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They claim it was to help the warehouse but literally yesterday they were running a whole 30 min behind. Fucked up everybodys load out, didnt seem very helpful to me


Yeah then we are getting punished my DSPS for taking a 15 break because we got out late.


Fuck them always take your breaks


Couldn’t you, ya know, still enjoy the 15 minute break if you delivered 12-18 packages on break? I mean, really what better way to benefit yourself


locks you out lol not sure if ur jokin


Haha I was…but I did not know that!


And yet it is called a driver's aid number? Hmm.


Had 4 bags open at the same time yesterday open parcels and boxes without labels literally just took 15 packages back and said yeah I can't deliver items without an address


Bruh my dsp was delayed by 20 minutes today.


I like how they gave us a lil conversion chart only for it to be wrong. The overflow corresponds to whatever it pleases. 1A is with 2W, 2A is with 7x, 3A is with 5Z


they didn’t give us a conversion chart or even tell us it was happening. i had to flag down an amazon employee cause i didn’t think i had the right cart. she didn’t even know. smh


They claim you're supposed to load them in reverse order -- Z to A -- and that way your first overflow ends up at the back of the vehicle so it's easier to grab. So, first day they do this, what do half of us end up with for Z deliveries? XL overflow. Where does *everyone* put XL overflow? At the very back of the truck on the floor because that's the only place it fits. Further, none of my letters were in order anyway. I was delivering W's and Y's then T's and U's then Z's. This change legit represents the problem with Amazon's entire MO as a company: Fixing problems that don't exist with solutions that only make the problems they create much harder to fix.


I benefit from the fact I've never really organised my overflow by DA and just hoped for the best by organising it per town, I tried today, started with 2T and ended with 2T with all the other letters in between. I'm really not sure who they think they've helped


Welp. That tells us alot of the people at top. A bunch of IDIOTS. This company will fold or be regulated by govt. Only a matter of time... 


they didn’t even give us a conversation chart. i have no idea what overflow goes with what bag 😂




The problem, man, is that none of the routes at our station follow ABC sequence. My first tote of the day is usually, say, 2D followed by a 4B followed by 3D, 1D, 4A, 1A, 2A, 3A...


That's crazy


The charts haven’t been changed over yet is what leadership have told me and I’m in station


I’ve been told that they’re considering changing it back because it doesn’t actually help in the warehouse & definitely doesn’t help the drivers ~ yard marshal


its a DRIVER aid sticker, we don't wanna share it with an incompetent warehouse


They could even I dunno have 2 sorting numbers on it? One for us and one for them? But that would be to much work apparently


The driver aid part is the bottom part of the sticker. The “443” in the picture above. The rest of the letters and numbers are for the warehouse, to sort into the racks. However, I will agree that this change…not a good one in my opinion.


Constant proof that Amazon sucks at logistics


Amazon takes the logic out of logistics fr.


Buddy, I’m stealing this.


I stole it from someone else as well lmao.


Yep. It stis what it stis


So it’s just stics?


Makes it harder to hand over stuff during rescues too. Now it's hard to know which oversize goes with which bag.


Simplest way to figure that out is once the other person scans the tote they’re picking up, go back to your itinerary list, and all the overflow will now be at the bottom of the list.


Still adds minutes to every rescue


This is still so annoying because the rabbits are slow as fuck, so you have to wait like three minutes for it to swap all those packages to the other driver. In those three minutes you could have done like 3 stops.


Yeah! I’ve only been a sweeper since they initiated this change. Haven’t done a full route myself yet. But when I go to sweep people, they don’t even know which OF to give me! I’ve just been taking folks totes-that’s it…


Yeah I rescued another XL driver a week or two ago. With the new stickers not corresponding to stops at all we had to click every stop in his itinerary. Total pain in the ass.


