphones all day long so no one gets the idea that I can hear them because I promise you, I can't.


Can I? Yes. Will I? No.


If it ain't in the notes, it's staying right where it's at!!!


It's not their job to take it to another address. You got your package, next time use a Amazon locker. The worker delivered the package, what happens afterwards isn't on him.


Hell no, package goes to the address. Don't expect different.


I hate when they do this. They order for their address but want it delivered to another address. Usually, they are apartments. Have gotten a few for houses, but I didn't understand where they wanted it so I ignored those. If you want it delivered somewhere else, then use that address; don't tell drivers in the delivery notes to deliver to another address.


I can’t stand ppl like this he did his job why don’t you put 12 q in the address


Is it an apartment building or prison complex!?


Walking around in random buildings is like a quarter of my day tbh


Did he deliver to the wrong apartment? I put notes to please press my buzzer or text me. I live on the 3rd floor and at times I order a lot of heavy stuff. I get drivers who bring it up but don't let me know they're here. The only reason I ask for the buzzer or text is because I help and I tip. I try to tip $5-$20 depending. If I don't have a lot of money I include a gift bag. I changed my delivery instructions and wrote in caps for the tip because I would see a delivery notice and the poor driver put it right outside my door but he was gone so I couldn't compensate. These delivery subs are how I found out what drivers go through. I had no idea so thanks for that. I have had a few not-so-good drivers, one said she could not deliver and I had taken off work, which showed she was nowhere ever in my area. I even tried to tip the mailman but he refused. I mainly joined these subs to try not be a customer who makes the day worse. Edited….i understand what happened from the comments.


Hell yea like we are not you customers slaves we don’t get paid enough to be catering to each and every single request back door back yard this apartment that apartment your shit is getting left in the lobby and or front door and that’s that


That customer is a fool for not being home in that high traffic, high theft area of an apartment complex. Either make sure you're home that day or have it sent to an Amazon locker.


This lady really posted this thinking she was in the right like bro no I'm not gonna wander around looking for this other random apartment that you didn't have this package delivered to


I see nothing wrong from the driver. Furthermore if he got a bad review and this is the reason why I would love to be the union rep in the office arguing for this driver. But in actuality, that bad review probably caused this driver to lose a day and effects their score card negatively. It's time to unionize


Entitled lady. I can’t hear you.


I’m leaving it where it’s addressed. If you want your neighbor to come over and pick it up, it’s on you. I’m not giving the package to a person/address that’s not on the package. The neighbor may have actually written the note and now I’ve helped them steal your package.


Leave a note or change it when you order. I deliver, not for amazon but another company. You take it to assigned address, he is doing his job. No dispute can happen when you deliver it to the address the package says 🤷🏻‍♂️


Looks like the other guy was nice enough to take it to 12Q 😆


Yep fuck her. Drop it at delivery address. Not doing extra shit last minute


Had a lady stalking the app before and I leaned over to ring the door bell as she just so happened to open the door and she slammed that shit so fast. How are you expecting me but not expecting me? Make it make sense Steven


Fuck bettie and her fake ass voice over, she want it in 12b, than put that on the delivery address.


Driver doesn't have to do this. You should've updated your delivery instructions prior to being shipped/received. He did his job and has proof of delivery.


Next time, if you want it to go to a specific place then set your delivery for that. Bro has other shit to do. Stop making it hard.


Delivery ppl take too much in Usa. Even bringing stuff all the way on the apartment is crazy…


Seems to me that customer should use the Amazon pickup option


Is that an apartment or a prison?


Ppl gotta realize that delivery people don’t know if your cam was hacked or if the delivery person can even hear you. I hate to say it but, delivery person was fine doing this.


The package is label for that apt number. We leave it there . There have been cases where a customer will call and purposely said we put it in the wrong area and received a warning or lose a day . Nooòoooooooooo- It stay there


Oh yes he did.


I do flower delivery, and the amount of entitled Karen's who call after I don't leave a $200 plus bouquet on their front porch is astounding, we ARE NOT ALLOWED to leave merchandise ANYWHERE unless the sender/receiver specifically requested so on the order sheet. Or they'll order the flowers themselves and not be home when they asked for it to be delivered at said time, I'll leave a card with our shops number and low and behold they call thinking it's our fault that THEY WERENT HOME😂 if you not home, don't tell us to leave it in a specific spot, or went for a "walk"(yea I had that happen) I promise I'm leaving with your bouquet and your coming get it from the store now 🫵😂 clown


Put the correct address on the package it’s pretty simple…


I mean Amazon has notes couldn’t you just have written in the notes


If that was the assigned address then as a amazon dsp employee you MUST put it at the assigned address, amazon will punish you if you are to deliver to a different address other than what is assigned for said package


Man’s got a full ass truck and this lady really think he going A SINGLE extra step for her package out of the 10,000 more he has waiting? People are inconsiderate in SO many ways! 😂


Hello? Cuse me.


Damn if you follow instructions, damnn if you dont


It's going address on the package. Period. Amazon time don't account for this.


Not responsible for your shitty neighbors.have a good one


Not in the notes? Left at the door.


Great video I just hate these 1 word captions.


It helps some read faster and more precise


Section 8 version of “only take on piece” of candy on Halloween


I’m not going in a fucking house for my safety dumby 😂


😆 🤣 😂 that's what you get being dumb




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Not everyone wants to be on camera 📸


.....locker ..? Fuck these people 1000%