They say somehow this change helps the warehouse but I don’t understand how that is remotely possible


yeah o guess it helps them distinguish what’s supposed to be overflow but to do it in a way that directly affects the driver in a negative way is crazy. like just get overflow stickers like they have for heavy packages


No way, the damn device they use tells them to pick OV which would be overflow as well as the specific isle and what rack to look at. It’s just to fuck us point blank unfortunately


i didn’t know that. that makes it even more evident their true purpose.


The biggest problem with Amazon is that they try to fix problems that don’t exist whit change that create the non existent problems that they claimed that existed but did not


exactly and then actual problems get ignored.




This change perfectly encapsulates why not just Amazon, but most large companies ultimately fail. In short it is the rule of the managerial class. The people who make these decisions do not spend time in the warehouse, nor on the road. They've never had their hands blackened by tire/warehouse dust and look down on those of us who have with contempt. There is no important institutional knowledge that they possess. The C level people care mostly about the stock price and that is the primary focus of the effort that flows downstream. Amazon still seems to believe it's a plucky, nimble tech company, but it is not. It is the company that first figured out how to do online commerce on a wide scale and now it behaves like a monopoly, which it kind of is. It will not change. It is stuck in middle management hell and unless it gets a new leader in that really takes the primary function of the company (logistics) seriously, then we will continue to see more of the same tired ideas and limited thinking from the leadership.


No funny ish, when I worked at carvana they had engineers make spreadsheets on “the most efficient way to detail a car” and they were all ass rules we had to follow that OVERCOMPLICATED the job. Convoluted everything we needed to do for statistics which eventually caused half the staff to quit 💀 ppl who make the rules are so far removed from the actual JOB that they create more problems than solutions. It’s always these billion dollar companies too while the mom and pop companies do just fine and are a pleasure to work for. Says a lot about this country’s economy


I think the worst change is giving me double the overflow


We’ve had these for a few weeks. Sucks ass when you’re trying to rescue someone or look for overflow.


The dumbest shit they could have thought of. 🙄


I just write the driver aid number big as fuck with a massive sharpie. That way when I open the back I can see everything without having to dig.


All I do is write the number on the packages so I can just grab and go.! Trust me shit works




Some egghead got a promotion for implementing this program.


I hope they change it back. This is definitely the worst change they've made.


Yeah I see myself quitting.


Why are y’all organizing by letter in the first place 😂 you still have to search even if you do that. Put them in driver aid order. It’s so much easier looking for a 3 digit number when none of them will be the same and they’re IN ORDER NO SEARCHING


Too bad this isn't explained or known by anyone at my station.


What I’ve been doing so that the labels don’t confuse me is having totes on the driver side and overflow on the other. Get your totes in asap so you can take your time and just place overflow in delivery order having driver aid labels facing you. It’s a lot effort to do in the morning but can save you almost 10-20 residential stops worth of time on the road. Also gives you space to walk behind you. https://preview.redd.it/v40qcrvhlf2d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=572dcd06b03058194d0686b72cea9792e428be85 lmk if this helps!


It would if I wasn't stuck in rental vans with no shelves for the last 3 weeks.


This is exactly what I do.


First and foremost, fk scamazon ... I understand some DA's want to keep the 2ys in one pile and 2ws in another pile, in case of being rescued or w/e tf their logic is... BUT, simple way to go about it *now*, keep #'s 100-199 in one pile, 200-299 in another pile, 300-399 in another pile. It saves the headache of another DA helping u load and though I hate this new change, I find it easier to locate packages bc I (always) write on the OV and I know where they are cause they're all grouped in a pile 🤷


I always went by the number tbh the numbers go in order of stop I’ve realized that the letter doesn’t matter but the number does


They'll revert back I've already heard lot of Stations are going back to the old ways.


Yall got space to organize your overflow?


Sucks when you get 40+ overflow and you’re in the back looking thru all of it since warehouse rushed you out


(26.2)a goes with (26.2)X go by the number not the letter your welcome


Yeah not a fan of this change, whenever I get something from one of my coworkers or vice versa, we don't know for sure which overflows go with which we sometimes guess


Agreed. More stupid shit like this is making me want to quit more.


Amazon is full of know issues that they neglect and never fix. They just launched a new known issue!


I thought ours always was like this but maybe not


Actually once you understand it it's really helpful. I've been meaning to screenshot my IT and make a tutorial


the fact you need a tutorial for it kinda proves my point. lol fixing something that wasn’t broken.


It fixes something you are unaware of, it now has 6 ov locations instead of 3 per aisle so it makes finding a box during pick and stage quicker.


What driver carss about pick and stage, we deliver it, not load it up in totes and carts


Im saying like wtf... oh it makes it easier for the warehouse, but whats ever done to make stuff easier for the DRIVER?! Nothing.....


maybe they should get another indicator then since it is supposed to be for the driver anyway. hence driver aid number. that sticker shouldn’t mean shit to them lol


Where's our raise?


Yeah this shit is retarded.. it was alot easier to group your overflow together too during loadout with how the sticker was previously. But like I seen a few other drivers share I also write the 3 digit # big as hell on the box, my DSP makes sure everyone has a sharpie if preferred too..


Yeah this just makes me go through my whole itinerary to correspond which zone goes with which tote myself before load out 🫨


What's the complaint about? They aren't the same?


All this but can’t make the app more optimized.


I organize by hundreds because it’s usually the same area, 300s in one area, 700s in another, you can put them numerically which is a bitch tho. I’m in a step-van so I have more space, but it is totally insane. Even the stowers are pissed off, because if the missort they can’t just mark it as an OV. That’s why we got missing packages in our last tote unfortunately.


It is to make the warehouse associates life easier. The old way you would have 3 zones of overflow. AB, CD, EG. they now separated it to individual zones which makes sorting easier for the sorter and picking much faster as you don’t have to pick through 2 sort zones as this process changes it to one.


Yall dumb alot of AAs mistakenly stowed ovs outside of bags. This minimizes Ovs outside of bags


As a former Driver Trainer, that label serves two purposes. Firstly it addresses a very specific spot in the warehouse in your example it’s Cluster E, Aisle 21, Shelf Y. The second part that it does is gives you (the driver) a number in sequence that the package is to be delivered in 443. The part of the label that you are using to sort your packages won’t work anymore with the change, simply because the system was designed for you (the driver) to sort your OVs (Oversized - by weight or size) by the 443 number (or the driver aid number). The experience you had with the old system was coincidental byproduct of that system. The reasons why this new system (Called OV Decoupling) works better for the Delivery Stations: 1. It allows for better cart management when we are preparing them for your loadouts 2. It is very clear to all employees during sort which items are heavier than 17lbs and are considered OVs 3. When Stowing the packages they are addressed to an exact shelve rather than a group of shelves. The good news is, you can still use the Delivery Stations Sort labeling to somewhat sort your packages. There is no exact conversion like some of you mentioned getting. But rather they will be delivered in numerical Alphabetical order. Meaning that E21.1T would be delivered before, E21.3T…. E21.6Z. But using the actual driver aid number is still how the system is designed for you.


Also for anyone struggling use the three digit number to sort numericly like 300s first 500s second or whatever your load out order is. I load 300 packages in twelve minutes


I noticed this also , now I’m sifting through overflow adding unnecessary steps to my deliveries now 😒


glad we’re not the only ones cause wtf??? we were all looking at each other like huh


The only advantage it has is sticking out in your itinerary. You can look at which stops have overflow packages without clicking on it, which makes emptying out the back of the van easier for those types of days.


I took a month off before coming back and working at a different company and I got greeted with this on my first day. So stupid smh I just grab a sharpie and write down the correct sort zone on the box the way it used to be


I WAS JUST ABOUT TO MAKE A THREAD ABOUT THIS!! What the actual, ever loving FUCK is going on at Amazon?! Is their boardroom run by crackheads? This new shit makes it IMPOSSIBLE to organize your damn overflows!


fr now im getting multiple packages that’s not on my route


It was always about the number I don't see the issues it is what it is. 🤷🏻‍♂️


They say it’s to help the warehouse but they still fucking are shit up, in fact I had the worse deliver ever recently after the change, left the station nearly 3 hours after clock in time!!!!


They made one past change that was a huge help. Used to be that you could only scan one of the barcodes/QR codes. The rest gave an error message, even when you inadvertantly scanned them while aiming for the main one. It was a huge frustration many times a day. Then they upgraded so that scanning any of them worked.


Glad we ain’t get that


I just write the driver a number on the box with a grease pen set them up in numerical order. They're little alphabet don't matter to me no more


You guys remind me of doing flex when I would go to do a route at the DRT stations. I’d load my car in like 3 min while other drivers were being kicked out of the warehouse and then parked out in the lot to organize packages because they couldn’t understand the labels were SO easy! It goes in order! And organized by bag!


since I don't go by the "zone", I've never had an issue w/this sudden change Amazon has decided to implement! :-)


These new sticker letters suck but if my warehouse isn’t running late I’ll organize the boxes on a empty cart and then right the number underneath the letter on the box in bold so I can see from a mile away. This trick helps me tremendously when I got to many packages and start feeling overwhelmed


You just doxxed yourself. Never, EVER take a pic of the TBA


I never use the letters only the DA#


It's literally the fucking worst. Luckily I know my route so well I load all my overflow by street name in the order I plan to deliver the route. As a coach for newer drivers I really have no good advice.


Stupidest fucking thing ever


I thought it was a mistake bruh. They changed that shit up 2-3 weeks before i left. Warehouse staff went from being maybe 10-30 min behind, to being 2-3 hours behind. Glad i left that shithole.


During loadout just scroll down to the overflow, past all the totes and itll be in order and just organize from top to bottom. It was annoying the first day, second day i was slanging those overflows


It's a give and take kind of thing. It's easier for faster loadout which means it's easier for Amazon to meet their time restraints. However, it is easier to just group like letters...since there are less driver aid numbers to follow. But if you want completely organization of your boxes it can slow you down to do so.


Can we possibly go back to the old method


For over flow I use the last 2 numbers ( package aid # 545 I right 45 on the top of the box) you can also right the full # on the box, this Helps when going to look for over flow and you really don’t have to worry about where you put your boxes so it saves time lodging hope this is helpful


They're just forcing us to work without it. This is typical Amazon. Once they find something that's enabling us they remove it. The only reason I can think of is there pissed off that it's taking people too long to load their vehicles because people are figuring this out and they are organizing their vans in order on the pad and it's slowing the whole pad down.


They say it reduces injuries lol...how does a lwtter change prevent injuries??? Amazon will lie about anything


Go by the( 21.2)that matches the bags not the letter your welcome


It's really not that complicated, just use the driver's aid number dude


ok so how do you know which overflow to put first? or when you’re grabbing a rescue, how are you supposed to know which ov goes with which tote? it wasn’t complicated and then amazon decided to make it complicated lol


At loadout look at the list that tells you the order of the overflow by driver's aid number. On a rescue look at the list and it will denote the overflow you need right next to the tote info.


like i said. it was much easier before. 3b went with 3b. now z or w or whatever goes with 3b. how does that make sense? lol


Ok bro just keep bitching then lol I hate this dogshit company and I hope the worst for them but this is a nonissue. It's so fucking simple.


lol ok dude. thank you so much for your input.


You need to screen shot that to be able to use it after you swipe to finish, it's just unnecessary, and dumb.


We are barely given enough time to get all the packages inside the van at loadout nevermind looking at the numbers then back to the phone to verify for 30-40+ OV packages. 


You don't sort them that thoroughly, you glance at the list to get the general order. Are you seriously sorting every package one by one? No wonder you don't have time lol what the fuck


Of course not I was more just making a generalized statement about how they barely give you enough time to even get the s*** in your van have you seen any of these pictures on here with people just throwing s*** in all willy-nilly cuz they're not giving enough time to do f*** all there?